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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I like it enough so far. With time travel plots I just brace myself for "they can do any twist hereon because time travel" and just roll with it.
Its a bit cringier then that, but still a fun game.

I wanted to be able to be playing Forza Horizon 4 since I've done almost everything in 5, but instead of the randomly crashing during gameplay bug they fixed awhile back, now I get a new bug when I start it up, my ram usages goes to 100% and it crashes my machine, so still no Forza 4 for me.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Also the stance anime girls seem to always be doing with their knees held together but feet widened and separate on the ground as if to present I dunno some sort of coyness or something just annoys me. I think I actually hate it the more I see it, like who d...who fcking does that? Nobody, that's who! Only anime girls!

You may want to try Blasphemous or Bloodstained if you wank more of that Hollow Knight. But if the movement in Ender Lilies annoys you you're probably not gonna get a good first impression from either. Especially Blasphemous.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is also good but there's some weeb filth to it as well.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
FF16 demo.
Fun to play the fighting bits. That's the important part I suppose. So gd start there.

The story tho - Started with a scene kinda blatantly ripping off the LotR's Balrog/Gandalf fight falling forever into the earth and shit. Then it shows how much it really wants you to think it's Game of Thrones. Which, umm, how do I go about saying this? From what little I've seen of GoT, it portrays political intrigue with talented actors who can present multiple layers of repression in every line delivery and Interaction, so it's a lot more about what's not being said and the tensions built as it goes on. The problem is FF has never been capable of subtlety, they cannot have a person hold a secret without it being plainly obvious they're holding a secret, and it's always some super simple surface-level emotion anyway. They're unable to do multi-layered characters, especially not interacting with each other with duplicity and repression. Fears were confirmed when the first scene clearly aiming to mirror (not subtly either lol) GoT darkened political table talk just came off awkward and dumb: there's no multiple layers to anyone, silences are not tense with anticipation but instead bafflement, the script is not up to anywhere close to the task, character models pull cartoonishly obvious reactionary facial movements so anyone in the room would know instantly what they're thinking, it goes on - sorry it just looks very unconvincing and am not sure how am supposed to care about it all.

The fighting is still fun though. Yes, the bread on this compliment sandwich is thin and processed, but am hoping there's more fighting than story in the final product.

Oh yeah, frame rate erformance tanked so bad I turned off the game at the castle, hoping for a future patch. Hopety Hopeful Me hoping through the hopes! 🤞🤞🤞 Now am done alienating myself from the last of humanity, time to find something to praise. My...drug dealer? 🤔

You may want to try Blasphemous or Bloodstained if you wank more of that Hollow Knight. But if the movement in Ender Lilies annoys you you're probably not gonna get a good first impression from either. Especially Blasphemous.

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is also good but there's some weeb filth to it as well.
I do indeed wank more of that Hollow Knight. 😉 Did enjoy Blasphemous and Bloodstained for a bit, need to finish them both still, fell off for various reasons at the time. Momodora will check out though, thanks for the recommendations!
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I just tried ender's lily for a bit and it was fine but nothing more. Problem is, I got used to being able to add label to map so that when I got a new power I could quickly go back to where there was something I couldn't get back then, and ender's lily has a lot of those but no map marking function.

Otherwise the story was pretty generic "bad thing happened, figure it out" with simple imagery of white priestess being good. The fact that most of the offensive power you pick have limited use is quite annoying and doesn't bring anything to the game. Visual were good, but again were fairly generic.

If you want to try other metroidvania, monster sanctuary is quite fun (although its a mix with a pokemon like monster collector with turn base combat).


Regular Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States of America
I have had it in my Ubisoft library forever. Never played. Probably bought it in a bundle. Well, downloading now. I need a Splinter Cell that is kinda easy. Hope they let me bring a BFG 5000 with me at all times.
I trust you don't mean the exact weapon, as that would be copyright infringement. Blacklist begins with the same minimalist loadout as early games: silent pistol + silent rifle with trick-ammo options, except with the addition of a taser. Unlike prior games, powerful weapons are unlocked on the black market and access to it is purchased in the HQ upgrade menu. Money is earned by adhering to any of 3 schools of stealth throughout every level and "Ghost" (meaning nobody even knew until it was too late, my favorite) pays best. I haven't touched the black market yet because I'm focused on becoming the sneakiest hand-to-hand mofo, but weapons are likely every bit as realistic as in any other Tom Clancy game before he died. So there's probably a tall-as-a-man super-sniper, silent magnum, heavy machine gun, and anything you might find in Call of Duty but quieter.

