What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Hey man I freaking loved Boyfriend Dungeon, the
I love the Zweihander, the first time I beat the game was with a Zweihander and a stone greatshield.
The Zweihander is one of the very few weapons that Souls fans say is so great and a game changer and actually was for me. The only other ones I can really think of are the Moonlight and Rivers of Blood katanas in Elden Ring.

The Zwei is more like a hammer, stunlocking some enemies into submission. Especially in the pitch black tomb with the skeleton dogs- just being able to stomp them down with it before they start jumping around in the dark was the only thing that got me through that area.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Hey man I freaking loved Boyfriend Dungeon, the

The Zweihander is one of the very few weapons that Souls fans say is so great and a game changer and actually was for me. The only other ones I can really think of are the Moonlight and Rivers of Blood katanas in Elden Ring.

The Zwei is more like a hammer, stunlocking some enemies into submission. Especially in the pitch black tomb with the skeleton dogs- just being able to stomp them down with it before they start jumping around in the dark was the only thing that got me through that area.
The closest I ever came to using a zweihander in Dark Souls was the Cursed Greatsword of Artorias. For most of the game, I got by with a longsword and halberd. Imagine my surprise when the Warrior in Elden Ring started with both of those - I picked that class without even realizing it had two starting weapons, and specifically the two weapons that I pretty much entirely beat Dark Souls with.

OT: I haven't really been able to settle on anything other than getting ready in Genshin Impact for the 3.0 update and the new region Sumeru, so today I reopened Tales of Vesperia. Last time I played it, I left off right after the ghost ship; I don't still have that file, though, because it got lost in the transfer from my PS4 to PS5. Not that I'm torn up about it because I've pretty much totally forgotten how to play the game, and I really enjoyed the story the first time and don't see it being any less enjoyable this time.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Hey man I freaking loved Boyfriend Dungeon, the

The Zweihander is one of the very few weapons that Souls fans say is so great and a game changer and actually was for me. The only other ones I can really think of are the Moonlight and Rivers of Blood katanas in Elden Ring.

The Zwei is more like a hammer, stunlocking some enemies into submission. Especially in the pitch black tomb with the skeleton dogs- just being able to stomp them down with it before they start jumping around in the dark was the only thing that got me through that area.
That first part, did something get deleted? I’m wondering because it often happens to me on mobile, where hitting Return to make a new paragraph will oddly delete the first line or so of text from the previous one. Really annoying and guessing it’s a bug of some sort.

Anyways, stayed up waaaay too late playing the THPS Collection and what a gem it is. So glad they redid it because playing at 60fps with enhanced visuals and including the gameplay mechanics from later games really makes it sing. The additional characters are a nice touch too; it even has a friendly skeleton named Ripper whom I’m playing as now (previously exclusive to the Digital Deluxe edition but nice to see for the PS+ freebie too). I made it to level 10 and have nearly first couple levels cleared but still getting reacquainted with the mechanics.

Still feels so good pulling off sick tricks and combos, while bailing feels just as shitty as I remember. There’s a bunch of new character-specific specials too. I’m more than pleased with what’s in these first couple games, but I’d also love to see the 3rd and 4th games given the same treatment someday.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
That first part, did something get deleted?
See what happens on this forum sometimes is that I start typing a reply and then I either have to step away or I just decide not to post what I was gonna, close the tab and move on. When I come back, it "remembers" the draft. So ghosts of my dumb past thoughts are always around to haunt me. In this case I was probably going to rhapsodize about these types of games, player bases and audiences, etc, and then realized I've beaten that stuff to death so whatever.

Anyway, play Boyfriend Dungeon, it's good!


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
See what happens on this forum sometimes is that I start typing a reply and then I either have to step away or I just decide not to post what I was gonna, close the tab and move on. When I come back, it "remembers" the draft. So ghosts of my dumb past thoughts are always around to haunt me. In this case I was probably going to rhapsodize about these types of games, player bases and audiences, etc, and then realized I've beaten that stuff to death so whatever.

Anyway, play Boyfriend Dungeon, it's good!
In those cases I always delete my post and then click the little floppy disk and click 'delete' draft to make sure it's dead.


