What Has Your Country Ever Done For Us?!


New member
Jun 3, 2008
Some of the cooler Irish stuff,

Modern Chemistry
Beaufort scale
Brennan torpedo
The Boycott
Reflector sight
Catalytic converter

Oh yeah, we pretty much saved Western civilization after the fall of the Roman Empire.

You're welcome.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
Welp, if you're American, Australian, a New Zealander or one of the non-French parts of Canada, and you're not an aboriginal, then you owe my country your very culture, and your language, no matter how much you stretch it ;)

Mind you, we did a lot of aggressive invasion, but hey, it's how we were brought up. You know how those kids that got bullied at elementary school can go off and be total douchebags at high school? Blame the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans, the Angles and the Saxons for us plucky Brits ramming our culture down your throats.
Wow, that really is me blaming pretty much the entire rest of Europe for the British Empire. Huh.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
I'm sure someone has said this before, but the British gave the world the English language. :|

But on a more serious note, I guess one could say that the British along with her Empire established many traditions, technologies and innovations.

To name but a few;

Anemometer, Disc Brakes, Tin Can, Cat Eyes, Portland Cement, Cordite, Corkscrews, Crossword Puzzles, Depth Charges, Diving Equipment/Scuba Gear, Electric Motor, Electromagnet, Fax Machine, Gas Mask, Jet Engines, Kelvin Scale, Metal Lathe, Lawn Mower, Locomotive, Power Loom, Penicillin, Periodic Table, Periscope, Polyester, Puckle Gun, Radar Locating of Aircraft, Rubber Bands, Seed Drill, Seismometer, Sewing Machines, Shrapnel, Steam Engine, Steel Production, Submarine, Spinning Jenny, Television, Thermos, Toilet Paper, Torpedo, Umbrella (steel-ribbed), Vacuum Cleaner..

..and last, but my no means least;



Tim Berners-Lee's WORLD WIDE WEB *worships*


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Berenzen said:
Vimy, Passchendaele, CANDU reactors, Canadarm, 5-pin bowling, hockey, lacrosse, electron microscope, and more

The two cities there mean we were instrumental in recapturing them.
poor bastards still haven't had the chance to experience Tim Hortons still stuck drinking over priced Starbucks


New member
May 8, 2009
Well, there was this guy called John Atanasoff who INVENTED THE FUCKING COMPUTER!!!! Ha! Top that, bastards! The guy was 100% Bulgarian! Well... Well, okay, he wasn't. But his parents were, and then they moved to America... So he was born there and so he wasn't technically... Oh shut-up it doesn't matter! We still have Berbatov, and that's setting the bar pretty high! Well, actually not since the guy's crap, but... OH SHUT-UP!!!

P.S. My conscience is a ***** =_=


New member
Dec 24, 2008

We're the reasons your not threatened by Nazis right now.


Peanut butter, the traffic light, modern democratic government, Song of Ice and Fire, automatic transmission, the cash register, the credit card, the electric guitar, the working airplane, Email, and Scrabble


New member
Sep 1, 2010
King Toasty said:
Canada has graced the world with it's presence. You're welcome.
Justin Bieber... nuff said...

Blackout62 said:

We're the reasons your not threatened by Nazis right now.
...and the reason that Japan glows at night...

As for the Nazis - The USA wasn't even planning to join the war until we conviced you to help us, so you're welcome for the free glory :)

Lamppenkeyboard said:
The US ended slavery, later ending civil rights! I think that stands for something!
Actually, the British empire ended slavery at least thirty years beforehand - and it was that fact that pressurized the USA into following suit :)

OT: As for the UK - we gave the world America - so you can decide for yourself if that's a benefit :)

Oh yeah, and the World Wide Web - You're welcome :)


New member
Jun 26, 2009
airlife101 said:
I'm sure someone has said this before, but the British gave the world the English language. :|
I'm not 100% sure we should proudly proclaim that our bastardised language made from bits and bobs of pretty much every arm of the family tree of Western European languages are forced onto the world, despite its complete lack of logic and consistency... :p

Oh god, my captcha is "weakest link". We let lose that upon the world. D: I'm very, very sorry for my country causing Anne Robinson :(


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Enamour said:
Ok, let's start at a point. It's than, not then. South Africa was a racist state, not an oppressive state though there was oppression as well but there's a significant difference warranting the definition between racist and oppressive. It was similar to what Israel is today, very similar.
And that makes it right how? At the very least the Israeli's have a basis of fear for their racist laws like having to be Jewish in order to become a citizen, South Africa only had it as an inheritance from the 19th century and kept it as such while the rest of the world progressed socially.

