What franchise has gone down hill the most?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Timmehexas said:
zehydra said:
Timmehexas said:

They killed Ianto! *sniff* Killing Ianto makes me a sad Panda.

Oh I suppose if we're talking about games... Pokemon, to a degree. I still love the Pokemon games but I wish they'd just tweak the main formula a bit... just a little. I wouldn't say its the worst but its the franchise I'd like to see some change in.
Didn't they pretty much completely change the combat mechanics in the DS versions?
In what way are you talking about? They've tweaked things every now and again and added 2/3 Pokemon battles later on. But I can't really think of a huge change...
" Diamond and Pearl introduced several changes to battle mechanics. In previous generations, Pokémon moves were classified as "physical" or "special" based on their type; for example, all Fire-type moves were special and all Ground-type moves were physical. In Diamond and Pearl, however, moves are categorized into three groups.[4] Attacks that make physical contact with the opponent are "physical", attacks that do not make physical contact are "special", and moves that do not deal damage directly are classified as "status".[5]"

from Wikipedia.

There was also another feature I thought had been changed, but after some research it seems I've been mistaken.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Am I the only one who enjoyed FF X, a lot of people seem to think VII was the last good one.

And my vote would go to CoD or WoW.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Sonic the Hedgehog. If the games being made by the designers slamming there heads against a keyboard until something resembling a game appears isn't enough, there is also the fanbase that consists of 98% total psychotics who will kill you for so much as mentioning a characters name...as far as I am concerned, Sonics only good for Television series nowadays if it's going to be made for anything (I'm among those who wouldn't complain at seeing SATAM continued), but even then someones gonna need to do some serious 'selective canon' work considering just how fucking HUGE the Sonic Expanded Universe is in the comics.

Definition: Selective Canon is when someone decides to consider some major events in an expanded universe of a series Non canon for reasons of it being either A) Overcomplicated B) Making no sense or C) Being just downright bad or a disgrace compared to the rest of the franchise.


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Jun 27, 2010

Silent Hill

Big fan. Went to America and turned to shit. Japs know horror better.


Anything by the Wayan brothers. Disaster movie anyone? No? How about Meet the Spartans. For the record, Scary movie 1 and 2 were pretty funny at the time... and unique. But since then... utter shit.

Still Life

New member
Sep 22, 2010
Kiefer13 said:
Command & Conquer.

Red Alert 3 was already pretty average before Tiberian Twilight came along and dealt a killing blow by both removing or altering everything that made Command & Conquer what it was and also by just being generally mediocre. As a long time fan of the series it makes me sad to say this, but I really don't see the franchise recovering from that fiasco.

I'm a long time C&C fan and I don't know what the hell happened. I was open to new things, but they just failed at every point with C&C4. Utterly fucked it up and failed to capture the essence of a game that was once genre defining. Even ruined the story for me, too.

I enjoyed Red Alert3, and C&C3. Loved Generals, and have very fond memories of the originals, but that last game... I don't even want to think about...It.


May 1, 2008
Austin Howe said:
Uhm, Sonic the Hedgehog anyone? However. Both Colors and 4 are awesome, so, bit of a comeback.
Umm yeah.... Id have to say this is it.... I mean ever since they took the blue guy into the third dimension he's had trouble getting his barrings.

Sonic gets my vote


New member
May 16, 2011
I know it's been said seventy bahmillion times now, but it needs to be repeated: Final Fantasy.

However, on a more personal level, I'm going to say Metal Gear Solid. Now, I discovered the franchise for the first time just this year, and I freaking loved Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 and the MSX games. Then I popped in Metal Gear Solid 3 and, well... I can't understand why people call that the best of the trilogy. It made so many design mistakes that it was a wonder I was able to play it through and beat it on normal difficulty.

I kept on with the series though, opting to play Portable Ops and Peace Walker next (because a PSP was more affordable than a PS3), and while the former looked like a step in the right direction, Peace Walker went and ruined everything all over again. Seriously, Kojima? User-controlled camera on a PSP game where its not comfortable (and no option to auto-target enemies)? No pause while in the inventory? Taking away features that had been standard since day one and replacing them with this half-baked Management Sim minigame?

On top of that, the storyline, which was showing promise in MGS2 (quiet, I liked MGS2--Raiden and all) went in some absolutely dumb directions. So now, MGS is dead to me.

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
I loved that little guy...
what did they do to you Spyro!?

I'll always be with you spyro... always.


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Mentioned already:
Command & Conquer. C&C3 was bad, C&C RA3 was mediocre... C&C4 was horrid. Generals is NOT C&C at all.
Final Fantasy, some time after FFVIII.
Sonic... all the 3d games. Or to be more harsh, anything post Genesis (just like Phil Collins, zing)

Not yet mentioned I think:
Wing Commander. WCIV is one of the best games ever, but WC:prophecy was absolute garbage. It not only killed the publisher (Origin got swallowed up by EA and was dismantled), but the entire genre.
Need for Speed. With Underground the series lost its soul, and it took retooling into Burnout to make it work again (NFS Hot Pursuit 3).