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Played through Sayonara Wild Hearts. It was ok. It had a lot of style and constantly shook up its gameplay with perspective shifts and new mechanics, which was cool. However, I didn't really love the music, which I feel is supposed to be the main draw, it was not bad but didn't really stand out to me, just kind of generic pop. I'm also not a huge fan of scrolling collection games. The game does push the concept as far as it could possibly go, however, and must truly be a standout of the genre, but it's not really one of my favorite genres. Gold rank is also an order of magnitude more difficult than silver rank, and completely out of my league. I went for gold on the first level when I first started playing just to judge the difficulty, and it took me about 20 tries and required basically perfect play and getting every collectible. Despite that, I effortlessly got silver on nine tenths of the remaining levels, so tremendous skill gap between the two ranks.

It was a short game, though, took about an hour to finish. Definitely worth a look for anybody who likes pop music, scrolling gameplay, or experimental dreamlike visuals.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did The TakeOver again, as Conner this time. He's the Mighty Glacier of the group. I almost managed to beat my first place score. I was 20.000 under. I noticed for a long while this game has some jank, but most of it is helpful jank. There is a mechanic where if you juggle enemies for a certain amount of time, you do double the damage. This works better if you get enemies to the edge of the screen, and use a health draining special, or exploit this system when enemies are in-between certain attack frames while using HDS. Obviously, there are drawbacks, the HDS is pretty lenient for a brawler. Also, it's best to use RAGE Mode when fighting an end boss, but some exceptions apply.

Conner might be one of my favorite "Hard hitting, but slow" grappler characters in brawlers. Probably in my top 5, but not my #1. He's got throws, spinning lariats, two different suplexes, and a spinning lariat. Dude carries a pump-action shotgun, but uses twice the ammo. He even has a combo ender, where Conner uses the shotgun, yet does not waste any ammo. Even if you have 0 ammo, the combo ender will still happen.

Another noticeable detail with TTO is while it takes inspiration SOR, a lot of its gameplay mechanics are taken from SOR3. Mainly the dodge rolling and running/dashing. The Other inspiration is The Punisher (Capcom) with its gunplay mechanics. Melee weapons are not fun, and was clear the main programmer did not have time to implement them into the combat. The game does have two attack buttons and multiple style of grabs, so it is no big deal. I wish to see more 2D brawlers use two attack buttons. Not every single one, but just an idea.

Played through Sayonara Wild Hearts.
In Michigan at least, the game is on sale at Best Buy for $9.95. I already have a physical copy from 2020. Glad you were able to get enjoyment of it. You are correct; gold medals require perfection. I think I only got two gold medals. Nearly everything else is silver.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Played through Sayonara Wild Hearts. It was ok. It had a lot of style and constantly shook up its gameplay with perspective shifts and new mechanics, which was cool. However, I didn't really love the music, which I feel is supposed to be the main draw, it was not bad but didn't really stand out to me, just kind of generic pop. I'm also not a huge fan of scrolling collection games. The game does push the concept as far as it could possibly go, however, and must truly be a standout of the genre, but it's not really one of my favorite genres. Gold rank is also an order of magnitude more difficult than silver rank, and completely out of my league. I went for gold on the first level when I first started playing just to judge the difficulty, and it took me about 20 tries and required basically perfect play and getting every collectible. Despite that, I effortlessly got silver on nine tenths of the remaining levels, so tremendous skill gap between the two ranks.

It was a short game, though, took about an hour to finish. Definitely worth a look for anybody who likes pop music, scrolling gameplay, or experimental dreamlike visuals.
That's a game I really dug but it's really short and how much you enjoy it is pretty much directly correlated to how much you enjoy the music and the visuals.

So with the Expeditions series finished(at least until they make another one in a couple years), I decided I'm gonna go back and try to finish one of my oldest "Games I started and never finished": Dragon Age Origins. Yes, I enjoy being late to all the parties, why do you ask?

I got DA:O around the time it came out and played it.....and never finished it. And then I tried it again with a different Origin and also never finished it. The big culprit is that I was in the Navy both times I attempted the game and let me just say the military does not fucking care about your time at all. They will make you work long fucking days as long as they feel they need you to and THEN send you on deployment that lasts for months and....yeah, both of my Dragon Age attempts fell victem to this. Also the fact I don't think I really understood how to properly build my characters or how to use DPS/Tank/Support in battles.

