What have you learned today?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I learned the Cat equivalent of a Mutt is a Moggie. I only know this become we got a new kitten and we're unsure what breed she actually is. She might be a Maine Coon, a Norweigan Forest Cat, A Chantilly Tiffany or a result of generations of unplanned cat sex(aka a mutt). It's hard to tell as young as she is and we got her from a shelter so they don't know what she is either or even how old she is(they think 6-8 weeks old).

It doesn't really matter as she's fixed and we'd have no plan to try to breed her no matter what. More of trying to guess how big she'll be when she's an adult.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I learned the Cat equivalent of a Mutt is a Moggie. I only know this become we got a new kitten and we're unsure what breed she actually is. She might be a Maine Coon, a Norweigan Forest Cat, A Chantilly Tiffany or a result of generations of unplanned cat sex(aka a mutt). It's hard to tell as young as she is and we got her from a shelter so they don't know what she is either.
And today I learned cats have breeds that people actually care about. As far as I've always been concerned, a cat is a cat is a cat. Outside of a Siamese, I'd be hard-pressed to distinguish one breed from another. Shows how much I like cats. Congrats on your new one, though. Have fun with that.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
And today I learned cats have breeds that people actually care about. As far as I've always been concerned, a cat is a cat is a cat. Outside of a Siamese, I'd be hard-pressed to distinguish one breed from another. Shows how much I like cats. Congrats on your new one, though. Have fun with that.
I don't particularly care, reallly. I know a lot of people do but since cats don't really vary in size and shape(at least compared to dogs) its not nearly as notable as say a Pug versus a great dane dog. I just know from others that some fur patterns pretty much exclusively show up on female cats(Tortoiseshell) because wierd cat genes and such.

And of course, cats don't fucking care because they're wierd little bastards to spend most of their time taking up space on the couch and NOT catching the mouse that snuck into my house a couple days ago*. YOU HAD ONE JOB, CAT!

*Mouse got caught by a trap. It's dealt with, in case you're wondering.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I don't particularly care, reallly. I know a lot of people do but since cats don't really vary in size and shape(at least compared to dogs) its not nearly as notable as say a Pug versus a great dane dog. I just know from others that some fur patterns pretty much exclusively show up on female cats(Tortoiseshell) because wierd cat genes and such.

And of course, cats don't fucking care because they're wierd little bastards to spend most of their time taking up space on the couch and NOT catching the mouse that snuck into my house a couple days ago*. YOU HAD ONE JOB, CAT!

*Mouse got caught by a trap. It's dealt with, in case you're wondering.
I'm just saying I only now realized I've never heard anyone who mentioned they have a cat expound on a specific breed. As opposed to dogs where someone says "I have dog; it's an Alaskan Malamute" which is informative as to what they might be dealing with as a lot of people with any interest in dogs know something about distinct breeds. To me, "I have a cat" simply means "I have a roommate who does nothing, pays no bills, sleeps all day and mostly ignores me unless it's 4am when they decide to sing the song of their people. Oh, and they shit in a box indoors, and I have to clean it up while they look on with disdain."

Are different cat breeds distinct beyond their appearance? Most of those I've encountered (probably mostly the result of their ancestors whoring around for generations in alleys with any other cat willing to flip their tail up for reasons other than to show their owners their butthole in yet another act of contempt) have been behaviorally identical. I'm really trying to learn here, believe it or not. We recently put down my girlfriend's cat (Ellie,) and her son who was smitten with that cat has been trying to find any excuse to get another one, i.e.: his dad and I share a birthday, and last week her son suggested we'd both like a cat. She's not wanting to replace just yet (if ever,) and I CERTAINLY don't want one at all ever again, but if she does decides to give in to her son's whims, it'd be nice to look at breeds of cat that aren't complete assholes.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I'm just saying I only now realized I've never heard anyone who mentioned they have a cat expound on a specific breed. As opposed to dogs where someone says "I have dog; it's an Alaskan Malamute" which is informative as to what they might be dealing with as a lot of people with any interest in dogs know something about distinct breeds. To me, "I have a cat" simply means "I have a roommate who does nothing, pays no bills, sleeps all day and mostly ignores me unless it's 4am when they decide to sing the song of their people. Oh, and they shit in a box indoors, and I have to clean it up while they look on with disdain."

