What are your games you gush over, but you can't find anyone else that does?


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Back when I first finished BioShock I fangushed so hard I could barely contain myself as I screamed and yelled to my friends to 'Play it NAO'. Sadly, my enthusiasm was met with them preferring the latest Call of Duty installment, leaving me hanging over a pool of my own tears and sorrow.

After a bit of roaming around, my heart in shambles, I met this guy through another friend of mine who had played the game as well. And gushed about it. We became and are still the best of friends now :D


New member
Mar 29, 2009
ShinyCharizard said:
Age of Mythology. Best RTS ever. Yet none of my friends ever played it.
Played it a bit when I was around 9-11. Loved closing in the titans in a ring of arrow towers. Or rain down meteors on unsuspecting villagers.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
Okami,Bastion,any Warhammer 40k related games or stuff ,Xcom ,S.T.A.L.k.E.R ,the older GOOD Battlefields ,the older GOOD Ghost Recons ,Killing Floor and Planetside 2.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

Rockstar is at its best when it's slightly cartoony, and Bully was the last of these games before they went all super serious with GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption.

I freaking love the kind of laid back high school setting. It sets the stage perfectly for a grand adventure in a small, simple and charming world. It also has one of the greatest villains.

The only thing most people will remember this game for is the controversy it stirred up back when it was announched, and that Jack Thompson (remember him) called it a Columbine simulator.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Are you talking about IRL? Because then it would be anything Japanese. All the people I know are FPS/action game fans.

In general I have never found somebody else that likes Mirror's Edge, Far Cry 2, FF13, Persona 4, Bayonetta and the Sly Cooper series.

Seriously. Sly 2 is the greatest game of all time IMO... And literally nobody has even heard of it.

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Casual Shinji said:

Rockstar is at its best when it's slightly cartoony, and Bully was the last of these games before they went all super serious with GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption.

I freaking love the kind of laid back high school setting. It sets the stage perfectly for a grand adventure in a small, simple and charming world. It also has one of the greatest villains.

The only thing most people will remember this game for is the controversy it stirred up back when it was announched, and that Jack Thompson (remember him) called it a Columbine simulator.
I've been playing it recently. It's ok, I'm finding some aspects of it a bit lacking (maybe I'm taking the fact that it's a PS2 game for granted), but then again I like structure, GTA isn't really a favourite of mine, though I enjoyed IV and San Andreas in equal amounts for different reasons. Not to say I don't enjoy this, because I do, but y'know.

I love how throwing eggs at people translates in Thompson's mind to a 'Columbine simulator' though.

And yeah, fuck you Gary!
JEBWrench said:
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity is the only reasonable choice. I still haven't been able to convince anyone to pick it up, because the English language doesn't have words for what the game is.

It's a crazy Russian post-apocalyptic brightly-coloured fever dream with vehicle-building.
*plays demo*

...Well I can certainly see why someone would gush over something like this!

Cry Wolf

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Mirror's Edge for me. I absoloutely love that game and have finished it several times - but nobody seems to agree with me IRL.

SlaveNumber23 said:
Easton Dark said:
I have 3, maybe 4 servers I could choose from, and it's either I'm on and absolutely no server has players on them, or those 4 servers are packed and I have to wait 10 minutes for someone to quit from the losing team so I get to play that round out for awhile.

I feel I'd enjoy it twice as much as I do now if I could find an open game easier.

*edit* Or with matchmaking. God damn super fades have me outclassed.
Really? I play on Australian servers and I always seem to be able to find a couple of 16 player games with a couple of available slots, plus a ton more full games.
I have the same exeperience as an Australian. Last time I was playing there were at least half a dozen 20+ player servers with reasonable pings. I was actually having trouble getting a spot on one.

Sack of Cheese

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Sep 12, 2011
Saints row!! GTA games (I played III, Vice and San andreas prior to SR1) actually turned me off modern world sand-box so I was reluctant to get Saints row 1. Turned out it became one of my favourite franchise ever!!
But no friend of mine likes it.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
SlaveNumber23 said:
Section 8: Prejudice.
I love that game, it's really superb. Just needed a bigger budget.

