What Defines a Noob


New member
Apr 8, 2009
tomfrumtarn said:
There is no definate meaning anymore!
If you're rubbish the good players call you a noob
If you're good the players you are beating call you a noob and accuse you of having no life.
Is there any way of not being a noob!?
party chat, you can't be a noob if you never hear anyone call you a noob.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Ristoril said:
thel1st said:
Ristoril said:
i was playing XBL and i winning and some one called me a noob because they though I was hacking or sum such and that got me thinking exactly what is it that defines the qualities of a noob

Any thoughts?
well poor grammar for starts < like "i was playing XBL and i winning" or "because they though i was hacking or sum such"

The main reason I call people noobs is this. They do something stupid , they die, then don't learn from the mistake. Say in gears of War you see a sniper take off your friends head while hes dodging around. Noobs will pay no regard to the fact that the opponent is solid with the sniper rifle > Then they proceed to get their head popped as well. Next sniper round they again ignore the fact that they got completely served by the opposition and stick their head out again with the same result.

/\ That my friend is a noob.

As well as anyone who feels like actually cheating via standby glitching or what have you.
who cares im not in english calss
Thank you for reading the first line and not the following paragraph with the actual response.
And perhaps you may want to look into some English classes

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
Newb or newbie: Someone who is new / inexperienced at a game.
Noob: Someone who plays like a new player simply because they suck so much.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I tend to use n00b and newbie very differently.

A newbie is someone who's new to the game (or just bad at it, some people are slow learners), and is willing to listen to people who knows the game and gives advice. he'll ask for advice, and maybe even apologize when he doesn something stupid.

A n00b is someone who's also new to, or bad at the game, but with a way to big ego ("seriously guys, my dick is 20" long and i bench-press 200 kg")
If he does something stupid over and over and you try to give him som eadvice he'll usually reply with something along the lines of "STFU n00b fag" or "come to (insert RL place) and i'll fuck you up, lets see how tough you are *****"
I love the last one, can't stop laughign when someone thinks they're tough asking someoen to travel halfway across teh world to fight them.
He gets really angry when he's not tEH pwnzor of the game, he'll teamkill for fun, rage-quit, or start screaming into the mic if theres voice chat.

I know this is just how i use the two words, and many people use either word for both types of new players.

Whats unfortunate is that many people treat both kind of players (whether you wanna call them n00b or newbies) the same, if they screw up, they're yelled at "OMG fucking retarded n00b, do u swallow semen from stupid donkeys for nreakfeast or soemthing" And while this would be fair to the n00bs (my definition) it's pretty hard on the newbies (again, my definition) and it'll turn them into n00bs.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
thel1st said:
Ristoril said:
thel1st said:
Ristoril said:
i was playing XBL and i winning and some one called me a noob because they though I was hacking or sum such and that got me thinking exactly what is it that defines the qualities of a noob

Any thoughts?
well poor grammar for starts < like "i was playing XBL and i winning" or "because they though i was hacking or sum such"

The main reason I call people noobs is this. They do something stupid , they die, then don't learn from the mistake. Say in gears of War you see a sniper take off your friends head while hes dodging around. Noobs will pay no regard to the fact that the opponent is solid with the sniper rifle > Then they proceed to get their head popped as well. Next sniper round they again ignore the fact that they got completely served by the opposition and stick their head out again with the same result.

/\ That my friend is a noob.

As well as anyone who feels like actually cheating via standby glitching or what have you.
who cares Im not in English class
Thank you for reading the first line and not the following paragraph with the actual response.
And perhaps you may want to look into some English classes
I did read the whole paragraph I just felt that it was appropriate to defend my grammar skills


New member
Apr 8, 2009
i think the only thing that will turn a new player into a noob is their lack of ability to play that type of game.
Once a player gets their walking legs withing the game so to speak, They should improve immensely
over time

edit : to OP, so because you are not in English class you don't need to have good grammar? I don't see how that is a defense.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
The internet.

