What Do You Look For In Let's Plays/Players

Samurai Rabbit

New member
Apr 2, 2011
Pretty much what the thread title says. Who are your favourites? And what do you lie about their style? Is it humour? Attention to detail?

Spill it!

I like this guy:


General Twinkletoes

Suppository of Wisdom
Jan 24, 2011
I love the Auzzie Gamer, he's the only LP'er I watch. I used to like guys like Game Grumps, but gradually got bored. If I wanted a 10 minute discussion that has nothing to do with the game, I'll listen to a podcast. TheAuzzieGamer puts a ton of work into his videos. He's always explaining what he's doing and why, while still staying funny. He's one of the best youtubers around, and deserves more vies.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
They have to be entertaining of course. Cry is literally the best LP-er ever, the production value of his videos is just SO high! He edits, adds music, has a unique opening and endingfor each episode and various other things without ruining any gameplay. The end of Corpse Party he played what I assume to be the original Japanese dub over the last cutscene which added so freaking much to it.

He also have one of the best voices ever and he NEVER goes off on a tangent during an LP like several others do. I don't mind when people do that unless it goes on forever or happens every two seconds. Yeah looking at you Game Grumps. Spend practially the entire first two episodes of their Demon's Souls LP singing badly. Pro.

He plays mostly horror games and a LOT of RPGmaker games, all the good ones at least. *cough*Ib*cough*

I've come to really like those RPGmaker Visual Novel'y top down, pixelly, use item on door type games a lot. I have to assume it's because they focus on cool tricks they can do with the gameplay (hilarious deaths in The Witch's House) overall story and good uses of dialogue. Rather than woo flashy visuals! His classic playthrough of Ao Oni trained him in the art of juking angry demons XD

Just... Gary, man! GARY!

I'm STILL mad over Mad Father's ending by the way.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Just... entertaining. And not bad.
Auzziegamer is generally pretty good, nice to see he's updating again. Jefmajor's started doing his Dwarf Fortress stuff again so that's getting entertaining.
Having good audio and video is essential too. Chipcheezum is pretty consistently great with everything he does and dual audio videos so if you want to watch the cutscenes you can but if you don't care about Kojima's 17 hours of conspiracy rating you can have some funny banter over it instead.
Northernlion is good because he's generally a pretty serene guy so when he does get surprised and freaks out it's genuinely funny rather than the standard for the video.
Also been enjoying Grimithr a lot recently. He has moments of being calm and knowing what he's doing but can change quite quickly into "4000 YEAR OLD NECROMANCER GRIMITH REQUIRES THE SOULS OF CHILDREN".

Go check 'em out, they're all pretty great.


[sub][sub][sub]*cough* [http://www.youtube.com/user/MrHaza2/featured][/sub][/sub][/sub]

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I like blind Let's Plays, or at least a Let's Play where the guy isn't just showing off how quickly he can finish the game. I also like it when they incorporate their Game Overs and have a sense of humor. I wanna empathize with the guy as much as possible, so I don't become an irate backseat gamer.

Samurai Rabbit

New member
Apr 2, 2011
hazabaza1 said:
Just... entertaining. And not bad.
Auzziegamer is generally pretty good, nice to see he's updating again. Jefmajor's started doing his Dwarf Fortress stuff again so that's getting entertaining.
Having good audio and video is essential too. Chipcheezum is pretty consistently great with everything he does and dual audio videos so if you want to watch the cutscenes you can but if you don't care about Kojima's 17 hours of conspiracy rating you can have some funny banter over it instead.
Northernlion is good because he's generally a pretty serene guy so when he does get surprised and freaks out it's genuinely funny rather than the standard for the video.
Also been enjoying Grimithr a lot recently. He has moments of being calm and knowing what he's doing but can change quite quickly into "4000 YEAR OLD NECROMANCER GRIMITH REQUIRES THE SOULS OF CHILDREN".

Go check 'em out, they're all pretty great.


[sub][sub][sub]*cough* [http://www.youtube.com/user/MrHaza2/featured][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Some good examples there, and thanks everybody for your suggestions. And of course I had ulterior motives....

[sub][sub][sub]*cough* [http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSamuraiRabbit][/sub][/sub][/sub]


Feb 12, 2009
My two favorites are David64yt and Chuggaconnroy. I look for let's plays of games I haven't had much or no experience with and these two fit the bill.

And they're both so genuine about what they're doing. They seem like they really care about editing and pacing and a focus on the actual game instead of being the funny man. SuperBeardBros would also fall under this category.

I don't really like blind LP's because most of the time the player's inexperience gets in the way of actually experiencing the game because Mr. LPer doesn't know what the fuck he's doing at the moment (and is probably keeping too much or all of the failed attempts in). David64yt has a tiny problem with this and NintendoCaprisun (who I also really like) has a big problem with this occasionally. I tried to watch TGS Dodger play Lucius but geeze, I will never watch another LP by her again.