OT: Probably the original F.E.A.R. game, it was fast paced, the gunfights were quick and brutal, had a great use for slo-mo and the effects are used well. The shooting felt great and it was quite challenging. Love it, but dispite all my love for it, some how I know nobody else who loves this game.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
Magicite Spring said:
These two for me. Final Fantasy 13 does have its flaws, I can recognise that. But it does such a good job of story, character development and world building. If it didn't take as long to get into it it would probably have been much better received.
i have always felt that final fantasy 13 would have been much better received if it hadnt been called final fantasy. so much about it was so drastically different from other final fantasy and i think people were too busy comparing it to the previous games to be able to really appreciate the game. i feel it would have gotten much more approval from gamers if they saw it simply as a jrpg, rather than as a final fantasy game


New member
Jul 1, 2010
The Sly Cooper franchise. I can gush about how much I love the theme of that game, the visual style and everything associated with it, but I don't know many people who have tried those games. I'm convincing a good friends of mine to pick up a copy of the game to try. Hopefully I'll have someone to discuss the games with now.


New member
May 7, 2008
I have found one other person that has played Area 51 for Xbox/PS2. Seriously one of the best shooters out there.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I can't tell you how gratifying it was when Jim Sterling (thank God for him) called Dynasty Warriors the Citizen Kane of Gaming. That being said however my big one is actually the anime spin-offs of Dynasty Warriors, specifically Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage (and 2 as soon as I find myself a copy on the Wii U). DW - Gundam was a lot of fun too even if it felt more like an addition to the Orochi series (also, I've only ever played the first one) and, as much as I want to try it, the US never got One Piece: Pirate Warriors...grumble-grumble...

MrGalactus said:

The Crackdown official forum has about 12 people on it.
Seriously, though, this is basically a proper Judge Dredd gama + Superpowers.
Loved that game!


New member
Jun 2, 2010
I have to say The Walking Dead.

Not only have they not played it but when they do they find it 'meh'. I could gush for England about this game.

It's also the only piece of entertainment that has made me cry.

Also, if we can talk about popular games aswell, I'd have to say Fallout 3. While just about everyone I know has played it, I am the only one who could gush about it for hours and hours...

And hours...

And hours...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Way of the Samurai 3

and Sid Meier's Pirates!

I tried to get four different people to play Way of the Samurai, and the longest one made it twenty minutes before getting bored.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
It's a tie for me between Persona 4(what the fuck? Why haven't more people played this?) and the Zero Escape series. Other than one of my friends, nobody knows what I'm talking about. "Dude, why do you use those lame rabbit puns?".


Hmm.. what's this button do?
Nov 2, 2009
LiberalSquirrel said:
I have two: Nier (which I have finally, finally found someone to talk to about - a friend of mine isn't a huge gamer, but is now addicted to the game) and El Shaddai (such gorgeous visuals... why has no one played this?).

I've also seen very few people talking about Alan Wake, which is a shame. I'm in the middle of playing it, and I'm already willing to gush over it for hours.
I only know about Nier because a friend of mine mentioned it. That games is *really* hard to track down. I spent almost a day, checking stores, looking for a copy. I haven't gotten two far in it though. I just acquired that book and that was it. I'll probably get back to it in a month or so. I'm still debating whether to continue recording my playthrough. I'm not sure what I'm doing and that means crazy long editing for me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
PieBrotherTB said:
Casual Shinji said:

Rockstar is at its best when it's slightly cartoony, and Bully was the last of these games before they went all super serious with GTA4 and Red Dead Redemption.

I freaking love the kind of laid back high school setting. It sets the stage perfectly for a grand adventure in a small, simple and charming world. It also has one of the greatest villains.

The only thing most people will remember this game for is the controversy it stirred up back when it was announched, and that Jack Thompson (remember him) called it a Columbine simulator.
I've been playing it recently. It's ok, I'm finding some aspects of it a bit lacking (maybe I'm taking the fact that it's a PS2 game for granted), but then again I like structure, GTA isn't really a favourite of mine, though I enjoyed IV and San Andreas in equal amounts for different reasons. Not to say I don't enjoy this, because I do, but y'know.

I love how throwing eggs at people translates in Thompson's mind to a 'Columbine simulator' though.

And yeah, fuck you Gary!
It certainly hasn't aged well, and Rockstar have never been great with controls.

I did thoroughly enjoy beating the shit out of people though. Running up to some jock, grabbing them by the legs and slamming them to the ground, and then kneeing them in the balls. Made me wish there were more action/adventure games with this type of brawling gameplay.

And I really dug the soundtrack, too.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
The Idolm@ster series, Corpse Party, Disgaea and its Prinny spinoffs and the Atelier series. Almost no one I know plays games to begin with let alone knowing about obscure Japanese games like these. I usually just keep it to myself.

It does get sad when the only game people talk about in real life is CoD. I do have one friend I talk to about TF2 and we play together sometimes.

I don't really ever get the chance to "gush" about games now that I think about it. I guess I'm lucky the internet exists for that.