What Do You Want to Read in The Escapist?


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
I'd like to see an issue dealing with the relationship between gaming studios. This could be about the relationship of competition between various gaming studios. Talking about what they think of one another, how the interact; especially in terms of companies that make games that compete for the market share. You could do that, or you could do something looking at the relationship between gaming developers and publishers and the media that report on them. There are a few ways to go with that.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
no_name said:
why not try doing some stuff on game programming processes or development. How about a step by step on how to go about making your own first game. Even if no one else read it I sure would, and isn't that what matters?
Reminds me of the valve commentary, which i always loved listening to


New member
May 28, 2009
I'm not sure if this has been done already but I would love to see an issue about independent game developers and indie games, with classics such as
- 2D Boy (World of Goo)
- 5th Cell (Scribblenauts)
- Basilisk Games (Eschalon)
- Jagex (Runescape)
- Double Fine Productions (Psychonauts)
- and many, many more

It would be great to have these people interviewed to see how they got started, what they were doing before they were making games, what their offices look like, what a typical day as an indie game developer looks like, what they feel are the pro's and cons of being independent, how they feel about the current economical crisis, if they like developing for the pc, for consoles or for mobile devices better, ...


New member
Feb 23, 2008
I'd like it if you could explore video game storytelling tropes. Like, you know that part in Call of Duty 4 right after the nuke goes off? You think that what you're supposed to do is escape from the radiation, but you soon find that you cannot do so, thus betraying your hopes of surviving. You see the same thing in Shadow of the Colossus at the end where you are struggling to get to mono, but despite your best efforts the wind pulls you back into the fountain. There are all sorts of tropes in gaming but you could do an entire article on just the example I provided.


New member
Nov 20, 2007
hamster mk 4 said:
I would like to see articles on the process of game development. Interviews with artists, designers, and programmers on how they contribute to a finished game. The reasons why developers chose to incorporate certain elements in their games and leave out others. Principles of what makes a balanced level or game system. I know not every one here wants to make games, but I think enough of us are interested in what goes on in a development studio.

seconded! an issue about game mechanics is something that i would read. also how each member creates what they create, etc. like you could write each article about a different aspect of design, from sound to game mechanics to art to lighting that would be awesome! then you could write about how they come together to become a MEGAZOID!!!....i mean a great game. sorry got a bit carried away

also it would be cool if a couple of issues could focus on one genre of games. maybe a racing sim issue, and a stealth action issue, and a platformer issue etc. you could go into the history, what makes a game king of this genre, how they are designed. that would be cool. and a new direction for the magazine.


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009
The video game inside your head... everyone has one. Major Escapist contributors share theirs.


New member
May 14, 2008
I'd like to see something about playing a series of games back-to-back in some kind of eye-straining marathon. Things like Metal Gear, Half-Life and stuff. It's something I'm sure a lot of us do, but not something that we really talk about that much other than in anecdotes. Maybe you could give us advice on sustenance, the best time:sleep ratio for enjoyment balanced with speedy resolution. Maybe you'd get in trouble for encouraging it...I don't know.

You could maybe even do a youtube-based competition where people upload videos of their efforts, and have silly little prizes (like a mininterview or moviebob reviewing your youtube video, I don't know I'm no journalist), but that's just an idea.

Either way, this is something I'd really like to read about, I tend to do a marathon three or four times a year, recently we did Gears of War, Halo and Metal Gear Solid (beggining with MGS1, ignoring Metal Gear etc).

But yeah. Do it. Or I'll write mean things about you guys on the blog I don't have yet (please).


New member
Oct 3, 2007
Actually, a few more ideas.

Potentially some thoughts into the cause of the video game crash and whether we can or cannot avoid another one (personally I think we are well beyond the chances of another game crash).

One I would love to see, actually, is a highlight on books that have proven to be a major inspiration to some of the largest game franchises out there. If only because I feel the modern day geek is horribly, horribly read. Everyone knows of Heinlein's Starship Troopers, but how many out there know about Larry Niven's Ringworld series that inspired the Halo ring? Then of course there is Ayn Rand and the influence on Bioshock. I'm sure there are plenty of other major sci-fi and philosophical writings that have inspired other game developers, even if the largest inspiration currently seen is film.


New member
Jul 5, 2008
I definitely think that a regular investigation of indie games in production would be beneficial for both their games and this site. Indie games are the ones that really need coverage, they can't afford their own advertising, and it's not like they're inferior to big-budget titles.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I'd like to read an article about game testers. You don't really hear much about them but, IMHO, they are the unsung heroes of game development.

I'd also be interested in a regular article spotlighting various game companies, and in particular, the lesser known indie companies. Maybe do Q and A's with different personalities within the company (art department, story, sound, etc.), to get a better understanding of how important their position is in making a game.

And I agree with Sparrow that you should also do a short "Meet (blank)" article, since this kinda is a social network, it'd be nice to know more about the various profiles who inhabit The Escapist.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
I'd like to see a dedicated column for music, old, new and whatnot. I know it's a videogame site primarily but you could branch out and get a wider audience!

Medic Heavy

New member
Jul 4, 2008
I'm really loveing the idea of user generated stuff. Also the showcasing of some of the bigger names of the forums. Also how to survive in the forums, what to do and not to do. That kinda stuff.

I've also thought of a great PSA idea that the whole gaming community will benift very much from. That is were abouts do you place the stake on the beasts body. Also how to avoid his fangs when he lunges at your neck. Or how to survive in the post apocalyptic world that's run by the beast. That kinda stuff.

This is the beast by the way.

If your wondering, yes this is the best picture I could find.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Id cover peripherals, the fishing rod being my favourite niche peripheral.

That or why racism is so prevelant in online gaming.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
An issue speculating about what will be the "next gen" in gaming. Interviews with devs asking what they want out of next gen tech where they wanna take games, ideas, control input, and such.


Bringer of Words
Jul 30, 2008
It's tough to say, considering just how many issues we've seen from The Escapist over the years. Personally, just a few ideas I'd like to see are:
- An issue devoted to MMOs, specifically the under-discussed things like politics, guilds, and economies.
- A "Gaming Imitates Life" issue, exploring how the small things affect games in large ways.
- As Silva mentioned, an issue devoted to common stereotypes in games like space marines, power armor, World War II, etc.
- An issue devoted to gamers themselves, and how that affects them when not gaming.
- An issue devoted to handhelds and handheld gaming.
- An issue devoted to the infamous "games as art" discussion.

Just a few ideas, though I've never been particularly good at this sort of thing.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Sparrow said:
Need... to... flame... reaching... critical... peak...


More user related stuff is pretty nifty.

I suggest a showcase of the user "Sparrow".

Edit: Actually. That's not a bad idea. Why not "interview" the better known members of the site? You know, the big names. Neonbob, Sparrow, Max, Sparrow, erm... Sparrow. Also maybe, Sparrow? Not sure who else. Oh, did I forget Sparrow?
You forgot me :(.

I like to think anywhere I am I'm a big name.

I mean come on now...when you google stuff I write it is one of the first hits on there.

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
What with the EDGE fiasco still not too far in the past, gaming and its myriad legal complications throughout the years in various forms could prove to be interesting.