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Became a mass murderer for your sake
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Still playing Void Stranger. It's a fun puzzle game with some neat ideas but it's padded to heck and kind of wastes your time. The main problem is that you need to keep redoing the same puzzles over and over again. First you have limited lives and if you run out you need to either restart or enter an infinite live mode (Void mode) where you can't find the collectibles. Figuring out how to solve the puzzles and get the collectible is part of the fun. So for my first playthrough I didn't use Void mode at all (I did use it during hard mode after my second restart, because hard mode is really hard) opting to keep the tension of limited lives, but this meant that I played through large parts of the game 3-4 times until getting the first ending. This sucks because doing a puzzle you've already solved and know the answer to is just busywork, especially since eventually you can figure out how to unlock certain items that make the puzzles a joke (I did make sure I solved every puzzle and got the collectible without using them once), and going through rooms at that point is pure wasted time. Sure it only takes 10 seconds to get through most rooms, but there's over 200 floors and while there are shortcuts and ways to skip to different parts of the dungeon they aren't very convenient and you might not figure out some of them until you've played through the game many times. To make this worse is that there is actually quite a lot of stuff hidden throughout the game that you will need to come back to once you've gotten hints later on so you will find yourself going through the same puzzles over and over again trying to put the pieces of the meta puzzles together. I've skipped through the puzzles so many times at this point that I could do it in my sleep.

Also annoying is that while those items I mentioned before are a fantastic time saver, to use them you need to draw little symbols on a 6x6 grid before each run... twice... for each item. It's so annoying, especially since the game has the symbols you've unlocked sitting right there on the screen. JUST LET ME SELECT THE ONES I WANT AND LET ME MOVE ON ALREADY. Actually drawing it myself wasn't interesting in any way the first time and is just a pure waste of time at the 10th. Oh I also hate that the game closes itself whenever you rest at a tree. Like, I'm going to keep playing, stop making me boot up the game. It didn't add anything to the experience when One Shot did it and it doesn't add anything here.

Another problem is some of the meta puzzles are not all that good. Figuring out the brands and how to draw them on special floors itself is a fantastic idea and really reminds me of Tunic as an excellent way of hiding extra puzzles in the world that feels organic and makes you use the game mechanics in clever ways. However, two in particular are really BS. For all brands you are supposed to look at a mural and write down/screenshot what you see, but 3 of them are broken and require puzzle solving to figure out what is supposed to be shown. One is ok, and shows 1s and 0s in the broken area and that's simple enough to figure out, but the other two are nonsense. One shows you a different half of the image depending on what side of the mural you are looking at. I can't even describe how dumb and illogical this is. To be clear this is a 2D grid based game, and the mural is 2 grids wide. Every other mural in the game shows the exact same thing on both sides because why the heck wouldn't it?! Just look at this image It's shown in two different colors schemes for clarity's sake, I guess, but it would be one color if you were playing the game. It doesn't even make sense, if you look at the left side of the mural you see the entire mural but the hole is on the right, and if you look at the right side of the mural you see the entire mural but the hole is on the left. Why does the hole move depending on which side you examine?! I didn't even think to do this, because why would I?
The other problem mural doesn't sound that bad. You get some pretty decent hints about it. You get told something about a tail connecting the brand and a bunch of the levels you go through afterward have a tail running through them. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you are supposed to fit them together in some way. So I took a screenshot of all the levels in that area and sat down in paint to fit them together. An hour later I'm still trying to put them together because THEY DON'T ALL FIT TOGETHER. I know I'm on the right track because some of them clearly do fit, but I end up with big gaps, and I don't end up with enough together to really be sure I'm on the right track or not. So this is the solution. I'd like to say that if the hints were more clear I would definitely have figured it out, but honestly I'm not sure. Some of the parts I was sure I had pieced together and was sure had to be correct because they fit so well ended up being wrong. This definitely needed some additional design work to make sure that they only look right going together one way and some clearer hinting. Honestly I didn't even really get that I was supposed to be assembling them on a 6x6 grid, though I probably should have assumed that. I was just hoping that after I joined everything together something would make sense, because I wasn't sure how exactly how the images were going to reveal the brand. To make it worse, the solution is actually the inverse of what you need to enter, the sections with the snake depict the gaps in the floor. I spent probably 15 minutes trying to enter it until I finally figured that out. So yeah, bad puzzle.

