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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I'm gonna rant a little bit about Timespinner, since I recently finished the game. It's not a bad game but it is a disappointing one.

Firstly because in a game called TIMEspinner, where you play a "TIME Messenger", who gets sent back in TIME, and whose very first power is to stop TIME (ie. temporarily freezing enemies and platforms in place), TIME manipulation actually factors very little in the game. I mean that's about it, once it's been tutorialized. The mechanic never really evolves nor does it offer useful combat applications for it, outside maybe dodging a couple of boss attacks towards the end. I'll say it's nice to pause everyone in the larger corridors once you're on backtracking/cleaning up mode. But for the most part you'll probably forget, like me, that pausing time is even a mechanic.

This dovetails into the game's poor variety - you fight the same enemies in the same surroundings, over and over. No two enemies behave all that differently from each other, which never warrants much experimentation with the game's 20 something weapons (the Axiom Verge problem). The enviroments are repetitive because you essentially play through the same map twice - the past and present versions of it - with little to differentiate them outside roadblocks. You find a secret room in one map, you can guarantee the other map will hide the same secret room in the same location. Riveting. There's some time-manipulation stuff in terms of altering the past to change something about the future but it's all pretty much baked into the story.

The movement is nice, especially once you unlock every ability has to offer. I finished this yesterday and don't even remember if there's a double-jump. There's a skate ability and a shoot-upwards ability that reveals, holy shit, the game handles momemtum nicely. And the feel of the combat is nice, even if it's all just variations of attack arcs. It's not very elegant but it's precise.

The story isn't *that* bad. I think what sours it is the uppity dialogue and wtf conversation pieces. It so happens that your main character, the one redeemable villain and all five NPCs that join your cause are members of the 2SLGBTQIAP+ spectrum. Actually every character with the exception of the other two (non-redeemable) villains is 2SLGBTQIAP+. You play a bisexual female, hailing from a polyamorous matriarchy, who strikes a relationship with a m2f trans and whose other allies are all gay, lesbian or asexual. And then once you finish every optional quest you're treated to an embarrassing cutscene where every character talks and jokes about their sexuality like they just met and they're on an internet forum instead of hunkered around a campfire the night before storming Mordor. But I guess that's what you get when you outsource your writing to Silverstring Media.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Did a Mania run of Axel in SOR4 tonight. Took me an 1:24:12. The fastest I ever gotten on Mania.
Something I noticed, but I think they made regular Mania slightly easier after the most recent patch update. I did die a few times, but it really wasn't until the last level. Even then, I was able to back up to 9 lives again. In turn, Mania+ became way much harder. I did used about half of Axel's alternative move set, because of quick i-frame advantage and recovery. Plus, Axels Neutral Special makes a great anti-air move against those Thai Kickboxing assholes!


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Did you like Conan Exciles? I think I got it from PS+ but never gave it a chance.
So... Conan Exiles is an MMO that got retooled in a survival game partway thrhough development.

I haven't kept up on all the additions since (there's tameable animals and magic now for instance). But if you're playing it alone as some sort of ARPG experience its bound to feel signfiicantly grindy (which can be adjusted) and the holdover MMO stuff means that a lot of the enemies and spawns are also pretty static. There's also only like 7 dungeons and maybe 3 of those fit the bill as somewhat fleshed out rather then just "here is decorated cave with stronger monsters)

The moment to moment combat is relatively servicable standard 3rd person stuff for the most part.
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

I am just playing this to fill time until the Steam sale where I can buy something I'll like better. (This was a free copy) I will not play any more of it past that. If you're taking inspiration from Dark Souls maybe also take inspiration from how that had a pretty zoomed out camera so you can see a lot of what's around you, and your swings are very deliberate and predictable and have a clear arc. I keep missing things because the saber's range is far shorter than it looks and I keep getting hit because dodging feels weird. It's quite pretty though.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

I am just playing this to fill time until the Steam sale where I can buy something I'll like better. (This was a free copy) I will not play any more of it past that. If you're taking inspiration from Dark Souls maybe also take inspiration from how that had a pretty zoomed out camera so you can see a lot of what's around you, and your swings are very deliberate and predictable and have a clear arc. I keep missing things because the saber's range is far shorter than it looks and I keep getting hit because dodging feels weird. It's quite pretty though.
I'm loving this game but am stuck. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do so, I'm going to have to watch a walk through and hope that helps.

It is very pretty. I.E. that 1st planet after the game opens up has a giant dragon looking thing hanging out, moving about a little in the background for no apparent reason. I just looks really cool.

