What do you want to see in Modern Warfare 2?


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Doc Theta Sigma said:
I wouldn't change anything really except for putting in some god damn decent matchmaking. The amount of times I've gone online (I'm very much a newbie) and been up against like 5 people that have done nothing but sit at home and play CoD4 multiplayer for sixth months straight. Is that really fair? And you can say "Practice makes perfect" all you like. I can't get any practice if I'm being killed immediately every fucking time I respawn >:/
Yeah I'm a newbie too, it's a tough game to get the hang of online, very fast and competitive.

I find watching the kill cam helps a lot. You can see the experts' way of killing you!

Also I find the teammate with the highest score and follow him/her around watching thier technique.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Hunde Des Krieg said:
I think maybe add a high level perk that lets you use more than one gun accessory. Like a silencer and a red dot.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Ollie596 said:
For multiplayer i would get rid of the perk system i've always hated it.
This, and I'd have team specific weapons re-introduced (limiting shotguns/snipers in earlier cod games did good things). Makes the game much more fun.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Make it 3rd Person, or at least the option to play the game in 3rd person. Also, do so that you can customize you're character/weapons.

Sergeant M. Fudgey

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Goodbye martyrdom, goodbye juggernaut, goodbye helicopters, and goodbye overpowered P90, although I do love it it's just too strong.

Sergeant M. Fudgey

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Deadman Walkin said:
KaiRai said:
Agreed. Choppers are the most annoying things on COD4, as are dogs on COD:WAW.
How many times have a walked out of a building only to be slaughtered 2 seconds later....
Ugh Choppers, really depends on how you look at them. If the team is paying attention, that beautiful helicopter you deployed gets shot down in seconds, making it COMPLETELY useless.

Yes unfortunately it goes the other way, when you spawn and almost die instantly from the helicopter OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Which means that player gets points for sitting on his ass.


Swarm Agent
Sep 12, 2008
For multi player, i say that the helicopter is all fair, cause as was said earlier, for a good team it is no problem and a waste of time. For a bad team, it messes em up. Get rid of UAV jammer? That perk is great, it is used by skillful people to catch the people who rely on UAV or mini-map for enemies unawares.A biggy though, Make sure that the prestige system only is for the looks and not gives you any advantage over lower prestige opponents, cause guess what? i'm not going to play for 5-10 days total, ive got other games.

For Single Player- Make sure that the veteran difficulty has two things modified for it, they are: 1) Timed sections removed and burned(near impossible) and 2) the AI to have a strategy that doesn't involve you having a truck load of grenades being thrown at you constantly. (Im looking at you World at War....)


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
Suddenly, randomly in this war torn middle eastern country a strang bio chemical bomb of unknown origin comes along, makes impact, blasts the area and a few hours later hordes of unknown monsters (vageuly resembling Alien) start infesting the area and the US government seals the area off, quarantined the Marines have no choice but to unite with the Arabs if they want to escape.

Alternativley that bomb could go off, spread a strange microscopic recombinant alien life form that then spreads to all the corpses of the people killed in the war nad mutates them into hideous alien mutant monster freaks. Yes a reference to Dead Space, I'm sorry but those things ae so much cooler than regular zombies.


New member
Apr 4, 2009
keep choppers but they need to be changed. make it so they cant target players who have just spawned, reduce their damage, reduce their health and chopper kills should give fewer points. maybe make the chopper leave if the player dies

aswell as the chopper stuff it needs more ranks, better matchmaking, no tanks, customizable appearance for players and weapons, C4 needs improvement, martyrdom should only work for certain kills, option for a health bar, option for third person view, can use multiple, accessories at once, less powerfull explosions, more balance, juggernaut nerf

more perks eg
magazine size
no kill cam
disarm claymores - no noise, takes time

more weapons eg
Pancor Jackhammer - any auto shotty will do but its always been a favourite
throwing knives - maybe instead of special nades,

more weapon atachments eg
larger mags
stability enhancers
recoil dampers
accuracy enhancers


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
I'd like to see the multiplayer have some kind of matchmaking that goes according to player skill and ratios.. some of the guys I've been up against in my first week on Live have just been merciless, and so they should be... but I want to get to know the ropes first before getting repeatedly sniped over and over...

By the way the Bog sucks!


New member
Nov 14, 2008
More gun skins. among some i would like to see are...
Stealth black (low gloss)
Warpaint (native American theme,red stripes on a green Background,two or three feathers tied on with a 3/4 inch leather lanyard hanging off the bolt/grip/safety.)
Yellow tiger
White tiger
Lime (Black metal with Green synthetic parts.)
Bad boy (leather/chrome)
copper with white oak furnishings. (used as another type of gold perhaps?)
A bright pink gun skin.
A flame pattern series of skins,preferably one that has RL flame colors,then one each in red,blue green and pink.


