What are you currently playing?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Still working through Serious Sam 4, got to the huge open level portion, still a blast.

Also got Live A Live. So far done the prehistory and imperial china chapters. Pretty cool so far, not hard but really neat storytelling.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I finished off the main mission of STALKER (the Anomaly mod lets you continue on after). I feel like the final part of Call of Chernobyl was rushed; after an entire game of generally wide-open gameplay and several choices for engaging in combat, the final stretch involves long, thin corridors stuffed full of heavily-armed and armored enemies with immediate and constant knowledge of your position no matter what you do.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Not necessarily a big change in what I"m playing, but as of Saturday I will have caught up to the 2020s and have a PS5 finally (after they ran out of the first one I tried to place on pickup and I had to upgrade to a disc model)


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Not necessarily a big change in what I"m playing, but as of Saturday I will have caught up to the 2020s and have a PS5 finally (after they ran out of the first one I tried to place on pickup and I had to upgrade to a disc model)
You should add this to the Off Topic forum thread, "What have you purchased recently" and let us know what you think of it.

Epic gave away Beyond Blue and, its cute.

Then played some Arizona Sunshine, "Damned" DLC in VR with my nephew.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
After not touching it since the late summer, I decided to pop in Shredder's Revenge with all the new updates. I did a complete Custom Arcade Mode, playing as Casey for the first time. Casey is almost a downright game breaker; especially if you customize your Arcade game to allow 3 super bars. Makes the game more fun any way. I do admits it's nice not having to bother with the world map or "RPG elements" when in Arcade. The only downside is no Super Mode. That is exclusive to the story mode. Doesn't matter much, because air supers are still busted despite the devs nerfing taunting. I do like the extra options, and love the VHS screen filter, but this game needed extra modes. Where's Versus? Where's Survival mode? Where are the Time Trials? Turtles in Time (SNES) got this figured out over 30 years ago.

For all the shit I gave Final Vendetta for its short length, even it has a Versus, Boss Rush, Training Mode, and a Survival Mode to keep the player(s) engaged after beating the game. I get they wanted the 4-6 player co-op experience and succeeded, but once that wears off, there's not much replay value to keep Shredder's Revenge going. Other than trying out all of the characters and getting their unique ending. The achievements for them are ridiculous and archaic. I know I am being harsh, though it's because I care and want the best for this game. Shredder's Revenge does have the best combat, tag mechanics, gameplay, level design, and soundtrack of all of the 2D brawler TMNT games. There is no contest. Yet it lacks any bonus modes to keep many people playing, unless they're straight up brawler or Turtles nuts. I've seen myself return to games like FV, SOR4, The TakeOver, and even Fight n' Rage more often than Shredder's Revenge. I've done five playthroughs total of Shredder's Revenge: one in co-op. The rest were solo, with my fifth playthrough being the most recent. I'll still play the game and like it, but I won't be returning as much, unless I am playing with buddies or family that's interested.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Serious Sam 4 was on sale so I picked it up. I want to like it, I really do, but the game's performance is absolutely ATROCIOUS. I should not be getting hitching and framerate drops in open fields or cutscenes with one character, and I've done a lot of config editing just to get it remotely playable.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Serious Sam 4 was on sale so I picked it up. I want to like it, I really do, but the game's performance is absolutely ATROCIOUS. I should not be getting hitching and framerate drops in open fields or cutscenes with one character, and I've done a lot of config editing
I heard the stand alone expansion, Siberian Mayhem, performs and plays much better.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Serious Sam 4 was on sale so I picked it up. I want to like it, I really do, but the game's performance is absolutely ATROCIOUS. I should not be getting hitching and framerate drops in open fields or cutscenes with one character, and I've done a lot of config editing
What kind of machine do you have? I never had frame rate issues on either of my machines that I played it on.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I heard the stand alone expansion, Siberian Mayhem, performs and plays much better.
I did get kind of a bad frame rate on Siberian Mayhem, on the first level, after that it played beautifully.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm running a Ryzen 5 5600 with a 6700XT. The game autodetected and put me on Ultra but I've knocked a number of settings down.
Have you tried changing the renderer to vulkan?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I thought I had before, but I may have not saved it? I dunno. I recreated the config file just to be sure and changed from DirectX 11 to Vulkan and it runs far more smoothly now. Which is weird because my card generally runs Vulkan more slowly.
Cool, I've always found vulkan to run things smoother, but, I use nvidia gpu's. I hope its playable. I'm still having a blast going through it again on the hardest difficulty.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I've always had this question in me about phone games. I couldn't figure out why most phone games were basically flash games with little extras going for them, when things like gameboy and psp had normal games on them, despite comparatively way lower specs with the pcs and consoles of their time. I always thought that you could just release a normal game that you'd put on psp or vita or 3ds (hell even switch nowadays) on phones and it'd be a fine experience.

