What are your top 3 most anticipated games?

L. Declis

New member
Apr 19, 2012
Well, I would write things like Mass Effect 4 or whatever, but I only anticipate games which have a more solid release date. As such,

I want this game so much I pre-ordered a copy for me and my girlfriend to play together. I've written articles about my excitement. This looks SO GOOD! Best part is it is coming out days before my birthday, so I'm going to try and get a few hours on my birthday in playing this after the party or whatever. Have you watched this? You should: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRCuSkXg2RU

I recently replayed Ground Zeroes with an old friend, and watched those new gameplay features and it's... just wow. The whole "enemy learning what you do and changing tactics" is something out of my childhood dreams, and seeing this final part of Big Bosses story is just... wow. This is why I bought a PS4, and I'm happy it's gone onto PC so more people can play this game.

I only recently "got" open world games and why people like them. Before, I would generally ignore the open world aspect and run from mission to mission. From what I've seen, they give such amazing openness that I'm actually giddily excited for this game. Also, I get to play a Chinese bloke running around a mountain with a bow and a hang glider and what else.



Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I don't really anticipate games anymore. I used to when I was younger, now, not so much. I have a few games that I'm casually keeping an eye on, and that look slightly interesting to me, but I'm still going to wait a year to get them on steam sale, because screw paying full price just to play it now.

The games I'm looking at are:

Shadow's of Mordor - Looks cool, seems like a fun AC clone, I'm interested in seeing how the nemesis stuff plays out

Homeworld HD - I'd love to play these games again, but with prettier graphics. the HW series is one of my personal faves of all time.

.....uh...I guess that's it really. Not really tracking anything else.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Hmm... for me that's actually a difficult question because there are too many games being announced. After what I've read about some of the upcoming games I would say

1. Dragon Age Inquisition
Believe it or not, I liked Origins and Dragon Age 2. So how bad can the new one be?

2. Assassin's Creed Unity
As I've stated in a thread before: It's the first time I'd actually be interested in trying out the multiplayer in any game

3. Pier Solar HD
If this game will ever come out (apparently it's stuck in validation protocols) it's a day one buy for me. Can't get enough 8 and 16bit games.

Also: Playstation TV. Wasn't bothered at first but reading that I'm able to play Vita and PSP in fullscreen mode on my TV made it a no brainer for me.

Treeberry said:
2. Danganronpa 2
Just a quick question: I'm new to the series but definately want to check it out. Can you tell me if Danganronpa 2 is a completely new game or a remake? I'm slightly confused because I've read that there is a PSP version of the first (?) game, then there's a Vita game or port and now another. Where do I start?

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Man, that's hard. I have too many in mind, it's hard to select just three.
If I had a blade at my neck and was forced to choose, I suppose three games I'd pick, released within this year, are:

1. Bayonetta 2 - I'm super so very much excited for this game!! The first one was so awesome, fell in love with the announcement, and the demo sealed the deal.
2. Dragon age: inquisition - It's gonna be so good! Based on what I've seen so far, not very much since I wanna keep myself spoiler-free, it's shaping up to be one of the best upcoming RPGs yet! And I can play as a Qunari too, oh boy, oh boy!
3. Persona 5 - It's my game of the year, well, one of them! I don't even have to play it to know!

Sack of Cheese

New member
Sep 12, 2011
Xerosch said:
Just a quick question: I'm new to the series but definately want to check it out. Can you tell me if Danganronpa 2 is a completely new game or a remake? I'm slightly confused because I've read that there is a PSP version of the first (?) game, then there's a Vita game or port and now another. Where do I start?
It's a new game, a sequel to the first Danganronpa.
NISA only localised the Vita version, split into two parts: Danganronpa 1 (which is already released) and Danganronpa 2 (coming out this September). I recommend you start with the first one.

It's a lot like the Zero escape series, but wackier and more cartoony.


New member
Aug 9, 2014
hard to think of some, honestly nothing comes to mind. Oh yeah, almost forgot.

1: Batman Arkham Knight
2: Batman Arkham Knight
3: Batman Arkham Knight

Baron Tanks

New member
Mar 3, 2013
Oof, there's a couple, thinking that it'd be more than 3. But when I put my mind to it I realised only a couple come this year, most next. So my 3 for this and 3 for next year, in no particular order:

1) Borderlands the Pre-Sequel: it looks like it's glorified DLC, more of BL2 with new classes. But it's been a while since I've last delved into BL2 (when the Tiny Tina DLC came out I guess) so I'm ready for more of BL2, while discovering a new silly story and hearing new jokes. Handsome Jack was my favourite character in videogaming in a long time and I've been wondering how they'd ever top him. I suppose Gearbox felt the same and will just give us more of Jack in stead.

2) AC: Unity. Black Flag rekindled my love for the AC franchise and while this will be lacking the boats (and I'm not planning to get Rogue on last gen), the setting alone is enough for me to go for it. The improvements to the parkour look solid and I know at least one other friend who's getting it for PC so we can give the co-op a shot.

3) Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor. It ticks a lot of boxes of other games and genres, but I trust that doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing (I loved Darksiders II despite the repetition). It did enough to garner my interest so I'll be giving it a shot.

Next year:

1) The Witcher 3, loved 2 and this looks like an improvement in every way.

2) Arkham Knight, fan of the Batman games since I pre-orderd Arkham Asylum. While I was disappointed like most with Origins (although I don't think it's evil), I trust in Rocksteady giving the Bat a proper sendoff.

3) Star Citizen/No Man's Sky. I'm aching for a space sim and Elite: Dangerous hasn't fully grabbed me yet. Whichever of the other two comes out first will be picked up right away and they're different enough that should they both come out I'll play them both. Already backing SC anyway.


Regular Member
Feb 8, 2010
1. Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS
I just kinda need more smash... And more megaman...

2. Mighty No. 9
More megaman...

3. Zelda Wii U
I kinda hope Link's a she, like he looked like in the trailer. And the open worldedness of it intrigues me.

Honorable mentions to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, and Batman: Arkham Knight


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Persona 4: Arena 2
Guilty Gear Xrd
Devil's Third

honorable mentions:
Shovel Knight
Bayonetta 2
The Evil Within
Metal Gear Solid V
Bloodborne (Except that i'm still doubting whether i'll ever buy a next gen console).


Trippin' balls man.
Jan 9, 2012
The Witcher 3
The Witcher 3
And The Witcher 3.

I also really like what I've seen from BloodBorne, but I don't do exclusives, especially on something as bad as Consoles.

And then there's Mass Effect 4 where I'm skeptically hopefull for.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Diesel- said:
so my friends, what are your most anticipated top 3 games?

1. Doom: This is going to be best FPS since long time. and looks like how FPS should be like. the origin of FPS genre. i even like Doom 3. but from the previews i think its going to be even better. i hope they dont screw this up like they did with Rage.

2. Deus Ex 4: It was announce not long ago as deus ex universe. and has only one concept art. however Deus ex is one of the best franchise ever. first one was like greatest of all time PC game. and HR was amazing as well so its safe for me to say this one will be no less.

3. Star Citizen: So far from what i have seen game looks amazing. talking full PC advantage. space sim, dogfighting module, FPS module. has full Single player known as squadrone 42 and MMO part.

anyways what are yours?
Shadows of mordor.
The nemesis system seems very cool.

Im hoping it will be fantastic as Im getting jaded with other shooters.

Pc release of the table top wargame. Tbs with rpg and gang developement. It was thw WHFB version of necromunda.

I was deeply disappointed to see the number of sequels on this thread. What happened to new and exciting titles instead of the numbered titles were constantly seeing?


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
"Of all time thus far?" Yeah, I'm going to answer it using that particular question...

3. Super Smash Bros. Wii U: The reason for only making it to #3 (which is still pretty damn high on my list) is not only due to a lack of a Wii U, but also because I feel like I could get the game through a potential [official] Wii U bundle...

2. Persona 5: Sure, I have both Persona Q and Persona 4 Arena Ultimax to look forward to... But, overall, it's all about the 5, baby...

1. Kingdom Hearts 3: I don't think I could get any more hyped without overshooting it right now, so let's just use this #1 spot to signify where I stand on this game in general...

Honorable mention to some of the other Wii U titles coming out this year (like Hyrule Warriors and Bayonetta 2) and Tales of Xillia 2, even though I'm picking up the Collector's Edition this afternoon...


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I'm sure I'm going to be repeating a number of games that are already on here, but what the hey...

1: Far Cry 4. I wasn't too sure about the idea of moving Far Cry from tropical islands to the Himalayas, but after watching the gameplay, yep, I'm in.

2: Mortal Kombat X. Any more Mortal Kombat is great as far as I'm concerned.

3: Witcher 3. We'll see, but yeah, game looks absolutely phenomenal.

Honorable mention goes to Arkham Knight, Bloodbourne, and Clockwork Empires (once the complete game is released).


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
1) Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. After playing Ground Zeroes and just seeing how the gameplay has evolved but still manages to feel like a MGS game, I am aching to play the full thing. I can't wait to see how Big Boss's story evolves and leads to the original Metal Gear.

2) Batman: Arkham Knight. I have thoroughly enjoyed all the Arkham games (even Origins, though it was a lot rougher in the gameplay department) and I'm confident Rocksteady will knock this final one out of the park.

3) Hmm, difficult to say number 3 as there are numerous games that look interesting but I'm going to wait for reviews before deciding to purchase. These would be Dragon Age: Inquisition, AC: Unity, and Shadows of Mordor. If Unity goes back to the root of AC and actually focuses more on assassinations rather than cutting a swath through all your enemies, it will likely take the top spot of these.