What are you currently playing?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I don't know what I wanna play next. Y'all decide for me.

Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)


Live A Live (Switch)

Whichever gets three votes first wins
Live a Live is a fun game of a type that isn't done very often and I enjoyed it. It's short but entertaining for sure.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Just finished the 2018 God of War game. Big shock, the game everyone said was really good...ended up being really good. Contemplating whether to start Ragnarok now, or continue on with Cyberpunk 2077.
Doubling down on more of the same (even if its very good) could lead to burnout, but CP 2077 is very long. If you're okay with stopping game for a long time, I'd do CP 2077 until the end of the first chapter (which is like 20 hours or so) and then go back to ragnarok.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Doubling down on more of the same (even if its very good) could lead to burnout, but CP 2077 is very long. If you're okay with stopping game for a long time, I'd do CP 2077 until the end of the first chapter (which is like 20 hours or so) and then go back to ragnarok.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I've already started CP 2077. Up to the hotel job on Chapter 1 so far, just took a break to finish GoW 2018. Might go a completely different route, though, and play Metroid Prime Remastered. Or one of the other dozen or so games in my backlog.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
More Elden Ring, and I learned a neat little trick: if you rage quit and shut down your Xbox during your death animation in a boss fight, the runes you drop will be outside the fog wall when you turn it on again. Follow me for more pro tips.

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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I don't know what I wanna play next. Y'all decide for me.

Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)


Live A Live (Switch)

Whichever gets three votes first wins
Dark Cloud 2. That's been on my list of games I'd like to try some day for around 10 years. Play it and tell me if it's worth playing.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Just finished the 2018 God of War game. Big shock, the game everyone said was really good...ended up being really good. Contemplating whether to start Ragnarok now, or continue on with Cyberpunk 2077.
It really depends on how you felt after the end. If it was like, “Ooh, that’s Thor in the hidden endgame cinematic, woohoo!” then by all means going straight into Rag is the logical choice. But OTOH, if it’s like, “Well, I could use a change of pace first” then Cyberpunk might answer that call. No one will judge if you alternate playing both or change course at some point either though.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
More Elden Ring, and I learned a neat little trick: if you rage quit and shut down your Xbox during your death animation in a boss fight, the runes you drop will be outside the fog wall when you turn it on again. Follow me for more pro tips.

Be weary of that, as it could corrupt your save. Past FROM games have advised against this (quitting to dashboard vs the game options) since they use a persistent save system, so safe to assume it’s the same with ER.

If concerned about rune loss you could either just spend them on leveling or maybe using the twiggy cracked tear physik before a boss fight. It’s in front of the minor Erd tree in northwest Altus, above the capital outskirts.

Otherwise, even though it’s a bit tougher is just running back to the rune mark first thing, but I’ve forgotten to do that after so many tries at times too.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Pathfinder: Kingmaker

I've finished the first chapter so far about 15 or so hours into the game(I had about 55 days left on my initial 90 day timer) and I have to admit it's pretty good despite being a bit slow. The first chapter is basically bumming around the wilderness exploring and killing things while finding loot with a few quests to guide you but it is kind of nice to just find things and get a feel for it(after the fucking endurance trial that is the character creator). After taking down the stag lord(which means thinning out his bandits first), there's a bit where you get given your baron title and control over some of the stolen lands with a feast and a little ceremony and it feels approps. More importantly, you find out that there's politics at play here.

Without going into a ton of background, the lady who sponsored you to go into the stolen lands is locked in a power struggle within her nation with another noble house and the idea is that by sending adventurers into the stolen lands to clear them out and then grant them baronies, she can then use those new baronies as allies to assist her in her political goals. There was an ulterior motive there and she flat out says "You've just gone from a pawn in the game to a player". It gives the events a more Game of Thrones vibe to it, especially having a barony to rule. I get the sense the baronies are essentially vassel states but OTOH it sounds like I can choose not to aid her so maybe that's not the case.