And this time, I plan to actually, legit finish it for real this time. Especially since the Awakenings Ultimate edition with ALL THE DLC was on sale and I figured "Why not?". I'm also actually using internet help to pick the right abilities and such for my characters so I'm not wasting my points because in a game with a nominal playthrough of 50-75 hours, I actually want to have fun with it this time and not have to start over because I fucked up and ruined my character stats. I remember reaching the Fade/Mage Tower in one playthrough and going to Ozremmer(?) in another(pretty early too) and hitting a difficutly spike in both.

So that out of the way, I decided to go with City Elf Rouge(Duel Wielding) and just got through the origin story for that character. I'd done it once before but I kind of forgot that origin story has one of your friends getting raped offscreen, so yeah, that's "fun". OTOH, it made it feel extremely cathartic when I decided not to accept the fuckers "deal" and decided to chop the rich fuck into little pieces with my stabby knives....and then took full responsibility for it because Duncan was gonna bail me out a minute later anyway. I'm sure there will be repercussions for my actions later(rich rapey boy threatened to take it out on the entire alienage/elf ghetto if he was harmed) but OTOH, he pretty much wanted to keep the rape party going and pay me off to look the other way so(despite my character being covered in the blood of all the guards I killed to get to him, so you know that's a negotiation tactic) ....well, he won't be raping no more, so hopefully it was worth it to him to fuck around and find out. I also stole all booze lying around his giant house during my murder spree through his guards, because there's nothing like a hard drink after a long day of stabbying a bunch of corrupt dipshits to death.

I haven't decided if I'm gonna go try the other origins before pressing on with the main story OR just press on and check out the other origins later. I do not plan to do 6 playthroughs of the game just due to how long this game is and the fact I want to check out inquisition somewhere down the line. I also haven't decided if I'm gonna bother playing DA2 or just youtube a story playthrough before then.

Otherwise, I had remind myself that early bioware games were....not really janky but they do feel clunky by today's standards. The graphics in Origins also haven't aged particularly well either and I find it interesting you can pick a voice for your character but apparently don't ever hear them speak despite the fact everyone else speaks.

Finally, I'm sure this is because I have the DAO Awakenings Ultimate edition because I started the game with a bunch of equipment in my inventory I have no idea why I have it. Like some special dragon armor, a bunch of other stuff, a couple books that give you skill points, etc. It feels a little immersion breaking that I'm playing a ghetto elf but I got all this cool stuff because.....bioware put it in the game and decided to just throw it at me to start with.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
That's a game I really dug but it's really short and how much you enjoy it is pretty much directly correlated to how much you enjoy the music and the visuals.

So with the Expeditions series finished(at least until they make another one in a couple years), I decided I'm gonna go back and try to finish one of my oldest "Games I started and never finished": Dragon Age Origins. Yes, I enjoy being late to all the parties, why do you ask?

I got DA:O around the time it came out and played it.....and never finished it. And then I tried it again with a different Origin and also never finished it. The big culprit is that I was in the Navy both times I attempted the game and let me just say the military does not fucking care about your time at all. They will make you work long fucking days as long as they feel they need you to and THEN send you on deployment that lasts for months and....yeah, both of my Dragon Age attempts fell victem to this. Also the fact I don't think I really understood how to properly build my characters or how to use DPS/Tank/Support in battles.

And this time, I plan to actually, legit finish it for real this time. Especially since the Awakenings Ultimate edition with ALL THE DLC was on sale and I figured "Why not?". I'm also actually using internet help to pick the right abilities and such for my characters so I'm not wasting my points because in a game with a nominal playthrough of 50-75 hours, I actually want to have fun with it this time and not have to start over because I fucked up and ruined my character stats. I remember reaching the Fade/Mage Tower in one playthrough and going to Ozremmer(?) in another(pretty early too) and hitting a difficutly spike in both.

