What is Obamacare?


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I was on Failblog just now for my daily giggle and there were a lot of things on there relating to Obamacare but, being from the UK, I've not heard anything about it. It seems to be a subject of a lot of debate whether or not it is a good idea but...what is it?


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Um...try thinking of it like a very watered down verison of the NHS that's been introduced to fill a very big NHS shaped hole in the US, if it helps.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I'm also in the UK so I may get it wrong. Obamacare is a number of laws to improve the healthcare system in the USA. While a lot of it isn't controversial there is a law that those who don't buy health insurance should be fined/taxed. This is controversial as the constitution says something like "the government can't make you buy things". The supreme court ruled that it is constitutional since it's pretty much just a tax.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
It's really very simple. The law means that health insurers will be unable to prevent people from purchasing medical cover and will also be incentivised to reduce the cost to people. In return, it will be mandatory for people to buy health insurance, sort of like how it works with motor insurance in the UK.

Only, you know, for people.

The supreme court is currently deciding whether or not this is constitutional or not. If they rule against Obama he is basically fucked.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Obamacare makes health insurance mandatory that,s it in a nutshell
correct me if I,m wrong I,m not from the US


New member
Aug 16, 2008
thanks for the replies.

So, if I understand this correctly, it's to make it mandatory for everyone to have health insurance but because of some legislation that the government can't MAKE you buy something, they doing some tax thing that's like the NHS in the UK for those that don't have it?

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Obamacare has a few major parts to it.

First off Insurance Companies can no longer deny you service because of a pre-existing condition.

In the year 2014 you will be required to get health insurance or be forced to pay a fine (I think its $190).

If you do not get private insurance you can get health insurance through your state. This is because your state is required to offer you 3 different levels of coverage at "reasonable" prices.

Theres a bunch more, but thats what I know off the top of my head. You should try wiki.

Oh I am an American... though I work at a news station so I saw Obama's Speech yesterday.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
The Lazy Blacksmith said:
Anybody else find it ironic that more non-Americans have replied than Americans?
That is weird, but maybe it has to do with timezones and Americans being unconsious?


New member
Aug 2, 2011
To avoid a flame war, I shall just say it is the new Healthcare system being implimanted by the President. Both good and bad will come from it.

That is all I am going to say. Goodbye.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Sober Thal said:
People who can't afford healthcare, will be fined...


Canada is looking better every day!
What do they do in Canada? Is it state run medical facilities or private?


New member
Dec 10, 2011
PureChaos said:
I was on Failblog just now for my daily giggle and there were a lot of things on there relating to Obamacare but, being from the UK, I've not heard anything about it. It seems to be a subject of a lot of debate whether or not it is a good idea but...what is it?
Currently healthcare in the United States is mostly privatized via insurance companies. While there are programs like Medicare and Medicaid that are supported by the government and taxes, there are restrictions on both payout levels and who is eligible for Medicare/Medicaid (for instance - full-time students in college are not eligible).

What Obamacare (a term originally used by Republicans [conservative party] to tie the President to the Bill since they thought it would be unpopular) does - the version that the Supreme Court has upheld, at least - is a lot of things.

It requires that everybody in the United States purchase health insurance (from private companies) or pay a fine/tax (of which there are many exemptions if you are unable to afford the tax).

It requires private insurance companies to issue rebates and repay its customers if too much of its capital is going towards executive pay or marketing.

It requires that any raise of more than 10% of Premiums (what an individual pays per month for private insurance) over a year be reviewed by the Government watchdog organization to determine if the increase is financially justified.

It provides more funding for Medicare and Medicaid.

It prevents private insurance companies from denying health insurance coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, and children with pre-existing conditions (pre-existing conditions being if you have taken medication or seen a doctor more than once for the same illness in the last year, usually).

It extends the age that parents can cover their children on a family plan up from 22 to 26.

There is more to it, but those are the big points.

What's ironic is that people very broadly support each individual tenet of Obamacare, but thanks to a very strong 'marketing' push last year by Republicans (including the 'Obamacare' monicker), most people somehow dislike "Obamacare" but love what it does when dissociated from the word.


New member
Jun 16, 2004
Bertylicious said:
The Lazy Blacksmith said:
Anybody else find it ironic that more non-Americans have replied than Americans?
That is weird, but maybe it has to do with timezones and Americans being unconsious?
Was just about to post this. People are either sleeping, at work/school, or somewhere in between.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I think most of us here were busy running around crying about socialism, in some sort of euphoric bliss or for the 90% between such idiots just trying to avoid the noise. :p

A slight correction, there is not a fine on people who can't afford insurance. There is a new tax, roughly the cost of low level insurance and if you have insurance that is considered sufficient you will get a tax credit that offsets that. So there is no economic incentive to go without.

If you can't afford it (for 'real' versus just not thinking about it and taking your chances) then you are almost certainly eligible for assistance and state funded programs.

In exchange for more or less forcing everyone into the system, insurance providers will no longer be able to reject applicants who look like they might be expensive... so it spreads the risk around.

People generally oppose it because:
- The government now can decide what must be in an insurance plan to count
-- Especially bothersome to conservatives that they must cover contraception
- The government is telling you what to do

There are lots of other bits, but that's the high level.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Sober Thal said:
People who can't afford healthcare, will be fined...


Canada is looking better every day!
Was that a joke against the people who said that?

Because going to Canada would be...... the exact opposite thing you would want.

considering they have an even more socialized healthcare system then Obamacare is.

Brendan Stepladder

New member
May 21, 2012
mindlesspuppet said:
Bertylicious said:
The Lazy Blacksmith said:
Anybody else find it ironic that more non-Americans have replied than Americans?
That is weird, but maybe it has to do with timezones and Americans being unconsious?
Was just about to post this. People are either sleeping, at work/school, or somewhere in between.
That's true. I'm only online due to the glorious beast of procrastination.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
FelixG said:
Bertylicious said:
The Lazy Blacksmith said:
Anybody else find it ironic that more non-Americans have replied than Americans?
That is weird, but maybe it has to do with timezones and Americans being unconsious?
There are those of us who don't bother to sleep but also don't bother to look into this stuff either though! :p
But I don't... what?

You're a 'Merkin. Shouldn't you be getting all Victor Zaszz and going "Obama asked for my money. MY MONEY! Can you believe it!?"