What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Mooncrash is more about the gameplay than the story, if your so so on it you won't find much interesting there. As for the character fate, most character escaped the station in their own unique way, you replay them until you can escape with all of them using the correct escape in one session.
Yeah I know, but that breaks the reality of the event, so it's a very strange objective. I mean the Engineer is unlocked by finding her CORPSE. But...my objective with her is to escape via a shuttle? Soooo....what does that reveal to the hacker and the rival company? Why is that even a thing? Is the baseline file wrong? And she didn't actually die? And the "truth" is she escaped? That all 5 of them did? Or is the truth that she died, and I'm just...making up some alternate thing for no explained reason, that doesn't make any sense as far as why I'm data diving this event? It doesn't feel like I'm actually getting information that this rival company would want, at least not in the context of the mission objectives, and how they are structured. It feels very lifeless, which is a shame, given the base game has a lot of heart to it when it comes to the various characters you interact with, either IRL or via post-humous data harvesting.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Yeah I know, but that breaks the reality of the event, so it's a very strange objective. I mean the Engineer is unlocked by finding her CORPSE. But...my objective with her is to escape via a shuttle? Soooo....what does that reveal to the hacker and the rival company? Why is that even a thing? Is the baseline file wrong? And she didn't actually die? And the "truth" is she escaped? That all 5 of them did? Or is the truth that she died, and I'm just...making up some alternate thing for no explained reason, that doesn't make any sense as far as why I'm data diving this event? It doesn't feel like I'm actually getting information that this rival company would want, at least not in the context of the mission objectives, and how they are structured. It feels very lifeless, which is a shame, given the base game has a lot of heart to it when it comes to the various characters you interact with, either IRL or via post-humous data harvesting.
I don't remember the engineer being unlocked by finding her corpse, iirc she's the first character you unlock after your first successful escape. There's a bit of a story as to what happened in the last days of the station that you're piecing together and you get more info everytime someone escape. By correctly escaping the computer is able to better approximate the reality with the data available which unlock more data, the other corporation will then be able to study the data of the moonbase to steal corporate secret (like the existence of typhoon).


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
It might not have been the engie, but there was definitely one of them that you unlock by finding their corpse. I forget which one it was. It was the person in the middle of the list. Some dude that was...I think security maybe? *shrugs* i forget his job. But I distinctly recall looking up how to unlock the other people, because i wanted to play someone other than the Volunteer, and that guy was "find his corpse"


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Tried a go at that COD: Vanguard free bet...err, "alpha" last night. Now, I'm no game dev expert, but I'm sure others more knowledgeable have said before that a game in "alpha" is pretty much usually so primitive they're unplayable. So why are they calling this an alpha? Please don't tell me it's cause they think it sounds more macho and appealing to their player base than the soy-adjacent word "beta" ...oh Lucifer, it can't be that level of unbearable male insecurity cringe, can it?

Regardless, only mode available was multiplayer, 1-on-1. And was literally the worst time of my life (in videogames), so quit and deleted it before finishing whatever the cycling match mode thing reached an end. Boo! How do I use my lefty credentials to cancel this horrible game? And Kotick? Cancel them all! And all the players who either were using aimbots or play nothing other than COD multiplayer (I know who you are, you feckin weirdos) to kill me within 3 seconds of spawning every time. Granted, I was heavily inebriated and stoned, but that doesn't make the experience any less unfun!
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Tried a go at that COD: Vanguard free bet...err, "alpha" last night. Now, I'm no game dev expert, but I'm sure others more knowledgeable have said before that a game in "alpha" is pretty much usually so primitive they're unplayable. So why are they calling this an alpha? Please don't tell me it's cause they think it sounds more macho and appealing to their player base than the soy-adjacent word "beta" ...oh Lucifer, it can't be that level of unbearable male insecurity cringe, can it?

Regardless, only mode available was multiplayer, 1-on-1. And was literally the worst time of my life (in videogames), so quit and deleted it before finishing whatever the cycling match mode thing reached an end. Boo! How do I use my lefty credentials to cancel this horrible game? And Kotick? Cancel them all! And all the players who either were using aimbots or play nothing other than COD multiplayer (I know who you are, you feckin weirdos) to kill me within 3 seconds of spawning every time. Granted, I was heavily inebriated and stoned, but that doesn't make the experience any less unfun!
It's Call of Duty, so nothing should surprise you at this point. Also, I highly recommend you watch this video. Dude called it out all the way back in 2012 with people who play nothing but Call of Duty.

