What games ARE worth the money you paid for them?

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
Folio said:
Death God said:
Metroid: Other M
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Okay, Other M? Really?

The other titles I can understand, and Other M does look really good. But the Metroid fans are raging!

It was short, they ruined Samus' character, she wouldn't shut up about obvious things. She wasn't the independant heroin anymore, but just a woman who has to listen to her boss... and Malkovich isn't even her boss anymore!

Other M didn't gave me a satistfied feeling after playing it. :S And Nintendo put so much work in it.

Something worth the money? Super Metroid (something all Metroid fans agree with) and Tales of Symphonia, it's HUGE.

Brawl is my favourite game, though.
I have never had the privilege to play it and I've never given into the bad-hype about it. It is interesting in its own way though.