Your way to play sounds like choosing Easy mode and rushing around with the Assault school in-mind, meaning you kill every last sucker but only because they were unlucky enough to look at you. It's still stealth if all witnesses are dead!
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I trust you don't mean the exact weapon, as that would be copyright infringement. Blacklist begins with the same minimalist loadout as early games: silent pistol + silent rifle with trick-ammo options, except with the addition of a taser. Unlike prior games, powerful weapons are unlocked on the black market and access to it is purchased in the HQ upgrade menu. Money is earned by adhering to any of 3 schools of stealth throughout every level and "Ghost" (meaning nobody even knew until it was too late, my favorite) pays best. I haven't touched the black market yet because I'm focused on becoming the sneakiest hand-to-hand mofo, but weapons are likely every bit as realistic as in any other Tom Clancy game before he died. So there's probably a tall-as-a-man super-sniper, silent magnum, heavy machine gun, and anything you might find in Call of Duty but quieter.

Your way to play sounds like choosing Easy mode and rushing around with the Assault school in-mind, meaning you kill every last sucker but only because they were unlucky enough to look at you. It's still stealth if all witnesses are dead!
I got through the opening and someone did see me at the last second and by then I did have a gun, so, no stealth in those last few seconds. So far so good. Looking forward to a chance to get that sniper rifle you write of!


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
UUGGHHH... I hit a road block with World Tour. The final tournament the makes opponents way overpowered and too much damage sponge. I'm at level 51, and these people chewing my health like it's at level 15. Do I have to grind to level 60, just so it can be "fair". Come on Capcom that's bullshit! I'm not dealing with this tonight and going to arcade mode.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
My cousin lent me his Switch to play Breath of the Wild, so I'm playing that. It's ok so far, but I think the open world is definitely a detriment to the Zelda formula. Exploration isn't as much fun the 5th time I've found those two statues that I need to give an apple to get a korok seed. I'm also sad to see Zelda become a 'collect all the crap' RPG. Health is mostly a non-issue because I have 50 billion restorative items. Except I cannot be bothered to cook most of the time and I also only have 3 hearts because I've been choosing the stamina upgrades, so I occasionally get one-shotted by bosses.

Also it doesn't need to rain as much as it does. Actually, cliffs don't need to get slippery when it's raining, why is this even in the game?
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Also it doesn't need to rain as much as it does. Actually, cliffs don't need to get slippery when it's raining, why is this even in the game?
Because its prettymuch lifted wholesale from Conan Exiles and thats what happened in that game (well, in one biome it was rain, the desert had sandstorms that also hurt you and knocked you off).

That may seem like drawing at comparisons, but keep in mind, Conan Exiles also has the food recipes for healing and buffs things, weapon durability, and he main "survival" hazards being heat and cold that are overcome with said food buffs. It even has the same funnny "woops, how do we level design now" where the climbing arbitrarily doesn't work inside dungeons/challenge areas.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Gave a shoot to star ocean 6 after the last two entry were disappointing. So far its better, but that's not saying much.

The writing is pretty atrocious, its this weird mix where it seems like they really don't care about the story, so things are constantly brushed aside (main character tell these primitive world people he came from space and there reaction is along the line of "oh that's neat, moving on") but there's tons of cutscene and talking, just with no information shared, people just trade banality to each others. There's not really a story to speak of, everyone goal is more less to just wander around until something happen. The english VA is also really terrible, just people reading line.

Gameplay is a bit better, its open world action but with a large number of party member, which is pretty neat, sadly the ai for companion is complete garbage so they just insta die as soon as tough fight happen and you have to solo it. You can make your own combo by chaining various abilities together, which in theory should be really cool, but for now there's very few ability available so its not that interesting. There's some system to charge enemy but at the last second side step them to blindside them , they make a big deal about it but its really simple and not particularly interesting.

Bigger problem is the game already crashed twice on me in around 4 hours, it also has very infrequent auto save so that can really burn you. If it keeps happening I'll drop it cause its nowhere near good enough to put up with that.
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Regular Member
Jan 10, 2023
United States of America
The writing is pretty atrocious, its this weird mix where it seems like they really don't care about the story, so things are constantly brushed aside (main character tell these primitive world people he came from space and there reaction is along the line of "oh that's neat, moving on") but there's tons of cutscene and talking, just with no information shared, people just trade banality to each others.
This wouldn't happen if you didn't need to use the bathroom. Let me guess, you also couldn't trust the pause button to just skip cutscenes that may be important.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I think I have Stockholm Syndrome.

So after the 130 hours of Pathfinder: Kingmaker, I kept telling myself once credit rolled I was gonna play shorter games for a while. So what do I do? I download and fire up Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. However, it's a bit smoother then KM and it's clear Owlcat learned lessons from KM when making WOTR. A number of QoL improvements are evident right from the get go.