New member
Jun 27, 2011
Though technically I think the Sonic franchise has probably gone down hill the most, it was never one that I was ever that attached to. Even at the height of its popularity I was never a huge fan, even though they were good games. But now, yeah.. not many fans for sonic anymore.

But the franchise I feel in love with as a kid was Final Fantasy. It's been all downhill since the golden age for Final Fantasy (4-7). 6 and 7 were masterpieces, and none have been as good since. FFX was probably my most recent favorite (minus Blitzball), and XII was ok. But I hated FF13. I thought the characters were uninteresting, the story was poorly delivered, and the game was way too linear.

What happened to the good characters from FF games like Rydia, Locke, Terra, Shadow, Cloud, Aeris, Auron, etc. All their characters now are just a bunch of rehashed versions of characters from previous games (Yuna-Ashe-Lightning, Rikku-Vanille-Yuffie, Cloud-Tidus-Vaan-Hope). Those characters were interesting the first time (Cloud, Yuna, Rikku/Yuffie), but they just keep repeating them with weaker and weaker personalities and stories. Vanille and Hope were just downright annoying in FF13, and the rest of the characters in that game were bland due to the poor storytelling.

Still, The Final Fantasy games are always visually stunning.. the most beautiful games out there, and the music is usually outstanding (though FF13 and FFX-2 were often way too girly and pop musically).

They need to take a book from American developers and add some darker more complex characters. Cecil and Cloud were amazing lead characters.

Also, WTF is up with the 3 member battle parties? I'm so tired of that. Bring back the 4 member battles, and make characters abilities more specialized.

/end rant


New member
Sep 14, 2010
x-machina said:
Katana314 said:
The movie industry has its actors, which are big, visible icons. The book industry has authors, which are the sole name on the front of the book. The game industry has nothing more than titles, which they can add numbers onto. Sure, there are the developers, but A. They are backroom rats in China/Japan's development, B. They don't get up-front exposure the same way.

When Titanic was a big success from Leonardo diCaprio, Inception was them making Titanic 2, the way the movies do.
Execpt that Inception was a brillant new movie with fresh ideas, and a great stroy. Not just a quick cash-in repackaging the same idea and enviroments. Your probably right about the gaming industry needing icons, but having them be big corporate franchises is a terrible solution.
Hate to break it to you, but inception is not original...


OT: I find it hard to include sonic because this franchise kinda died a long time ago, it's way past the point of "downhill" and is more closer to "rock bottom" and has been there for years already.

I can't really say final fantasy either, because while 13 was atrocious, 14 still has some potential, and 12 is probably one of my favorite FF's since 7. Then you have Tactics Ogre on psp that gave me back SOME faith in SE. BUT they are definitely on shaky ground, I cant deny it.

I find that just about all game companies kinda fall into this position now though, it's the same corporate garbage being re-released every year, I mean, Mass Effect 3 and Uncharted 3 got best of show @ e3? They will be the exact same games as the ones before, only ME3 has the lightsword thing from halo now.


EA completely killed my Mass Effect boner with ME2, while it was great and cinematic n all that stuff we tend to get all girly in the pants over, its a really shallow game when compared to ME1 (not saying ME1 didn't have problems). And I just cant get into uncharted as much as I try. oh yea, DA2 was definately 'a steaming pile of fail', it's too bad that some people can't see it for what it is, corporate filth disguised as a game.

Then there's Bioshock infinite, and I'm just speechless over the idea that people are actually excited for this game. I saw the trailer, I saw the tears breakdown, and it's going to be the same ole crap, but I'm sure it'll get lots of praise for having just enough of a gameplay twist to have everyone shouting "MOST ORIGINAL GAME EVER", therefore = good. yuck.

Probably gonna get some nasty hate for those statements, but I don't care, it's an opinion thread, and its my opinion so /mlehh :p and preemptive response to "well what DO you like", I like games that have good gameplay, good art, good music, something thats ACTUALLY original, and doesn't just try to cater to the 'call of dooky' crowd which is EVERY GAME EVER now-a-days.

aka, games that the designers make to play, rather then make to make lots of money.

But if I had to actually pick a franchise thats really headed down the pooper, I would have to say call of doody, not because its actually losing money or fans, but because of the tremendous damage its doing to the gaming industry. every game is trying to capture the same market, every company is in the 'monkey see monkey do' mindset and its really pathetic. then you have the games themselves and the fact that the original creators of modern warfare got super anal screwed w/o lube while kotick just gets to sit on his mountain of gold and find every possible way to get even more money out of its slave-minded players.

once all these companies go 'all in' on this market, it'll become exhausted and lame, and then there will be another crash.

another company thats really stuggling imo, is nintendo. mario and zelda seems to be their only bag of tricks since the wii came out, and its gotten very stale. the WiiU and 3ds have a lot of potential as hardware, but software is what makes the hardware sell.


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Oct 23, 2008
SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals.

Anybody who played the SOCOM games on PS2 and the recent ones (especially SOCOM 4) know what I'm talking about.


Fake Best
Apr 5, 2010
i will say silent hill metal gear solid and final fantasy


New member
Jan 26, 2011
chuckey said:
Crash Bandicoot After Warped he was just not the same marsupial.
yah crash has had alot of bad games but spyro has it worst man what have they done with it