What are you currently playing?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So I played a bit of Season of Blood, until, like before, I had to complete sections of the Season Journey to progress through the storyline. "Balls to that" I thought, and started Shadows of Valentia (see below).

Actually, in fairness, this was part of getting stuff for wiki editing, and I'll hopefully be able to find time to complete Season 2's questline at some point, but concerning what I've actually played so far? Can't say I'm that impressed. But of what's happened so far:

-Erys...it's so weird, the devs made a big fuss about Gemma Chan voicing Erys, but as a character thus far, there's nothing particularly interesting about her. That could change, but at this point in time, I don't really have anything to say about her.

-Similar to Zir. Based on what little has been released on Zir pre-release, he sounds like an interesting guy, but I need to go through all this Season Journey bollocks to get to the juicy bits. So again, at this point in time, I have nothing to say on Zir. That the Wanderer is conspicuously not turning into a vampire is sort of presented as a mystery, but it's not a mystery that's that mysterious - I'd wager my kidney that the reason they're apparently immune is due to Lilith's blood, and if that isn't the case, well, spare kidney for you, I guess.

It'll likely be a long time before I come back to this, but as of this point in time, I'm not that impressed. People seem to be enjoying Season 2 from a gameplay standpoint, but for me, that's neither here nor there.
So they released what I assume is the penultimate chapter of Book VIII. It's not really fair to rank Book VIII in the same way as the other books in that I've had to play the chapters as they come out (whereas before, I was playing them in large chunks), but I'm completely lost at this point in time. So, Gulveig operates a time loop that's been going on for ages, but now we're apparently breaking the time loop through our actions? Okay, why? How? Why this time, out of every other time? It's possible this was explained earlier and I've just forgotten it, but I'm just lost at this point. Time travel's tricky to get right at the best of times, but this ain't it, chief.
So I started playing this, and so far, I'm not impressed. Of course, it's early days, it's far too soon to make any kind of grand judgement on the game, but since this thread is "what are you playing" not "what have you played"...well, there's a reason why I've written multiple posts on the same game. Not that anyone seemed to care...sniff...

Anyway, SoV is a remake of FE2, a.k.a. "Fire Emblem Gaiden." Never played that game, but I've been itnerested in trying SOV for a long time, in that a) I heard a lot of good things about its story, and b) it's an exception to the weebofication of FE that's been going on since Awakening (broadly speaking, that's a whole other kettle of fish). Having since started the game...I can't believe I'm saying this, but it almost has too much story. So far, I've probably spent more time in cutscenes than gameplay, and said cutscenes go on, and on, and on. Now, it's not like this story focus is new for FE per se (even if some games have more story than others, though like most IPs, the series has had more story over time, not less), but of all the FE games I've played, I've never seen this much dialogue. Dialogue that's voice acted, true, but dialogue all the same. Characters standing around, talking about life, the universe, and everything.

Now, this is kind of par for the course with JRPGs, and I can enjoy long cutscenes if the dialogue is good enough, but as of this point in time? It's...fine, really. Just fine. Characters are also "fine," but as of this point in time, there's little to say about any of them. Concerning worldbuilding, SOV doesn't do much for me, at least not yet. FE9, for instance (the last FE game I played sans Heroes, and one I gushed about on this thread), has a setting with about 9 nations, where the player encounters about 8 of them over the course of their journey, each of which has their own agenda, the result being a continent-spanning war that, shock of all shocks, actually felt like a war. SOV, on the other hand, has two nations - the Rigelian Empire and Zofia. After the prologue, we have a situation where the Zofian monarch has been overthrown by his chancellor, a resistance group called "the Deliverance" has formed, and meanwhile, Rigel has invaded from the north. With all this going on, bandits have overrun the countryside.

See the difference? It's not that SOV is lacking entirely in complexity, but when your setting is just two nations, the amount of intrigue you can get out of it is drastically reduced. This could change, of course, but as of this point in time, it seems like "good kingdom has coup, evil kingdom invades."

So, alright then, the story isn't much to write home about right now, what about the gameplay? Again, so far, not much to write home about. I'll have to get used to playing an FE game withou the weapon triangle, but that aside, there's not much to say. SOV's structure is unlike anything I've seen in an FE game, with perhaps the exception of FE8. It uses an act rather than mision structure. Far as I can tell, the "act" means you need to go from point A to point B along a route. Some battles are compulsory, dungeons are optional. That might have appeal to some people, but so far, every battle I've taken part in is pretty much the same - wide open field/cave with a few pieces of terrain, rinse and repeat. There's nothing interesting about these maps in terms of design, so Mila help me if this is what awaits me over the entirety of the game.