So that out of the way, I decided to go with City Elf Rouge(Duel Wielding) and just got through the origin story for that character. I'd done it once before but I kind of forgot that origin story has one of your friends getting raped offscreen, so yeah, that's "fun". OTOH, it made it feel extremely cathartic when I decided not to accept the fuckers "deal" and decided to chop the rich fuck into little pieces with my stabby knives....and then took full responsibility for it because Duncan was gonna bail me out a minute later anyway. I'm sure there will be repercussions for my actions later(rich rapey boy threatened to take it out on the entire alienage/elf ghetto if he was harmed) but OTOH, he pretty much wanted to keep the rape party going and pay me off to look the other way so(despite my character being covered in the blood of all the guards I killed to get to him, so you know that's a negotiation tactic) ....well, he won't be raping no more, so hopefully it was worth it to him to fuck around and find out. I also stole all booze lying around his giant house during my murder spree through his guards, because there's nothing like a hard drink after a long day of stabbying a bunch of corrupt dipshits to death.

I haven't decided if I'm gonna go try the other origins before pressing on with the main story OR just press on and check out the other origins later. I do not plan to do 6 playthroughs of the game just due to how long this game is and the fact I want to check out inquisition somewhere down the line. I also haven't decided if I'm gonna bother playing DA2 or just youtube a story playthrough before then.

Otherwise, I had remind myself that early bioware games were....not really janky but they do feel clunky by today's standards. The graphics in Origins also haven't aged particularly well either and I find it interesting you can pick a voice for your character but apparently don't ever hear them speak despite the fact everyone else speaks.

Finally, I'm sure this is because I have the DAO Awakenings Ultimate edition because I started the game with a bunch of equipment in my inventory I have no idea why I have it. Like some special dragon armor, a bunch of other stuff, a couple books that give you skill points, etc. It feels a little immersion breaking that I'm playing a ghetto elf but I got all this cool stuff because.....bioware put it in the game and decided to just throw it at me to start with.
I love DA:O, it's one of the few roleplaying games that you can actually roleplay in. On my city elf playthrough I decided I'd play a female because then you get to stab up the guy who's trying to rape you and it's much more cathartic. Then the rest of the playthrough I was incredibly hostile to everybody else, except for elves, and it felt very right to play the character that way.
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Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Well, looks like Tales of Vesperia isn't going to be the life-ruining JRPG I'm going to be ruining my life with this year, because as a late birthday present a friend of mine got me Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I played through the first half hour today, up to entering the first actual area, and it's definitely managed the 'hook' better than either XBC2 or XBC did. I already know a fair bit about the world, the characters, and the battle system, and I'm very interested to see where they all end up going.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
I picked up a free copy of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition recently and - as I had not previously played the Overlord, Omega, Leviathan, or Citadel DLC, I decided to give it another runthrough...with a few choice mods. A lot of these were simple things, like the community patches and other minor fixes, and some DLC timing mods just to improve the pacing a bit. I also tossed in a few cosmetic tweaks, such as Saren Stages for ME1, and FemShep v. BroShep for ME3's Citadel DLC.

I highly recommend the former, as seeing Saren change over the game is some nice visual storytelling and adds more weight to his rare appearances. The latter...I have mixed feelings on. I love the concept, and it adds some fun nuance and subtext to otherShep's antics...but it also makes some of the exchanges...mind meltingly stupid. Dialogue: "It'd be our word against theirs!" Me: "...Dude. [Because of this mod] We look nothing alike!" I give it an A for effort, but those moments completely pulled my mind out of the game.

Then came the real fun ones that I'd recommend, such as the Expanded Galaxy mod and the Spectre Expansion Mod. And you know why I love those? Because they help flesh out the galaxy. Eg, you get a lot of new correspondence, some actionable (such as abusing your broad 'anything for the mission' Spectre authority to hack diplomatic schedules to bump up meetings with petitioning 'lesser' races who want to aid the war effort), other of which are just SitReps on what planets are surrendering, or correspondence from other Spectres about the indoctrinated politicians they had to kill, or how they'll need a few barrels of hard liquor after the evacuation they were assisting with went FUBAR.

