What are you currently playing?

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Still sailing down river in The Flame in the Flood.

The Good
I like that you're always moving. Most survival games feature some kind of base building mechanic that feels typically against the lure of exploration and turns gameplay into routine. Here you're always floating down river. You can dock and set up a campfire and spend the night and hunt/scavenge/forage but sooner rather than later you're back on the raft to continue floating down river. And that is it, forever, for every location you pass by, whether you dock there or not. So I like the element of gambling (the way rapids branch, you can't stop everywhere) and the fatefulness of each stop.

I also like how the game is less about hoarding and more about discarding. Goes in hand with the road trip aspect as opposed to base-building. Just about everything you can pick up has more than one use so you're encouraged to get your priorities straight while partaking in long-term crafting projects.

I like the folksy music too. There's a sweet spot between upbeat, punk and melancholy and the soundtrack really nails it perfectly. The atmosphere is very peculiar.

The Bad
I kinda hate the menu system. It's not very intuitive. The inventory icons are hard to read, while the crafting page poorly sorts categories in a series of ungainly lists that are a chore to scroll through.

And you'll be spending a lot of time in these pages, moving stuff around from your bag to your dog to your raft and not in a fun RE4 inventory management way.

Another thing is that some of the basic building blocks for the majority of craftables, like flint, become super sparse halfway through the game at a point where you've probably sorted your food and water and want to start making more complex stuff. But there's no reliable way to harvest these materials, so it feels like you're wasting your time trying your luck until you do.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
  1. Both games have a cartoony esthetic. Nitro looks like a late 2000's cartoon you would find on cartoon network. Unbound looks more like a anime influenced cartoon from the mid 2000s. The big difference being Nitro fully commits to the theme it's going for. Unbound does it halfway then just kinda moves on. Nitro Knows what it wants to be without the cringe and really lame " How do you do fellow kids!".
  2. Both games take heavy hip hop and graffiti influence. Especially Nitro.
  3. Both games have an arcade nature, but Nitro even more so.
  4. Both game have customization options. Though both are limited in some capacity, but Unbound has it worse from what I remember.
Nitro has better replay value, despite having some limited tracks. Makes up for it with a good variety of game modes.
Fair points, but I still feel that they're going for very different experiences overall and the comparison doesn't really work the same way. Unbound is an open world game for one compared to a race-to-race arcade game, and while it's not exactly realistic it's still going for a little more realism as opposed to the highly cartoony, almost spin-off looking style Nitro has going for it. I'd happily say something like Unbound being the better Heat, but I don't think I can agree with Nitro being the better Unbound


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I'm kind of afraid to ask but will anyway.

What games?
The Procession to Calvary

and The You Testament by MDickie.

I was compelled to re-watch the entire Bully Demise saga recently because I still think it's one of the funniest LPs I've ever seen, especially the first game Wrestling Revolution.
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Reactions: Dalisclock


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Unbound is an open world game for one compared to a race-to-race arcade game,
Just because Unbound is open world doesn't make it immune to comparison. It's pretty clear where Unbound got most of its influence. But if we're comparing open world NFS games, Unbound ain't better than Most Wanted (2005) or Carbon. UB is probably has a better open world than Undercover or that "reboot" EA had 2015, but that's not much of a milestone.

I'd happily say something like Unbound being the better Heat, but I don't think I can agree with Nitro being the better Unbound
and Nitro are both better than Unbound as far as I'm concerned. I will give Unbound credit for having unique aesthetics and identity compared to Heat and most modern racing games. That is actually true. Heat does have its issues, but can still be fun.
I finally tried Fallen City Brawl Demo. You only get the one stage, but now all 4 characters are available. It's a Streets of Rage style brawler, but leans more into the side SOR3, The TakeOver, and Final Vendetta. You're given a large character kit for all the characters. There combo attacks, launcher moves, push back attacks, wall bouncing, super meter when collecting all crystals from killing enemies, dash attacks, SOR2 style Blitz attacks, ranged weaponry each character has on their own, and you kick people while they are down like in most Konami brawlers.