There's also dungeons. In these segments, when going through, you take control of Alm in a third person over-the-shoulder perspective, where you can either evade guards or engage them. Hitting them in the third person causes all enemies to be with half health in the battle that follows. On one hand, dungeons are a good way of getting XP. On the other, you have to worry about your units' stamina within dungeons. I'm really on the fence with this system right now. Thing is, from a gameplay standpoint, I play an SRPG for the, well, SRPG gameplay, not a pseudo JRPG.

So, yeah. Early days, but I'm not a happy manakete right now. :(
The Samoa map is fun, and the Sombra rework has improved her.

(Yeah, not much else to say.)
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I've started off a VR game called Zero Caliber, and it definitely fits into the category of "stupid fun". The story, such as it is, is that microplastics have contaminated the world's water supplies and the US faces both a water shortage and the rise of a cult which claims to worship an Aztec water god. The gunplay is good and the ability to modify weapons on the fly with accessories from other guns is nice, but the combat seems designed for co-op- I'm constantly caught in areas with little to no cover while enemies come in from all angles, though fortunately they're terrible shots. (Don't ask me where people in Chicago are managing to get L85A2s with tactical grips and flashlights but not even ironsights on them from.)
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did another complete run of RE4R with Leon in his RPD outfit for the first time. Also, I went to my brother's and played some Spider-Man 2 (2023). Freaking sweet!
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At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
After like 5 attempts I finally managed to complete the Lokhir Fellheart campaign in TWW2. Took something like 150 turns, but out of those 20 were purely because the stupid game glitched, and wouldn't count one specific building as one of my victory conditions until I demolished and rebuilt the thing. I played on easy, and for about half the campaign I was basically on autopilot, because I was absolutely drowning in money (about 800k+ by the end of the campaign) and managed to not get bogged into tarpit conflicts. I joined forces with Naggarond fairly early on, and got Rakarth to join my confederation, so I really felt like a supervillain taking over the world.

This time, unlike my previous attempts, I managed to keep out of touch of the Lizardmen early on, which often doomed my earlier attempts. Once again the game straight up misleads you into thinking that's what you're supposed to do, since one of the possible victory conditions is controlling their territory. But I got rid of clans Pestilens and... the other one early on, and then set towards destroying Teclis and the Awakening vampires. After that I formed an Alliance with Naggarond, and we both set on absolutely genociding the high elves on Ulthuan, eventually gaining total control over it. After that I set towards the southeast, because Sartosa, Khemri and Miragliano are all fairly close to each other and control of them is a victory condition each. Literally the moment I discovered Khemri they immediately agreed to a military alliance, and thus Khemri's victory condition was fulfilled. After that it was basically just waiting for the construction of the Shrine of Khaine to finish completing, and my job was done.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did a Mania+ Arcade Run of SOR4 with Floyd for the first time. I got an A rank, so I'm not complaining.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Spiderman 2

Coldest take of the year: it is a very good video game and I am enjoying it very much.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Halfway done with Arkham Knight. Season of Infamy is good DLC but not so different from the rest of the bat villain side missions that they would warrant to charge extra. So on the one hand it's a decent counterweight to the glut of nondescript militia side content, but on the other... why not just make it available from the get-go? The Arkham City DLC at least had the excuse of being kind of a sequel to the main game.

Nothing else to report other than either I missed it or the game doesn't tutorialize the Batmobile's afterburner, so I wasted an embarrassing amount of time trying to pull off a couple of jumps.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
spidermens 2, webs n kooky black goo
first glitch found, all money back now plz sony 🫰🫰

ah I jest. just jesting bro. sick jests (err, unless...you already prepared the money?)
game is doing great, flip the difficulty up a notch is probs best option for the more acquainted human. all lovely things!

oh, forgot to add, previous games were IMO lacking in stylish suit designs - 1st had like 1 i felt not embarrassed to wear, Miles got around 4, but this game is just firing off new cool suits every minute or so - this present one definitely feels like love at first sight, but if another equal is unlocked, the menu screen may end up being the hardest part of the game to get through
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Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So awhile back I gave my thoughts on Shadows of Valentia. Having since played more of the game, I can now confidentally say that...um, actually I can't say much new at all, pretty much everything I said then holds true. So to give a very abridged series of thoughts:

-The map design is basic - 90% of the time it's wide open fields with no objective bar routing the enemy. There's a few exceptions, such as in a valley or attacking a fort, but even then, there's nothing interesting going on with the map design or the objectives involved with them.

-The characters are...fine, at best. They're not "bad," there's not really any that outright irritate me, but I just have nothing to discuss about them. They're archtypes. Random note for anyone who's played it, Gray's become my strongest toon, while Kliff died in battle (twice), and I just resolved to keep moving on. Clair is an example of this truncated character writing. When you encounter her, she can be described as "stuck-up noble who's totally clueless on the lives led by lowly peasants." You might think that would be the start of a character arc, and you'd be right. Problem is, her shift in attitude occurs by...um, the end of the next mission. Yeah, when we describe "character arcs," we mean arcs, not little circles good for training wheels.

