What Game Had the Most Wasted Potential

Mad World

Sep 18, 2009
Halo Wars. Could have been so much more. To name a few things: you only had two factions, and the population limit was rather low.

Should have been made for PC.


New member
Feb 19, 2014
SirBryghtside said:
Have you played Last Light? Because if there's ever a game that picked up on the missed potential of its predecessor, it's that. I thought 2033 was mediocre as well, but Last Light's easily one of my favourite games.
Last Light would've been so good if the save system wasn't a painful joke.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I feel like I want to say The Old Republic, but it's too tough to peg exactly what it could have been since it's an MMO pretending to be several sequels in the Knights of the Old Republic series. It's predecessors were fantastic and okay in that order, but I can't help feeling as though it was really more of a sales pitch than an honest assessment of their game.

Since I really can't say with that one, I will go with Alone in the Dark (2008). Never before did a game of this genre really demonstrate so many really great ideas that were just badly executed, unpolished, or just plain incomplete. I played it several times, I actually saw moments of potential greatness in it every time, every time it hinted glimmers of brilliance, but fell horribly flat. I never wanted to love the game, I was only really partially curious when I rented it, but I was really impressed with what it could have been in more capable hands.

Seriously, if you like survival horror, check out some reviews and consider trying this out. It's passable, but could have been so damned good. A perfect candidate for a reboot, a prime example of why games should be allowed to incubate and come in their own rather than at the behest of a holiday deadline.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
There is only one answer: Dino Crisis 3. That franchise had sooo much potential, and 3 seemed to take every opportunity to squander it diligently.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
shrekfan246 said:
But I mean, my other choices would be like... Sonic Generations because Sega decided not to support it with extra levels after release and appear to have moved away from that amazing style of gameplay presently.
That is the only part of Sonic Generations that was disappointing. They could've made so much money off of it. I know we don't want them to act like leeches but when they have a GOOD way to do it for us they should. They could've released different map packs. Like have a Sonic Adventure 2 pack, or Sonic Unleashed pack, or hell even revamp more levels into better levels with something like a Sonic 06 pack. I probably would pay for each and every one. I remember when that game came out. Reviews from xPlay and IGN actually baffled me. A con to the game in their eyes was "rehashed versions of old levels."......THAT WAS THE POINT! To me Sonic Generations is one of the best anniversary and tribute games ever made.

Also they moved away from the style of gameplay? Was the Sonic Unleashed/Colors style not used in Lost World or is it the Sonic Boom thing that you are talking about.

As for my pick I'd have to say Remember Me. I'm not done yet but I've played enough and read Yahtzee's Extra Punctuation on it (the only time I can take him seriously) and I'd have to agree. Still at least playing with a pretty uncommon setting (cyberpunk) and toying with an interesting idea for gameplay I can respect. I hope it gets some kind of sequel/remake or something like Mirror's Edge. I think it deserves a second chance in the sun.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
KazeAizen said:
shrekfan246 said:
But I mean, my other choices would be like... Sonic Generations because Sega decided not to support it with extra levels after release and appear to have moved away from that amazing style of gameplay presently.
That is the only part of Sonic Generations that was disappointing. They could've made so much money off of it. I know we don't want them to act like leeches but when they have a GOOD way to do it for us they should. They could've released different map packs. Like have a Sonic Adventure 2 pack, or Sonic Unleashed pack, or hell even revamp more levels into better levels with something like a Sonic 06 pack. I probably would pay for each and every one. I remember when that game came out. Reviews from xPlay and IGN actually baffled me. A con to the game in their eyes was "rehashed versions of old levels."......THAT WAS THE POINT! To me Sonic Generations is one of the best anniversary and tribute games ever made.
Those are my thoughts exactly. I would've adored map packs for Sonic Generations, even if it was paid DLC. Remakes of Marble Zone, Hydrocity Zone, Mushroom Hill Zone, Ice Cap, Windy Valley, and like you said making levels from Sonic '06 actually good. It would've been awesome. But nope. Sega hates money almost as much as Square Enix, apparently.