And then, of course, there's Audemus' Happy Ending Mod, which:

adds codex entries that pushes the Crucible away from being flat-out space magic and back towards hard Sci-Fi (short version: uses dark energy to briefly do something complicated with the strong nuclear force so that it destabilizes the heavy elements that comprise reaper-tech, thereby fatally irradiating their organic components), removes the entire Star Child segment and cuts straight to the (destruction) finale after the final confrontation with TIM while allowing for the survival of both Shep and your synthetic allies. It caps off with Shepard and the crew adding Anderson's name to the wall, post-reunion. It's a touching sendoff, really, and even includes a comforting hug with Shep's love interest before we see the Normandy fly off again.

And you know what? That's another one I really recommend. I've made no secret of my opinions on the Starchild and the endings that spawned from it, but while the Audemus Happy Ending Mod ends up being a bit anticlimactic, it also ends up doing something very interesting: It creates a good kind of upset, the kind that you get when the main conflict is resolved but there are still loose ends that leave you hungry for more.

By taking out Starchild, the closest we get to understanding the Reapers' goals is through Leviathan saying that the Reapers were created by an Intelligence that - to borrow from Isaac Asimov - was pulling a Zeroth Law Rebellion, but the specifics are left as a black box. We don't know why such an extreme method was deemed necessary, and that's tantalizing. For anyone who's read the Mistborn Trilogy...think about how the first two books close out with the implication that something worse - but otherwise unknown - was being kept in check by the counterforce that was just removed. It's like that. If it had been canon, it would have been great sequel-bait.

So yeah. With the mods? It was a good time.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
That's a game I really dug but it's really short and how much you enjoy it is pretty much directly correlated to how much you enjoy the music and the visuals.

So with the Expeditions series finished(at least until they make another one in a couple years), I decided I'm gonna go back and try to finish one of my oldest "Games I started and never finished": Dragon Age Origins. Yes, I enjoy being late to all the parties, why do you ask?

I got DA:O around the time it came out and played it.....and never finished it. And then I tried it again with a different Origin and also never finished it. The big culprit is that I was in the Navy both times I attempted the game and let me just say the military does not fucking care about your time at all. They will make you work long fucking days as long as they feel they need you to and THEN send you on deployment that lasts for months and....yeah, both of my Dragon Age attempts fell victem to this. Also the fact I don't think I really understood how to properly build my characters or how to use DPS/Tank/Support in battles.

And this time, I plan to actually, legit finish it for real this time. Especially since the Awakenings Ultimate edition with ALL THE DLC was on sale and I figured "Why not?". I'm also actually using internet help to pick the right abilities and such for my characters so I'm not wasting my points because in a game with a nominal playthrough of 50-75 hours, I actually want to have fun with it this time and not have to start over because I fucked up and ruined my character stats. I remember reaching the Fade/Mage Tower in one playthrough and going to Ozremmer(?) in another(pretty early too) and hitting a difficutly spike in both.

So that out of the way, I decided to go with City Elf Rouge(Duel Wielding) and just got through the origin story for that character. I'd done it once before but I kind of forgot that origin story has one of your friends getting raped offscreen, so yeah, that's "fun". OTOH, it made it feel extremely cathartic when I decided not to accept the fuckers "deal" and decided to chop the rich fuck into little pieces with my stabby knives....and then took full responsibility for it because Duncan was gonna bail me out a minute later anyway. I'm sure there will be repercussions for my actions later(rich rapey boy threatened to take it out on the entire alienage/elf ghetto if he was harmed) but OTOH, he pretty much wanted to keep the rape party going and pay me off to look the other way so(despite my character being covered in the blood of all the guards I killed to get to him, so you know that's a negotiation tactic) ....well, he won't be raping no more, so hopefully it was worth it to him to fuck around and find out. I also stole all booze lying around his giant house during my murder spree through his guards, because there's nothing like a hard drink after a long day of stabbying a bunch of corrupt dipshits to death.

I haven't decided if I'm gonna go try the other origins before pressing on with the main story OR just press on and check out the other origins later. I do not plan to do 6 playthroughs of the game just due to how long this game is and the fact I want to check out inquisition somewhere down the line. I also haven't decided if I'm gonna bother playing DA2 or just youtube a story playthrough before then.

Otherwise, I had remind myself that early bioware games were....not really janky but they do feel clunky by today's standards. The graphics in Origins also haven't aged particularly well either and I find it interesting you can pick a voice for your character but apparently don't ever hear them speak despite the fact everyone else speaks.

