What gets your goat?


New member
Jun 30, 2008
those dirty little hood-rat bastard-children who always end up riding public transport in the same train car as me. loud+ stupid+ "gangsta". i culturally disown them.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
People who don't laugh at farts
I still think its hilarious and I laugh every time
And agreeing with someone up there I hate it when people say stuff like evar,becos,lyk,ryt and so on, it takes no effort to press one or 2 keys more and in many cases the words are the same size so what's the point in spelling them wrong?


New member
Apr 3, 2008
not enough room to reply. but mainly idiots and people with no brains (yes theres a difference) idiots are people who act dumb for dumbs sake because its "funny " and people with no brains fail to realize the truth.


New member
May 28, 2008
I don't usually condone thread necromancy like this but one son of a ***** really got my goat today and I feel a mini-rant coming on.

I had a long break between lectures today, and my friend fancied a milkshake, so we figured we would grab one from a coffee shop in the town, sit outside and wile away a couple of hours chatting. We weren't there more than fifteen minutes, just sitting and talking while she enjoyed her coconut flavoured beverage, when a small, skinny middle aged table cleaner walked over and asked "Could I get you anything?"

I figured he was just being polite, but when I politely declined his offer of anything from the shop, he responded with "Well you're going to have to leave, those seats are for paying customers only." A little bemused I replied "Yes well my friend has something, and she isn't finished yet." He acknowledged this and still insisted that I left the outdoor premises immediately.

I was feeling fairly annoyed at this point, partly because of his passive aggressive and frankly stupid attitude, and partly because there were a couple of other people sat around us also not consuming the shops products and he had not taken any notice of them whatsoever. I frequently visit this coffee shop as well, and nobody has ever had a problem with me sitting there while a friend drinks a cup of late or whatever.

Being the stubborn git I am, I just said I would move and when he was gone planned to continue my conversation for a little longer, then leave when my friend had finished her milkshake. A minute or two later the dishwasher lackey with a chip on his shoulder returned to our table, with a re-introductory statement of "I thought I told you you couldn't sit here." to which I stated my intentions to leave once my friend was done. Seemingly ever the pompous prick, this guy then goes and gets the shopping centre security to come and remove me.

What the hell!? Needless to say I was pretty much forced to leave at that point and feeling pretty incensed, but what does this toss rag expect me to do? Stand next to my friend while she is drinking, as three perfectly good vacant chairs stand idle around the table? If a woman with a baby comes in and buys a single cup of coffee then goes, sits down and puts her baby in a chair, would he make her put it on the floor because the baby did not purchase a drink? The seating area was 60% empty and there were people sitting with bags on chairs also, so it's not as if the seats were needed for customers.

That power tripping dumb ass was probably just getting a kick out of being able to tell people what to do in his minimum wage dead end job.

Needless to say I'm going back there on Monday, and if he says anything I'm going to go kick off at him and/or snap him like a twig.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
wewontdie11 said:
Well I found that in the pub near my old college we had exactly the same problem, when any of us weren't drinking, we'd be ordered to leave. Some people just have nothing better to do with their time.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
Sporadic said:
My goat's been got. :(
Nooooo not the goat....he was so young....sob.

Myspace bands really annoy me. Three songs and you get famous. Lame.

Jolly Madness

New member
Mar 21, 2008
Not very much actually, but basically when people absolutely have to g(l)oat about how they beat me at their own game.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Indeed the goat! Was that damn Chupacabra! Not the cute one from the Dexter cartoon either... I mean, slavering jaws kinda thing... -shivers-


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
Sporadic said:
Indeed the goat! Was that damn Chupacabra! Not the cute one from the Dexter cartoon either... I mean, slavering jaws kinda thing... -shivers-
Grab the torches and pitchforks, vengence is due.

Oh and people who tell me I'm wrong about my opinions on music, they piss me off too.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Hmmm... What gets my goat in particular? Ah Yes! Ill-conceived outrage. When people get so upset about something they know nothing about and refuse to know anything about. Kinda like some folk in the Republican camp after the election that fell back on racism and slippery slopes.

My favourite was when my mother got so upset about me playing video games that she blamed them for all the ills in my life just because she didn't like video games. She also would say that they were too loud and I dominated the TV, they were violent/screwed me up, yadda yadda yadda. Did anyone else's parents do this to them?


New member
Aug 20, 2008
being too far ahead at times
*one week ago listening to band a*
next month1
*people isnt band a awesome

"that girl" at the mall buck'ees t-shirt short basketball jeans ponytail cell phone flip flops, you know what im talking about

the monopoly guy

New member
May 8, 2008
Sunflower seeds.

I mean, yeah sure they taste good. but getting them out of the seed is a pain and not really worth the meager reward. And when I take some without the intent of eating the seed inside, just getting all the flavoring off the shell, I feel like I'm wasting them.

Oh, yeah, and people who break open store doors and trample people to death just to get their son Halo 3.

Bored Tomatoe

New member
Aug 15, 2008
Those damn Goat nappers! Always Gettin' mah Goatz!! In all seriousness, Mac Commercials and Disney channel piss me off to no end.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
"gets your goat" who ever came up with that saying anyways? I know dumb question but come on it sounds weird you got to admit.