-So, yeah. There's a lot to gripe about. Still, at the end of the day, the game is still "fun," in its moment to moment gameplay. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't finding any enjoyment. Still, it's easily one of the weakest entries in the series (at least, out of all the installments I've played). I'll keep playing of course, but I'm not expecting my opinion to change at this point.


At age 6 I was born without a face
Jul 1, 2020
So after clearing Lokhir I tried Imrik's campaign in TWW2. And after like 10 hours and multiple restarts at various stages, I've concluded that this is a genuinely terribly designed campaign, with seemingly no thought put into it. It seems to be guiding you to build one unstoppable wrecking ball of an army with Imrik, which is the one aspect of the campaign I've genuinely had fun with. Everything else is just shit.
  1. The chapter objectives, and the High Elf mechanics in general, push you towards forming trade agreements and doing diplomacy stuff with other factions. Fine in a vacuum, but Imrik starts off at almost literally the furthest corner of the world, surrounded on all sides by hostile asshole factions, and cannot form trade routes with any of them. This alone is a huge blow to how effectively the economy can be run, forcing you to eke out tiny bits of cash from passive income.
  2. Since Imrik starts off at such a remote location with tons of space between enemy settlements and High Elves can't raid, there's basically no way to effectively make money from warfare. Prolonging the conflict with the Skaven will punge you into an interminable quagmire, Hag Graef and the Dwarfs to the north are so passive that they're not even worth bothering with, and the only way to fight the Greenskins is in an endless mountain maze of passes and peaks, which works against playing a wrecking ball army in every respect.
  3. After a point you're offered to join a confederation with Caledor, and this is perhaps the biggest fuck you to the player, because it essentially locks you into an unfixable situation: you're surrounded by ocean on one side, and other High Elf factions on the other. I guess you're supposed to use the intrigue mechanics to increase your relations with them, but the smug bastards won't even grant me military access no matter how much I kiss their ass. Which means I can't cross Ulthuan on foot for risk of reducing my relations with them, nor can I take to the seas, because High Elves don't have sufficient support mechanisms for low-level naval warfare. What's even more frustrating is that the confederation is nothing but a drain on you: it doesn't have near enough growth to grow into a considerable power by itself, nor is raiding neighboring settlements advisable, lest you sic the rest of Ulthuan on your ass. And you can't even say "fuck it" and let it rot either, because one of the buildings in Caledor is a victory condition, so if you lose the settlement it's basically game over.
I will uninstall this game in a few days again. This is probably the most a game has ever taken over my life. Not even Divinity Original Sin 2 or Baldur's Gate 2 can compare. As I said before, it's not good for me. I feel like one of those infamous WoW players from back in the day.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (which is a lot of fun so far), as well as a replay of Resident Evil 1 Remake for spooktober-- never played it as Chris before, and never played it on Hard before.

Might also start the Secrets of the Obscure expansion for Guild Wars 2. I was without my PC for 3 months so have been unable to play until now. But GW2 has been gradually losing my enthusiasm for a while.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Finally started on Dog Town in Cyberpunk. The story is much more interesting than the main game, despite being kinda contrived and very Escape from New York. The intro mission is long, like, really long, it took me... I want to say like 4 hours to get to the point where I am able to just wander around Dog Town. But its been pretty cool so far, certainly feels like it had more time to be worked on then the base game did, but that makes sense, because they didn't need to worry about making a new engine.

Also been messing around with Maiden & Spell. Its kind of a shootem up fighting game. Like, you are a boss in a shootemup with all the big bullet patterns and such, but so is your opponent and you are both facing off against each other, doing big attacks and bullet patterns so try and hit each other and whittle down each others hp. Its pretty fun vs and its also got a very cute story mode with multiple characters to play through it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I decided to boot up the Crysis Remastered Trilogy and play bits of fun with Crysis 2 & 3 again. I still have my old save data.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I'm back from my trip, and honestly don't have a whole lot to report. Other than that I managed to find an arcade on my last day there with a bunch of genuine retro games, as opposed to being nothing but online battle games, claw machines and Taiko no Tatsujin. Made it to the final stage of Metal Slug 1 for the first time, but I wasn't able to clear it before running out of money, that's still progress. And I hadn't played Metal Slug in a while, either, so it's good that I still remember how to do most of it (up to stage 5 of 6).

Don't know what I'm gonna pick up now that I'm back. A lot of options present themselves at once. It's Halloween, so a horror game might be appropriate, but it'd likely be a replay instead of a new game to finish. Unless I go for Metroid Dread for the best of both worlds...
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
And I hadn't played Metal Slug in a while, either, so it's good that I still remember how to do most of it (up to stage 5 of 6).