The last thing I have to complain about is that I'm just really not that into the story. I don't like any of the characters, most of them are forgettable (which is bad because some puzzle solutions revolve around the Void Lords, but I have a lot of trouble keeping them straight) and some are just straight up unlikable. The princess in particular is just awful. She's so bad that even after going through 250 floors of puzzles and monsters specifically to save her, her guardian, Grey, decides to instead save her week old bastard fetus who's father was an insane murderer that tried to kill everyone she ever loved. WHY DOES GREY CHOOSE THE FETUS? Honestly, I just don't understand it in the slightest. And then she gets sent back to the modern day instead of her Medieval castle? I don't know. Also, it's kind of weird how 95% of the characters in the game are female. It's so skewed it feels like the author is either pushing an agenda or a fetish or something. The pixel art is also generally pretty nice, but some of the character expressions just look bad. Like a character will do a shocked face or something where the eyes suddenly become dots, and it just looks bad.

When I'm finding new content the game is definitely a lot of fun, and it has a lot of creativity and clever use of mechanics, but I don't think it's going to dethrone Baba Is You from my top spot of puzzle game that just keeps getting deeper and more clever the longer you play it. I still have a bunch of things to do, though, even after getting 3 endings, so I think I'm going to still be playing this for a while longer.
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
Finished the starting area of Outer Worlds. I'm starting to like it a lot. I'm actually glad that this game left no mark on the cultural consciousness at all, because that means I'm experiencing it completely unspoiled and blind, and everything's a surprise. The systems are opening up, and there's actually a really good innovation with the leveling system: the most important part of leveling are skills that work on a 1-100 point scale like in Fallout. The difference is that here they're categorized into several different categories like tech, guns, melee, leadership etc., with individual, more specific skills as subcategories. Up to 50 skill points you level each category as a whole, so if you level guns, you're leveling handguns, long guns and heavy weapons all at once. But after 50 you start to level each subcategory individually, forcing you to consider your build more carefully. It seems like a really good system, allowing you to experiment with different styles early on without having to commit to a specific playstyle from the outset.

The writing's just great. Despite being much more of a fantasy than a sci-fi guy, I'm really digging the space western vibes, reminds me of Cowboy Bebop a lot but in a good way. The characters so far are really well written and interesting, and I'm aching to see what the game has in store for them. The first area ended with a genuinely tough moral choice that actually gave me some pause. And that's just the first area! But even the minor dialogue, like text logs, I find myself wanting to read through. So all in all I'm getting real excited about what this game has in store.

It's way too goddamn easy though. Ammo and health are everywhere, and even after switching to Hard I'm barely challenged at all. Possibly due to playing a stealth character and settling for mostly capping fools in the head from cover.
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Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
It's way too goddamn easy though. Ammo and health are everywhere, and even after switching to Hard I'm barely challenged at all. Possibly due to playing a stealth character and settling for mostly capping fools in the head from cover.
That's one of the big issue I had with the game, I just breeze trough it all on the highest difficulty, I don't even remember how I played I don't think it mattered though.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I completed Season of the Malignant in Diablo IV. And by "completed," I mean finished the seasonal questline. As irksome as it was to have to complete stages of the Season Journey to complete said questline, at least I didn't have to do the whole thing. The downside though is that because of the gaps between story sections in order to do the seasonal requirements, a lot of the story feels stop-start. That said, it does give me some stuff to talk about, but on that note:

-I don't know how much overlap there is between those who've played Diablo and those who've played Gears of War, but as someone in said overlap...is it just me, or are the Malignant a lot like the Lambent? You have a more grotesque spin on pre-existing monsters with associated 'growths' popping up everywhere. Still, even then, the Lambent a lot more interesting conceptually and even thematically. I know that's not fair, as the Lambent were built up over three games while the Malignant are just here for a season, but even so...

Also, that the Malignant are the result of Lilith, however indirectly, kind of feels off. D4 ends with Lilith defeated, but in the knowledge that humanity may have lost its only hope for survival against the Prime Evils. SotM plops right into things with a reminder that innocent people suffered under Lilith all the same. Which would be fine, if this was really addressed in a meaningful manner, but it isn't. And I get it, seasons are meant to be self-contained, but even so...

-I mentioned in a previous post that Cormond is boring as a character. Having completed the season...yeah, he kinda still is. He's sympathetic, sure, but still kind of boring. After coming off D4's party roster, Cormond just isn't up to snuff.

-Varshan I have little to say about as a character (since in his twisted state, he's barely a character at all), though I will give credit where it's due, his design is appropriately horrific, there's a number of moments where I was uneasy given the ambience, and he's a fun boss to fight.

