Same for both lol. I haven't been back to campus for two years now and I'm really hoping to graduate in person, not in front of a screen. But for Space Marine, I'm excited for it for sure, but definitely feel like I probably won't get it in 2022. I have a feeling it will be a game that's gonna need a whole lot of polish after launch, considering that they seem to be using the World War Z swarm tech.Space Marine 2, without a doubt.
Also non-video game related, my school is finally going to open the teaching kitchens again, now that the vaccine is more available, so I can finally finish my culinary degree. Hopefully I don't get Covid this time.
OT: I'm really excited for God of War, because I'll actually be able to play it lol. I would have been more excited for Spider-man 2 but PS5's are still in hiding.