I finally got the Avatar: Last Airbender Steel Book Case Box Set at a Best Buy near my job.

I haven't bought a DVD or CD in a decade.I finally got the Avatar: Last Airbender Steel Book Case Box Set at a Best Buy near my job.
That's a good thing for your kid. Very heartwarming.I haven't bought a DVD or CD in a decade.
I bought a lion mask for my kid for book week
Good luck with that. I tried watching a playthrough, but grew bored. Even with commentary of people I like.I impulse bought Death Stranding. Satan knows why. Then i impulse bought stronger alcohol to play the drinking game of "drink when the woman in red makes you cringe from her every move and word." What is up with that? Kojima needs a woman collaborator.
I read someone complaining recently that new tyres are the least fulfilling purchase you can make. They're incredibly expensive, and you just end up where you felt you were already anyway.Winter tires, because like here in Canada we get a lot of snow! 163$ a tire + my oil change. Thank goodness I did overtime Saturday and Sunday, this wednesday is going to be pricey at the garage.
Oh, Trenty boyA new bed/mattress/bedding stuff.
Bayonetta on steam.
And the Quake remastered LP
Ah yes, i can most certainly see how the gameplay would not be an entertaining watch whatsoever. And they appear to be hiding most the story information within emails too! Not good streaming material, that.Good luck with that. I tried watching a playthrough, but grew bored. Even with commentary of people I like.
Aw fuck yeah, Quake 1 OST is greatA new bed/mattress/bedding stuff.
Bayonetta on steam.
And the Quake remastered LP
I was speaking to my mechanic and you are correct new winter tires are extremely expensive, they were like 200$ a tire but I got my mechanic to sell me last years best model so I could save around 40$ a tire. I didn't really have a choice because I bough a brand new SUV 2 months ago and winter tires were not included.I read someone complaining recently that new tyres are the least fulfilling purchase you can make. They're incredibly expensive, and you just end up where you felt you were already anyway.
(They're wrong, a new roof is much worse for exactly the same reasons X100.)