What if drugs were legalised?


New member
Apr 4, 2010
the mafia would be out of work, or have more work to do, anyway it wouldent be as badass to be a mafia if that is... well i support it, always wanted to get stoned without having to do it illegaly


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Armbyorg said:
Natural selection would happen.
Yes, but I dont want to pay for it.

i.e I dont want to pay for their hospital treatment or rehab and shit like that.

So it would work in a non-social country.


New member
Mar 13, 2010
viranimus said:
Depends on the drug really.

Pot would result in nothing would get done

Speed ... all kinds of things would get done, but it wasnt what that person was supposed to be doing

painkillers would result in a laziness that would avoid anything stressful enough to possibly cause pain

Anti-depressants would result in several deaths due to a misinterpreted zombie apocalypse

Xtacy would result in the statue of liberty being repainted in blacklight responsive neon

Heroine would result in the population dying out due to lack of reproduction simply because of the belief that the smack is better than sex.

Coke/Crack would result in complete economic collapse and starvation because well there would be no money left for anything but crack.

Acid.. well I yield to the man on this one...

that and also and increased viewership of childrens programing by the 18-25 year old demographic

If all drugs were legalized for recreational use, prolly the eventual extinction of the species. That or .. zombies!

In all seriousness if your looking at this from a psychological or philosophical standpoint you need to shy away from the positive examples and look at the negative examples already present in society. You would need to consider and respect that humans a lot of times tend to lack self restraint and the ability to do anything in moderation. Then look at the negative things that come from each drug, estimating that more than half of the population involved with such chemical enhancements would be generating these negative aspects and then look at the world that youve imagined under this premise.

I am a student of psychology and philosophy, so on that end I would think my logic would provide a degree of insight. However at the same time, I lost faith in humanity a long long time ago, and that might also be skewing my conclusions.

In short, it seems like it might be a good idea in theory, but the practical application of it would likely be disastrous.

Bolded Text 1:

Broad and specific declaratives without supporting arguments. If you're being humorous, that's fine, but the tone of your post is inconsistent and it sounds like you believe what you're saying, in which case.....

Bolded Text 2:
A) Get over yourself.
B) Revisit your Elements of Reasoning (or like) textbook and try and spot all the logical fallacies in both this statement and in your post in general.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
If drugs were legalised they'd be immediately bought up by big pharma drug companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Astra Zeneca, Roche, Sanofi Aventis etc.

The drugs would be heavily regulated so no illegal drugs would be peddled, making drug dealers obsolete. More than obsolete actually. Being a drug dealer would be a massively retarded idea because if you were caught dealing illegal drugs you wouldn't just have the government after you, big pharma companies would destroy you. Worth it? Not by a long shot.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
The only good I can see it doing is providing another means of taxation, with the possible addition of certain types of crimes decreasing in number. Other than that the increased availability might manage to kill off most of the common thugs: narcotic substances mixed with the I.Q attributed to the contents of a used tissue will be a sight to see.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Nothing for me would change, though I am certain a number of my pals would take up weed.


New member
Nov 26, 2009
It's hard to say. There are a lot of theories and contributing factors on how legalization would effect a country. Here's a few good points to ponder. Did drug's being illegel stop many addicts from becoming users at a younger age? Would you be more likely to use drugs if they were legal? What about trying out drugs because they are legal now.

You see the problem is that the Netherlands (atleast Amsterdam) is legal, and it works pretty well. You learn that crime and poverty (drug addiction) do not have to be the same thing. Some people are addicted and living on the streets, but with easier access to drugs there is less reason to steal to get their fix. The rest of the surrounding city has a cultural and quiet feel to it, and I have heard their policeforce is law abiding and strict.

I'm not sure if people would be more likely to use drugs if they were legal in North America/Commonwealth. Perhaps if you're prone to suggestability, or raised that drugs are ok. Many have speculated that people that were going to use drug's would and do so anyways. So why spend taxpayer dollars to put citizens in jail that are just trying to find an escape? Nevermind put in jail, who do you think pay's for living expenses? Thats another thing to ponder.

