What are your hobbies, other than gaming?


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Internet; subsets of the internet include: visiting sites like the escapist or cheezburger, watching videos of various groups such as LRR, 5SF, SMBC, or the many Gmodders that are out there, reading (and attempting to write) various kinds of fiction (both fan and regular kind), and if you can't tell by my avatar, ponies.

Reading books; i haven't been doing this as much lately, as the internet contains most of what i read nowadays, and most officially published works seem to be about the same quality as the better stuff on the internet.

building and testing MTG decks and organizing my cards; testing involves me playing against my other decks. Forever alone.

writing campaigns and rule changes to D&D; my current system has so many homebrew rules that it cant necessarily be called D&D anymore. I mean come on, i rewrote the combat, magic, and skill systems.

contemplate the universe; by this i mean staring into space

have arguments with myself or a made up opponent to better understand my position on topics.

attempt to better myself at art and music (it doesn't go so well)

cooking; though, this is a bimonthly kind of thing, as i say "i should try to learn to cook" "ugh this doesn't taste so good" *time passes* "maybe i should learn to cook"

swordfighting; i'm part of this group called Dagorhir, which is kind of like LARPing, except less "magic missile" and more smacking with padded sticks.

Mr Fixit

New member
Oct 22, 2008
Does sleeing count as a hobby? Anyway it seems i'm a bit of an oddball here, I do enjoy auto mechanics & it gives me plenty to do, my car is always needing something done to it. I've found that i'm pretty good at giving back rubs & foot rubs & things like that & its very relaxing doing it.

I used to be into photography, even sold a few pics, but i got out of it for awhile. I need a new camera.


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
Gaming....um and...err, read manga.
Can't say I do anything else. Don't read so often either, like once a week, since manga I read are updated once a week, once every two weeks and once every month.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
Comic Books (I read an average of 35 comics every WEEK!)

Guitar (both my axes are BC Rich...a red/crackle finish Ironbird and a blue Warlock)

Martial Arts (Several over the years, mainly Judo / JuJitsu where I studdied under the late great Professor Wally Jay for many years - look him up on Youtube with his dance of pain! but I've also taken Kempo Karate, Aikido, and Escrima.

Collecting toy robots (Vintage Japanese diecast and vinyls are my favorites...also Transformers and the large Sentai / Power Ranger zords. My collection has outgrown 2 bedrooms!)

Watching Kaiju...any time a couple guys are fighting in a fake city wearing rubber monster suits I'm a pretty happy guy! Godailla, Gamera, Ultraman, Space Giants....

Also collecting Kaiju related toys :)


New member
Feb 3, 2012
gardening and reading, also sometimes i like to draw or do crafts and such. creativeness all the way. :)


New member
Jul 15, 2010
Sober Thal said:
Does Storytelling table top RPGs count? No?

I read a lot?
Of course that counts!

My Dark Heresy games are always more about narrative and fun than sticking to the rules anyway. The best part about being DM is bullshitting everyone in any case.

Thanks for all the responses everyone! This thread is way bigger than I had dared to hope!


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Cooking, because I'm a food lover.

Working out, because I'm a food lover. :p (Actually, because I found out this year that, after years of torture and gym class, weightlifting is the only form of fitness I can do that I enjoy.)

Writing, but I haven't done enough of that recently...


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Fencing - The only sport I have ever completely fallen in love with. No matter how stressful my day at work has been, it all melts away when I pick up a sword. I've competed at international opens and been trounced by some of the best fencers in the country.

Writing - My real passion. I write mostly short stories (and pretty much exclusively speculative fiction).

Am-Dram Jack-of-all-Trades - I can do pretty much anything except act! My specialism is probably designing (and operating) sound.

Baking - It's fun, relaxing, and you can eat the result. I make a chocolate fudge cake which has been known to increase a person's BMI just by being in the same room.

I also play a bit of keyboard, read a lot of books, and make little miniature teddy bears.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Scaled model aircraft construction.

There's nothing better than seeing your little 1:72 scale J-35 Draken take shape as you pour days of figurative blood, sweat and tears in it.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Other than actually gaming?
-Collecting ancient coins, cool memorabilia in line with my interests, and old video game consoles.
-Surfing the interwebz!
-Reading Shaklespeare or other "classic" literature.
-Watching films.
-Electronics in general.
-Playing guitar and various other stringed instruments.
-Partying like it was 1979.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
-I run on my school's track team, as a distance runner
-I play Trombone, Bass Guitar, and Ukulele. But I'm MUCH better at trombone than bass or uke.
-I play Magic, along with many of my friends. I just created a scary ally creature-based deck
-I just started learning to program, I'm looking to create iPod and iPhone apps
-I also occasionally write stories, which I enter in contests. I've been told I'm a gifted writer, but I don't really think I'm THAT good


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Well, I recently picked up photography.
Having dreamt about picking it up for about 5-7 years, I finally had the reousrces available to buy a proper Single-lens Reflex camera in March.
Still learning, but loving it.

- Science Fiction.
Be it movies, TV series or books.
Can't get enough of the stuff.

- History.
I love reading about the old Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and so on.
Fascinating stuff.

- Beer.
Love drinking it (not to excess, usually), and me and a friend have recently started brewing.
Not very sucessfully though, but we shall try to improve.
Thankfully I have a neighbour that makes excellent beer and is willing to teach us!

- Reading.
I don't read as much as I like too, but it's still something I love to do.
Everything from non-fiction, mystery and crime to fantasy and humour.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
My hobby is model making (Gundam models) but I haven't bought one since last year due to having no money to afford one and the models are expensive these days.
I did had a go at papercraft but again I haven't made another one in ages.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Reading ( Though not as much lately as I'd like )
Anime ( Not enough as I'd like, but enough for it to be called an addiction by an outsider )
Sleeping ( Does that count? )
Listening to music I've gotten from anime ( I watch a lot, so I have a lot )


New member
May 25, 2009
Writing fiction is always great. I get to let loose some insanity.
I practice with swords and axes, tis a good workout.
I go shooting with my SKS rifle any chance I get. There is nothing like firing an assaul rifle.
Live steel viking reenactment combat is tons of fun.


New member
May 4, 2009
Casually browsing the web and skating boarding/longboarding depending on how I feel.

Also I feel watching Game of Thrones should count as a hobby.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
I watch wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much motorsport, Australian V8 Supercars, MotoGP, World Superbikes, Indy Cars, Formula 1 and so on.. my friends say to me im some kind of addict and that i should probably take up commentary for one of the above promotions lol because i just absorb all the info i hear from them .. but hey i enjoy it .. thats what matters right?