I haven't had much free time recently, but when I have, i've been dipping my toes into the Halo Infinite flight (beta).
It is a really fun return to form for the franchise. It doesn't have any of the in-game mechanical nonsense of the previous 3 games, and just feels like Halo, which is refreshing.
Returning to the equipment pick-ups from Halo 3 is probably the best way to add a fourth pillar to the franchise's combat loop, and a lot of it is really fun. The grappling hook is (as always) a lot of fun, and the replusor is a great last-moment save from players/vehicles/grenades/projectiles. The dropwall takes too long to deploy, though.
Otherwise, a lot of the new weapons feel fun (especially the Skewer), but the Assault Rifle that you spawn with seems a tad too powerful.
Probably my biggest issue, though, is with the progression. You don't earn ANY XP for completing matches, and the only way that you can progress (progression is also tied to a battle pass) is by completing in-game challenges. Some challenges are fine, like "Win a match", but some encourage using specific weapons or equipment, sometimes in specific ways, like "Grapplehook 5 players", which encourages players to focus on completing challenges, and not playing optimally.
Im also not really convinced by the way the game is handling cosmetics. Since Halo 2, colour customisation has been done via a player-chosen Primary/Secondary colour system. So before, if you wanted to be purple and yellow, you could just select purple as your primary, and yellow as your secondary, or vice versa. With this new system, colour customisation is tied to skins, so if you wanted to be purple and yellow, you now have to wait to unlock that specific skin. They say this will allow for greater variety, because they can create skins that have different textures, or can use multiple colours on the same skin, but I don't see why something like this couldn't have just been baked into the new player-controlled customisation system, other than, well, microtransactions.
But, the multiplayer here is Free 2 Play this time around, so I guess it comes with the territory.
I've also really simmered down on the way the game looks. It has definitely improved since the gameplay reveal in 2019, but it isn't going to be winning any rewards anytime soon, and games from years prior will still be beating out Infinite in many ways. What the game does have, though, is good performance. Infinite's MP modes will be running at up to 120Hz on consoles, and im getting really solid performance on my (aging) PC, so im really happy. Hopefully this means that the game will be accessible to a lot of people, which should (fingers crossed) translate to decent populations.
Im hopeful.