What bug broke skyrim for you?


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
LordRoyal said:

The companion bug for marriage where if one of your companions dies, his corpse appears at the ceremony and fails the marriage instantly

Made me go "WTF?" and reload a quicksave from a few ingame days earlier. Waiting for Bethesda to patch it before I try marriage out again.

I thought Lydia just came in to crash the wedding before it even started.

Well, it's good to know the cause of why she dived face-first into the altar.

OT: I have a serious frame rate dip everytime I start a battle with a spell or a shout. (PS3)


Battlefield veteran
Aug 11, 2009
Well I haven't come across many glitches except for one that was truly "game breaking". I had a level 26 character when my sister asked if she could make one. I let her go ahead and do it. She created her char and ten minutes in saved so I could play again. As she was saving I noticed there was only one box (which was confusing cause I had multiple saves).

She went down and the box just said her new characters name. Somehow the game deleted my saved file and replaced it with hers... it was devastating. So apparently I can't make more then one character until they patch it.

I have it on PS3

Anyways after a couple hours of moping I got back on and started again. I'm finally back to 26 =)


I'm anticipating DmC. Flame me.
Jul 23, 2008
this isnt my name said:
Kakulukia said:
this isnt my name said:
Cant talk to Maul to start "no stone rned" quest. He jsut tells me to pss off.
That's not a bug. He only talks to Thieves Guild members.

OT: Nothing. I very occasionally have framerate issues (PS3, played for 50 hours), but it's never during important moments - mostly in towns, so I don't really mind.
Oh you have got to be shitting me. I dontwant to join te thives guild damnit. Why do I need them ? Why cant I just go to some mage with knowlage about the crown. Bloody hell, I cant help but feel pressured into joining some of these guilds. If only more were like the DB.

Excuse typos, my laptop broke, so the bottom half ofthe screen cant be seen. So I flip the screen and need to type upside down.
Actually I did a bit of digging (you're welcome :p) and you don't actually need to be Thieves Guild. Just go talk to Vex in the Ragged Flagon in the Riften ratway.

Note that I was Thieves Guild when I talked to her, so I might be wrong, but UESP doesn't mention being Thieves Guild as a prerequisite.

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
I haven't had any major bugs in skyrim yet aside from very rare, extremely clean, crashes to desktop. Not game breaking to me in any way, still loving skyrim.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I've only encountered one bug, and it's the one where you have to align mirrors using hot and cold in the mage's guild. It's even a well-known glitch now. Just make sure to save before inserting the gem so you can reload, and the bug should be gone.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
I haven't really run into any severe bugs at all. About 60 hours in it crashed twice, but it hasn't done it since.
Luckily I am a serial quick-saver. Still playing and enjoying.


New member
May 18, 2009
The only major thing is it seems I won't be doing the Companion's this time around (heh, that came out wrong). Only the third mission or something, gotta go intimidate a guy on a boat. But I can't talk to him, he just tells me I'm not supposed to be there and ignores me. He never leaves, I can't kill him just to fail the mission or something. Although, if anyone has done this and I'm just missing something because I'm a retard, let me know.
Oh yeah, the UI can be a pain in the ass. The amount of times the game exits the bartering menu when I'm trying to sell of all my crap... Ugh.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
the only one i got so far is the invincible Alduin bug, other than that i've been good for 60 hours so far


Your friendly local nihilist
Dec 6, 2010
Well that one mission involving the forsworn in markarth lead to me having a 500 bounty in the city, but as long as I didn't talk to the guards I was fine. But I went into the Temple of Talos and next thing I know the guards reappered there and tried to take me to jail. And now I have a 10000 or so bounty for slaying 30 guards to get out of the city. I can no longer go near that city.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
First in the thieves guild the female nightingale (forgot her name) walked off before the ceremony to initiate me and i had to use console to correct that. Bows won't fire. Stealth attacks only doing normal damage on certain occasions even when the NPC is asleep and alone. Objects becoming invisible. Objects falling through the ground, Me falling through the ground. Quest items staying as quest items even when the quest is done.

I've had a horrible time with bugs, but still playing. Just quicksaving every minute or everytime I do something in case something breaks or it crashes.

King of the Sandbox

& His Royal +4 Bucket of Doom
Jan 22, 2010
stutheninja said:
the only one i got so far is the invincible Alduin bug, other than that i've been good for 60 hours so far
I don't think that's a bug. He's invincible anytime you see him that's not when you're supposed to fight him, and invincible when you are, unless you use your Dragonrend shout on him first.


New member
Aug 10, 2011
I love how people are complaining about PC crashes like it's the games fault. Get a better computer.

I'm playing on a Console and I have yet to see one game breaking glitch. The only thing I'd avoid is Waterfalls.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
First time I played I saw a bug. In the tutorial area after you follow Ralof into the tower and Alduin uses a fire shout to break into the side, he kept poking his head in and out and nobody did anything because he wouldn't fucking leave. Just kept playing peek-a-boo with a pile of rubble. Haven't encountered any other ones, save for some orc I needed for a minor quest falling through the roof.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
the damm book quest and the strange talisman, well it didnt ruin the game for me it just 2.5 extra weight and considering all my points spent on stamina its no big deal...


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Faladorian said:
LordRoyal said:
Faladorian said:
LordRoyal said:

The companion bug for marriage where if one of your companions dies, his corpse appears at the ceremony and fails the marriage instantly

Made me go "WTF?" and reload a quicksave from a few ingame days earlier. Waiting for Bethesda to patch it before I try marriage out again.
Wait, so please explain this to me (I haven't attempted marriage yet).

Are your companions supposed to show up at your wedding? And if one of them has died, his or her corpse will be a spectator? Honestly I wouldn't be mad about that. That's hysterical xD
Specifically when the player initiates Marriage in the Temple of Mara, your companions you've recruited over the course of the game, various people that you've done quests for and just people who have a favorable disposition toward you appear and specifically spawn at the entrance to the temple, along with your spouse. But people who have died over the course of the game, like say companions also spawn there, and the characters react unfavorably to the corpse there and then leave. In your quest log it states that the marriage quest has failed.

In my case I couldn't talk to my spouse at all anymore, and it pissed me right the fuck off. I really hope Bethesda fixes this soon.
That's a pretty pathetic mistake. Couldn't they just put a qualifier on the spawning of NPCs such as, well, i dont know... if(alive)? xD
You think you've got problems? That ^ happened to me at least once, I CTD'd when I entered the Temple of Mara, and now my bloody wife has fucked off and gone missing somewhere. She left the temple after the wedding and it's been around 3 in game months, and she's still not back yet. Ah well, I'll find another one...


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2010
United States
So far the only bug I've run into that made me reload a save file was one that made the dragon I was fighting invulnerable. So no matter how hard I tried or how many allies I had it would not take any damage.