Oh, and also Yahtzee and Gabe.

Lucky Godzilla

New member
Oct 31, 2012
First and foremost, the lets player/players must be entertaining. It doesn't matter if you know a game inside and out, if your content in not engaging, I'm not going to watch it. Secondly I'd say the lets player must have competent knowledge of a game. While I do like to see genuine reactions we get from "blind" LP's, I don't particularly care for the inevitable moment when said person gets lost.

I have begun to enjoy let's plays involving two people. Especially when their personalities can play off of one another, as is the case with gamegrumps and the Two Best Friends. It's nice not having just a single guy constantly speaking into a mike to an imaginary audience. The human interaction between the two players can help keep my interest even when the game itself is boring.


New member
Nov 7, 2011
A respect for and knowledge of the game being played. I watch let's plays to experience games I haven't had the chance to play or just generally wouldn't play. Being funny or witty or whatever is a bonus definitely, but if they're going to talk over the story or even worse outright spoil it I have no reason to watch. The same goes for mechanics, I want to see how the game works on a mechanical level and that doesn't happen if the person playing is clueless about the game.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
Entertainment, which is why I love game grumps, they leave me in tears sometimes.

Watch their goof troop or Sonic 06 playthrough and you will see why.


New member
Jan 14, 2013
Game grumps if I want some laughs, and some edcumacation on the side.

Auzzie if I want to see how good a game is.

Pewdiepie if there are no forks to stick in my ears/eyes/buttocks.

Edit: So in other words, being very entertaining or having some sort of knowledge of the game and sharing the knowledge in a good way.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I usually just want to see if a game I'm potentially interested in actually interests me without having to buy, download a demo or pirate to test it before buying(Can I even say this is a last resort option here without getting warned?) and whenever I actually want it the first guy I check out is TotalBiscuit, I think he's genuinely funny as well but the focus is usually on the game's quality and flaws.

I like some humorous videos of games, but they're not really let's plays. A regional one I watch is pretty funny but it's not going to make any sense if you don't speak Portuguese and will likely not get you even a smirk with captions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I24CCO5qro

captcha - winter snow, bastard stop making fun of my 40°+ celsius summer will ya?


New member
Dec 7, 2011
Just quality commentary really, along with a game I enjoy. I don't watch any famous LPer's though, probably the most popular I watch is Veriax and Gopher. Basically, guys who have a knack for being interesting while playing and add role-playing elements into their games. Shit like that.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Honest time...

I've always thought that Let's Plays were incredibly silly and seemed like a waste of time to me (Note: That does not mean you can't enjoy them but I personally have never had any interest at all).

However, that opinion might slowly be changing now that I decided to try my own "Let's Play". Now this is going to be biased since...well...I'm going off of my Let's Play since, as stated, I've never watched any. I feel that a Let's Play that can incorporate the audience somehow would be the way to go (so like a role-playing thing but the "Let's Play" guy is the one making up all the stories). Problem is that I'm not sure how well this would actually work outside a very select few games (my game is XCOM so you can imagine how that would work).


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Humor. I love to laugh and watch letsplayers that do that. Jesse Cox is my favorite, followed by Robazz, then by Crendor.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I like watching Graham and Paul from Loading Ready Run, they have humour and facts.

Joseph Harrison

New member
Apr 5, 2010
I love Alchestbreach he has really good off the cuff humor and even though I don't own Fallout New Vegas for the PC I enjoy watching him play New Vegas Mods.

Other than Alchestbreach I like Game Grumps but they aren't really LPers seeing as how they rarely even talk about the game they're playing.


New member
Oct 13, 2011
I look for humour / entertainment.

I must be an odd one out too, because I mostly look for screenshot/text based ones as opposed to videos. I got into LPs while trying to kill time at my old job so videos didn't really work in that environment, and it's kind of stuck ever since.

Aside from the work-friendly format though, I also really enjoy the freedom and latitude it gives the author to, say, put words in character's mouths for the lulz in a way that just wouldn't work in a video format. <a href=http://lparchive.org/author/Nakar>Nakar's work on the Ultima series, for example, is gold and it was a big influence on my own amateur efforts... <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/jump/9.341194.13775334>*cough*


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
AD-Stu said:
I look for humour / entertainment.

I must be an odd one out too, because I mostly look for screenshot/text based ones as opposed to videos. I got into LPs while trying to kill time at my old job so videos didn't really work in that environment, and it's kind of stuck ever since.
Oh man, this [http://lparchive.org/Princess-Maker-2/] Princess Maker 2 is a fantastic text LP, probably one of the best Let's Plays in any format out there.
Completely forgot about it, thanks for jogging my memory.