I haven't been able to do much with the barony so far, partially because I don't have a full set of advisors(there's no treasurer candidate) and the options I have take a bit of time to complete and I know time is important, so I'm trying to not over commit my people. For example, one project takes 45 days, during which that advisor can't do anything else so I don't want to commit him to that just now.

But yeah, it's interesting. Despite playing for 15 hours it doesn't feel like it's grindy or dragging. It feels like it's taking that long because it's meant to take time to explore and rest and move between parts of the map. Kinda like how RDR2 is a slow burn and it's meant to be that way, this game has the same vibe to it in that regard.

Also, I did a little reading up on the Pathfinder world(the tooltips are nice to give you a paragraph of background info on certain proper nouns though) and apparently, among other things:

1.) There's a nation built around a crashed alien spacecraft and they've been reverse engineering the tech to build ray guys and shit, so there's apparently an entire faction in this D&D type fantasy world with fucking laser guns they reverse engineered XCOM style.

2.) There's a huge fucking portal to hell called the WorldWound that every so often a Crusade gets launched to keep the damn thing from getting any bigger. From what I understand, in "Wrath of the Rightous", you somehow end up leading the 5th and final crusade to seal the portal entirely.

3.) Cthulhu and his cosmic horror buddies from Lovecraft are apparently canon in the Pathfinder universe, which is just fucking lovely.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Be weary of that, as it could corrupt your save. Past FROM games have advised against this (quitting to dashboard vs the game options) since they use persistent save system, so safe to assume it’s the same with ER.
Yeah, I know about the potential to corrupt the save (hence the sketchy thumbs up gif.) Just so happened that the few times I've done it, i.e.: legit rage quit, not trying to exploit the rune thingy, I found I was blessed to have my runes waiting for me out of harms way.

If concerned about rune loss you could be either just spend them on leveling or maybe using the twiggy cracked tear physik before a boss fight. It’s in front of the minor Erd tree in northwest Altus, above the capital outskirts.
My personal rule of thumb is I do not cross a fog wall with any amount of runes I'd rather not lose, which is generally anything more than a quarter of the runes necessary to level up, so it typically doesn't come up that I lose a lot of them to boss fights; it's usually to mobs I'm trying to avoid on my way BACK to a boss fight or the occasional cliff that TOTALLY wasn't there a second ago...

Otherwise, even though it’s a bit tougher is just running back to the rune mark first thing, but I’ve forgotten to do that after so many tries at times too.
Trust me, runes dropped in a boss' arena are always my first priority, even if it's literally nothing. It's the principle of the thing that I can't leave my mistakes glowing on the ground.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
Started Mafia 2. I was a big fan of Mafia 1, for the atmosphere above all. It's a bit lacking n 2. Maybe because the games have aged (virtual cities have gone a long way since then). Maybe because the gta-like car radio isn't as cool as the non-diegetic area-dependant classics of Mafia 1 (before its loss of copyrights, I mean). Or because of the occasional glitches, the flicker of little objects in the street ?

Still, feels prohibition-movie enough. I feel I'm watching it more than I'm playing it.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I played through Loverwatch, doing both routes and the secret ending in less than 30 minutes.

It's...fine, I guess? Really, it seems silly to even rank it at all considering it was made as a joke game. And I also know it shouldn't be indicative of the dating sim genre, but I don't get the appeal myself. I figure either you've already found love in life, in which case dating sims are redundant, or you haven't, and you therefore get to make yourself miserable.

Granted, it's not all bad. There's quite a few times when I sniggered, usually via 4th wall references/breaks. Also, it really wants to stress that it's non-canon, and shouldn't be added to the Overwatch wiki. And as an admin, I took that personally. Joke's on them though, even if the events aren't canon, some lore probably is, so too bad you Puritans!

Anyway, current Blizzard games ranking is below:

16: Loverwatch

15: Justice League Task Force

14: Warcraft

13: The Lost Vikings

12: Diablo Immortal

11: Diablo

10: World of Warcraft

9: Heroes of the Storm

8: Diablo II

7: Overwatch

6: Overwatch 2

5: Warcraft II

4: Diablo III

3: StarCraft

2: Warcraft III

1: StarCraft II