Finally, I'm sure this is because I have the DAO Awakenings Ultimate edition because I started the game with a bunch of equipment in my inventory I have no idea why I have it. Like some special dragon armor, a bunch of other stuff, a couple books that give you skill points, etc. It feels a little immersion breaking that I'm playing a ghetto elf but I got all this cool stuff because.....bioware put it in the game and decided to just throw it at me to start with.
The origin are nice little bit of content and you can try out different class and see if you like them better so its not a bad idea to do them now. They don't affect the game much beyond the start except for little things here and there and one big thing for one specific origin. Also don't worry too much about skill, soon you'll have more than enough point and won't know what to do with them. Be aware that 0 thought was put into balancing the DLC content, the DLC character are stupid OP, if you do them you'll get bonus level and the gear that come with them is end game level.

Personally I really like DA2 and I think its definetly worth playing, especially since picking attitude in dialogue is a lot more interesting than the usual bioware Good/bad/boring answer you get, there's no karma meter either in it so you're free to pick what you want.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Just finished XCOM again. The game does become absurdly easy in the endgame, almost to the point of boredom. The game simply can't keep up with all the uber equipment and abilities you get, and once psi powers enter the fray it just becomes silly. The final boss went down in literally a single attack (point blank rapid fire with an Alloy Cannon). Some things I learned this playthrough are:
  1. Brazil is an excellent starting location, since completing autopsies and interrogations instantaneously nets you upgrade possibilities really fast and also allows you to get research completed quicker. It's especially useful in the early game.
  2. Arc Throwers are amazingly useful for acquiring weapons by crippling enemies, since the higher level guns are incredibly expensive to manufacture, and even early game enemies carry mid-game gear like plasma pistols and light plasma rifles.
  3. I didn't really see much use in the Ghost Armor. It's insanely expensive to manufacture, but leans on a gameplay style that's not supported by a whole lot of the game's systems.
On to XCOM 2 somewhere in the near future. Any tips for that game I might want to know beforehand?


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I keep thinking I want to try XCOM but I get intimidated by the whole turn-based strategy thing. Maybe one day...

I finished Bayonetta 2, and yeah I wussed out an dropped it to Easy mode. Chapter 12 introduced a boss fight that spiked the difficulty tremendously. Where the first gradually added more and faster enemies until I relented, with the sequel I pretty much breeze through half the game and this devil lady comes out and relentlessly spams attacks and zips around and I was like wtf. Plus I was just in the mood to sprint to the finish.
It's an interesting way they paced the game- the second half both through a crap ton of insane plot at you with time travel crap but does it all with action so it felt like a big boss rush. Another change from the first game which had more cut scenes (and these games do that awkward video game snark thing that I just don't need so much of).
All in all a good time and I'm glad I dived into the series. I likely won't be playing the third on release- this kind of game is just not worth full price for me. But I look forward to playing it in like 2029 when it's discounted for 5 bucks or whatever? I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.

I checked out Powerwash Simulator for a bit because all of the sudden the internet and game reviewers I like including SkillUp and Yahtzee were praising it so I was curious if there is more to it then just spraying. No, it's just spraying- I think game reviewers need a vacation or something when they're in love with a game that is just spraying stuff, lol. I cleaned a van and was like, yep, this is exactly what it looks like, ok uninstall.

Now I'm installing a bunch of stuff on GamePass that I may or may not play, basically just in gaming no-man's land looking for my next thing. I am installing:

Bloodroots: because you can't go wrong with a little hack 'n' slash
Contrast: because it is inspired by the '20's noir/bell-epogue and I like that style. It is puzzles so probably I will lose patience but we'll see
Dreamscaper: the premise and combat looks neat. It is a roguelike so I'll probably like it at first then hate it but so it goes
ExoOne: looks like a chill game, the kind of narrative without talking thing I like
Ninja Gaiden: one of the old-school franchises I never really played so I'm going off of name recognition. I know it has a reputation of being hard that's pretty much all I know.
Pillars of Eternity: also name recognition. These days I certainly don't have the wherewithal to deal with complicated RPG's but that may change come fall/winter
Ryse: Rome? That's all I know, which peaks my interest. I vaguely remember this being popular or something. *shrugs*


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
I'm playing Kirby Super Star (The SNES original).