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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I just finished the 7th day of Neo TWEWY, and this isn't much of a spoiler, but obviously the game isn't over yet, since it'd be pretty short if it was. A real spoiler this time: Week 2 isn't just bringing tougher Noise and more elaborate missions, but it also removes Minamimoto from the party, making surviving fights that much more difficult too. And the characters know it, since that revelation combined with their failure to escape on day 7 is really beating them down. Though they all started off a little more adjusted than Neku, this is hurting them even more than the end of Neku's first week did to him, I reckon.

Speaking of Neku, he's made an appearance as well...

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Tried a go at that COD: Vanguard free bet...err, "alpha" last night. Now, I'm no game dev expert, but I'm sure others more knowledgeable have said before that a game in "alpha" is pretty much usually so primitive they're unplayable. So why are they calling this an alpha? Please don't tell me it's cause they think it sounds more macho and appealing to their player base than the soy-adjacent word "beta" ...oh Lucifer, it can't be that level of unbearable male insecurity cringe, can it?
Companies started using the word "beta" to just describe polished demos that are out a couple of weeks before the game is released. They weren't real betas because there was never any time to actually change anything from the release of the beta to the final version of the game. Companies would just call them betas so that players would think they actually have input on some final design decisions or balance.

So because of that actual betas, where stuff might still be glitchy and unpolished because it's actively being worked on, are being called alphas. Because when people expect a beta now they expect a mostly polished experience, but an alpha is still expected to be kind of janky.

Actual alphas are called "early access" now and you pay to play them.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I've been playing around the open world activities in NMH III. Now that I've unlocked them, things open up more and easier to get cash from doing activities and combat challenges. You're also rewarded for getting collectibles like trading cards or crystal scorpions as bringing them back to the designated NPC gets you tons of cash for both currencies. You can mark locations on your map to so you won't get lost. The open world is still pretty basic, but a huge improvement over the first game. I still don't like the entry fees, but thankfully, you can grind activities as much as you want.

Another improvement I noticed is that this game has way better enemy variety than either of the previous mainline games. Each enemy or mini boss gets own style Killer 7 introduction and some fan fare unlike the past games. No constant annoying shouts or insults from basic enemies now. So a definite plus!

I've powered Travis more and have his health and attack power at level 4, his batter power at level 3, and got the dash and charge attack. I really want to get that million stab style move he has, but that will take a minute. I already put in the entry fee to face Superhero#8. I'll do the boss fight later in the morning.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Beat Quake and the expansion Scourge of Armageddon on nightmare. Working on Disillusion of Eternity now.

Also, still playing Days Gone while I wait for Hedon 2 to release next week.
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Apr 3, 2020
Every couple of years I like to replay the Musou Empires games in my eternal quest to figure out which one I like the most. ever since the spinoff series' creation it's always had a very 'one step forward, one step back, and one to the side' approach so it's hard to rank them.

Dynasty Warriors 4: Empires was the first, and it's hard to critique it without comparing it to its successors. One noticeable difference between it and 5:E is how policies are handled. In 4:E you can only choose policies your advisors offer, and you can only choose one option per turn. In 5:E you can either choose your advisors options or choose your own policy, along with eventually being able to perform 5 of them per turn. This makes the game much less frustrating, but also makes it noticeably easier. Another big difference is how items are handled. In 4:E every items takes a certain amount of turns to be produced, and they're automatically added once made. In 5 you need to manually make items individually, which just feels time consuming.

In terms of combat, 5 wins out mainly due to the small changes to combat that happened between DW4 and 5, though neither game lets you individually give orders to officers in the field, which is annoying. 5:E also introduced unit positioning on the strategy map, which was a welcome feature and adds a bit of depth to the planning stage. 4:E, however, did have a much larger variety in endings, and still does out of all the empires games I've played.