It also helps WOTR gets to the point really fast. After the still very long Character Creation screen(and there are MORE races and classes this time around), the game dumps you into a festival in a city called Kanabras, quickly introduces you to a number of important characters, establishes nobody really knows who you are but you have some nasty wound that nobody really knows how you got and then Demons just start attacking the city en masse. Luckily, you fall into a cavasse that just opened in the ground and thus escape getting horribly masscared with much of the rest of the city, You spend about 2-3 hours doing some low stakes combat, meeting some characters, getting a party together pretty quickly, and doing the starter dungeon. Then you make the surface again and get told "There's a big magic stone that was keeping the demons out like a magical deflector shield. For some reason it's not working and the big demon just picked it up and yeeted it into the fortress at the center of the city(which he shouldn't be able to do)" and that the city hasn't fallen....yet. So Act 1 is focused on retaking the city from the demons lest the demons spill out into the rest of the world, which would be very, very bad.

And then Act 2 rolls into "You saved the city from the demons. We're launching a new crusade to drive the demons back because the last 3 crusades were total failures and everyone sees you as a hero so fuck it, here's an army! Now go retake the fortress city we lost in the last crusade from the demons!" There's still side quests and companion quests but the main quests aren't separated by like 6 months of management downtime like in KM because You're on Crusade, *****! Sadly, the crusade mode is basically HOMM-lite, where you build army stacks and move them along the map to fight other armies in a very simple grid system that requires almost no tactics or strategy and most people advise either skipping or toning it down a lot because of how lackluster it is.

The most interesting thing WOTR has to offer is the mythic paths system. So right from the get go, it's established you don't seem to know who you are(when asked you can offer a number of explanations for your background and why you're here in the city, but they feel....artificial, for some reason) and you have a MYSTERIOUS WOUND that keeps opening and closing at plot convenient moments and seem to coincide with you getting choices to manifest great supernatural power and also causes you no pain. It's basically Fantasy Stigmata which probably means it's VERY IMPORTANT because God is doing it or something(it's unclear right now but no doubt some metaphysical fuckery is behind it).

So basically, at some point in the story you'll get the option to pick a Mythic Path, of which there are 10 and they're all over the spectrum on alignment and integration with the story. The two default ones are Angel and Demon, so basically gaining Good or Evil divine power respectively, but there's a bunch of others, including a Joke path called Trickster, which I've had it described to me as "Trickster isn't role playing a character, it's role playing a player who bullied the DM into letting you play with 20 loaded dice per roll". You do get contextual opportunities to try out the different powers before picking paths though, such as using an angels sword to inspire people or using trickster to suggest to some cultist that it would be hilarious if they rigged their own base with explosives.

So I'm basically in for the next 100 or so hours.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I think I have Stockholm Syndrome.

So after the 130 hours of Pathfinder: Kingmaker, I kept telling myself once credit rolled I was gonna play shorter games for a while. So what do I do? I download and fire up Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. However, it's a bit smoother then KM and it's clear Owlcat learned lessons from KM when making WOTR. A number of QoL improvements are evident right from the get go.

It also helps WOTR gets to the point really fast. After the still very long Character Creation screen(and there are MORE races and classes this time around), the game dumps you into a festival in a city called Kanabras, quickly introduces you to a number of important characters, establishes nobody really knows who you are but you have some nasty wound that nobody really knows how you got and then Demons just start attacking the city en masse. Luckily, you fall into a cavasse that just opened in the ground and thus escape getting horribly masscared with much of the rest of the city, You spend about 2-3 hours doing some low stakes combat, meeting some characters, getting a party together pretty quickly, and doing the starter dungeon. Then you make the surface again and get told "There's a big magic stone that was keeping the demons out like a magical deflector shield. For some reason it's not working and the big demon just picked it up and yeeted it into the fortress at the center of the city(which he shouldn't be able to do)" and that the city hasn't fallen....yet. So Act 1 is focused on retaking the city from the demons lest the demons spill out into the rest of the world, which would be very, very bad.

And then Act 2 rolls into "You saved the city from the demons. We're launching a new crusade to drive the demons back because the last 3 crusades were total failures and everyone sees you as a hero so fuck it, here's an army! Now go retake the fortress city we lost in the last crusade from the demons!" There's still side quests and companion quests but the main quests aren't separated by like 6 months of management downtime like in KM because You're on Crusade, *****! Sadly, the crusade mode is basically HOMM-lite, where you build army stacks and move them along the map to fight other armies in a very simple grid system that requires almost no tactics or strategy and most people advise either skipping or toning it down a lot because of how lackluster it is.

