I learned the Cat equivalent of a Mutt is a Moggie. I only know this become we got a new kitten and we're unsure what breed she actually is. She might be a Maine Coon, a Norweigan Forest Cat, A Chantilly Tiffany or a result of generations of unplanned cat sex(aka a mutt). It's hard to tell as young as she is and we got her from a shelter so they don't know what she is either or even how old she is(they think 6-8 weeks old).
It doesn't really matter as she's fixed and we'd have no plan to try to breed her no matter what. More of trying to guess how big she'll be when she's an adult.
It doesn't really matter as she's fixed and we'd have no plan to try to breed her no matter what. More of trying to guess how big she'll be when she's an adult.