I've only played two of the characters so far. The demo is good, but there is still some jank. Certain hit sound effects sound muffled, and the look of it is kinda amatuerish, but there's a clear artist intent. Everything is dark and grimy, but not overbearing thankfully. The first stage music is good, but we have to wait for the full game to judge the soundtrack. Though it's not the headbanger of other first stages in the recent brawlers that have come out between 2016 and now. I will say the combat has more going for it than Final Vendetta. It's needs a little more polish though.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Kind of getting sick of Death Stranding. The addictive ecstasy which is package delivery that has driven many men to madness tends to get a little dull when you have driven across the entire map 10 times, and the game goes out of its way to make the experience miserable at times. Like most of the shelters that expand the chiral network are mandatory or at least given to you by important delivery tasks, but a few you just have to know that you need to now wander around and find them yourself and two of them are mandatory for the completion of the road that is my main goal in the game because of sunk cost fallacy. I just delivered a lost item and did a standard order for the novelists son and he still hasn't joined the network so I don't know what the heck. I just want to finish the road and be done with the game.

Then there is that dickwad that keeps ordering pizza. I just completed the third delivery which involved running across the entire map because he also ordered champagne, which is fragile, and that of course means that it cannot be placed in a truck and can only be held in your hand... because. (even though I can chuck it at a wall 15 times and only get the damage to %50) Anyway after all that he still has some excuse for not being there and doesn't join the network. No more pizza, I don't care anymore.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Just because Unbound is open world doesn't make it immune to comparison.
I should make note I'm not saying it's immune to comparison, I'm just saying it's not the best comparison to make.

But if we're comparing open world NFS games, Unbound ain't better than Most Wanted (2005) or Carbon. UB is probably has a better open world than Undercover or that "reboot" EA had 2015, but that's not much of a milestone.
I'm going to be playing MW 2005 again soon-ish since it's been years now and I'm rather excited to see how it's held up now that I have some fresh comparisons and perspectives. I don't know how I feel about Carbon though, that game seemed generally half baked outside of its customization (which is funny cause MW 2005's customization was half baked). 2012's MW reboot was ass though, never finished that game. I did finish Undercover and it was... ok I guess!

Heat and Nitro are both better than Unbound as far as I'm concerned. I will give Unbound credit for having unique aesthetics and identity compared to Heat and most modern racing games. That is actually true. Heat does have its issues, but can still be fun.
Can't agree with this one, at least as far as Heat places here (and possibly towards Nitro too, but I'd have to play it first to be certain on that).

Honestly, Heat pissed me off in a lot of places on my replay. The handling model was maybe a little too weighty and wonky compared to the fun you could have in Unbound.
While I appreciate how challenging the cops are in Heat (to the point the game doesn't need to throw literal dozens of them at you just to even stand a chance) they were maybe a little too intense. Shaking them was a nightmare at higher heat levels, they could keep up with you almost no matter what you did.
But that's not the thing that pissed me off the most. No, that was the roads. Not the way they were laid out, but how the game kept insisting on making so many of them so god damn narrow. At extremely high speeds, if you have a car in each lane in front of you, you basically had no choice but to throw yourself into the dirt and risk spinning out or slow down so much that catching up was going to be a mess. There was barely any room to manoeuvre and even less room for error. Sure, that's challenging, but it wasn't fun. Unbound's roads were maybe a little too wide by comparison, but at least you actually had options to avoid traffic without being forced to go off-road or crash into pedestrians.

I still had fun, don't get me wrong. But some of that game started to seriously grate me by the final hours of my time with it. Unbound did too, but at least I actually liked some of the cast and dialogue enough to be invested. I could go on, but I've probably said more than necessary anyways. Maybe one day I'll play Nitro and see how I enjoy it


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did an arcade run of SFIII: 3rd Strike as Elena. Gill is a pain the ass. I did stop him from using RESSURRECTION in the first round. The second round is him input reading out the ass.
I'm just saying it's not the best comparison to make.
To you. Kind of hard not to when you see where the influence comes from. Not the best comparison of all time, but it's not unwarranted either.

