What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!


New member
Dec 28, 2009
Seriously, in my opinion countries have never and will never do anything themselves because they ARE in reality abstract notions trying to justify the political, social, cultural, economic, etc. self-interests of the population in that specific geographic locale! And governments and private businesses and even individuals themselves fail at that since the very notion of the 'state/country' is nothing but a meaningless heterogenous complex mix of diverse stuff, and so the notion of the 'state' is mostly a mere creation of the human mind and thus ultimately imperfect forever because of circular logic that defends things humans think are true in reality, whereas things in reality are actually hypercomplex to the point of insanity and thus the human mind searches and creates reasons to justify whatever one prefers, i.e. defending an opinion. The 'state' is just that - you support it because you choose (or a manipulated) to support it for the trade-off benefits of being part of its empire of evil.

Again, just an opinion here, don't blame me for expessing it freely. You're free to do so yourself and I support your right to do so.

Back to answering the question which is the title of this topic...

Bulgaria has never really done much for me personally as a country, except for:
- hosting the Bulgarian ethnicity and nation since at least around the 7th century (many historians and archeologists have proven with physical evidence that Bulgaria may very well be the geographic locale of the oldest civilized small-scale civilization in Europe, way older than the Greek, or they could have been the many branches of one, come to think of it);
- a very unique culture with rich, but heavily abused history and a great natural environment (outside of big cities, of course);
- still supporting a heavilly antiquated nearly universally corrupt educational system that still manages to produce >=10% smart kids (many don't even get to go to school because of unbearable socioeconomic, personal and/or family factors/issues/problems);
- a political system that is not just broken, but is the epitomy of a total dystopia for the general population (citizen = normal citizens; as in thinking, rational, trying to be objective, more good overall than evil, literate, able to communicate without constant threats, stupid flaming, confusions, etc.;
- the insight that a Western-mimicked ex-'communist' ex-State Security (= KGB/CIA-like evil organization) mafia-run hypercrony Wild Western-like corporate capitalism posing as 'democracy' CAN indeed be worse than the fake socialism before 1989 for the general population since it produces a concentrated neofeudalism lawless meatgrinder for the younger generations, for the working class (= slaves), and for the pensioners/old people (=turned into a passive spectator of the systematic genocide of their own Bulgarian nation and ethnicity without being able to do anything about it).

Now you (Westerners) may begin to realize why Russia and Eastern European countries are so depressive for their native inhabitants: because people there lack almost all hope since the ex-communist state intelligence agencies-orchestrated 'transition' to capitalism and 'democracy' is as destructive and genocidal on a large scale as communism was (in fact, according to some political historians communism never happened in reality, it was just a buzz term to brainwash the masses with propaganda and it seems that it worked both for the 'communist' (totalitarian all-encompassing meatgrinder Big Government/State-run/Big Brother command-administrative economy) population and the 'free', 'democratic' Western population (I'm mostly referring to the USA & Western Europe since I'm not very informed about Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the like).

Bulgaria is perhaps the saddest place on Earth (apart from Africa, the Russian Federation, Latin and South America, India and maybe China).

On a side note, the thousands of near-genius level Bulgarians who are scientists, artists, philosophers and the like creative people have been proven time and time again that the worst crappy place does produce hypergeniuses, but quite disproportionately. Of course, you most likely will never hear their names or meet many of them in person, since the brain drain emmigration from Bulgaria and subsequent science/art/philosophy/etc.-related creative achievements of smart Bulgarians are not widely, if ever, publicized outside of limited specialized scientific/academic or commercial circles. I guess the same problem of "too many smart people, too little pay for basic needs, too much social-psychological tension" is slowly eating away the demographic population of all countries, societies and cultures.

One may wonder if the USA, Western Europe and the rest of the 'First World' have agreed upon secretly to worsen living conditions back at home for everyone there but the hyperrich, only to make hypergeniuses, 1/1000 hypergeniuses is still quite the high number and 50/200 very intelligent (but not 'genius category') is a world record.

Essentially, in my view Big Government(-s) and Big Business(-es) don't give any crap about the regular folks (= citizens), they just create meatgrinding artificial soicioeconomic barriers masked as 'legitimate laws and law-enforcement agencies' to kill those who don't like to have any masters and also seed out the smart from the rest and then pay them 1/1000 of the pay of an equivalent First World job and expect them to serve the political/capitalist cartels/mafia groups till the day the smart people die, only for the smart people to afford to buy even the most basic human needs for survival in the contemporary age (such as food, water, clothing, even Internet access, etc.).