Thankfully, it seems the folks over at mihoyo had the same feelings, cause the recently released Honkai Star Rail is basically a traditional Jrpg in every sense of the term, but on phones. Sure, you do have the f2p gatcha things, but it's a jrpg, you mainly play it for the story and character development, I've not had any reason to spend money on this thing and everything feels doable so far. First of all, the game is gorgeous. It legit looks better than a vita game. Now, it may vary based on your phone specs, but my 13 pro can run it maxed out without overheating (though it does get a bit warm) and man it's a beautiful game.

Gameplay-wise, I think turn based suits the portable format more. Genshin Impact being an action game I couldn't properly enjoy on phones, so I played it on ps4 but this game is fine for phones cause the only stuff that takes timing is the walking puzzles so you don't lose much from the weird virtual analogue stick control method.

The story itself has some very out there sci-fi concepts, and you're literally exploring universes on a magical train that runs out in space. The voice acting is great too, playing it in Jp cause that feels the most like a Jrpg and I recognize a lot of cool voice actors from various anime.

Also the music is very chill, the game has a lot of text for you to read if you want, lots of lore and backstory and stuff, and I always enjoy the feeling of isolation that the music provides as you read those. It kinda feels like you're flying alone in space.

Combat is fast and simple but still enjoyable, this time they went with a lot of passive triggers. So like, you can have shields which give you a buffer of extra hp, and the girl who puts up shields also auto-attacks whenever anyone with a shield gets hit by something, so you wanna make teams that have synergy and combine the party's various passive effects to all work together.

Also, and this is a minor gripe I've always had, enemies give you exp. It's not much, and you still need to use items to properly level up, but still, you do gain a bit of it by beating enemies too. It always felt wrong for exp to just be a thing you feed your chars like a rare candy and not be something you get by actually beating enemies. So again, I am glad to see the devs are on the same wavelength.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Tried Ravenlok but got bored quickly because it's a baby game, and tried Weird West but I could not deal with the twin stick combat in the middle of a cRPG style game using a controller. Maybe if the reviews were more solid re: the story and quest design I would push through that but apparently it rarely gets better than typical "fetch this" or "kill that," so I if the gameplay doesn't work for me I can't be bothered. Oh well, that pretty much exhausts everything of interest to me on Gamepass right now, with Wo Long being the most disappointing.

So I buckled and bought Jedi Survivor.
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Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Tried Ravenlok but got bored quickly because it's a baby game, and tried Weird West but I could not deal with the twin stick combat in the middle of a cRPG style game using a controller. Maybe if the reviews were more solid re: the story and quest design I would push through that but apparently it rarely gets better than typical "fetch this" or "kill that," so I if the gameplay doesn't work for me I can't be bothered. Oh well, that pretty much exhausts everything of interest to me on Gamepass right now, with Wo Long being the most disappointing.

So I buckled and bought Jedi Survivor.
The weakest bit of Weird West was the control system. It should have been isometric and turn based, but there was already Hard West out there and I guess they wanted to differentiate themselves. The best I can say about it, is you eventually get used to it. It really could have used a better "slow time" or VATS like mechanic than the jump/dodge one they went with. That never made sense to me. Someone takes a shot at you, so you duck behind cover. Then to get the best out of aiming and slow time, you have to jump/dodge out of cover. And it eats up stamina or action points or whatever it is that you also use for special abilities... which are always vastly superior to just the slow time mechanic.

And as much of a sucker for the Weird West genre in general as I am, I can't even really recommend you go back to finish it after giving up on Jedi Survivor (unless they have patched it into working order already.) The story gets worse, then much much better, then somewhat worse, and ends very much... much worse. A terrible ending. I ended up enjoying it overall, but I find the Hard West sequel is still more fun to play with much more replay value. Ultimately, I'm still very much looking for a video game version of Pinnacle's Deadlands. Hard West comes the closest, but still falls very short. Deadlands is still my favorite tabletop game. So many developers have done better jobs of trying to make a D&D video game. I just wish more devs were trying to make games out of other, superior tabletop games. Shadowrun got a couple of decent games, I still think Deadlands or Palladium's Rifts or BtS could still have their Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines level of success.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I haven't played this since... I had an N64? Over a decade ago. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron. They're giving this to Amazon Prime members today.

And I can't do those reverse flying control schemes to save my life. I will reverse Axis when I get a chance. A fun blast from the past.



Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I beat Serious Sam 4, the last boss is still kinda janky but really cool. Started Serious Sam Siberian Mayhem, only beat the first level so far and so far its still damn awesome.
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