Cal is very under powered compared to say, Star Killer from the Force Unleashed. He is supposed to be a relative noob. It took me a bit to get used to. But it mixes elements from other games like new Tomb Raider and Force Unleashed and has some fun puzzles such as early on, he is sliding down a ravine with a giant fan spinning before him and you have to use the force to freeze it so you can jump between the blades without getting killed. I can't believe you can get this for PC on sale for like $3!

Last played Dirt 3 and lost my 1st challenge. Everything up to now has been a time challenge/race. This one was a challenge to get points by drifting, getting some air etc. Hope I can get past that.

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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Been making headway in Book VI. Anyway, under normal circumstances, I'd be more positive, but Book V started off positive as well, and by the end, it had run out of steam (fitting for a campaign that dabbles in steampunk). Anyway, just random thoughts:

-I'll be honest, I don't find Ash interesting. Every book up to this point sans the first has introduced a playable character by the end of its first chapter (Fjorm, Eir, Peony, Reginn). Of those characters, Ash is the least engaging as a character. Sure, I challenge you to find another character in a game whose ability is to transform into a giant cow that fires lasers from its tail (yes, really), but as a character? Sorry, there's nothing interesting about her. I get that the whole sctick of Book 6 is that the patron detiies of Askr and Embla are at war (I think?), and that's mirrored by events of the ground (so Askr sends Ash, Embla sends Elm), but this will tie into another issue I have.

-Okay, said issue time. Book 6 sort of plays at moral ambiguity, but it's moral ambiguity that's been compromised from the very start of Heroes's storyline. Basically, Askr is the "good" kingdom, and Embla is the "evil" kingdom. This isn't a literal statement, and before you say anything, yes, Fire Emblem has done this before. However, of the other FE games I've played, Heroes leaves a sour taste in my mouth. In FE6/8, there's nothing inherently evil about Bern or Grado, they're just ruled by certain individuals at certain points in time (to put it as simply as possible) who do terrible things. In FE9, you can argue, somewhat fairly, that Daein inherently has rotten foundations, but even then, I can't call Daein an "evil" country, because that's really simplifying things. Ashnard is evil, many people who serve him are evil, your average Daein is a bigot, but Daeins still join you over the course of the game's story, and FE9 doesn't shy away from the cost of war on Daein as well as Crimea for the average peasant. Heroes, however...okay, basically, Embla has a blood curse that afflicts the royal family, causing them to go evil over time, or something. Embla has waged war against Askr for awhile, and from what we hear, the average Emblian supports it. Embla's patron deity is the "evil" one, while Askr's patron deity is the "good" one (as far as I can tell). So while up to this point, Askr and Embla have been in a kind of detente since book 2/3 (roughly, it's so long ago now), and Veronica has been shown to be reasonably sympathetic, Book 6 has so far gone with the whole "yeah, Embla's kinda fucked up when you think about it."

And look, these are early thoughts, but even by the standards of Heroes, I just find it disappointing. We've already had at least two completely unredeemable shits so far (Muspel and Hel), we don't need a third.

-On a more positive note, Leitzia is a good villain. Yes, I guessed correctly that she was a traitor to Embla before the actual reveal, but she works as a villain in the sense that per the nature of the storyline, she's an effective antagonist, in that she's able to outmaneuver the protagonists to get what she want, so there's that. Similarly, there's Veronica. While not the most in-depth character in the world, Veronica's mellowed out over the course of the last six books, so there's that.
So I played some more of D4. I don't have anywhere near as much to say here as I did last time, but meh:

-I did the Light's Hope dungeon. Like before, disconnects forced me to redo it a few times. Unlike before, I didn't have nearly as much trouble with the boss.

You might recall in my last post how I discussed D4's approach to storytelling. Light's Hope is the second dungeon I've done, and everything I said about the first dungeon applies here. Like before, there's a single tome you can find on a corpse, that establishes that the fort was used by the Knights Penitent, but the knights left, and by implication, those left were just families and/or a skeleton garrison. When you enter the dungeon, you find it overrun by bandits and other monsters, with the first phase forcing you to kill three unique bandits that have dungeon keys., allowing you to progress. The takeaway from this (least for me) is that either these gatekeepers were members of the original fort garrison and betrayed them, hence why they've still got the keys on them, or less interestingly, the bandits just took the keys after overrunning the fort, and these are just three randos that you have to kill.