The word was created and defined right here.
even if it is, its the actual players who decide the truth
And what are they playing on? Some interconnected web of ideas, an information superhighway, a series of TUBES?!
Nay, the idea of a noob is always in the minds of those who call others noob. My guess is that you're one of the players that constantly gets called noob not because you're actually better than the other player but because you truly SUCK
But a thought is flimsy and loose, to define it you must set it somewhere and mold it. That where is the internet.

Alas a cannot be a noob, for I play no multiplayer as the net is full of pricks.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
poncho14 said:
Someone who is unfamilliar with the game.
This. Originally.
People just use it as an insult to make them feel better about their mediocre skills. I got called a noob for killing the whole of the other team in one round on arena with spy. I've also been called a noob by someone I was dominating.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
The internet.

The word was created and defined right here.
even if it is, its the actual players who decide the truth
And what are they playing on? Some interconnected web of ideas, an information superhighway, a series of TUBES?!
Nay, the idea of a noob is always in the minds of those who call others noob. My guess is that you're one of the players that constantly gets called noob not because you're actually better than the other player but because you truly SUCK
But a thought is flimsy and loose, to define it you must set it somewhere and mold it. That where is the internet.

Alas a cannot be a noob, for I play no multiplayer as the net is full of pricks.
Speaking of things that are flimsy, so is your excuse for why you're a noob


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
The internet.

The word was created and defined right here.
even if it is, its the actual players who decide the truth
And what are they playing on? Some interconnected web of ideas, an information superhighway, a series of TUBES?!
Nay, the idea of a noob is always in the minds of those who call others noob. My guess is that you're one of the players that constantly gets called noob not because you're actually better than the other player but because you truly SUCK
But a thought is flimsy and loose, to define it you must set it somewhere and mold it. That where is the internet.

Alas a cannot be a noob, for I play no multiplayer as the net is full of pricks.
Speaking of things that are flimsy, so is your excuse for why you're a noob
Luckily at the escapist noobs are easy to find, we just look at join dates.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
The internet.

The word was created and defined right here.
even if it is, its the actual players who decide the truth
And what are they playing on? Some interconnected web of ideas, an information superhighway, a series of TUBES?!
Nay, the idea of a noob is always in the minds of those who call others noob. My guess is that you're one of the players that constantly gets called noob not because you're actually better than the other player but because you truly SUCK
But a thought is flimsy and loose, to define it you must set it somewhere and mold it. That where is the internet.

Alas a cannot be a noob, for I play no multiplayer as the net is full of pricks.
Speaking of things that are flimsy, so is your excuse for why you're a noob
Luckily at the escapist noobs are easy to find, we just look at join dates.
You got me there I concede to your wisdom


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
Ristoril said:
KarumaK said:
The internet.

The word was created and defined right here.
even if it is, its the actual players who decide the truth
And what are they playing on? Some interconnected web of ideas, an information superhighway, a series of TUBES?!
Nay, the idea of a noob is always in the minds of those who call others noob. My guess is that you're one of the players that constantly gets called noob not because you're actually better than the other player but because you truly SUCK
But a thought is flimsy and loose, to define it you must set it somewhere and mold it. That where is the internet.

Alas a cannot be a noob, for I play no multiplayer as the net is full of pricks.
Speaking of things that are flimsy, so is your excuse for why you're a noob
Luckily at the escapist noobs are easy to find, we just look at join dates.
You got me there I concede to your wisdom
I accept your concession. To a battle well fought.


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
I like to define it as someone who is in way over their head and does not know it.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
I dont do leet speak. and if you do, shame on you. I was called a "gaming noob" by some halfwit. im 29, ive been doing rpg's and console since I was 6. Just because I dont spend every nano second outside of training and school playing the newest fps so that I can be the best because my life is otherwise shallow, empty and pathetic doesnt make me a "noob". I am busy doing other things, like having sex with my girlfriend and generally having fun and raising hell.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
A new player. Think it's been expanded to fit, sub-par players, and hackers too - having to cheat to win, pretty much makes said player crap.


New member
Nov 16, 2008
A "Newb" is someone who doesn't know much about a game, but is willing to learn from other more experienced players.

A "Noob" is a little shit who knows nothing about a game, but pretends he does and makes vulgar comments about people better than him