what do you think about ctrl alt del


New member
Feb 21, 2008
GyroCaptain said:
[snip]This, combined with a high profile and a conceitedness bordering on the "Woo-ha crazy" level (Winter-eenmas? The hell?) leaves a lot of people ragging on it.
He took a perfectly good and holy holiday and destroyed it. I loathe the coming of HalloChrisGiving now.

Everything else has already been said, so I'm afraid there isn't much left for me to go on about.


New member
Sep 14, 2007
I quite like Ctrl+Alt+Del. Even if I stopped finding it funny, I'd still read it out of a sort of gratitude. CAD was one of the two major things that introduced me to being a hardcore gamer. The other one was RvB.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
There was a time when i liked CAD more than i do now.

Thing is, Buckley makes great strips when he makes fun of one particular game.
He makes "alright" strips when he makes something about general gaming culture.
And the Strips about his Characters or Storyarcs with them suck horribly.

Guess what he does most, and what he does least...

And somehow it is just getting worst. Even if i do not care much about CAD, i just sat in shock and disbelief for about a minute when he started that storyarc where one of the main characters get's pregnant.

And well, i really hate Tim Buckley himself. His opinions on topics he mentions in his blogs are, at best, something i cannot really connect to, and at worst, just a horribly argumented, childish rant that gives me the impression that Buckley is just a random asshole who is full of himself.

And, well, i guess Buckley IS a random asshole who is full of himself, but can draw pretty pictures and manages a good joke once in a while. Doctor Shenanigans well researched Post further fueled my hatred for him.

So, well, i'm not really a fan of CAD, and i do not like Buckley, but i occasionally check on the Webcomic to see if he manages to make one of the rare really funny strips...or just to see how much further he can jump the shark with his ridiculously cliched storyarcs.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
More links about CAD's incredible unfunny lameness and the author's lack of talent, notorious narcissim and details of the RoM incident where he flashed his penis to an underage girl can be found at:


Also notice the "CAD rule", on this page. Hours of fun!


New member
Jan 4, 2008
I tend to enjoy CAD the most when it makes one-off parodies of games, and find the main storyline incredibly bland at the best of times, and downright frustrating at the worst. Webcomic connoisseurs have had a go at his art style and methods, but those things fly under my radar as a non-issue to me, because I just want a good laugh and more often than not, CAD does not deliver. I read it out of habit because I know that once in a blue moon it can be pretty funny, but it gets very self-gratifying when it comes to things like Winter-een-mas and the Gaming Religion. The series he made with the Gaming Religion nursery rhyme was painful for me, but I read them to give benefit of the doubt, and not only did it not nearly compare to the excellent Twisp and Catsby nursery rhyme from around the same time period, but it just wasn't good by its own merits, either. I could vividly picture him patting himself on the back after drawing a strip where Lucas tells the other religious leaders to disprove the gaming religion's gods without disproving their own. As an amusing note, an anti-CAD enthusiast later re-edited the strip with the final panel containing the priest's valid response of "Your gods were created for the purpose of worshiping physical objects made by man."

Sometimes, CAD can be funny. At other times it really feels as though Tim Buckley's popularity is going to his head. How horrible, on so many levels, was the storyline of Lucas trying to get out of his date with a fat woman until he realizes that it was a costume and that she's actually hot, and that she dressed fat to make sure that men don't like her for being hot? How many times do the jokes in the main storyline rely on an essay of words to build up to what should have been a one-liner, and an insipid one at that? The only example of character humour I can really come up with is the penguin. I won't pick on Chef Brian too much, because he only pops up once in a long while, but everything about those strips define the very anti-thesis of humour. Honestly, that kind of humour was only funny to me 8 years ago, and even then I stopped after about a month because I realized that it was stupid and beneath me.

Lately, CAD has really been rubbing me the wrong way, even by its own merits, and gets utterly destroyed once I start comparing it to strips like Penny Arcade. In PA, some of my favourite strips don't actually have proper punchlines, but the humour is thick because they play off the established characters. Look at the Professor Layton strip. It's not funny for me to say that the "punchline" was Tycho shouting "FUCK YOU!" but when you read the strip and you know the character, it's absolutely hilarious. Look at the series where Gabe and Tycho "break up" and each make their own comic. Gabe's is well drawn with profoundly stupid writing. Tycho's strip, another one of my absolute favourites, again contained no actual punchline, but consisted of horrible MS Paint line scribbles featuring an obtusely complicated plot regarding the mechanics of grammar.

The hilarity of these strips are in what isn't being said, whereas CAD makes it a point to spell out every one of the jokes, while telling us how he spells it. Look at the recent CAD strip about Gears of War 2. The premise of the joke was solid, and took 4 gigantic panels to build a joke that would have taken PA 2 or 3, tops, and then he drops the ball on the joke by not giving us a satisfying pay-off to the build.

In fact, while I'm here, and since my NyQuil high is derailing any semblance of focus that I already lack on the best of days, let me particularly tear this strip apart.


First off, the dialogue isn't concise enough. Look how much the characters have to talk in order to establish the premise. It would be one thing if this were a short film animation, but for a comic, it's a bit too verbose. One character sets up the topic, the second character initiates the conflict, the first character sets up the punchline, then the punchline takes place over two panels.

Far more effective would be for one of the characters to immediately establish the conflict to be resolved, and then the next character would immediately build to the punchline. Let's imagine the first panel being the character stressing over the pressure to make Gears of War 2, and saying "How the hell are we supposed to follow up Gears of War? We put a chainsaw on a machine gun! It doesn't GET more awesome than that!" We've already cut off about half the dialogue. Then the second panel can be pretty much the same.