When you go down 'the conspiracy-influenced path', one gets to wonder if all of the world's most accurate and higly practical technoscientific and philosophical information hasn't already been almost completely privatized by the private sector and that the State structures are today mere facades for the private interest of the global economic-political hidden master bosses whose servants are politicians and most multinational corporations and NGOs (they are the same people sometimes).

The future is mostly bleak for humanity, as always (not that our expectations aren't out of the roof even a century ago). But that won't stop us from trying to make it better for ourselves and everyone, even though sometimes these very efforts fuel the wheels of self-destruction and global species destruction.

P.S. +1 for the first person to say I talk nonsense just because reading long passages is no longer in the attention span of the newest 15-20-year-old generations. ;)
+1 if you feel as I do, but don't agree in some points (hey, I call that understanding under the contemporary information overload and mass media propaganda!).


New member
Oct 20, 2010
The following is a list of New Zealand inventors (straight from Wikipedia)

Godfrey Bowen - developer of an improved sheep-shearing technique
John Britten - designer of the Britten motorcycle
Thomas Brydone and William Soltau Davidson - refrigerated shipping pioneers
Morton W. Coutts - invented the revolutionary continuous fermentation method of brewing
Bill Gallagher - developer of the electric fence and founder of Gallagher Group Limited
A J Hackett - Bungy creator
Bill Hamilton - developed the modern jetboat
Peter Lynn - leading kitemaker, aeronautical theoritician and inventor of the tipping blade portable sawmill.
Colin Murdoch - inventor of the disposable syringe
Richard Pearse - inventor of the first powered flying machine
Alan Pritchard - pioneer of aerial topdressing
Leon Styles - inventor of the "Rocking Trigger" and operating systems for paintball guns

Yeah, New Zealand has actually invented some pretty good shit. We also invented the eggbeater, the referee's whistle, the amphibious vehicle, jogging (the running technique), a jetpack that uses traditional methods of flying instead of just releasing pressurised gas for 5 minutes and can get as high as 5000ft+ for over 30 minutes and is still being improved, and we also split the atom. Also...

The Wright Brothers are generally regarded as the first to make a powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, but in fact, nine months prior to their famous takeoff on the 17th of December, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, New Zealander Richard Pearse performed the same feat in timaru, New Zealand (31 March 1903). Although it lacked an aerofoil section wing, Pearse?s flying machine resembled modern aircraft design much more than did the Wright brothers? machine: monoplane rather than biplane; tractor rather than pusher propeller; stabiliser and elevators at the back rather than the front; and ailerons rather than wing-warping for controlling banking. It bore a remarkable resemblance to modern microlight aircraft. So yeah, fuck you america.


is a trap!
Nov 22, 2010
We supplied a rediculous amount of material to all allied powers.
We gave the world the nuclear bomb, and through it, and Russian spies then stealing the plans, we have created a world where everyone is afraid to be the guy known as he who ruined the world.

We've also brought "Freedom" to several small countries at gunpoint. The freedom to be forced to adopt american culture.

So... best two out of three?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
America invented the Atomic bomb.... Sorry everyone.
Also Bethesda is stationed in America. In Utah might I add, plus I live in Utah so if I wanted to I could visit Bethesda headquarters.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
The US has done a lot. Our non-socialist medical care system generates a lot of revenue for R&D on drugs, and we bailed Europe out in WWI. We also gave the world Bill Gates(I believe) so Microsoft is ours. We are responsible for a great many firearms and movies and also most comics(I think).


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Video games: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Higinbotham BOOSH. You're welcome world.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Buchholz101 said:
kebab4you said:
Enjoy our crappy furnitures that breaks the first time you punch them.
Why would you punch furniture?
Better question, why would you not!?

But, as I said to another poster. It was after an gaming session that went bad and I needed to rage on something, so my table got to take the hit.

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008
We've given the world a lot of suck (McDonald's, anorexia, obesity, etc. -- yes, American media does tend to make countries panic about their body image), but we've also given them lots of inventions, some kickass movies, corn, lots of good university opportunities...so on. We've invented a lot of things.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
EGtodd09 said:
The following is a list of New Zealand inventors (straight from Wikipedia)

Godfrey Bowen - developer of an improved sheep-shearing technique
John Britten - designer of the Britten motorcycle
Thomas Brydone and William Soltau Davidson - refrigerated shipping pioneers
Morton W. Coutts - invented the revolutionary continuous fermentation method of brewing
Bill Gallagher - developer of the electric fence and founder of Gallagher Group Limited
A J Hackett - Bungy creator
Bill Hamilton - developed the modern jetboat
Peter Lynn - leading kitemaker, aeronautical theoritician and inventor of the tipping blade portable sawmill.
Colin Murdoch - inventor of the disposable syringe
Richard Pearse - inventor of the first powered flying machine
Alan Pritchard - pioneer of aerial topdressing
Leon Styles - inventor of the "Rocking Trigger" and operating systems for paintball guns

Yeah, New Zealand has actually invented some pretty good shit. We also invented the eggbeater, the referee's whistle, the amphibious vehicle, jogging (the running technique), a jetpack that uses traditional methods of flying instead of just releasing pressurised gas for 5 minutes and can get as high as 5000ft+ for over 30 minutes and is still being improved, and we also split the atom. Also...