I'm going to be playing MW 2005 again soon-ish since it's been years now and I'm rather excited to see how it's held up now that I have some fresh comparisons and perspectives. I don't know how I feel about Carbon though, that game seemed generally half baked outside of its customization (which is funny cause MW 2005's customization was half baked). 2012's MW reboot was ass though, never finished that game. I did finish Undercover and it was... ok I guess!
Carbon has its problems, but the game is good and more fun than Unbound. Agreed on MW 2012. Undercover is only "ok", so long as you're not playing the PS3 or 6th gen versions. The PS3 version tried to log into the 360 store. That game was rushed for release and is just a worse version of Most Wanted and even worse knock off of the original F&F. Fuck that game.
While I appreciate how challenging the cops are in Heat (to the point the game doesn't need to throw literal dozens of them at you just to even stand a chance) they were maybe a little too intense. Shaking them was a nightmare at higher heat levels, they could keep up with you almost no matter what you did.
But that's not the thing that pissed me off the most. No, that was the roads. Not the way they were laid out, but how the game kept insisting on making so many of them so god damn narrow. At extremely high speeds, if you have a car in each lane in front of you, you basically had no choice but to throw yourself into the dirt and risk spinning out or slow down so much that catching up was going to be a mess. There was barely any room to manoeuvre and even less room for error. Sure, that's challenging, but it wasn't fun. Unbound's roads were maybe a little too wide by comparison, but at least you actually had options to avoid traffic without being forced to go off-road or crash into pedestrians
If you though the cops were too hard in Heat, go back to MW 2005. They are much worse there than in Heat. Though I love a good challenge and see little issues, aside from the pedestrians at times. Since Unbound's roads are wider, I see little issue with that, if it makes thing easier and manageable.

Unbound did too, but at least I actually liked some of the cast and dialogue enough to be invested
I didn't like them, and found them almost as annoying and obnoxious as the reboot cast and the cast of Payback.

Maybe one day I'll play Nitro and see how I enjoy it
Have fun. I will say the cops are easy to avoid and take out in Nitro. The use same AI from Most Wanted 2005, but scale their aggression back a bit. Still, don't underestimate them.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Kind of getting sick of Death Stranding. The addictive ecstasy which is package delivery that has driven many men to madness tends to get a little dull when you have driven across the entire map 10 times, and the game goes out of its way to make the experience miserable at times. Like most of the shelters that expand the chiral network are mandatory or at least given to you by important delivery tasks, but a few you just have to know that you need to now wander around and find them yourself and two of them are mandatory for the completion of the road that is my main goal in the game because of sunk cost fallacy. I just delivered a lost item and did a standard order for the novelists son and he still hasn't joined the network so I don't know what the heck. I just want to finish the road and be done with the game.

Then there is that dickwad that keeps ordering pizza. I just completed the third delivery which involved running across the entire map because he also ordered champagne, which is fragile, and that of course means that it cannot be placed in a truck and can only be held in your hand... because. (even though I can chuck it at a wall 15 times and only get the damage to %50) Anyway after all that he still has some excuse for not being there and doesn't join the network. No more pizza, I don't care anymore.
Wow, that makes me really glad I kept this one at casual observation and nothing more. I listened to the OST while working a few times though, and thinking of its nice visuals has been peaceful enough. Not getting me to dive into your eccentric brand of insanity this time Kojima!
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The Procession to Calvary

and The You Testament by MDickie.

I was compelled to re-watch the entire Bully Demise saga recently because I still think it's one of the funniest LPs I've ever seen, especially the first game Wrestling Revolution.
The Procession to Calvary

and The You Testament by MDickie.

