Been playing GoT: Iki Island lately, and it's fun. So far, it's just more of the same GoT. Which might sound like it's underwhelming, but it's not. I really loved GoT, so "it's as good as a game I really loved, because it's more of that thing I loved" is about as accurate as I can make it.
It's got the same flaws as the base game. The parkour/climbing physics can be a bit janky as fuck sometimes, and given it's very linear in how it wants you to traverse these climbing puzzles, I find it so strange that they make it so easy to miss a leap/grab. I mean you are 100% dependent on the game magnetizing you to the spot you generally aimed for, because that's how you do things like hop onto the tops of poles, or onto planks to shimmy across. There is no button to "grab", so, the fact that you can so easily just...NOT grab, when you are clearly right up against the object in question, is a bit frustrating. That's probably my biggest complaint, the still janky parkour/climbing physics. It's not enough to make me rage quit, but it's made me get pissed quite a few times at the screen for something entirely out of my control.
Story wise, it's pretty interesting so far. Jin has returned to Iki Island. A location that a group of Mongols have set up base at, that also happens to be an Important Location From His Past. So now Jin must deal with the ghosts of his past, and the current Mongol threat, on an island that does NOT like him at all, since he's a samurai.
The way the game handles the flashbacks are really nice. I won't go into details, but it's blended very nicely with the current events, and feels very organic. It reminded me of a lot of events that I had forgotten from my first playthrough, so it was a nice callback.
This content is REALLY meant to be played AFTER you beat the main game though. I've run into 2 different times when the game makes reference to events from the base game...that I currently haven't done at this point with this save file. The one I can recall currently is Jin stating that he defeated Khotun Khan...the final badguy of the base game. Well....I haven't beaten him yet at this point so....yeaaaah....oops

So there is a bit of a narrative hiccup there. I also ran into another example of this sort of writing hiccup, though it's not related to base game, but the DLC itself.
So, for reasons related to the plot, Jin is on Iki island incognito. He is working with some people who don't know he is a member of clan Sakai. Later on in the storyline, it's revealed he is Lord Sakai, and one of the people he's been working with, is a bit miffed. Jin keeps saying "you need to keep this to yourself! Noone can know who I am! It will bring up too much bad blood! We have to work together!" And, I mean I agree in theory, but there is oooone teeny, tiny problem. One of the side missions, is all about him openly declaring who he is, and claiming a clan relic lost from the initial invasion 15 years ago. I mean it's NOT subtle, and the main story NPC is a dude, established as being the local STORYTELLER for a rather large community of villagers. Soooo....I fear this whole plan of "keep it quiet" is dead in the water Jin

by your own actions!
Little things like that aside, it's been fun. The combat is harder, they've introduced a new enemy that really makes things much nastier for Jin, and shuffles around target priority no matter how you handle combat. The missions are fun, the new side content about playing the flute for the animals to bond with them is a neat new component, that's mechanically neat, and thematically enjoyable.
It's good content IMO. I wish there were more new skills, as I've only unlocked one so far, for the horse. Nothing for Jin though. Not sure if it's just hidden behind more story development, or if Jin just has no new tricks at all. The horse one is pretty fucking awesome though, not gonna lie.
But the new charms they introduced with the DLC are pretty awesome, and add a lot of new versatility to how you approach combat. It's more solid content, on par with the main game IMO.
If you like GoT, you should like Iki Island. I would strongly recommend waiting until after you've finished the base game on whatever save file you play it. Partly for the improved stats and gear, etc, but also just to make the various dialogue feel more smooth.