What Book Have You Read Do You Think Should Be Turned into a Video Game or Movie, but Hasn't?


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Barbara Hambly's The Time of the Dark series (aka the Darwath trilogy). Good, scary books with great characters and one of the best takes on magic ever.

Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series, starting allll the way at the beginning with Shards of Honor.

C.J. Cherryh's Chanur series. Damn what a good sci-fi adventure even after all these years, and a nice twisty premise. They'll need to do something to get all the thinking the heroine does out of her head for the audience to hear, or it won't work. Maybe have her talk it out to the crew here and there.

And last but not least:

Paul Kidd's Mus of Kerbridge. It's not really a story for children, so they'll have to tone down the killing in the wars and do something with the attempted rape scene of the heroine - wayyy too dark. But hey, Disney likes killing mommies anyways, so I figure they can work with it.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
His Dark Materials - unfortunately the necessary sequels will not be made because of lousy US box office numbers (damn evangelists). The cast of the Golden Compass was too perfect to waste. (For movies)


New member
Apr 21, 2011

Not sure how they'd do the cyberspace scenes without it being cheesy.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
They could also try and get "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" movie right.

That movie was a severe dickslap to anybody who liked the graphic novels.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2011
United States
I'd really like to see Max Brooks' masterpiece "World War Z" turned into an HBO TV show. I remember reading a few years back that some studio wanted to turn it into a movie, but I don't think that's the right way to go about adapting that book. If it were turned into a movie content would have to be cut, and part of what made "World War Z" so good was that all of the content mattered. Not a single chapter in that book was wasted and it was all of that content which made the book so vivid and disturbing. HBO almost always delivers high quality entertainment, above average writing, and wonderful actors. As a TV series it wouldn't be as forced to take time constraints into consideration and thus would be able to truly deliver a visual adaptation of what is possibly one of the greatest novels of this decade.

Pig Mazurka

New member
Mar 28, 2011
LoathsomePete said:
I'd really like to see Max Brooks' masterpiece "World War Z" turned into an HBO TV show. I remember reading a few years back that some studio wanted to turn it into a movie, but I don't think that's the right way to go about adapting that book. If it were turned into a movie content would have to be cut, and part of what made "World War Z" so good was that all of the content mattered. Not a single chapter in that book was wasted and it was all of that content which made the book so vivid and disturbing. HBO almost always delivers high quality entertainment, above average writing, and wonderful actors. As a TV series it wouldn't be as forced to take time constraints into consideration and thus would be able to truly deliver a visual adaptation of what is possibly one of the greatest novels of this decade.
Or a TV series, I suppose... I probably should've checked all of the pages before I started to type a response.

Gustavo S. Buschle

New member
Feb 23, 2011
I think they should make the "The restaurant in the end of the universe"; "Life, universe and everething alse" and "so long, and thanks for all the fish" movies.

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Solnishka said:
I think we all have that moment, some where half way to three quarters of the way through the book where we say to ourselves, "This would be an AMAZING movie! I could totally see it, the big action scene... This part..." And so on from there. So... Which one is it?

For me, its the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks. He's already sold the movie rights, so its a possibility, but there's no further buzz than that. I would also love to see it as a video game, but I think it would do best as a role play based in the world or a fighter. Such a huge cast of characters, it would be a great fighter.

And at the same time, part of me wishes they don't happen, unless they happen well.

PS, Night Angel Tril fans... Where are you? I need to meet more!
Oooh that sounds interesting. And to refer to your question.


The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis
Far better than his Chronicles of Narnia



New member
Jun 8, 2010
automatron said:
I would love to see The sword of the truth series, provided they don't royally f*&k it up
Isn't this already being done? The TV series is called Legend of the Seeker. I watched a few episodes and wasn't horribly impressed with the adaptation.

Also, I can't make it past book 4 or so simply because it starts feeling too forced at that point. One of these days I'll force myself to read all of them but it hasn't happened yet.

OT: I'm hesitant to want any of my favorite books turned into a game/movie/tv series because I'm afraid they'd inevitably destroy what made me love it in the first place. If I had to pick one, I'd say the Genesis of Shannara series from Terry Brooks would be my first pick.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Grunts or Lords of the Sky.
Both are a bit different but still fantasy, though Lords of the Sky could arguably be called the most cookie-cutter fantasy story, it just has a different approach to it. A young boy is discovered to have a rare super powerful memory and is made a wandering historian to tell backwater cities of history and remember important things (big deal in that world) somehow becomes dragon master after finding out about a conspiracy by oppressed races, leads an army of dragons to conquer the world and then leaves it in the hands of the leaders that were about to go into all-out war to either take this chance and talk things over to find a peaceful solution or tear each other apart. He doesn't want to rule, doesn't seek the power he has gained. All he wanted was to give them a choice they haven't considered in centuries. There's a lot of undertoned arguments against racism, the emotional conflict over being 'dishonored' leading to suicide of one of the characters as he helps destroy the massive army his people have build up to reclaim the lands the supposedly 'good' humans have driven them out of. Changelings, animals given human form, work as slaves and are barely worth anything, were originally created as dragon bait in previous times, actually are quite intelligent and powerful sorcerers, but nobody really cared to find out about that. It's part run of the mill basic storyline, part really different fantasy stuff

Grunts is downright crazy, a What If story so to speak. Lord of the Rings as a parody of itself, the orks are the heroes, good guys are pompously declaring the victory of the light while slaughtering the injured and dieing soldiers of darkness and a group of almost-Uruk Hai, because of a curse and a dimension-travelling gun stealing dragon, end up with modern world weaponry and become Ork Marines fighting an invasion of aliens. I don't know why anyone thought that would work as a fantasy setting but it does and I'm glad it was made, one of my favourite books.

Both could work really well as a movie, albeit they'd either be really long or would have to cut things down occasionally.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Geamo said:
Trivun said:
Failing that, probably the Artemis Fowl books, though I've heard rumours of studios trying to buy the film rights,
An Artemis Fowl film could potentially be amazing.
I remember back when the Artemis Fowl books came out and I was totally into them, I was 100% sure they'd make a movie out of them before long. Sadly that never happened :(

I still think it would be awesome, and seeing how studios seem to be looking for the next big young adult book franchise to adapt, I'm not giving up hope ^^


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Night Angel Trilogy? Yes please. Who would be the best to make the game and the best to do the movie though? We would have to make sure justice was done. Once the Lightbringer series finishes up, I think it would make an excellent set of movies.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I would've said Eragon if they hadn't already done that (And fucked it up beyond all possible recognition) so I'll have to go with Magik, it's a pretty fun little book and I can see alot of potential.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Night Angel Trilogy. FUCKING YES! I came into this thread intending to post that.

However it makes me kinda sad that the movie rights have been sold. There's no way they'll be able to turn it into as good of a movie as it was of a book. And since any game that's made will likely be a movie tie-in, it'll probably also be shit.

I think those books would have made a much better video game. The scale and depth in the setting could have easily fleshed out a huge RPG. Book to Movie = Bad. Movie to Game = BADDDDDD. Book to Game hasn't really been done (except for Dante's Inferno, I guess) but it has the potential to blow any other media conversion away.