Again, YMMV as to whether this is good/effective storytelling or not. Is it better to have vague storytelling impart stuff through implication at the risk of the interpretation being wrong, or is it better to have more concrete storytelling that explains things, even at the loss of ambiguity? To be clear, this isn't a case of "either/or," but for me personally, it's more frustrating than intriguing. Sure, I can infer what happened at Light's Watch through the hints in its environment and enemy composition, but I'd much prefer to actually know what happened. And in case you're wondering, I generally prefer this approach overall. It's why something like Metroid Fusion has a better story than something like, say, Metroid II or Super Metroid. Yes, I can "infer" things from both of those games, I can make up all sorts of reasons as to the origin of the crashed ship in Super Metroid, but none of that's actual storytelling, and even if it is, it's nowhere near on the scale as Fusion which actually tells its narrative rather than taking the route of "here's stuff, have fun, or something."

-Moving on a bit, I got to Margrave in the far south of the Fractured Peaks zone. Again, not much to say here - life in Sanctuary sucks, it's filled with terrible people who do terrible things, whether it be bandits killing people on the roads, or those same bandits being captured and put on a pyre.

So, yeah. Game is still good, but I have no idea how long it's going to take me to beat. In it for the long haul, for better or worse, but then, that's RPGs for you.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

I am just playing this to fill time until the Steam sale where I can buy something I'll like better. (This was a free copy) I will not play any more of it past that. If you're taking inspiration from Dark Souls maybe also take inspiration from how that had a pretty zoomed out camera so you can see a lot of what's around you, and your swings are very deliberate and predictable and have a clear arc. I keep missing things because the saber's range is far shorter than it looks and I keep getting hit because dodging feels weird. It's quite pretty though.
I gave up on this.
I don't want to play bad Dark Souls or bad Lego Star Wars and definitely not at the same time.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Going back to ffxvi, see you in another 10 hours by the look of things.
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Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
I gave up on this.
I don't want to play bad Dark Souls or bad Lego Star Wars and definitely not at the same time.
I did beat it, but yeah. I was flatly of the opinion that the Souls-inspired combat both doesn't work well for a lightsaber and wasn't particularly solid in general. And a bunch of desolate generic wilderness levels you backtrack over and over again wasn't really doing much for the Stars Universe flavor side either.

Like 90% of the game is just a hazy blur in my mind, I vaguely recall the bird flying sequence that was basically a cutscene lol. and when spoiler near the end is ripping about an underwater station. And the intro and arena sequence because I like The Hu lol
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Mostly playing Persona 4 Golden right now. It's a very good RPG. Not sure it's as good as Persona 5 for me, but it's still quite good. Liking the story quite a bit, but the last castle I did, Kanji's...has not aged well, at all, in terms of story. It felt very uncomfortable for me, is all I'll say.

Also playing Rogue Legacy 2 when I want a break from Persona 4 Golden. Or when I actually need to worry about the possibility of losing track of time, because Persona 4 Golden is one of those games where you look at the clock and wonder where the last two hours went.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Still playing Spider-Man (2018), and im reminded by how much the side content in this game sucks.

Collecting backpacks, chasing after pigeons, doing random shit in the name of "science", and taking pictures of Black Cat's... cats. Im sure it is all very thematic for Spider-Man, but it just isn't very fun to engage with.

Ask Batman to chase after some pigeons for you, and he would probably just tell you to fuck off, which is probably for the best.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Bullet Storm Full Clip Edition: Worst Family Fun Vacation Ever: @3:15 is pretty cool moment.



Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Bullet Storm Full Clip Edition: Worst Family Fun Vacation Ever: @3:15 is pretty cool moment.

I do recommend the multiplayer. If you like teamwork, then this is the game for you when it comes to that. Last I heard, there people still playing the multi-player on PC and consoles. That said, this game has one of the better single player campaigns from seventh generation.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I did beat it, but yeah. I was flatly of the opinion that the Souls-inspired combat both doesn't work well for a lightsaber and wasn't particularly solid in general. And a bunch of desolate generic wilderness levels you backtrack over and over again wasn't really doing much for the Stars Universe flavor side either.

Like 90% of the game is just a hazy blur in my mind, I vaguely recall the bird flying sequence that was basically a cutscene lol. and when spoiler near the end is ripping about an underwater station. And the intro and arena sequence because I like The Hu lol
I mean all they had to do was reach back oh, two decades now and copy what is considered the best lightsaber combat Star Wars game, Jedi Academy. Basically just remake it with updated visuals and physics and they would’ve been much further ahead. I’ve never played it but apparently Jedi: Survivor brings back a lot of what made that one work so well. I’ve heard complaints about the parry system though.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Found out that Gobliiins 5 is a thing so I had to get that since Gobliiins 2 and 3 were awesome back in the day. Gobliiins 5 is still awesome, it takes the 3 characters from the first game (I think) but without the stupid health bar that made me not go beyond the first screen of that game. The puzzles/art/characters are great, the writing could use a few more passes since its obvious that its translated into english (original language is french) and it is missing the great weird music from 2 and 3, the music is ok, just not on that previous level.