-There's something that stuck with me towards the end, where Cormond tells the Wanderer that already, they're forging a legend for themselves (given the events of D4), yet they're regarded with fear and awe alike. He himself is afraid of them. None of this is new in storytelling per se, but it's done well enough here. It kind of reminds me of D3 in a sense - by the end of Act II, the Nephalem emerged to the cheering crowds of Caldeum, having defeated Belial and saved the city. It isn't until Act V that you start seeing a darker side to your player character, and even then, a lot of that is in their journal, or in assorted material. Here, it's outright stated. Overall, I would say it's well done. Still, it does raise a bit of a question, as to whether your toon is fated to meet the same fate as the D1 heroes, or get a slightly better outcome. I mentioned earlier in the difference between D3 and D4 in regards to how it handles their player characters (in D3, personalities shift in accordance with class, in D4, the personality and dialogue is the same regardless), so while D3 arguably has stronger characterization, D4 has more consistent characterization, and while the Wanderer is a bit of a blank slate, there are some things established, namely that they're a genuinely good person who cares about their companions (e.g. when they talk with Neyrelle before the march on Caldeum). If SotM is hinting at them going down a darker path...well, time will tell, I guess.

So, yeah. As a piece of seasonal content it's...fine, really. In the "great stories" thread, I put D4 in my list without reservation after completing it, Season of the Malignant is by no means up to snufff, but then, on one hand, it doesn't have to be. I can't think of any season in any game where the narrative is better than the core game (feel free to post examples if you have them). Season of Blood looks more interesting, but I don't know if I'll get straight into it. I've been playing D4 for months now, and while the experience has been about 80-90% positive, I might need a break.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I can't think of any season in any game where the narrative is better than the core game (feel free to post examples if you have them).
It isn't quite the same thing, but Genshin Impact runs time-limited events with original stories in most versions, and to my knowledge none of those story quests have been rerun or added to the main game. While most of them aren't on the same level as the main game's character quests, 'Unreconciled Stars' from 1.1 has been the subject of near-constant begging since its release and subsequent removal from the game that its story part should be added to the main game as a regular quest, as it's held to be one of the best character quests in the game and the fact that nobody who joined after 1.1 can play it has been disappointing to a lot of players, including myself.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I completed Chapter 1 of Bomb Rush. Getting the hang of doing the multi-combo tricks and manuals. I decided to switch to roller skates. So now the game is even more like Jet Set Radio! Stopping for tonight and heading for Chapter 2. I got an unlockable CD to add to the playlist, and a whole bunch of new graffiti.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Merrin joining Cal in his fight is the clunkiest piece of writing I have seen in a videogame in a longgggg time.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Still on Baldur's Gate 3 and I recently put the Moonrise Tower chapter to bed. It was weird (though reasonable actually), because I had just released this badass angel lady from the Shadowfell who was seething with rage toward the big bad of Moonrise Tower, making me think she'd be there for the assault. But when I got there I guess she just flew up to the top, forcing me to deal with the tower guard, who absolutely kicked the shit out of me. And this was the first hurdle to actually getting to the main Boss. I even had a couple of friendly npc's with me, one who was a plot related character, but it really didn't matter. Even sneaking into a better starting position made no difference - I got mopped up everytime. Eventually I found a way to just sneak by all of them and got to the top of the tower to fight the big bad, and he ended up being far easier to fight than his tower guard. And like I said, it's actually reasonable that fighting one guy (powerful as he may be) would be easier than fighting a dozen elite guards, but games have trained me that the main baddie is always the biggest bruiser. Not here though.

Anyway, beat his ass, and now I'm at Baldur's Gate, which I must say injects a lot of more life and energy into the game than its had thus far.

Oh, and the bad guy at Moonrise Tower was voiced by J.K. Simmons, and honestly... he wasn't very good. It's kinda weird seeing (technically hearing) an actor of such pedigree, with such a powerful voice, just sleep talk his way through a performance. The dude either didn't give a shit or was left scratching his head at the material. But seeing as every other performance in this game is outstanding, I'm going to guess it was the former. Odd I'm not hearing more about this performance being so stale, considering people were quick to jump on Peter Dinklage in Destiny and Lily Gao in Resident Evil 4 Remake.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'm going to guess it was the former. Odd I'm not hearing more about this performance being so stale, considering people were quick to jump on Peter Dinklage in Destiny and Lily Gao in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Because he's J.K "FUCKING" Simmons. Double standards and all that. Not to mention the obsessed and blind fans defending this game to hell and back, and willing to ignore minor flaws or important flaws.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Went over to my brother's and played some MK1 Tower Mode. Did a Liu Kang run. The game play is smooth and fun. I won't be getting this game, but I am glad people enjoy it.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
OK, finished Farcry 3 now. Confrontations with Vaas and Hoyt were anticlimactic and disappointing QTE stuff. The story & characters become plain silly (the whole Citra thing at the end just... doesn't make any sense, even in a narrative way. "We've only spoken about twice before, but i love you Jason, please murder your friends and be my jungle king! Look i've even kidnapped them for you! What do you mean no!?"). Vaas is fine, but he's not terribly compelling or interesting or unique.