Are different cat breeds distinct beyond their appearance? Most of those I've encountered (probably mostly the result of their ancestors whoring around for generations in alleys with any other cat willing to flip their tail up for reasons other than to show their owners their butthole in yet another act of contempt) have been behaviorally identical. I'm really trying to learn here, believe it or not. We recently put down my girlfriend's cat (Ellie,) and her son who was smitten with that cat has been trying to find any excuse to get another one, i.e.: his dad and I share a birthday, and last week her son suggested we'd both like a cat. She's not wanting to replace just yet (if ever,) and I CERTAINLY don't want one at all ever again, but if she does decides to give in to her son's whims, it'd be nice to look at breeds of cat that aren't complete assholes.
Supposedly different breeds have different temperaments and such but my personal experience is each animal has their own personality (as far as cat can have one) that doesn't seemed linked to anything in particular. Some are super chill, some want to climb everything, some can't stand other cats while others want to be everyone buddy. I've had a couple I could carry around and they're totally cool with it as long as they like you, while others are "don't touch me!". When we looked for this cat we filtered out ones that don't play well with kids or other cats(this is totally a thing), as well as those who had special medical needs we couldn't accommodate.

I think shelter cats often give you the option of taking them back if they aren't adjusting. My wife once got a cat that she had to return because it could not deal with the other cat she had at all and apparently she wasn't the only one
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Supposedly different breeds have different temperaments and such but my personal experience is each animal has their own personality (as far as cat can have one) that doesn't seemed linked to anything in particular. Some are super chill, some want to climb everything, some can't stand other cats while others want to be everyone buddy. I've had a couple I could carry around and they're totally cool with it as long as they like you, while others are "don't touch me!". When we looked for this cat we filtered out ones that don't play well with kids or other cats(this is totally a thing), as well as those who had special medical needs we couldn't accommodate.

I think shelter cats often give you the option of taking them back if they aren't adjusting. My wife once got a cat that she had to return because it could not deal with the other cat she had at all and apparently she wasn't the kn
Oh, I totally understand the "not getting along with other cats" vibe. A friend "gifted" us two kittens a few years back because her parents couldn't keep them, and it wasn't 13 seconds they were in the house before Ellie did the whole "muuuuuUUUURAAAHRRRrrrr" thing and backed up like Muhammed Ali waiting on her chance to throw hands. The kittens didn't care, but since Ellie refused to even be in the same room as them, we had to "re-gift" them to other people (thank GAWD.)

I guess I've just never met a cat that was as much fun as a dog. My experience is that most of the joy comes from watching them incline towards their predatory instincts, swatting a toy with clearly violent intentions despite their diminutive ability or creeping up and pouncing on someone who's sleeping, and to me, that's not a pet; that's an animal that's just wants to kill me and would do so without hesitation were it several hundred pounds heavier like its cousins in the wild. Guess I'll just keep insisting we mourn Ellie with my own selfish intention of not wanting a cat ever again; "it's too soon" n'all. Doesn't help that her son who wants another cat might be leaving for college (or at least moving out) within the next year or two, so he'd saddle us with another 15 year commitment then run off. As someone who doesn't like cats, I've cleaned more litter boxes in 6 years than he has in his entire 17 years of life; he's not leaving us with another cat just because he's sad right now. If we get another one, it goes with him, wherever that is.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
And of course, cats don't fucking care because they're wierd little bastards to spend most of their time taking up space on the couch and NOT catching the mouse that snuck into my house a couple days ago*. YOU HAD ONE JOB, CAT!
A friend of mine had a cat who would catch mice- and then proudly bring them, still alive, to the nearest human in an apparent attempt to feed them. (By cat logic, humans are big dumb kittens who don't have the proper tools to hunt.)


