What Do You Look For In Let's Plays/Players

Aug 1, 2010
A couple of things.

Number 1 is humility and appreciation of fans. This is the reason I abandoned DSP. He just became too cunty to like.

2 is blind LPs. It's so much more fun if I'm seeing honest first reactions.

3 is either love or hatred of what they're playing. If it's just meh, it's no fun.

And finally, a sexy British accent never hurts.

My favorite at the moment is AlChestBreach. He has all of the things except for the accent and he more than makes up for it with some of the most unique humor I've ever seen.

This is his gang. They run around New Vegas and test mods.


New member
Feb 1, 2013
Obvious things like quality of recording are important. There are quite a few let's plays out there wherein the recording seldom jumps above 10 FPS.

However I'd say the main attribute I look for is personality. I can't stand the "bro" type of let's player who is always trying to crack wise and do stupid stuff in game. I like funny let's players, but they should be able to actually tone it down and play the game the way it is meant to be played. This is part of the reason why I can't stand people like Tobuscus. He is always trying way to hard to be totally hilarious and it just agitates the living daylights out of me.


My brother answers too!
Dec 22, 2010
I watch RoosterTeeth's Let's Plays, and from time to time GhostRobo; the latter only to see how new Triple-A releases look and play. It's good instead of seeing devs spill their hearts over how they did all they could for a game. RoosterTeeth's are mostly for humor. I watch Game Grumps from time to time because they can be hilarious, like with their Sonic '06 run.