Now note the last two panels. Spreading one punchline over two panels is tedious, especially when the final panel spells out in great detail everything that we don't need to have explained to us. He didn't need to tell me that he has a gun with a train on it. I can SEE that. Get rid of the third panel altogether, and go straight to the shot of him holding a train-gun, but use the text from the third panel instead. So, we have three panels: "Nothing can be more awesome than a chainsaw gun," "I've got ideas," and then, "Time to bring some ruckus to those locust assholes" as we see him dangling off his "gun."

But now that the strip has been condensed, we're now faced with the problem that the punchline doesn't pay off the build. A train on his gun ISN'T more awesome than a chainsaw gun. And as such, the punchline isn't funny, because it isn't true. What if, instead of a chainsaw, he now had a lawnmower on his gun? Or a T-Rex?

I mean, feel free to debate me on this if you feel that the strip is funnier as it is than with my suggested "improvements." Obviously, I'm not a funny enough person to accomplish being able to make a living off of it, and Tim Buckley's doing well for himself with the CAD site. But that strip was boring to me, and I can identify exactly what could have been done with it to make me laugh, but obviously Buckley's views of humour differ from mine.

Again, I'm too doped up to know how to finish this post appropriately, so I'll just stop typing now.


Music Industry Corporate Whore
Nov 14, 2007
Yeah your post echoes the "CAD game" in Encycopedia Dramatica, where you remove the middle two panels, and remove the dialogue from the 4th one, and CAD ACTUALLY BECOMES FUNNIER. This works with almost all CAD comics! That's how badly written they are!


New member
Nov 22, 2007
I kinda like CAD. It's not "ha ha"-funny, but it's nice, has some pretty decent story arcs and is more entertaining then Penny Arcade. The author's private life and scandals? I couldn't care less.

It's nowhere near the brilliance of XKCD, but it's nice, a bit bland but reliable and entertaining.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
First off, the dialogue isn't concise enough.
So it's the Garfield Effect, you mean? Where the entire thing would actually be better (And funnier) with less (Sometimes even no) dialogue?

As for Buckley's private life, well... I seem to remember finding a website that displayed past alterations to Wikipedia articles. I read through the CAD paragraphs that were changed, and it made for some interesting reading...



New member
Feb 27, 2008
I like some of the earlier comics, but it's all been going downhill since around 2006. Feels like he (Buckley) has been just sorta phoning it in since then.


New member
Dec 14, 2007
I'm quite new to the comic and enjoyed reading the archive over a lunch break or two. Chef Brian is awful, but some strips are funny. The recent Gears of War 2 strip made me chuckle.

But Penny Arcade > Ctrl Alt Del every day of the week
Nov 28, 2007
Well, I have to say, Tim Buckley is not a very nice person. That said, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF THE COMICS? Sorry for caps.


New member
Dec 9, 2007
thebobmaster said:
Well, I have to say, Tim Buckley is not a very nice person. That said, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF THE COMICS? Sorry for caps.
It sort of does, really.

I mean, for a very obvious example of his egotism, check out the protagonist of CAD: Ethan. Basically, he looks like a skinnier version of Tim himself (and whenever Buckley draws himself he basically uses the same skeletal frame and features for both characters). Tim's arrogance is reflected elsewhere too (let's bring up his rip-off of the great Child's Play, shall we?) but most of it is, as you point out Bob, quite irrelevant to the quality of the webcomic. However, Tim is very stubborn (as anyone who's tried to dispute CAD's 'greatness' on the official forums will have found out) and this does show through to the actual detail in the comic. Since 2003 almost every strip (with the exception of 'LOLOLOLRANDOMCHEF!111oneoneone HOWCOOOOOOOOOl!?') has followed the same premise of:

The other bloke: [Generic witty comeback and headshake]
The robot: I H8 U AAAAALL!

It gets old and the writer should learn to adapt, not just sit there with his bloated head; lest he lose long-time readers such as myself.
Nov 28, 2007
Melaisis said:
thebobmaster said:
Well, I have to say, Tim Buckley is not a very nice person. That said, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF THE COMICS? Sorry for caps.
It sort of does, really.

I mean, for a very obvious example of his egotism, check out the protagonist of CAD: Ethan. Basically, he looks like a skinnier version of Tim himself (and whenever Buckley draws himself he basically uses the same skeletal frame and features for both characters). Tim's arrogance is reflected elsewhere too (let's bring up his rip-off of the great Child's Play, shall we?) but most of it is, as you point out Bob, quite irrelevant to the quality of the webcomic.
Oh, I agree. He is definitely a good deal arrogant. But as for the whole "getting drunk and obnoxious on WoW" and such stuff....that has no effect on his comic, for me.

Edit: Also, strangely enough, my name is Tim.

Jack Sheehan

New member
Oct 16, 2007
I dont care about this blokes personal life, all I care about is that it isn't funny. Not at all. Father Ted is funny. Airplane! was funny. Richard Pryor was funny. This is not.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
TheNecroswanson said:
thebobmaster said:
Well, I have to say, Tim Buckley is not a very nice person. That said, WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE QUALITY OF THE COMICS? Sorry for caps.
Yeah, I'll agree with that statement, but it doesn't change the fact that his comics aren't funny.

Actually, wait, there is an instance where his personality affects his comics. The Winter-een-mass sagas. The Gaming Religion plotlines. His rants. His ego and arrogance sometimes shines through pretty strong in his comics at times.


New member
Sep 7, 2007
Too much text, not enough funny.

Used to be good.

xkcd, explosm, thewarehouse, legorobot are awesome.


New member
Jan 12, 2008
PA, VG Cats, Explosm.net and BiggerCheese.com are my favourites. I was actually a big reader of CAD for a while, then I thought what the FUCK am I playing at? It's shit.