What did you GIVE for Christmas?

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
They say it's better to give than to receive, so how 'bout it? What did you give someone else this holiday season?

I built a HGUC Gundam model for my 4 year old daughter. Palace Athene to be specific.



New member
Aug 6, 2012
My sister made me babysit her cat. I opened up a 12-pack and the cat played in there for a while. And people say I don't get the spirit of Christmas.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
My mother I bought a top and a bottle of perfume - Both of which she specifically wanted.

My older brother I bought iTunes vouchers - Not inventive, but to be honest there isn't a whole lot you can buy a 28 year old guy whose main interest is cars, but doesn't drive.

My little sister I bought a ring and some iTunes vouchers - Both of these were on her list also.

I bought a friend of mine a voucher to spend on the XBone - I may judge them for their poor choice of gaming machinery, but I am sure it will come in handy with the inevitable wave of DLC it's games will have.

I also bought somebody on here a years worth of Publisher's Club membership.

Although to be honest, the OP's present is way cooler than all of mine combined.


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I bought my mother tickets to go and see Andre Rieu when he was in Nottingham on the 12th December as she absolutely adores him and she loved every minute of it. Seeing her face light up when he took the stage made my Christmas as well as hers. It was also my Christmas present to myself as I also love Andre Rieu, and to share the experience with her was wonderful.

I got my dad a Canada rugby union jersey, due to his love of underrated sports teams. It helped that I went to Montreal to visit a friend in October, so I bought it when I was over there, and then I had to keep it hidden from him for two months. It was surprisingly difficult to do, but he absolutely loves it, so it was worth it.

I also contributed to getting my brother a Fender black precision bass that he always wanted, so I agreed with my mum and dad that I would contribute some of the funds required in order to get him it for Christmas. In addition to that, I got him Batman: escape from Arkham city board game.

Having said that, that Gundam model looks pretty damned sweet, I wouldn't have minded getting that for Christmas. Your daughter is a very lucky girl OP.


New member
May 14, 2010
I got my girlfriend a plush Target dog in snowboarding gear, some pajamas, and a ride through a light show
Mom- A set of bouncy balls and a mesh bag, a Starbucks refillable cup
Mom's partner- A rack to hang spools of thread and a Starbucks refillable cup.
Grandma- Another thread rack.
Aunt #1- Some beads and a hand held paper shredder (scissors with three blades instead of just one)
Aunt #2- iTunes gift card, this one was pretty weak but I had to ship everything and I was running out of money.
Aunt #3- Applebee's gift card (She usually takes the whole family out to eat there) and some earrings.
Uncle- Some hot sauce from Texas
Cousin #1- Three DVDs of the old Mario cartoon and a game I borrowed a while back
Cousin #2- Some earrings

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Here's my favorite presents I got for my family this year.

My sister really liked my Maya Brenner Pennsylvania necklace with a little diamond on our hometown, but couldn't afford one herself. I got one for her, though it did get spoiled a little early when the shipping package gave it away :c

My cousin is going through a long rehab after a car accident last year that left her without her memory and the ability to control her body. She's finally walking again (very slowly) and her memory and cognitive functions are coming back to her at an awesome rate. But she's stuck up in the mountains and lives alone with my Aunt, and they don't have much money to go out and do fun stuff (and my aunt suffers from winter depression). They both love tea, so my mom and I got them this pretty bone china tea set from Teavana, with some nice white tea and rock sugar. They absolutely LOVED it, so we're so happy to make their lives a little happier.

My last favorite present was for my parents, got them a Roomba Scooba. I got one after getting my puppy, and it's the closest thing to a robot butler I can imagine at this point. It does a great job too, better than I could, anyway...

Anyway, none of those are super exciting, but I thought they were pretty neat.
Oct 10, 2011
I gave some Pyrex bowls to my mom, since she specifically asked for those, and I gave some slippers to my dad. Before you ask, the family reunion was wonderful, as I got to listen to drunken rants about Mexicans takin' Urrrr jaaaaaabs and the greed of Indians.

Okay, so maybe I don't exactly care about what I gave them. But I also gave a Pub Club subscription to a friend on this site, and that actually felt good.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
A hot-water bottle (really, that's the english word for that?) and flowers for my mother, a PS4 controller for her boyfriend/my kinda-father, one bag of precision dice each for my flatmate and her two friends, cinema coupons for my father and his wife and the longest cuddling session for my dog EVER.

And, well, a Shadowrun sourcebook (Rhein-Ruhr Megaplex) for me, because I am selfish and couldn't resist.


Aug 3, 2008
Boyfriend - A chocolate game controller, a pug teddy, a Marvel wallet, some Jelly beans, a 3D moving Pacman cup, a comic book by The Oatmeal, a nerf gun and some headphones.
Bfs sister - a cupcake smellies kit and red polka dot cup that is just so her style.
Bfs mum - a woolly hat and matching gloves, reindeer socks.
Bfs dad - an assortment of little vehicles made of chocolate.