I can't answer this question for you however, its your opinion...but hope that helps with idea's that I've thought about.

Zykon TheLich

Extra Heretical!
Jun 6, 2008
I would guess more addicts and users etc but the damage to each individual and damage done by each individual would be lessened.

Organised crime would have to find another source of revenue. IDK what.

Society is different now, but most of this stuff was legal before WWI/prohibition. Have a look see what the issues were back then. IIRC the main reason behind heroin and coke being banned was the effect it would ahve on the fighting efficiency of the troops in the trenches and also what would happen if the supply of drugs suddenly stopped. I read somewhere that roughly 9/10 working class types in London in the late 1800's were on opium or heroin and once the negative side effects of physical addiction and withdrawal were realised the government decided that that was abit of a liability.

PS I support the idea although a certain amount of control would be needed.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
It depends on the drugs and how they came to be legalized.

If every single drug made was just up and legalized without any precautions? I'd predict mass chaos and a huge case of the munchies.

IF, however, certain drugs were legalized with precautions, I'd be more optimistic. Marijuana is debatably less harmless than tobacco, and it's legalization in the US is always challenged. Things like crack cocain, heroine, acid, etc..., however, shouldn't be legalized (I think anyway), but if they were purified and cleaned to an extent that it wouldn't be so dangerous to use even one time then it's legalization would be more probable.

It all depends on the situation, which drugs are legalized, how they are legalized, why they are, and a whole bunch of other reasons.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
If they made it legal they could set an age limit like drinking or smoking hell if they wanted they could put it at any age limit even at 100 to or 30 anyone under the age could still be fined while non-licensed sources of it would remain illegal (moonshine anyone?) plus it woulf likely make it just as illegal to smoke them or use them in public areas since children could be effected/tempted if done in open air spaces.

And for everyone saying nothing would get done? pretty sure with it not being legel yet alot of people wouldn't use it still some at least a majority of people could still get fired for showing up high to work or not showing up at or late like if they were drunk.


New member
Jun 14, 2010
Ldude893 said:
I'll be seeing Opium Dens around Hong Kong again.
I would like to join you at these opium dens. Then I would stay there until I died of opium poisoning. 5th best way to die.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
PoisonUnagi said:
Glamorgan said:
Would there be any downsides to it? I can't really think of any.
Except all the psychos running around destroying your car, house and family with various household objects.

Youve clearly never seen anyone on drugs. Marijuana users can barely move, speed users are busy running on the spot and ecstasy users are hugging everything that moves.

If your referring to crack and PCP see running on the spot.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Dags90 said:
TheLiham said:
Failing to see the downside here
I think he's suggesting that people would go on shooting sprees while their judgment was impaired. In spite of the fact that alcohol is legal in the U.S. and involved in a large percentage of violent crime.
I got that part. I'm just not seeing the downside.
Its called humour


New member
Nov 15, 2009
I think drugs are legal in Portugal, and things are going quite well. I don't know the specifics, but it isn't as chaotic as most here seem to think it would be.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
What would change?
Organized crime would lose a lot of money, governments would gain a lot of money from taxing drugs and not spending the budget on drug wars, people would stop going to jail just for using substances on themselves...


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Absolutely nothing. People who do want to do drugs don't give a shit about the law and those that don't want to do drugs don't want to do so because of their own decision and not because they give a shit about the law.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Glamorgan said:
Well, I just started an assignment, and one of the options was What would happen if drugs were legalized. So, being me, I got distracted, and ended up on The Escapist. But while I'm here, I thought I might as well get some other opinions on this. So: What do you think would happen if drugs were legalized?

EDIT: And would you support it if they were?
You should write a report about how plenty of "drugs" like IBUProfen and Aspirin ARE legal.

If your teacher is any good, you'll get an A


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
AndyFromMonday said:
Absolutely nothing. People who do want to do drugs don't give a shit about the law and those that don't want to do drugs don't want to do so because of their own decision and not because they give a shit about the law.

It would make them cheaper, it would take out the danger of using shady dealers, it would generate tons of tax revenue, and it would cripple criminal organizations that use drug sales for funding.

But everything ELSE would remain the same.