The most interesting thing WOTR has to offer is the mythic paths system. So right from the get go, it's established you don't seem to know who you are(when asked you can offer a number of explanations for your background and why you're here in the city, but they feel....artificial, for some reason) and you have a MYSTERIOUS WOUND that keeps opening and closing at plot convenient moments and seem to coincide with you getting choices to manifest great supernatural power and also causes you no pain. It's basically Fantasy Stigmata which probably means it's VERY IMPORTANT because God is doing it or something(it's unclear right now but no doubt some metaphysical fuckery is behind it).

So basically, at some point in the story you'll get the option to pick a Mythic Path, of which there are 10 and they're all over the spectrum on alignment and integration with the story. The two default ones are Angel and Demon, so basically gaining Good or Evil divine power respectively, but there's a bunch of others, including a Joke path called Trickster, which I've had it described to me as "Trickster isn't role playing a character, it's role playing a player who bullied the DM into letting you play with 20 loaded dice per roll". You do get contextual opportunities to try out the different powers before picking paths though, such as using an angels sword to inspire people or using trickster to suggest to some cultist that it would be hilarious if they rigged their own base with explosives.

So I'm basically in for the next 100 or so hours.
The HOMM segment are just bad, worse is that if you pick one specific type of commander they become trivial but if you pick the other one you'll often end up in situation where you won't have a choice but to have big chunk of your army die in a fight and then have to waste time remaking it.

As for the mythic path, you actually have a bit of laxity in alignment, I played semi good demon and it mostly worked (you just have to be careful not to get too good). It might be worth looking up ahead of time what the path are because some of them are tricky to trigger.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The HOMM segment are just bad, worse is that if you pick one specific type of commander they become trivial but if you pick the other one you'll often end up in situation where you won't have a choice but to have big chunk of your army die in a fight and then have to waste time remaking it.

As for the mythic path, you actually have a bit of laxity in alignment, I played semi good demon and it mostly worked (you just have to be careful not to get too good). It might be worth looking up ahead of time what the path are because some of them are tricky to trigger.
Apparently Mage generals are OP in the game by far and Marksmen are OP as far as units are concerned.

I know Azata you have to to find the 3 people in Kanabras before finishing act 1 to trigger, which I did and I'm seriously contemplating doing Azata since the chaotic good sounds more like what I want to do with my MC. Trickster sounds interesting but apparently it ruins the shit out of the immersion so I'll save that for a 2nd playthrough or something.

Apparently some of the MP are underdeveloped which did help narrow down which ones are worth doing on a 1st playthrough and I want to play a good side path for the first one so that also helps(so no demon playthrough this time).
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
So I'm basically in for the next 100 or so hours.
Dang, hardcore, I couldn't even get past the character creator.

I finally gave into temptation and started on Titanfall 2 despite the shitty ea app thing. And I have to say, even though I'm not finished with the campaign I totally get the fandom around this game series. The story is... kinda incoherent but the gameplay feels really good, jumping and wall running and shooting feel good, piloting the giant robot feels good, the writing is good and the level design. Holy shit, its got some of the coolest levels I've seen in an FPS game. Even something like Turbo Overkill with its awesome levels can't quite beat it.

After the campaign I'll check out the multi and see if its dead or not.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Dang, hardcore, I couldn't even get past the character creator.
the Character Creator is a huge hurdle. I thought after KM I'd be prepared for the one in WOTR and then realized there were even MORE OPTIONS.

Choose Potrait
Choose Class
Choose Race
Make character model
Choose attributes
Choose a feat
Choose a background
Choose a lineage
Choose a god to follow
Choose a name
Choose your birthday
Choose an alignment

It just keeps fucking going.
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And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one
the Character Creator is a huge hurdle. I thought after KM I'd be prepared for the one in WOTR and then realized there were even MORE OPTIONS.

Choose Potrait
Choose Class
Choose Race
Make character model
Choose attributes
Choose a feat
Choose a background
Choose a lineage
Choose a god to follow
Choose a name
Choose your birthday
Choose an alignment

It just keeps fucking going.
I confess I love that, in a game.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
the Character Creator is a huge hurdle. I thought after KM I'd be prepared for the one in WOTR and then realized there were even MORE OPTIONS.

Choose Potrait
Choose Class
Choose Race
Make character model
Choose attributes
Choose a feat
Choose a background
Choose a lineage
Choose a god to follow
Choose a name
Choose your birthday
Choose an alignment

It just keeps fucking going.
And don't forget about sub classes and different classes having extra things to pick, like what animal companion you start with if your a class that starts with one.
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