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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Speaking of Darksiders, check out SKillUp impressions of this new game, that looks like Darksiders and Forspoken had a baby:

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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
iirc its made by the people who made the surge and lords of the fallen, so it'll probably be okay but nothing amazing, which really fit with the "kinda like darksider" vibe.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
iirc its made by the people who made the surge and lords of the fallen, so it'll probably be okay but nothing amazing, which really fit with the "kinda like darksider" vibe.
I noticed when they said Tech 13. Lords of the Fallen his ass, The Surge was okay, but I didn't find it to impressive. I know the sequel is better, but still not interested. Atlas Fallen looks to be the best Darksiders game ever made. Better than the all of the actual Darksiders games. Possibly.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Bunch of old GB, GBA and SNES games I never got around to before, now they're easily available on Switch online.

Done Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Metroid Fusion, & Kirby's Dream Land 2. Now on Kirby's Dream Land 3. Though all the extra steps needed to get the "good" endings in those Kirby games seems like a Ball-ache.


Apr 3, 2020
Finished the two main stories of Samurai Warriors 5 and I was pleasantly surprised.

SW5 marks the first time Koei have rebooted the SW series (Dynasty Warriors has been rebooted like...4 times by now), and with it are some mixed feelings. SW5 focuses much more on the story of Nobunaga Oda and Mitsuhide Akechi, and as a result, for the first time in the series, a large portion of the playable cast have been cut and all their weapons revamped/changed too. For a while in the fanbase the issue of 'cutting characters' has been a contentious one. On one hand some say cutting characters allows the devs to focus more and provided a quality-over-quantity product, while others argue it wouldn't make a difference and Koei would be lazy regardless (like what happened with Dynasty Warriors 6). Personally, after finishing the main game I feel like we got the former more so than the latter.

Despite the significantly reduced roster (if you exclude the semi-unique NPC characters), Koei still fell back on cloned movesets, where some characters share the same weapon/moveset with minor changes. For a series where every character has had a unique weapon/moveset since the first installment this left a bad taste, and like with DW6/7 the cloned movesets make the characters less enjoyable, and the movesets themselves are more constrained, because they need to be usable by everyone and not look strange.

As for the story, it's promising for about the first two thirds, where Nobunaga and Mitsuhide's relationship builds alongside their conquests. Where it falls flat is the 'timeskip' that happens 2/3 through and both of their friendship does a complete 180. They go from being BFFs who want to bring peace to the land to rivals who doubt each other at every turn. There's no gradual character development, it's just "Oh, we're reaching the end of the story, we quickly need Mitsuhide to hate Nobunaga to wrap it up". Also, I'm honestly kinda sick of the 'mainland' stories in SW games; gimme more focus on Kyushu, or the eastern regions; the regional warlords need more love and attention.

As for new characters, the additions varied in quality. First off is Toshimitsu, Mitsuhide's right-hand man. Meh design, boring weapon and moveset, and a decent personality. He's an important character for Mitsuhide's story but he never feels like he has much agency in the story, he just follows Mitsuhide around. Next is Shikanosuke, with a more recognisable, but still relatively dull design (which felt like a recurring theme for most characters). One of the better new characters, Shikanosuke adds to the 'western Japan' roster which needs some fleshing out, and serves a good role in the story, acting as an unintentional wedge between Mitsuhide and Nobunaga.

Then we have the three new ninja characters: Mitsuki, Kazuuji, and Sandayu. Mitsuki is an OC who serves as Nobunaga's foster daughter, eventually discovering she's actually his niece and Nobunaga killed her real father, leading her to join Team Mitsuhide. A fun character with a fun design and moveset, but I'm generally against OC characters in historical settings where there are plenty of great, real people to chose from. After her is Kazuuji, with a forgettable design, boring personality, and a role that doesn't extend past 'Hideyoshi's personal ninja' and 'Mitsuki's mentor'. Despite following this game during it's pre-release marketing, I completely forgot he existed and I'm not surprised why. Rounding out the ninjas we have Sandayu who acts as the game's secret antagonist, manipulating characters and events behind the scenes. He kinda reminds me of Kotaro Fuuma, from the previous games, with his edgy worldview, constant monologuing, and inability to die. While I got some enjoyment out of how comically edgy Kotaro was, with Sandayu it feels like they're trying to play him straight and it just doesn't work imo.

Rounding out the new cast are Yasuke and Sena. Yasuke is an African man who came to Japan with a Jesuit missionary and was recruited by Nobunaga out of curiosity. He's also probably the most pointless addition to the cast by far. He doesn't show up until the last chapter, and his role is nothing other than being Nobunaga's bodyguard, a role which originally belonged to Ranmaru in the previous games. He's a loyal and brave warrior and that's it. As soon as he shows up the story's basically over and he's gone with it. And that brings us to the best new addition: Sena! With a dazzling design, entertaining personality, long-running involvement in the story, an actual Imagawa character in a series that has had very little focus on the Imagawa (this game has by far the most screentime for the Imagawa, which was nice. Though I'm sad they lost their 'sports weapons' gimmick), and her death scene is easily the best in the series next to Magoichi's from SW2. The only downside is that she uses the naginata, one of the least satisfying movesets in the game.