Also they moved away from the style of gameplay? Was the Sonic Unleashed/Colors style not used in Lost World or is it the Sonic Boom thing that you are talking about.
Both, from the looks of things. Sonic Boom is admittedly not being made by Sonic Team so it's 50/50 on whether it represents the direction the franchise will take in the future, but Lost World threw out basically every part of the playstyle of Modern Sonic since Unleashed in favor of slower platforming and running and gravity-defying stages inspired by Super Mario Galaxy and some of the classic Sonic special stages. And Boom is looking like it might try redoing Sonic Adventure/Sonic Heroes gameplay, which could be either cool or dreadful depending on how it's pulled off, considering the fact that Adventure-Heroes haven't exactly aged all that well.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
shrekfan246 said:
Those are my thoughts exactly. I would've adored map packs for Sonic Generations, even if it was paid DLC. Remakes of Marble Zone, Hydrocity Zone, Mushroom Hill Zone, Ice Cap, Windy Valley, and like you said making levels from Sonic '06 actually good. It would've been awesome. But nope. Sega hates money almost as much as Square Enix, apparently.
No don't say that about Square Enix. Sure Final Fantasy XIII was a stumbling block but its the stuff they have on the horizon that shows they care about fans...and money. Total remake of a crap MMO into, apparently, a pretty damn good one. FF XV and lets not forget KH 3 is on its way along with an HD re-release of 2, BBS, and Coded for the console that will include Final MIx. The first time its been released outside Japan. No someone that hates money would be Capcom. Legends 3 shut down, Mega Man ZX 3 never put into development. We had to wait for a Super Smash Bros. 4 announcement to see any modern Mega Man stuff in years. Also Mighty No. 9 is happening and that's proving my point that they hate money. Because its totally logical to completely abandon the franchise that made you and leave it to die a slow painful death from neglect. Despite their stumbling blocks at least Square Enix and Sega haven't done that to their company making franchises.
Both, from the looks of things. Sonic Boom is admittedly not being made by Sonic Team so it's 50/50 on whether it represents the direction the franchise will take in the future, but Lost World threw out basically every part of the playstyle of Modern Sonic since Unleashed in favor of slower platforming and running and gravity-defying stages inspired by Super Mario Galaxy and some of the classic Sonic special stages. And Boom is looking like it might try redoing Sonic Adventure/Sonic Heroes gameplay, which could be either cool or dreadful depending on how it's pulled off, considering the fact that Adventure-Heroes haven't exactly aged all that well.
Kind of a shame Lost World did that. It looked like it was gonna keep it going. I mean with Unleashed they finally found the formula that makes 3D Sonic work like gangbusters. I'll admit that Adventure 2 and Heroes gameplay hasn't aged that well. Surprisingly in terms of how they look with the one exception of 06 most Sonic games age pretty graciously just on the visuals. Well hopefully this new team knows what they are doing and at least with Sonic Boom Amy doesn't look like she will be annoying.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
BloatedGuppy said:
I'd say the massively multiplayer role playing game genre has been under-delivering on potential for the better part of a decade now. The ever eloquent Mr. B Tongue explains why better than I can. Or at the very least will do the work for me.

Hm hm, i would say not the "better part" but pretty much "Yepp, it's been 10 years". Well there are a few samller MMORPG's which did enhance and innovate... but all "big-money" ventures were were really disappointingly the same (at the core)

For Single-Player i nominate "Spore"

Could have been so good if the "Creature builder" would have mattered, the first phases would have been longer and more in detail. Could have been groundbraking and genre-defining (or rather genre-creating *g*).

el grandos tabetos

New member
Oct 30, 2013
raeior said:
My main problem with this is that Bethesda is too reliant on their fans to fix their stuff (*looks at the 64hz bug*).
Almost every single modern PC game in the world has issues that have to be fixed with an .ini file edit. 64hz bug was just change ifpsclamp to 60.
I've yet to play a single PC game in the last 5 years where I didn't have to edit the .ini file to make it perform better. I don't see how Bethesda gets flak for it and everyone else gets a free pass.
Anyway, most mods in Skyrim are unnecessary; first I use the mod, then I go "OMG this is awesome why didn't Bethesda implement this?" Then 10 minutes later the mod's novelty factor wears off and I realize why they didn't put it in.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I think Skyward Sword could have been a great game, if they hadn´t padded it out so much. There´s so much wasted time in that game and it´s easily 20 hours than it needed to be. There are moments of greatness (most of the dungeons) but it just feels like you are wasting most of your time running errands and retreading the same path over and over again.

Victim of Progress

New member
Jul 11, 2011
Good to hear that "Spore" is being mentioned a lot. It truly was a disappointment. They dumbed it down to oblivion and made it 6+. Also the recent Sim-City games. Why can't anyone make a proper sequel?!


New member
Feb 19, 2014
SirBryghtside said:
Cerebrawl said:
SirBryghtside said:
Have you played Last Light? Because if there's ever a game that picked up on the missed potential of its predecessor, it's that. I thought 2033 was mediocre as well, but Last Light's easily one of my favourite games.
Last Light would've been so good if the save system wasn't a painful joke.
Huh, I usually hate it when save systems are bad (nearly ruined the Metroid Prime series for me) but I thought Last Light had one of the best systems I've played. What was wrong with it?
Checkpoint only, far apart, and the game has stealth based achievements.

So after crashing my cart, then trading with the refugees, saving the girl who's about to be raped, and the guards at the next intersection spot me, I have to replay about 45 minutes of play. When that happened twice I basically ragequit and never ran the game again.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
I'll bring out my stock answer of Too Human. How could a game about techno Vikings be bad in any way? Simple, let Silicon Knights make it. It was made worse by the developers claiming they had a trilogy planned before the first game had even been finished, so that's two games that we will never get now and those who could just about bare with the horrible controls, repetative gameplay and kind of dull combat won't get to see what was to come.


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Id hate to say it becaus its such a beloved classic but, Shadow of the Colossus.

The concept of slaying different varieties of monsters, like boss battles, was awesome. But thats all there was too it. There was an entire open world to explore on your horse but nothing in it. It was literally just filler for the game so as not to make the "secret" locations of the colossi so blatantly obvious.

However, for me, that was forgivable. But when the game first came out & I read the back of the box it gave me the impression that you had to search & discover the colossi yourself in this open world, which got me hooked. When I finally got it & played it thats when I discovered that you could only fight them in sequence. Even worse, you had to use your sword to find them. Well, you didn't have to. You could have just searched without using your sword to spoil it for you but thats beside the point anyway. You're encouraged to use it & its easy to depend on things when games present a challenge.

So, yeah. The game was awesome because of that one great element, but the rest truly was wasted potential. Even the guy who created it said it was just an idea he was toying with & wanted to make it a game before moving onto bigger & better things. Clearly this attitude was reflected in the design of the game during development.