I decided to see how many bosses I can beat in The Arena with no abilities. I can beat Combo Cannon, Dyna Blade, King Dedede, one of the Mid-Boss All-Stars, Heavy Lobster, Kracko, and Lololo and Lalala without any abilities. But not in one run.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I finished Bayonetta 2, and yeah I wussed out an dropped it to Easy mode. Chapter 12 introduced a boss fight that spiked the difficulty tremendously.
Young Balder is not that hard on Normal. Now on Hard and Infinite Climax especially, yeah he can be a pain. It's just case of reaction time and pattern recognition. Buying equippable accessories such as the Moon of Kalha (allows you to parry like Dante's Royal Guard) make the boss easier.

l I pretty much breeze through half the game and this devil lady comes out and relentlessly spams attacks and zips around and I was like wtf.
Alraune from Chapter 11. She's actually easier than Balder. I like her; she's actually one of the better human sized boss fights.

(and these games do that awkward video game snark thing that I just don't need so much of).
Still nowhere near the amount you find in most Western AAA titles. Even both Bayo games know when to chill out with it at times.
All in all a good time and I'm glad I dived into the series. I likely won't be playing the third on release- this kind of game is just not worth full price for me. But I look forward to playing it in like 2029 when it's discounted for 5 bucks or whatever? I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
You'll be waiting longer than that, unless it's a digital sale. Otherwise, just get it used 1.5-2.5 years later when the price drops between $15-20.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Ok, finished Xenoblade 3. I beat the final boss, did pretty much all the side quests and got all heroes, including the post-game stuff. Found all the secret locations and secret items. Beat 99% of the unique monsters including the five superbosses, and got all the soulhack abilities. Not much else to still do. I could upgrade all gems to lv10 and all classes to rank 20 for all characters, because that is just busywork grind, so I'm not gonna bother. Guess I'm done.

Overall, I had a great time with it, considering I pretty much devoured it. That said, I'm still ranking it second last in the series. It's got the best combat imo, and my favorite character (Yas, Eunie's the boss), but while the story and setting initially grabbed me, they couldn't hold me, ending up a little too predictable and anime wordy.
Ninja Gaiden: one of the old-school franchises I never really played so I'm going off of name recognition. I know it has a reputation of being hard that's pretty much all I know.
Since you're talking gamepass I'm assuming it's the 3d reboot Ninja Gaiden. In which case, good luck:


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Just finished XCOM again. The game does become absurdly easy in the endgame, almost to the point of boredom. The game simply can't keep up with all the uber equipment and abilities you get, and once psi powers enter the fray it just becomes silly. The final boss went down in literally a single attack (point blank rapid fire with an Alloy Cannon). Some things I learned this playthrough are:
  1. Brazil is an excellent starting location, since completing autopsies and interrogations instantaneously nets you upgrade possibilities really fast and also allows you to get research completed quicker. It's especially useful in the early game.
  2. Arc Throwers are amazingly useful for acquiring weapons by crippling enemies, since the higher level guns are incredibly expensive to manufacture, and even early game enemies carry mid-game gear like plasma pistols and light plasma rifles.
  3. I didn't really see much use in the Ghost Armor. It's insanely expensive to manufacture, but leans on a gameplay style that's not supported by a whole lot of the game's systems.
On to XCOM 2 somewhere in the near future. Any tips for that game I might want to know beforehand?
I'd say don't play them back to back, they're pretty similar game, straddling the line between sequel and expansion. You just risk burning yourself out. You could try playing with long war mod to make it different. Or maybe throw in chimera squad for a bit of change of pace.

Ghost armor is amazingly good, but it comes in at a point where your almost invincible so you don't really need it. The point of it is not so much to stealth kill enemy, its to recon ahead so you don't trigger multiple pod at once by mistake.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
For a "baby game", there's a lot of dark humor and implications the further you get into it.
And some stellar voice acting. Most talky games are realistic now, but Bugsnax being cartoony it finally let voice actors extend their vocal cords. God, I miss cartoony voice acting in games. I need to go back to this game it was some much needed fresh air.
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