Not currently "playing" it yet but I've decided after Wind Waker I'm gonna get back into RPGs for a bit and play PATHFINDER KINGMAKER and hope I get some of the "Leading a small kingdom" flavor that Dragon Age Inquisition both promised and mostly denied me.
I install it and decide to check it out just to see what awaits me. Main menu, fine. Character Portrait, not what I'm used to seeing as the first option for character creation but sure why not? Then I get to race selection, which gives me something like 8 different choices, which generally hits the fantasy race tropes pretty faithfully(Human, Elf, Dwarf, little person/hobbit, half orc, and so on) and all of these have racial traits which is fine and expected for RPGs, though I don't know if those traits help me or not. Then make my character face/body, etc. So far, so good.
Then I hit the Class selection screen and that's where everything grinds to a fucking halt. There are a dozen different classes to pick from.....and they have subclasses as well. So I start looking at the classes, then at the sub classes, then at the racial traits again and then I back out of the game to the desktop at that point because I realize I have no fucking clue how I want to set this up and it's a long fucking game. It's apparently much more like a D&D experience then Dragon Age was.....and Dragon Age has 3 classes(with some specializations down the line).
I don't think I've had a case of Choice Paralysis this bad for a long fucking time. I feel like, yeah, this probably appeals to Tabletop nerds like nothing else but I'm kind of at a loss which of these classes are worth playing in this particular game(at which point I could probably pick the race which best complements that) but....Well, shit.
I've spent the last couple days doing research on what classes and such are worth it and I still haven't really decided, which is probably the most homework I've done for a game for a long fucking time but I also know fucking up the character creator on games like this can fuck you hard in the long run(and again, long fucking game) so I feel like I need to get this right now. It doesn't help the community suggests OP builds but apparently those are only really needed if you're playing on the harder difficulties(which I'm not, I picked normal for a reason) so most builds are viable. Which both does and doesn't help because now I'm back to trying to figure out what I might have the most fun playing as.
I install it and decide to check it out just to see what awaits me. Main menu, fine. Character Portrait, not what I'm used to seeing as the first option for character creation but sure why not? Then I get to race selection, which gives me something like 8 different choices, which generally hits the fantasy race tropes pretty faithfully(Human, Elf, Dwarf, little person/hobbit, half orc, and so on) and all of these have racial traits which is fine and expected for RPGs, though I don't know if those traits help me or not. Then make my character face/body, etc. So far, so good.
Then I hit the Class selection screen and that's where everything grinds to a fucking halt. There are a dozen different classes to pick from.....and they have subclasses as well. So I start looking at the classes, then at the sub classes, then at the racial traits again and then I back out of the game to the desktop at that point because I realize I have no fucking clue how I want to set this up and it's a long fucking game. It's apparently much more like a D&D experience then Dragon Age was.....and Dragon Age has 3 classes(with some specializations down the line).
I don't think I've had a case of Choice Paralysis this bad for a long fucking time. I feel like, yeah, this probably appeals to Tabletop nerds like nothing else but I'm kind of at a loss which of these classes are worth playing in this particular game(at which point I could probably pick the race which best complements that) but....Well, shit.
I've spent the last couple days doing research on what classes and such are worth it and I still haven't really decided, which is probably the most homework I've done for a game for a long fucking time but I also know fucking up the character creator on games like this can fuck you hard in the long run(and again, long fucking game) so I feel like I need to get this right now. It doesn't help the community suggests OP builds but apparently those are only really needed if you're playing on the harder difficulties(which I'm not, I picked normal for a reason) so most builds are viable. Which both does and doesn't help because now I'm back to trying to figure out what I might have the most fun playing as.