What Do You Want to Read in The Escapist?


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
A realism vs. fun article. Saints Row 2 vs. GTA IV, CoD4 vs. UT3 etc.

George Palmer

Halfro Representative
Feb 23, 2009
I'd love to see an issue on 150 ways to skin a bull moose. But thats just me. Probably not much a market for that. ahhh well...


New member
Feb 17, 2008
Recently the number one scientific journal New Scientist started a special 4 week long entitled:

'blue print for a better world'

In it they came up with solutions the challenges facing humanity, they asked famous philosophers, grand economists, legendary scientists, and the heads of huge businesses about what they think would help humanity on it's way forward.

This is nothing new, but they go into the most tiny minute detail, why not do the same thing but with video games? Run a 4 week spread about what the video game industry needs to do to overcome it' many various problems.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Done an issue about addiction yet?

Apart from that, maybe one on Cheats? It's such a huge part of video games and I'm not sure you guys have covered it.

Actually you probably have, to be honest I don't really keep up with the topics.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
In addition to the Escapist member interviews, I like the suggestion of cooking and snacks actually.

It'd be interesting to have a little article on how to make an easy, quick and delicious snack and could fuel all night video game exploits.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I prefer less abstract subjects. It's infinitely more interesting to see a list like "ten things I hate about gaming" than to read some philosophical treatise on the depiction of women in gaming.

L.B. Jeffries

New member
Nov 29, 2007
This is just tooting my own weird niche in the gaming scene, but an issue of essays devoted specifically to an individual old game would be awesome. Quotes, analysis, maybe just do a greatest hits of the past few years and talk about them from varying angles. Articles about nostalgia that broadly gloss over popular titles don't cut it, an essay that really digs into the meat and bones of a game.

C'mon, with Steam and all the other download services selling classics you know it's time.


New member
Dec 3, 2008
miracleofsound said:
I know it's a little cliched, but I always enjoy reading lists.

We always rattle on about our favorite things but it would be nice to hear the staff's point of view...

'Escapist Staffs 50 hardest ever game levels', or 'Top ten golden rules on online gaming'

Stuff like that. It's shallow but its fun.
Yeah be kind of useful if your don't feel like "heavy reading" from an article. Maybe each game etc. getting a little comment from a member of staff.

Like to see a look at books and video games (two most important "media" to me) like how they influence each other, how there used (I.e in games like Oblivion where there's the whole history or Cyrodill)


and Now My Watch Begins
Sep 8, 2009
How about a regular piece on a different City and some of the Gaming (Digital and Tabletop/CCG) trends both socially and from a creative "whats happening here" point of view. maybe a link with the aforementioned gaming groups would be cool


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
messy said:
miracleofsound said:
I know it's a little cliched, but I always enjoy reading lists.

We always rattle on about our favorite things but it would be nice to hear the staff's point of view...

'Escapist Staffs 50 hardest ever game levels', or 'Top ten golden rules on online gaming'

Stuff like that. It's shallow but its fun.
Yeah be kind of useful if your don't feel like "heavy reading" from an article. Maybe each game etc. getting a little comment from a member of staff.

Like to see a look at books and video games (two most important "media" to me) like how they influence each other, how there used (I.e in games like Oblivion where there's the whole history or Cyrodill)
it could be a nice feature to pick a game every week that is a classic and have a retrospective on it:

'The Escapist Staff talk about thier Oblivion memories, fun and frolics in cyrodil'

hamster mk 4

New member
Apr 29, 2008
I would like to see articles on the process of game development. Interviews with artists, designers, and programmers on how they contribute to a finished game. The reasons why developers chose to incorporate certain elements in their games and leave out others. Principles of what makes a balanced level or game system. I know not every one here wants to make games, but I think enough of us are interested in what goes on in a development studio.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Jordan Deam said:
Sparrow said:
Need... to... flame... reaching... critical... peak...


More user related stuff is pretty nifty.

I suggest a showcase of the user "Sparrow".
No offense, but Sparrow is sooooo six months ago. We're looking for something a bit more ... relevant.

How about the latest sensation on the internet: Sparrow.

An article on machinima would be cool, but aside from RoosterTeeth I don't really know about any commercially successful machinima. People seem to want ones about tie-ins, so maybe an issue of story canon that extends beyond the game?

What about an issue of starting from scratch? You could talk about how to enter the game industry, create a studio, make a game, and even review games by explaining what you need to do at the very beginning, when you have nothing.

There's always gamer culture, but you could look at how different platforms and games cultivate different attitudes. You could write about upcoming developers, studios and technology. You could take a look at why some games are as popular as they are, (pokemon's been around for a while) What about the evolution of various aspects of videogames, like the story, engines, weapons, etc.

You should also take a look at the Magic: the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons websites more closely. They've been offering fresh content for about seven years now by talking about issues that pop up when they release new products. Having some articles that talk about issues that a big name title brings up is a good way to get material.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Well, gee, um, I think some of the posts in this thread forgot it's a gaming magazine.

Granted, any ideas I have I'm sure have been covered at some point, but I've only been reading off and on since 1...170? 180? Whatever January-ish is.

-Space Sims, perhaps something with Freespace or Wing Commander, X3 if there's anything about more in this genre...
-Turn Based Strategy look-back like with Civilization, Master of Orion, etc...
-Column about spy games though I'm 99% sure you did this one, might have even seen it, but you can talk about comparing Goldeneye 64 to newer bond games and what made the old one innovative...
-I know you've done things about music, about retro gaming, and this would all sort of fit into that category, but I don't mean retro as much as years passed by, like instead of Mario, think X-Com...


New member
Feb 24, 2009
I'm not sure if this has been done before, but I would like to see something on game balance and the developers' thought processes when working on it.

Particularly for games/developers with fan bases that frequently make very large changes to it such as Bethesda (TES and Fallout 3) and Creative Assembly (Total War).


New member
Apr 23, 2009
I like the idea of doing an issue on the social side of gaming, how to get teams together, tournaments, ideas for LAN parties, etc.
I also like the idea of a food issue... I once made a Portal cake, it was delicious and moist!


New member
Oct 4, 2007
KDR_11k said:
I prefer less abstract subjects. It's infinitely more interesting to see a list like "ten things I hate about gaming" than to read some philosophical treatise on the depiction of women in gaming.
The day Escapist is so desperate for traffic that they post a Top N Subjectively Rated Videogame Things For Everyone to Disagree on and Generate More Traffic is the day I start just watching ZP and ignoring everything else. Fortunately I know they won't do that. Sorry but I'm here for stuff like articles on the depiction of women in vg, or the interview with gaming addiction psychologist from the other day, and news on what's important that's happening in the gaming biz.

*Edit: of course they have done a couple lists, but most of them aren't traditional "Top N Events in Game Genre Y" or something. The most recent example of a pointless Top N list that I can find is from 2005, http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_2/13-The-Top-10-Games-to-Play-While-Standing-in-Line


New member
Dec 12, 2007
It seems when it comes to requests, people are not short on ideas.

Connected to the Publisher's Note #3, I'd like to see an issue about video game journalism itself. A little self-examination is in order. Not personal stories, but an outlook on the whole picture, what WAS gamer journalism and what it HAS BECOME since then, that kinda stuff. I'll be tempted to send in an article myself.