Also tried a few more demos

Dr. Fetus Mean Meat Machine. Looks good, music is not on meat boy level but still quite good, gameplay is... well, its a match 4 but with saw blades and such thrown in, I find it really annoying. Might get the sound track but not the game.

Wizard with a Gun. Hard to describe but neat. Its a roguelite or so it seems, got a nice visual style, gameplay is decent. You can destroy anything in the world for resources then turn back time for a new run, you craft weapons ammo etc... Its neat, not sure about day one, maybe if its a slow day one.

Station to Station. Charming as hell, you construct rail lines between buildings to transport what is needed by one to make something else, and as you do the world gains color and you get more money for more connections and cards to help. It has a really charming voxel art style, just watching the game go is relaxing, but I do have a feeling that some of the puzzles for connecting stations will be less relaxing.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
XDefiant, the F2P ubisoft shooter beta cuppa. Is just kinda bland dry CoD multiplayer with classes from other ubisoft franchises - like the multiverses, eh? Do you remember the multiverses, fellow kids? You love the multiverses right?? Cringe is what it is. Or "Fremdschämen" as the Germans might say. It kicked me out of the tutorial for scratching my arse too long so it got deleted. Sorry, back to the interesting games instead now!
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
XDefiant, the F2P ubisoft shooter beta cuppa. Is just kinda bland dry CoD multiplayer with classes from other ubisoft franchises - like the multiverses, eh? Do you remember the multiverses, fellow kids? You love the multiverses right?? Cringe is what it is. Or "Fremdschämen" as the Germans might say. It kicked me out of the tutorial for scratching my arse too long so it got deleted. Sorry, back to the interesting games instead now!
Is it cringe? Yes. Would I rather play this than the bajillion F2P battle royale shooters? Yes. Am I good at this game? No.

I genuinely can't tell if I'm ass or if the game hates me. Deaths feel almost instant, which is bizarre because the TTK feels lower than CoD. Unless everyone is just doming me every single time in the head, something is up.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Is it cringe? Yes. Would I rather play this than the bajillion F2P battle royale shooters? Yes. Am I good at this game? No.

I genuinely can't tell if I'm ass or if the game hates me. Deaths feel almost instant, which is bizarre because the TTK feels lower than CoD. Unless everyone is just doming me every single time in the head, something is up.
Huh. What is it about this one that appeals to you more than the others? Is it the zone capture battlefield elements? There is a hint of overwatch style hero powers involded tho are understated in importance, I failed to mention before.

- Soulstice.
Oki come on this is just Devil May Cry. But also a bit of Bayonetta. But also a sprinkle of Dante's Inferno. And a dash of old God of War. And it ain't pretending otherwise. (Not a lazy way of avoiding the 'character action' descriptor, it really does feel built from parts of all those games) Can't say much for story yet: eyes and ears* glazed over during the intro cinematic as it was throwing out the vaguest of "ooh before everything there was chaos, and there was something not chaos, and maybe spirit! But courage? Did we say say courage? No, sorry, the courage is in darkness!" (Extremely paraphrased) Is a whole load of bloody nothing is what it is! Write trite self-help books instead.

The main character has a ghostie parasite thing haunting their neck, tries to be cute but cannot be trusted. Has shown no grit. But mainly is tied to an unsatisfying parry button. Protag design looks very much designed by males for males, tho has one of those anime demon joker mouths from a million (extreme exaggeration) VNs who probably have a word to describe them by now. The combat is the hook, not unlike its' inspirations, but those did still have a charm this currently appears to lack. Early impressions tho.

*Dnt ask how ears glaze over
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Huh. What is it about this one that appeals to you more than the others? Is it the zone capture battlefield elements? There is a hint of overwatch style hero powers involded tho are understated in importance, I failed to mention before.
Honestly, just because it's not a battle royale. I hate the battle royale setup. I need some time to get into the groove for an FPS game, and that takes forever in a battle royale. With this game, I can get into a match, start dying early, then eventually do better in less than 5 minutes.

Obviously I'd rather do this in a game that's not a silly looking F2P, but unfortunately it seems only F2P multiplayer games have any legs these days.
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