Modifications to old perks:
Add certain walls that you can only go over with extreme conditioning.(both to break stalemate camping and make it a little more useful)

Add enemy text chat to eavesdrop.

add visual que to juggernaut,possibly expose the excessively large biceps of the model when in use. (it'd just be cool too.)

Tweak bomb squad to work for all teammates within 3 meters/yards of the player using it.

Make Grenade launcher remove both normal nades and special nades in exchange for the launcher ammo.


New perks:

Farce: give the "grenade" signature yell when not tossing/speak in the other teams language to confuse.

Locked:lock doors on the map,make it 2 or 3 per map minimum. Also add in a master key under the barrel shotgun to break through locked doors easy,otherwise require a kick square to the door,making yourself vulnerable to gun fire from the other side in the process.

Considerate: if you run into a teammate walking through a doorway you automatically compress yourself against the door frame to allow easy passage for team mates through tight spots. possibly could also be made to allow you to slide past a team mate in a door frame despite the lack of space as well.

Shooting glasses:reduced red around the edge of screen when hurt. Reduced 1st person muzzle flash. possibly reduced vulnerability to flashbangs.

Invisible bullets: reduced/removed tracer rounds from your gun.

Sight free/Down the barrel: Ironsight type accuracy increase,but you look down the side of barrel instead for increased FOV while shooting. also no zoom when using DTB/Sight free.

Extreme reflexes:automatically catch the knife when attacked with a knife and push the attacker away by 5/10 feet. possibly hurt the attack or have a QT event. or just hold the player for 3/4/5 seconds to give a team mate time to shoot the attacker. Could possibly be named "the pen is mightier" and stab the attacker with the pen before he can hit you. (lol would be hilarious) Or be named "SIT DOWN" and be a kick to the chest which knocks down the opponent.

Brute force: reduced recoil,but less jump height/slower walk speed.

Strong arm: allow grenades to be tossed further. (both frags and specs)

Tunes: have a audible music within 2/3 feet of the player. (would be like a MP3 player)

Natural leader: make you team tend to spawn closer to you.

Stop,drop...:increase speed of lowering stance. Increase the normal time for lowering your stance to make it more useful.

New guns.
Galil. (should be roughly same as the AK but with better ROF.)
Steyer AUG
Qbz-97 (AKA type 97)
Z-M Weapons LR-300 assault rifle as a replacement for the M4?
Korobov TKB-022 assault rifle (As a SMG)
Steyer TMP
TDI Kriss super V(TM)
Beretta BM12S
RPA "Rangemaster"

(some of these,I'd rather not all of them were implemented.)
Gun perks/add-ons.

Increased barrel length. For increased damage/accuracy.

EOtech sight. Because EOtech sights are just awesome.

Aim-point sight,like Acog only no zoom.


Less burst delay on the M16.

Randomized spawn points,or at least 50-75+ spawns a map. I'm tired of the enemy always knowing exactly where I'll spawn. Also,some spawns that aren't in the middle of the road.

Possibly make moving not affect the Grouping of the weapon,but rather the movement of the group on the screen. (think scope wobble,but for the cross hairs. But the cross hair only moves on the screen,the gun has the same accuracy when moving etc.)

Have a Spec ops skin for the SMG users,which is actually less visually overt from a distance.

Make three versions of every map,day night and overcast,and make it a random pick unless set on the server to be manual.

Add a flashlight/really dark maps. Make muzzle flash actually be bright and flashy. (and do the flashlight right,make it reduce accuracy when on. Unless integrated into the gun./Make it actually light up player models,unlike CSS. and make the flashlight look bright when looking into it,so it's more risky to use.)

Decrease the AK damage to 3 rounds to kill/decrease accuracy extensively/increase recoil by a factor of 2/3

Add setting a tripwire to the Claymore,make bomb squad light the wire up red. possibly make bomb squad have silent diffuse.

Make the sniper ghillie suit blend in with all the maps/possibly one for each map. (they are supposed to be almost invisible after all.)

Increase Grenade fuse to 8 full seconds,both for normal nades and marty. the two second fuse on marty is ridiculous.

For the Love of God,Chuck Norris and the Hoff, don't give the Op for sniper model a red hat!
Or at least a perk named "sublime headgear" that makes your hat less visible. perhaps make the beret green instead of red?


New member
Jul 23, 2008
Perk - Dead still, your character lies down and stays completely still or hugs the ground in an attempt to blend in.

I cannot imagine how many times i have noticed another sniper by him moving, or the amount of times i have hidden from a whole team while lying in the grass.

Also please fix the character models in relation to you moving and aiming. If you are crouching and you nudge over a tiny bit, your whole character stands up and moves over, he doesnt shift over sneakily.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
Allow for Civilians to be in the line of fire or whenever there's fighting in populated areas. That would serve the game so well.

Shantari Extanu

New member
Mar 10, 2009
Implement a nazi-zombie style minigame with the modern stuff but with an ACTUAL FUCKING STORY. Then it'd be awesome. And get rid of those stupid grenade launchers, god damn noobtubes.