With that out of the way we come to my favourite part of the empires games: edit mode! Introduced in DW4, 4:E greatly expands on the relatively primitive feature in most ways. Custom characters can choose anyone's weapon, have different builds, different voices, abilities and you can choose their stats. 5:E expands on this by allowing us to choose different faces, and hairstyles, but oddly enough removes the ability to choose your edit character's stats, which is a shame. 5:E also removes preset body builds and replaced it with a custom body slider, as well as having all clothing/armour pieces available to everyone. One minor annoyance is that your edit characters are always depicted wearing default clothing during dialogue scenes and in game messages, which isn't the case in 4:E. Finally, 4 only lets you make 4 characters despite having 6 body types to choose from, while 5 allows up to 10.

Overall, I'd say I enjoyed 5:E more, but they're both still fun to play. 4:E does have a really fun versus mode though, which has unfortunately not been brought back.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Hit level 100 in RDO last night. Was planning on doing something unique for the milestone like leaving a trail of flammable moonshine to set off a bunch of dynamite on train tracks or something but alas, my xp snuck up on me quicker than anticipated and ended up getting it while in a shootout with some revenue agents.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I got Medal of Honor: War Fighter back when PS+ still supported the PS3. I haven't been in a rush to play it as I thought I'd played most of it on my Steam account (before I got a new computer and couldn't load it as it says I've already used up my 10 uses... huh? It's on Steam). but I was wrong. War Fighter is some 2 years newer than the OG.

I liked the OG a lot. Very playable. Same so far for War Fighter.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
More NMH3. I got the rest of the Death Glove Techniques while doing a boss battle. Suda does that thing where he does a bait and switch boss fight. Twice, and one right after the other. Black Knight (#8) gets killed by some dude from the future (who is most likely Travis's kid or grand kid). Vanishing Point (#7) gets killed by returning character from 2, Kimmy Howell. Now called Kimmy Love and a pop diva. Her boss battle I find definitely better here, than the 2nd game. Feels more polished and fun to fight her. Shame he had to die, but I guess they wanted to close loose end. I am sure there's going to be a couple of more bait and switch bosses before near the end of the game. On to fight Rank #6.

@PsychedelicDiamond, how do you feel about the game, just combat wise? I already read your non-spoiler review on my thread. I do feel this game has the best combat in the series. As far the entire line up of Grasshopper games where melee combat is the focus, I still give the slight edge to Killer Is Dead. NMH3 does make up it for with more variety and activities you can do of course.

What's your favorite enemy type or mini-boss? Mine are the dudes with the biker helmets and twin katanas. They remind me so much of the Dreamrunners minus the teleport spamming. I love Dark Stepping those guys!
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I got Medal of Honor: War Fighter back when PS+ still supported the PS3. I haven't been in a rush to play it as I thought I'd played most of it on my Steam account (before I got a new computer and couldn't load it as it says I've already used up my 10 uses... huh? It's on Steam). but I was wrong. War Fighter is some 2 years newer than the OG.

I liked the OG a lot. Very playable. Same so far for War Fighter.

That reminds I bought MoH(2010) and then never got around to playing it. Nobody I knew ended up playing it either and I never hear anyone talk about it. Warfighter got a reputation for being awful when it dropped but the 2010 just kinda dropped off the map as soon as it came out, it felt like.

Which is probably one of the reasons I keep forgetting i even own it. It's wierd because this isn't some indie game that only I know or care about (God Knows I own plenty of those) but Medal of Honor, which basically spawned Call of Duty.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
That reminds I bought MoH(2010) and then never got around to playing it. Nobody I knew ended up playing it either and I never hear anyone talk about it. Warfighter got a reputation for being awful when it dropped but the 2010 just kinda dropped off the map as soon as it came out, it felt like.

Which is probably one of the reasons I keep forgetting i even own it. It's wierd because this isn't some indie game that only I know or care about (God Knows I own plenty of those) but Medal of Honor, which basically spawned Call of Duty.
Might have been too easy for most players but as much as I love gaming, I stink at it and need easy (and cheats, mods, trainers!). This is just really playable for me. Online probably was not on par with CoD of the day which may have been where many of the complaints were coming from. Never tried it.

As for the 2010 I have on Steam, I just opened a ticket with EA asking that they deauthorize all so I can try to get it working on PC.

Hope you give it a try soon.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Might have been too easy for most players but as much as I love gaming, I stink at it and need easy (and cheats, mods, trainers!). This is just really playable for me. Online probably was not on par with CoD of the day which may have been where many of the complaints were coming from. Never tried it.