My mum - a diamond necklace and earrings and a Boyzone CD.
Step-dad - A family guy pint glass and after 8 chocolate selection.
sister - perfume and smellies set.
Brother - Marvel aftershave kit.
SIL - Make-up
Neice #1 - A hairclip I bought from Wales that looked like her style and a nice top.
Niece #2 - Moshi Monsters perfume and shower gel.
Niece #3 - A princess tiara set with perfume, comb and heels.
Nephew #1 - An angry birds mug
Nephew #2 - A Cars mug
Nephew #3 - A DC heroes 'smartphone' it's pretty awesome actually.

I couldn't afford much this year. ;;


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I got each of my parents (they are divorced) a Roku 2 and a 3 month gift subscription to Netflix. Both of them had been complaining that satellite seemed too expensive because there was never anything on.

I got my cousin Battlefield 4 for the PS4 even though he doesn't have the console. He keeps talking about getting one, so I thought I would give him some incentive. *evil laughter*

I got my best friend a couple of Sonic the Hedgehog shot glasses. He is a huge Sonic nerd.

I got my girlfriends parents a Keurig coffee maker because they complain that they waste coffee in the mornings.

Last but not least, I got my girlfriend a replica of the 4th Doctor's scarf, and a universal TV remote shaped like the 10th Doctor's sonic screwdriver. She is a huge Doctor Who fangirl.

That pretty much covers what I gave out this year.


New member
Nov 3, 2008
I got my mother a camera shaped pillow because she is into the whole photography thing.
Got my dad and grandma a new TV since they were using an old CRT TV.

I had to buy a gift for cousin's two kids because we were going to spend Christmas with them, I went out and got them a 3DS that they could share when it was on sale at Target. I told my cousin what I had got them and she was like oh wow that's great. Turns around and calls me the next day and shes like...you know my husband and I were thinking, could you get the kids an XBox One instead.
My response was an instant 'Fuck Off'. I was like wtf, not only am I not going to go out and spend $500 on your kids, I was being ultra generous by dropping $120 on a 3DS just because they're good kids. But you have the gall to turn around and ask me for a $500 dollar gift?! Not only that but she wants me to find an XBox One 2 days before Christmas and she told her kids that I had actually got it. I ended up staying at home playing my new 3DS and gave my parents a box of candy to give the kids.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Gave my sister a bedside lamp (don't look at me like that, she specifically asked for one!), my brother a Lowes gift card and a Beast Wars action figure, my dad a GPS, my best friends Diablo 3 and Cloud Atlas, and my sister and I split payments to get my mom a kindle.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
This year I gave the gift of giving to all my friends...

No that's a lie.
I bought my self everything I wanted and told my friends to take all the money they would have spent on me and buy themselves something.

It's like generosity, in the most ass backwards way possible.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
A handbag with a tracker for my brother, who has to travel long distances to work.
Music CDs for my other brother.
Creams and lotion from the Body Shop for my mom, got a great deal.
Hot chocolate and a sweater for my dad, because he never got around to making a list of gift suggestions.

This also marks the first year I have ever 'impulse bought' something during Christmas shopping- a manicure set and body salve, 2 for 1 at half price and I was feeling compassionate since it was an independent source and I felt the person in question did a really good job selling the product, giving multiple free samples.


Still Approved by Shock
May 30, 2010
United States
My mom and sister got over a hundred dollars worth of soap products, stepfather got a flask, uncle got booze, cousin and her husband got some money to get their new house in shape, other cousin got a gift card for some clothes and stuff, Other cousin got a game, his fiance got a card for a baby store, their newborn son got a onesy that looks like a monkey, brother in law got some cash, toys for the niece and nephew, sweaters for the grandparents, flowers for the other grandmother, and an aspirin for myself.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Two computers I built (nearly identical low-end APU systems), a machete, a boot knife, a bunch of kids' toys and an old-fashioned oil lamp.

I only really participate in Boxing Day Eve gift giving with immediate family these days.


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
Damn, you people are good at this...

My family...we don't really give much gifts beyond our respective nuclei...so for me, it came down to a a couple of candles for my mum, my dad and brothers really didn't care.

When I get a gift, it's always really half-assed...it's not like I don't try to be generous, I'm just not as thoughtful as any of you, I suppose...


New member
Oct 1, 2012
My parents usually pester me to not give them anything for the holidays because they want me to save my money for things I need.
I felt bad so I treated them to dinner the other day.
As for actual physical gifts, I decided to get my Adventure Time fan sister a Jake the Dog beanie, and my 5 year old lil sis, who loved Frozen, an Elsa doll.

And I made one of my best friends a drawing of her and her popular cosplays. (in return she's giving me something Persona related now, neat!)

Dirge Eterna

New member
Apr 13, 2013
My wife got laid off about a week before Thanksgiving so its been a tight time for us. So we only bought stuff for our 7 year old son. We got him a couple books about space and weird facts about earth. A nerf football, he gave his away a few weeks before Christmas to some kids at the park that didn't have any toys to play with. A 4 wheel razor type scooter and a Lego Chima The Lion CHI Temple set. I cheated and bought my wife a steampunk Raven necklace as well, but it wasnt that expensive.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
One of my friends lost his pocket knife a little while back and needed a new one so I bought him an Ontario Rat 1 (which is quite a bit better than the old $10 knife from big 5 that he had before).

I also bought a bunch of my friends steam games that they've been wanting.