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
A friend of mine had a cat who would catch mice- and then proudly bring them, still alive, to the nearest human in an apparent attempt to feed them. (By cat logic, humans are big dumb kittens who don't have the proper tools to hunt.)
Truth is, cats are sadists, and they bring fresh kills to humans as a display of how little regard they have for life, and we're you the size of that mouse, YOU'D be the one dragged to the nearest human further perpetuating their disregard for life.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
There's a planet roughly the same mass as Neptune out there orbiting our sun: Planet 9. We know it exists because of other objects reacting to its gravity. We've used it's gravity to predict finding other celestial bodies.

We cannot find Planet 9. One fun theory is that it's a black hole the size of a baseball



Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
There's a planet roughly the same mass as Neptune out there orbiting our sun: Planet 9. We know it exists because of other objects reacting to its gravity. We've used it's gravity to predict finding other celestial bodies.

We cannot find Planet 9. One fun theory is that it's a black hole the size of a baseball

It's Remina coming to lick/eat us

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
There's a planet roughly the same mass as Neptune out there orbiting our sun: Planet 9. We know it exists because of other objects reacting to its gravity. We've used it's gravity to predict finding other celestial bodies.

We cannot find Planet 9. One fun theory is that it's a black hole the size of a baseball

These mofos don't seem to understand just how hard it is to find things in space. I mean, space is big. Proper ginormous, mate. And if it's too far away from the Sun to reflect enough light to be seen, well, good luck spotting it, because it's not as if you can just hold up a big sheet of white paper and wait for a planet to cross in front of it.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
These mofos don't seem to understand just how hard it is to find things in space. I mean, space is big. Proper ginormous, mate. And if it's too far away from the Sun to reflect enough light to be seen, well, good luck spotting it, because it's not as if you can just hold up a big sheet of white paper and wait for a planet to cross in front of it.
In fairness, space is incomprehensibly huge. Like, "every known actual planet in the solar system would fit between earth and the moon" big


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
In fairness, space is incomprehensibly huge. Like, "every known actual planet in the solar system would fit between earth and the moon" big
My favorite fact I dropped that blew my buddy's mind was that Voyager I launched in 1977 travelling at over 10,000 mph, and only reached the edge of our solar system in 2012. I'm paraphrasing, but he said something along the lines of "bullshit; fuck you" before getting on his phone to check for himself. Yeah, those scale models of the solar system we made in grade school have really skewed our understanding of the actual size of the universe. Like, "size" is even too small a term to qualify it. Considering Andromeda, the nearest large galaxy to our Milk Way, is almost 6 TRILLION miles away and would take almost 3 million light-years to reach, and there are countless galaxies beyond that... space is kinda big. I'm surprised we've not lost MORE planets.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
My favorite fact I dropped that blew my buddy's mind was that Voyager I launched in 1977 travelling at over 10,000 mph, and only reached the edge of our solar system in 2012. I'm paraphrasing, but he said something along the lines of "bullshit; fuck you" before getting on his phone to check for himself. Yeah, those scale models of the solar system we made in grade school have really skewed our understanding of the actual size of the universe. Like, "size" is even too small a term to qualify it. Considering Andromeda, the nearest large galaxy to our Milk Way, is almost 6 TRILLION miles away and would take almost 3 million light-years to reach, and there are countless galaxies beyond that... space is kinda big. I'm surprised we've not lost MORE planets.
I mean, we've used the unfindable planet's gravity to chart and find several objects that are way the hell out there. That's what makes not being able to find Planet 9 so funny.

We've used the bastard to find other stuff and it's still invisible. Space is weird

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I learned that in Die Hard Theo made a bet with Karl. After Hans shoots Takagi in the head we see Karl handing Theo a dollar bill, probably because Theo bet Karl that Hans was going to kill him. I never noticed that bill changing hands until just today.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I mean, we've used the unfindable planet's gravity to chart and find several objects that are way the hell out there. That's what makes not being able to find Planet 9 so funny.

We've used the bastard to find other stuff and it's still invisible. Space is weird
Like dark matter, I think Planet 9 is more a place holder for a phenomenon science can't concretely explain, but can accurately measure and calculate against, and less an actual planet they've been unable to locate. Like ominous direct deposits into your bank account: you don't know where the money came form, but you know how to spend it.