Enamour said:
Also, the communists won nothing,they sustained grievous losses, I'm talking about tens of thousands versus singular thousands on the opposing side. They didn't win you ignoramus, no one won. I bet you don't know about Botswana or Namibia or the 27 year civil war following the SA army's pull out.
I'm confused, according the Wikipedia the MPLA gained control and still rule it to this day (but they're not Communist anymore). And Angola is still listed under former Communist nations so I'm rather confused what you're thinking.

Enamour said:
I bet you don't know about the political pressures that ended apartheid do you?
What the fuck? Please don't ask Americans to keep their "Blind patriotism" out when you seemingly can't.

Enamour said:
Let me summarize it for you. *shit I already knew* The SA government refused to pull out for a long time because of the unstable political atmosphere; the same reasons the US aren't pulling out of Iraq today but who the fuck cared about Angola?
And yet when you did pull out, what happened to South Africa? Nothing it seems.

Enamour said:
So let's look at this again. The US, uncaring, left an unstable Angola(millions died in the resulting civil war), refused to help an ally fight a US conflict and prolonged the lifespan of a racist regime; helping to end it only after it rebelled against its bullshit.
The problem being is that no one has the resources to stop those civil wars, once you squash one those rebel groups flee and go to other countries and cause another.

Enamour said:
I labelled it a debatable contribution because the only thing that no one cared about was the lives of millions of Angolans. But hey, communists died as well so that justifies everything.
Yes, but you can't really be labelled as the good guy when you're still living in the 19th century and they just want equality.

Enamour said:
tl;dr Don't be an ignorant twat.
Like you? Seriously what is wrong with you? I just say South Africa was worse then the Communists, you go ahead to insult me and also blame America, pointing out it's a Cold War conflict and all, yet you don't make a single attempt to point out how you were any better nor do you seem to have disproven anything I've said.

Enamour said:
There's more to history than America is the good guy and anyone who opposes it is the bad guy.
Not that I ever said that or believed that like ever, since it's something you ignorant foreigners don't seem to realize about American books.

TheEndlessSleep said:
Actually, the British empire ended slavery at least thirty years beforehand - and it was that fact that pressurized the USA into following suit :)
Actually about half the states of America banned slavery quite a while before Britain did when America gained independence, called the "Northern states". They didn't have a nationwide ban until the end of the Civil War, before it was up to the states.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
The best thing that comes to mind that we gave the world is the Language. Most of you speak it as your first and many of you don't even live here.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
Snowblindblitz said:
Hawkmoon269 said:
Snowblindblitz said:
Hawkmoon269 said:
The Beatles, and consequently, most of all modern music.
As a non Beatles fan, I call foul. They were influenced by 1950's rock where blatantly stole from blues in America. Blues being the foundation of almost all rock and roll, I must say, you are welcome.
Aha! But I would have to counter your argument with the fact that the Beatles took those 1950's rock n roll influences and went on to create the genres we know now as pop, alternative and psychedelic. In fact, if you check out this article....


...you'll see that the beatles influence stretched far and wide.

Of course i dont doubt the importance of blues and rock n roll, its just that it was the Beatles' innovation that helped modern music to develop into newer, more lasting institutions, rather than languishing and going stagnant.

Much better band to pick to represent your country.
Ha, okay well i think we can both agree that they rock

The Cor

New member
Jun 21, 2011
I think my country has done its share.


In it for the Pub Club cookies
Apr 15, 2009
We first created the language that we are now holding the majority of this discussion in.

The rest is pictures, which were first invented by... Not us. Can't claim that for britannia then.