As for the 2010 I have on Steam, I just opened a ticket with EA asking that they deauthorize all so I can try to get it working on PC.

Hope you give it a try soon.
Believe me, there are so many games I want to give a try soon.

I've got like 5 games I want to play next once I finish Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and I know I can only pick one of them if I want to make any actual progress. Problem is I've perpetually got 5 games I want to play next, but they change around all the time.

Steam Sales are a blessing and a fucking curse.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Believe me, there are so many games I want to give a try soon.

I've got like 5 games I want to play next once I finish Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and I know I can only pick one of them if I want to make any actual progress. Problem is I've perpetually got 5 games I want to play next, but they change around all the time.

Steam Sales are a blessing and a fucking curse.
That’s why I finally just had to say “No more new game purchases” this year, and I’ve been able to at least whittle down on what I currently own. There’s still the issue of deciding what to play and when of my existing library, but at least one critical variable is nullified for the time being.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Believe me, there are so many games I want to give a try soon.

I've got like 5 games I want to play next once I finish Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and I know I can only pick one of them if I want to make any actual progress. Problem is I've perpetually got 5 games I want to play next, but they change around all the time.

Steam Sales are a blessing and a fucking curse.
Should be a new thread: the next 5 games you should play!
Did you finish Breath Of the Wild? I still have the Wii U. I'll have to check to see if Hyrule Warriors is available for it.
That’s why I finally just had to say “No more new game purchases” this year, and I’ve been able to at least whittle down on what I currently own. There’s still the issue of deciding what to play and when of my existing library, but at least one critical variable is nullified for the time being.
I'm doing OK not buying new games... I just got an Oculus Quest 2 from the kids and have bought a ton for it. Been playing a ton of Arizona Sunshine with my future nephew in law to be and it is too much fun.

But (1st world problems) Epic games is giving 2 games away for PC on Thursdays. PS+ and Gold give me another 6 or so games a month. Very hard to focus on a given game.

And a good sale on No Man's Sky and Hades will likely break my no PC game buying.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Should be a new thread: the next 5 games you should play!
Did you finish Breath Of the Wild? I still have the Wii U. I'll have to check to see if Hyrule Warriors is available for it.

I'm doing OK not buying new games... I just got an Oculus Quest 2 from the kids and have bought a ton for it. Been playing a ton of Arizona Sunshine with my future nephew in law to be and it is too much fun.

But (1st world problems) Epic games is giving 2 games away for PC on Thursdays. PS+ and Gold give me another 6 or so games a month. Very hard to focus on a given game.

And a good sale on No Man's Sky and Hades will likely break my no PC game buying.
I'm really tempted to, do a thread like that.

And yes, I did finish Breath of the Wild before I started Hyrule Warriors; Age of Calamity. Considering it draws a lot from BOTW, I suspect you get a hell of a lot more out of it by having finished BOTW and gotten the 13 memories due to some very notable references in the plot of AoC to BOTW. I think HW:AoC is a Switch exclusive though.

I've actually been doing pretty good not buying new games this year, mostly. It's just my backlog is so big that it's hard to make a dent in it even if I'm finishing games I purchased fairly recently. And yeah, I'll grab games from the EGS that are offered for free but mostly I get them because they are free and wether or not I play them anytime is totally dependent on if my interest is there.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I beat Rank #6, Vanishing Chair Girl....Musical fucking chairs? Really? You have to do it three times, and failing it is insta-death. And the rhythm game only gets harder by the third time. Thankfully, you can do thing called the pause trick to make it a bit smoother. Once you beat her, she kills herself out of despair, and you have to fight her space octopus side kick. It's annoying when she constantly shouts out "Adrian!" when attacking. Thankfully, she is not hard.

I've unlocked the move that gives Travis Million Stab, and man it's a beast! I've learned that you can grab enemies from behind to do wrestling moves without being stunned, though you won't get the battery charged unlike a stunned opponent. Also, to make the grind easier and less tedious, you can sell all the materials you get in battles, side quest, and challenges. You go to Beef Head videos and sell them to Bishop. This makes meeting the quota for entry fees, so much better! I already have 46,000 UC, so when I beat the designated fights in Neo Brazil, I'll already have more than enough and some more to spare.

There is another side quest I found where planting trees gives you WEN currency. That is sooo useful. Makes upgrading Travis even easier.