Overall, I expected a trainwreck and got something much better. The core gameplay was much better than 4, with less focus on hyper attacks, weapon gimmicks that add variety (I just wish there was one for each character), and a more focused story. The new characters could have been better, but we got some good ones, and while the cloned movesets and cut characters really suck, there's a decent groundwork here to build upon. I'm looking forward to what Koei do with Samurai Warriors 5.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Rounding out the new cast are Yasuke and Sena. Yasuke is an African man who came to Japan with a Jesuit missionary and was recruited by Nobunaga out of curiosity. He's also probably the most pointless addition to the cast by far. He doesn't show up until the last chapter, and his role is nothing other than being Nobunaga's bodyguard, a role which originally belonged to Ranmaru in the previous games. He's a loyal and brave warrior and that's it. As soon as he shows up the story's basically over and he's gone with it.
There goes my reason to get the game at a discount.

Overall, I expected a trainwreck and got something much better. The core gameplay was much better than 4, with less focus on hyper attacks, weapon gimmicks that add variety (I just wish there was one for each character), and a more focused story. The new characters could have been better, but we got some good ones, and while the cloned movesets and cut characters really suck, there's a decent groundwork here to build upon. I'm looking forward to what Koei do with Samurai Warriors 5.
I actually enjoyed the release of SW4. Granted, I got it used for $7 at the time. Spamming hyper attacks aside, my main issue with that the game was the bad expansions, and KT milking that iteration for far too long. SW4-II might as well been a DLC pack, when the first iteration already has DLC weapons and 4 DLC stages (most of which are non-story related and just nonsensical plots/scenarios). The Empires expansion is good from what I hear, but I never cared much for them. The Yukimura Sanada game was just plain dumb and KT once again milking SW4, and should have just made it DLC instead of a "new game". For all of the originals problems, at least characters have unique move sets. This is my main issue with SW5. I don't care move set clones to this degree.

I know there was DLC released that mitigated this issue, but only some of it is free from what I heard. If they do an Xtreme Legends expansion for SW5, and add in more story content with what is originally there, then I'll just get that version and skip the vanilla release altogether. That has always been the major problems with both of these franchises. I know Sterling did not like SW5, and for many, this game is love it or hate it. If the game is at a bargain price, I might pick it up, but I make no promises. I used to have SW4, but traded it in, because I did everything and there was nothing left for me in that game.

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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Lego Star Wars Skywalker Saga episode 1: The Phantom Menace

It's a silly stupid fun baby game and if you like Star Wars at all, want to a trouble-free chill out and can get this for free/cheap (i.e., GamePass), it's good. I mean it's just an interactive Lego movie, which means adorable physical gags and nostalgia-fueled pop culture referencing.
It basically ushers you through the story as a way to introduce you to the world to explore for later and honestly it's not an interesting world at all, I'm just gonna play through the story. The story is just a comically abbreviated version of the movies.

If the idea of a lego guy trying to mow the lawn while Jar Jar Binks and his army fend off a robot invasion sounds charming to you- and I was in the mood for it- then check it out. There is combat and whatever but seemingly no consequences for failure because it's a baby game for babies and sometimes that's all some of us can deal with even.
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Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Possibly the last person in the world to play Hollow Knight. It's good!

Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Enjoying this so far, but the UI on PS4 feels very clunky compared to how I expect it is on PC. Might get it on PC if it comes up in a sale. My main is a sorcerer, so dies at the beginning of every fight.

Also playing Farcry 5, but finding aiming on the PS4 so much more fiddly than on PC. I die a lot.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Kill It With Fire

Really silly, low-budget puzzle-esque game wherein you look for and kill spiders with extreme prejudice throughout various rooms of a house. Looks and feels very Minecraft-y. Good for turning my brain off for about 10 minutes at a time after yet another depression session within Elden Ring.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
More Hong Kong Massacre. The best way to play this game is just to focus on upgrading your pistols. I saved up on the unlimited ammo upgrade, fire rate, and 2+ clip. You get 30 bullets total with the clip upgrade, and never have to worry about grabbing another weapon, unless you have to. Plus, it's cooler just going in Woo style! I've beaten the Four Days Earlier Chapter and I'm now at Two Days Earlier Chapter.


Apr 3, 2020
There goes my reason to get the game at a discount.

I actually enjoyed the release of SW4. Granted, I got it used for $7 at the time. Spamming hyper attacks aside, my main issue with that the game was the bad expansions, and KT milking that iteration for far too long. SW4-II might as well been a DLC pack, when the first iteration already has DLC weapons and 4 DLC stages (most of which are non-story related and just nonsensical plots/scenarios). The Empires expansion is good from what I hear, but I never cared much for them. The Yukimura Sanada game was just plain dumb and KT once again milking SW4, and should have just made it DLC instead of a "new game". For all of the originals problems, at least characters have unique move sets. This is my main issue with SW5. I don't care move set clones to this degree.

