What are you currently playing?


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Playing Darkest Dungeon 2, now that it came to a proper platform and released. It's pretty damn cool, 3d graphics now and they animate really well but still in the style from the original game. I think navigating the dungeon was a bit better then driving a carriage, but its so nice not to lose hours of effort leveling a character just for them to die. They still die in 2 and its still an "oh shit" moment, but you lose less time since you can pick up a new hero if you make it to an inn, or if you fail your run, they are just back.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
That would explain why I literally don't remember the end of the game despite being sure I finished it.
That and the fact that, looking back, your participation in the plot turns out to be negligible. You constantly fail at everything this OTHER character is accomplishing anyway (game makes you think they're actually the villain) and when you fuck up their quest at the last minute you take over and finish it for them. Not much of an adventure, turns out.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Playing Darkest Dungeon 2, now that it came to a proper platform and released. It's pretty damn cool, 3d graphics now and they animate really well but still in the style from the original game. I think navigating the dungeon was a bit better then driving a carriage, but its so nice not to lose hours of effort leveling a character just for them to die. They still die in 2 and its still an "oh shit" moment, but you lose less time since you can pick up a new hero if you make it to an inn, or if you fail your run, they are just back.
Heroes who survive confessions get Memories (perks) though. Granted, not quite as much of a difference as a fully upped hero in DD1 would have vs fresh meat off the wagon.

Anyhow, I managed the insanity challenge round 2 in Warframe, lol. Apparently LR3 is possible now, of course
IMG_0239 (1).jpg

And beat the hard mode of the new boss (with a 2 man even, not a full 4)



Regular Member
May 8, 2023
I could never get into the love story because neither Catherine were interesting to me. I ended up getting the "bad" ending where the main character stayed single but I couldn't think of a better scenario, both of them were just awful human being.
Yeah, they're both narcissistic and possessive even, but the main character is also not a shining example of the human race
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Playing Darkest Dungeon 2, now that it came to a proper platform and released. It's pretty damn cool, 3d graphics now and they animate really well but still in the style from the original game. I think navigating the dungeon was a bit better then driving a carriage, but its so nice not to lose hours of effort leveling a character just for them to die. They still die in 2 and its still an "oh shit" moment, but you lose less time since you can pick up a new hero if you make it to an inn, or if you fail your run, they are just back.
These games are in the category of I respect them more than enjoy them. I played a bit of the first one and it's pretty great, but I hated it, lol. Too hard and I don't have enough patience. I am glad they have a sequel that looks really good.
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
These games are in the category of I respect them more than enjoy them. I played a bit of the first one and it's pretty great, but I hated it, lol. Too hard and I don't have enough patience. I am glad they have a sequel that looks really good.
DD is the type of game that makes FROM games feel downright generous. Losing mere currency vs losing everything you’ve spent the last few hours acquiring? Yeah I’ll take the former every. single. time. There’s a fine line between time sink and time suck.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
These games are in the category of I respect them more than enjoy them. I played a bit of the first one and it's pretty great, but I hated it, lol. Too hard and I don't have enough patience. I am glad they have a sequel that looks really good.
I would certainly recommend DD2 over the first one since the first one can totally be a time vampire. Second one seems much less abusive so far. I mean its still hard, but if someone dies and you get fucked, you lose like 30 min to an hour of time, rather then 3 hours. Depending on how you play, if you play DD with your guys being totally expendable replaceable pawns, its apparently much easier. But in DD2 only a run can get fucked up, you won't lose a high level character and build up another low level one.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020

Kind of a Portal clone. Not just because it's a first person puzzle game. There's quite a few similarities. It's got your character participating in an experimental testing program, albeit intended to be therapeutic. It's got what are basically the Aperture Emancipation fields. Elevators to take you to the next sequence to puzzles. It even has a Glados equivalent, and a character that's sort of the middle point between Cave Johnson and the narrator from Stanley Parable.

Its main gimmick is puzzles using perception tho. For example, you can pick up a small cube, make it so its larger in your field of view, and because it now looks bigger to you, when you let go it'll be larger in the world. Most of the puzzles are based on this kind of forced perspective shenanigans, tho later you also get a bit of optical illusion trickery.

Also, not so much playing it as finished it. Because it's short. Only like about 1-1.5 hours long, and that with me faffing about trying to reach out of the way places and sequence break. Then again, Portal is not that much longer. Story is kind of up its own arse tho.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
Finally got around to Loop Hero. Has a neat gameplay loop (heh) where your character automatically travels around a predetermined path and fights enemies while you upgrade their gear and place semi-randomly generated tiles to represent "remembering" aspects of your deleted world. Has some neat interactions, like if you stack enough mountains together it'll start spawning harpies and stuff.

Standard rougelike elements exist like picking what batch of tiles you want to have for the next loop and having an upgradeable base to improve your base stats

The dubiously moral main character and interactions make it seem like the world was kind of crapsack before it got deleted, so that could be interesting moving forward. Fun to have a lich start waxing poetic about the nature of reality and have the MC respond with, like, "hey, but how about fuck off and die though?"