The Wright Brothers are generally regarded as the first to make a powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight, but in fact, nine months prior to their famous takeoff on the 17th of December, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, New Zealander Richard Pearse performed the same feat in timaru, New Zealand (31 March 1903). Although it lacked an aerofoil section wing, Pearse?s flying machine resembled modern aircraft design much more than did the Wright brothers? machine: monoplane rather than biplane; tractor rather than pusher propeller; stabiliser and elevators at the back rather than the front; and ailerons rather than wing-warping for controlling banking. It bore a remarkable resemblance to modern microlight aircraft. So yeah, fuck you america.
Thanks for Ray Comfort :(


New member
Jul 13, 2008
We gave you Lebron James. I would like to validate this by saying he's like #17 on a list of the best things about the modern era or something stupid like that.


New member
May 13, 2009
King Toasty said:
Canada has graced the world with it's presence. You're welcome.
O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux.
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée,
Il sait porter la croix.
Ton histoire est une épopée,
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.

how many other countries have their national anthem in two languages?( oh ok, Demark and New Zealand too...)

but guys... maple syrup and hockey...and everyone loves Canada :)


New member
Apr 6, 2010
TestECull said:
RevRaptor said:
TestECull said:
The nuclear age. If you're posting this by the power of the Atom, or if you're as amazed and entertained watching nuclear tests as I am, you have America to thank for it.

Such a shame we had to bring in this age the way we did but oh well.
Oh you did did you?
the father of nuclear physics was a Kiwi mate.

So? Doesn't matter where he was from. That's the nice thing about America, it has minds from all over the world. It was America that finished the first nuclear bomb, it was America that pioneered the technology needed to harness the power of the atom peacefully(The same reactors used to enrich the uranium can also extract power from it, and they had to build enrichment reactors in order to build nukes), it was America that used the bomb to usher the age in. Doesn't matter if the scientists were German, Kiwi, Austrian, Martian or from the planet Zog. They built it here, they pioneered the tech here, Our air force dropped the first two bombs, therefore America as a country brought forth the Nuclear age.
Eh? It doesn't matter where he was from, but your nation will take all the credit if somebody happens to be there when a discovery is made? And that's what's great about America? I see. And I have never seen 'America' repeated so much in the one paragraph. Feel like I'm at a rally for something.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
UberNoodle said:
TestECull said:
RevRaptor said:
TestECull said:
The nuclear age. If you're posting this by the power of the Atom, or if you're as amazed and entertained watching nuclear tests as I am, you have America to thank for it.

Such a shame we had to bring in this age the way we did but oh well.
Oh you did did you?
the father of nuclear physics was a Kiwi mate.

So? Doesn't matter where he was from. That's the nice thing about America, it has minds from all over the world. It was America that finished the first nuclear bomb, it was America that pioneered the technology needed to harness the power of the atom peacefully(The same reactors used to enrich the uranium can also extract power from it, and they had to build enrichment reactors in order to build nukes), it was America that used the bomb to usher the age in. Doesn't matter if the scientists were German, Kiwi, Austrian, Martian or from the planet Zog. They built it here, they pioneered the tech here, Our air force dropped the first two bombs, therefore America as a country brought forth the Nuclear age.
Eh? It doesn't matter where he was from, but your nation will take all the credit if somebody happens to be there when a discovery is made? And that's what's great about America? I see. And I have never seen 'America' repeated so much in the one paragraph. Feel like I'm at a rally for something.
Well, he was referring to the nuclear bomb, something invented and funded in the United States. It's like the creator of Pong taking credit for Halo 3 :\

Connor Mulhern

New member
May 28, 2011
Well because everybody has already done the US, my country of origin, I will do Turkey, the country I am currently in. Turkey was home to some of the world earliest civilizations, preserved a lot of European technology throughout Europe, spread gunpowder throughout Europe (Although this lead to the decline of the Ottoman Empire), helped unite east and west, and is home to Istanbul the crosswords of the world that helped foster globalism. Beat that!