I know there was DLC released that mitigated this issue, but only some of it is free from what I heard. If they do an Xtreme Legends expansion for SW5, and add in more story content with what is originally there, then I'll just get that version and skip the vanilla release altogether. That has always been the major problems with both of these franchises. I know Sterling did not like SW5, and for many, this game is love it or hate it. If the game is at a bargain price, I might pick it up, but I make no promises. I used to have SW4, but traded it in, because I did everything and there was nothing left for me in that game.

As someone who hated SW4, 4:Empires was great, and easily one of my favourite Empires spinoffs. The Sanada spinoff was made to coincide with a Taiga drama that was running at the same time about the Sanada, and because the Japanese fanbase loves Yukimura.

As for XL, DW9 didn't (or at least hasn't) received an XL expansion so Koei might be moving away from them in favour of regular DLC.
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Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Enjoying this so far, but the UI on PS4 feels very clunky compared to how I expect it is on PC. Might get it on PC if it comes up in a sale. My main is a sorcerer, so dies at the beginning of every fight.
70% off at the moment, as is the newer one. In fact you seem to be able to get both together for £15



Elite Member
Nov 16, 2022
Bunch of old GB, GBA and SNES games I never got around to before, now they're easily available on Switch online.

Done Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Metroid Fusion, & Kirby's Dream Land 2. Now on Kirby's Dream Land 3. Though all the extra steps needed to get the "good" endings in those Kirby games seems like a Ball-ache.
I'm also a happy new subscriber to that service and have beaten A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Golden Eye, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion so far.
I hear people complaining about how most of the new additions are subpar, but for someone whose never been a Nintenod fan groiwn up (like me), this service is SOOO worth it!
I do hope, though, that they'll expand it with the Gamecube games as well


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
More Elden got-damn Ring.

Welp, I hope you're happy, @hanselthecaretaker; I'm in Caelid now, and everything is rocking me. packs of fucking tyrannosaurus wolves, massive fuck-all crows, the potato bug guys with the spears and homing webbing, etc. This place sucks a bag of dicks. The only thing it's missing is land mines. Oh, and I found the next map piece. Yeah, it was right there before I discovered an area full of DRAGONS. I already lost a fuck-ton of runes, so I've literally nothing to lose right now; might as well explore... *Steps on a land mine*


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
More Elden got-damn Ring.

Welp, I hope you're happy, @hanselthecaretaker; I'm in Caelid now, and everything is rocking me. packs of fucking tyrannosaurus wolves, massive fuck-all crows, the potato bug guys with the spears and homing webbing, etc. This place sucks a bag of dicks. The only thing it's missing is land mines. Oh, and I found the next map piece. Yeah, it was right there before I discovered an area full of DRAGONS. I already lost a fuck-ton of runes, so I've literally nothing to lose right now; might as well explore... *Steps on a land mine*
Something to calm you down and when you find a moment of peace.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
More Elden got-damn Ring.

Welp, I hope you're happy, @hanselthecaretaker; I'm in Caelid now, and everything is rocking me. packs of fucking tyrannosaurus wolves, massive fuck-all crows, the potato bug guys with the spears and homing webbing, etc. This place sucks a bag of dicks. The only thing it's missing is land mines. Oh, and I found the next map piece. Yeah, it was right there before I discovered an area full of DRAGONS. I already lost a fuck-ton of runes, so I've literally nothing to lose right now; might as well explore... *Steps on a land mine*
That big half-sleeping/dead dragon can net quite a few levels worth of runes in early game. You can either hack away at one of its flanks (safer) or kill the smaller dragons around it (not safer but more fun). Targeting their heads on horseback and baiting their attacks is best, especially with a spear or other piercing weapon.

I was messing around with a NG samurai build and it was a refreshingly tough but fair kinda challenge that fits well within the game’s framework. The dragons are not very aggressive and have highly telegraphed attacks, you can aggro them individually, and even use arrows very easily to finish them off. They will almost always one shot you early on though, which is the tradeoff.

On topic, I’ll probably finally get back into The Witcher 3 for real this time instead of getting distracted by other games. Basically I’d rather finish that before Forbidden West since I started it like five years ago lol. I’m close to 90 hours in so far and just digging into the Skellige part of the map. Looking forward to the change of pace.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
That big half-sleeping/dead dragon can net quite a few levels worth of runes in early game. You can either hack away at one of its flanks (safer) or kill the smaller dragons around it (not safer but more fun). Targeting their heads on horseback and baiting their attacks is best, especially with a spear or other piercing weapon.
You and I have two very different ideas on what "fun" is.

Okay, I found the big, dying dragon, but I quit the game before doing anything (have some work to do.) But you're telling me, if I hit this thing, it's not going to fight back? Will it piss off all his little buddies in the area?
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