Having a good time
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
That isn't surprising. Good porn with characters that are more then sex toys is going to have fleshed out characters for an emotional connection. How is the rest of the game? Cause last I heard about it, it sounded like it did everything mediocre... or something.
The Bullet hell stuff is about passable (I'm not a big fan of bullet hell but it seems functional but not really beyond just fine). The Xcom tactics stuff is basic so far but actually kind of fun. It's no Xcom but it does feel like it has more strategy and depth to it than I expected such that I actually prefer that content to the bullet hell ship combat stuff and tend to enjoy it as a break from ship combat.


Regular Member
May 8, 2023
Playing Darkest Dungeon 2, now that it came to a proper platform and released. It's pretty damn cool, 3d graphics now and they animate really well but still in the style from the original game. I think navigating the dungeon was a bit better then driving a carriage, but its so nice not to lose hours of effort leveling a character just for them to die. They still die in 2 and its still an "oh shit" moment, but you lose less time since you can pick up a new hero if you make it to an inn, or if you fail your run, they are just back.
I'm super-hyped for DD2, love the original to death, just waiting for my schedule to clear so I can do it justice hehe
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Fall Guys, again.

I've stayed away from the game ever since it changed launchers and went F2P, but come back whenever a new season starts to see what they come up with. Usually it's just a bunch of new levels with a new theme (jungle, snow, whatever). I have the Platinum for both versions of the game and the rewards are meaningless against premium currency, which leaves me with very little incentive to win anymore.

This season Mediatonic decided to release a level creator, and to boot they've also used it to create a few new rounds themselves. The result is that the new levels look like garbage, or the average fan level: random shapes and platforms chained into an obstacle course floating in a void, with no theming or logic behind anything.

Then there's the fan levels themselves, which inevitably devolve into Kaizo Mario bullshit. It's Mario Maker again. Nobody can (or wants to) create something that could pass for a fun official level; it's all about outraging and fucking the player over with impossible jumps and robotic precision. No art or discipline to the design. Just janky romhacks that rely on one rando trying to impress the rando who designed it by beating it.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I liked DD in concept, but in practice it heavily punished success and rewarded failure. I quickly ended up not finishing dungeon anymore, instead I'd loot everything I could and would just retreat, you'd keep all your loot and the amount of stress your character would get was negligible but they'd get no experience. That's supposed to be bad, but was actually incredibly good since they wouldn't get to the point of refusing to go into lower rank dungeon. Higher dungeon didn't really reward better loot anyway, so there was no downside to doing this. Except, it made the game very boring, I quickly leveled up all the town facility and had an army of low ranked hero with near perfect traits that I could quickly rank up and had money/gear to make them perform very well in higher dungeon once I started doing those, and it was just boring without the constant threat of death. I supposed I could have purposefully not done this, but then it would really detract from the ambience if I knew I was purposefully playing in a bad way just to make things challenging.


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Well, in true fashion of Warframe, I've managed to use the movement physics to bypass the mechanics lol (only for 1/6 phases though)

May be diving into Monster Hunter Sunbreak soon too, kind of put it on the pending list while I awaited the taxmans fell verdict.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I started Ghosts Of Tsushima. Ok so its basically Far Cry in Japan. Thats mean, its Far Cry in Japan with better writing and deeper mechanics.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I started Ghosts Of Tsushima. Ok so its basically Far Cry in Japan. Thats mean, its Far Cry in Japan with better writing and deeper mechanics.
The correct term is Assassin's Creed in Japan, but better than Assassin's Creed. You are not wrong from a gameplay perspective as you are liberating areas similar to any Far Cry game after 3. Then again, almost all Ubisoft games play the same now. So Tsushima is better than both of the franchises.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I liked DD in concept, but in practice it heavily punished success and rewarded failure. I quickly ended up not finishing dungeon anymore, instead I'd loot everything I could and would just retreat, you'd keep all your loot and the amount of stress your character would get was negligible but they'd get no experience. That's supposed to be bad, but was actually incredibly good since they wouldn't get to the point of refusing to go into lower rank dungeon. Higher dungeon didn't really reward better loot anyway, so there was no downside to doing this. Except, it made the game very boring, I quickly leveled up all the town facility and had an army of low ranked hero with near perfect traits that I could quickly rank up and had money/gear to make them perform very well in higher dungeon once I started doing those, and it was just boring without the constant threat of death. I supposed I could have purposefully not done this, but then it would really detract from the ambience if I knew I was purposefully playing in a bad way just to make things challenging.
The only problem is that you need level 6 characters. Like, 16 of the buggers if you aren't playing on easy mode. That's the purpose of high level dungeons. But you are absolutely correct that the power escalation feels bad, especially because of the limited inventory, often you won't make much more money from a champion dungeon than a veteran one because you will be throwing away loot left and right due to the limited space.

In Darkest Dungeon, game does justice to you.
I wouldn't consider what Darkest Dungeon does to me anything resembling justice.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Whenever I find Silksong delayed again indefinitely; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily checking their Twitter, and bringing up the rear of every tweet they retweet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately demanding a release window, and methodically harassing them - then, I account it high time to get back to playing as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly replay Hollow Knight.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Far cry 5 got a frame-rate upgrade. And a second weapon wheel for potions had no idea was there the first playthrough, not sure if they ever turotialised it, but hey, now I can smoke, uhh, huh...oregano?? *reads closer* yup. Oregano. Why is this getting the character high? Wtf is this bullshit?