Gunplay is fun. Some of the controls and responsiveness are a bit squiffy (eg, heals or takedowns sometimes won't properly trigger unless you make a clear, stationary pause, but not always). Overall it was kinda meh. Might play a later Farcry for the sake of comparison, but there are a lot of more attractive things to play.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Might play a later Farcry for the sake of comparison, but there are a lot of more attractive things to play.
You're not missing much other than different settings and some expanded gameplay mechanics. I will give credit to Far Cry 4 for having unique interactions and certain multiple endings, yet every game afterward is just FC3, but in X Country. If you want something unique, Primal at least does those things, despite repeating the gameplay formula in certain areas.

Also, if you're interested, you can give the Crysis Remastered Trilogy a shot. You may or may not finish the first game, but I won't blame you either way. Especially after the 2/3 parts of the game and you decide to move on towards Crysis 2.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You're not missing much other than different settings and some expanded gameplay mechanics. I will give credit to Far Cry 4 for having unique interactions and certain multiple endings, yet every game afterward is just FC3, but in X Country. If you want something unique, Primal at least does those things, despite repeating the gameplay formula in certain areas.

Also, if you're interested, you can give the Crysis Remastered Trilogy a shot. You may or may not finish the first game, but I won't blame you either way. Especially after the 2/3 parts of the game and you decide to move on towards Crysis 2.
I might do at some point, but it wasn't that long ago I played Crysis 1 through 3 for the first time anyway (2 is best IMO).

Good call with Primal, it does look like the most appealing.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I might do at some point, but it wasn't that long ago I played Crysis 1 through 3 for the first time anyway (2 is best IMO).
Crysis 2 definitely has the best campaign out of the franchise. I do have a personal preference towards 3 for its weapons, better upgrade system, and the more open ended levels that are call backs to Crysis 1. That said, C2 does have the meatier campaign. My only gripe with C2 is that many of the upgrades are overly expensive.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Crysis 2 definitely has the best campaign out of the franchise. I do have a personal preference towards 3 for its weapons, better upgrade system, and the more open ended levels that are call backs to Crysis 1. That said, C2 does have the meatier campaign. My only gripe with C2 is that many of the upgrades are overly expensive.
It also does pretty much the same thing as the original, where the shooting focus is on spongy aliens. I’d love to see a new Crysis that takes the best parts of all three (four counting Warhead) games.
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Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Needed to let my hand rest from Darktide, so picked up the Ion Fury DLC again. Turns out I was right at the end of the hover bike section, the boss was pretty good and after that your back to the on foot goodness. Although its certainly an expansion that expects you to know the game, its got some really annoying enemy combos and the new enemy types require special attention and don't drop their weapons anywhere near enough.


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
So I finally started Final Fantasy XVI, after it sat unopened in my living room for like half a year. A bit too early to say what I think about it (I'm still going through parts I've seen before), but the dissonance between the main story cutscenes and the side missions is incredibly jarring, especially after playing Baldur's Gate 3. The main story ones are shot and acted like a movie, and the side missions have the flattest presentation possible, with characters flapping their mouths without matching the dialogue even remotely like we're back in the PS2 generation. It seems like I was right about bosses in this game having way way way too much health, and the stagger mechanic being a bandaid solution to make the fights less of a slog.

Also, how are you supposed to block/dodge in this game? I'd assumed that's what the Phoenix Shift was for, but it just dashes Clive right next to the enemy, regardless of the direction I'm heading. There's no dedicated block button, but there is a parry mechanic I've yet to understand. Help me out here.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
There's no dedicated block button, but there is a parry mechanic I've yet to understand. Help me out here.
Both videos are time stamped, with the first video giving you the best details.

I completed all of Mercenaries in RE4R, and achieved S+ or higher for all characters in each mission to get Leon's RPD outfit.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk - I'm starting to notice the pattern now. New area, earn rep, do required tricks/combos against one of the rival gangs, earn more rep, face a trial against other members of the rival gang, complete those, fight cops/cops interfere/cop boss fight before the team battle, then finally, the team battle. After that, nightmare sequence, then the chapter is completed. Around Chapter 2, you're allowed to switch characters by finding a dance spot. That's nice, but I would have preferred just switching character via phone or pause menu. At least you get new dances per completing each stage. Currently on Chapter 3 and stopping there.