I was compelled to re-watch the entire Bully Demise saga recently because I still think it's one of the funniest LPs I've ever seen, especially the first game Wrestling Revolution.
Not familiar with the You Testament but I enjoyed the 3 something hours of the Procession to Calvary for what it was as a silly little python humor inspired game.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I did an arcade run of Street Fighter III Third Strike with Elena last night. Fun times. Gill still sucks as a final boss.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
If you though the cops were too hard in Heat, go back to MW 2005. They are much worse there than in Heat.
Haaah, not from my experience. Then again I have played MW 2005 over half a dozen times now so maybe I just know the game inside and out compared to Heat. But the access to pursuit breakers and the speed breaker ability made pursuits much easier to manage in MW 2005. The best way to deal with cops in Heat was to go over huge jumps and throw the AI off after landing, cause they often couldn't handle the jumps as well as the player could. Otherwise I was up shit's creek without a paddle most of the time. No amount of twisting, turning, off-roading or speeding on the roads could shake even heat level 3 cops in that game. It took MW 2005 to its max heat level at 5 to get that intense in my experience. Maybe I just wasn't using the right car...? Sure didn't feel like any car would do the trick either way.

I heard someone made a mod that restored MW 2005's original intended 10 heat levels with the cut dialogue attached (while using currently existing assets to fill in the gaps). I might give that a go for some extra challenge. I think heat level 10 is just Cross for every single vehicle pursuing you outside of Rhino units. That sounds bonkers as hell and I'm totally down for it


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
. Then again I have played MW 2005 over half a dozen times now so maybe I just know the game inside and out compared to Heat. But the access to pursuit breakers and the speed breaker ability made pursuits much easier to manage in MW 2005. The best way to deal with cops in Heat was to go over huge jumps and throw the AI off after landing, cause they often couldn't handle the jumps as well as the player could. Otherwise I was up shit's creek without a paddle most of the time. No amount of twisting, turning, off-roading or speeding on the roads could shake even heat level 3 cops in that game. It took MW 2005 to its max heat level at 5 to get that intense in my experience. Maybe I just wasn't using the right car...? Sure didn't feel like any car would do the trick either way.
I didn't play MW 2005 that much. I did about two playthroughs, and that was it. I still have the game, but it has been a long time. Both of my major play times are on the ps2 version. I don't have that version anymore, as it was already my brother's to begin with, but I have a 360 copy.
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Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
I finished Final Fantasy XVI. It wasn't bad, even if tries to imitate Games of Thrones in some aspects, it doesn't commit to it, as the political fantasy drama that originally was upfront eventually becomes just the backdrop of a more traditional "killing god with the power of friendship" plot.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Kind of getting sick of Death Stranding. The addictive ecstasy which is package delivery that has driven many men to madness tends to get a little dull when you have driven across the entire map 10 times, and the game goes out of its way to make the experience miserable at times. Like most of the shelters that expand the chiral network are mandatory or at least given to you by important delivery tasks, but a few you just have to know that you need to now wander around and find them yourself and two of them are mandatory for the completion of the road that is my main goal in the game because of sunk cost fallacy. I just delivered a lost item and did a standard order for the novelists son and he still hasn't joined the network so I don't know what the heck. I just want to finish the road and be done with the game.
When that happens, go to sleep and check for emails.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
I've started playing Hi-Fi Rush. Before you ask, no, not because of the M$ thing. Id picked it up a month ago but couldnt play it because my monitor was on the fritz. Good time tho. Its been said a thousands times already, but you can feel a lot passion went into this game. Playing it takes some getting used to tho. Your inputs need to follow the beat, but I keep trying to 'play' the actual music. I also think being a musician myself who is used to driving the rhythm, is kind of actually making it harder for me to 'just' follow too.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
I've started playing Hi-Fi Rush. Before you ask, no, not because of the M$ thing. Id picked it up a month ago but couldnt play it because my monitor was on the fritz. Good time tho. Its been said a thousands times already, but you can feel a lot passion went into this game. Playing it takes some getting used to tho. Your inputs need to follow the beat, but I keep trying to 'play' the actual music. I also think being a musician myself who is used to driving the rhythm, is kind of actually making it harder for me to 'just' follow too.