What is the best written videogame ever?


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Aug 17, 2010
I have like a baggilion hours in that game and still @ 15%. I can't help I keep getting sidetracked trying to explore everything (including the sea :D )


New member
Jan 15, 2010
SimpleReally said:
Did anyone say final fantasy tactics yet? i loved the story and the ending scene with delita is beyond perfect.

Also irenicus in BG2, he stole every scene in BG2.

I think I'm in the minority who did not like planescape torment, i mean they throw an entire dictionary at you in the first five minutes which you have to memorize in order to understand ANYTHING about what the hell is going on or where to go or why do you even bother. It bored me to tears.
I can see that, some of the stuff like the Planescape jargon and the slang can be hard to get used to. But at the same time to me at least, the game doesn't resort to using big words for the sake of using them, just that the terminology used in the game can be a bit confusing but I think at the same time it helps set up the mood of the game.


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Jan 15, 2010
Bobzer77 said:
thenamelessloser said:
SageRuffin said:
That I've played? Jade Empire.

Too bad the morality system was still the usual "good vs. evil" as opposed to, from what I could tell, ideally "lawful neutral vs chaotic neutral". Ah well.
To relate this to other posts in this topic, I so much want Bioware to have Obsidan make Jade Empire 2. Imagine a Jade Empire game written/designed by Chris Avellone.

Personally I think that would be a disaster. Am I the only person who when looking at Obsidain sees:

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - Game-breaking bugs
Neverwinter Nights 2 - Game-breaking bugs
Alpha Protocol - Game-breaking bugs
Fallout: New Vegas - Game-breaking bugs

Not much point having a great writer if you can't make a game.
This is true, but I don't care. Alpha Protocol, I played like four times, and believe it or not the game wasn't that bad bug wise (I'm trying to remember if the game ever actually froze on me. there were times I had to reload an earlier save but I don't remember that many huge freezing) . Or mabye it just seemed that way due to playing fallout new vegas which has WAY more bugs. I never actually played Neverwinternights 2. :( KOTOR II had a good amount of really bad glitches that made it so you had to restart or load a much earlier save though. (this one I think can easily be blamed on the short time frame Obsidian had to make the game)

Bioware games have bugs as well, in ME2, more than once ahd to reload a an earlier save because I got stuck in a table or floor. Also, KOTOR did have bugs (galaxy droid...). Betheseda games seem to also have bugs from what I read in other places. Dragon AGe had bugs and glitches as well.

This doesn't excuse Obsidian, mind you, but I don't think the bugs in their games are that much worse than what is in the rest of western RPGs. Is there a good western RPG that didn't have bugs?

Aurora Firestorm

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May 1, 2008
Best horror-atmospheric game: System Shock 2.
Best epic plot: Metal Gear everything (it's one big plot).
Best awesomely written mechanic: Chrono Trigger's time travel.

That's just what I'd say. If I had to name one game that just blew me away for all time, I guess I'd have to say Metal Gear Solid 3. It's the only game I've replayed more than twice (on my 5th playthrough now, trying to get the kerotans), and I still get really into it.


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Apr 28, 2010
Metro 2033, a game who's message is to try to learn about things before making desicion and not everything is the way it seems, that rewards the player for listening to the stories of homless men and deciding not to kill Nazis after listening to them talk about how much they miss their kids and feeling bad that they had to fight Communists because they didn't have a choice either. Seriously, the game rewards you for making unbiased desicions and learning about your enemies' less evil side, the game is good at telling a story through it's world.


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Nov 8, 2009
Grim Fandango! The best in game history that i've seen in a long time... but if you're talking about modern games i'd say Fahrenheit (at least the first part) and Heavy Rain


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Apr 21, 2010
Any Final Fantasy game before 10 once it hit double digits, they got boring.
And Half-Life 2.


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Aug 22, 2009
thenamelessloser said:
Arcanum also had rather great writing for the type of game it was and how nonlinear it was.
I agree with this guy. Arcanum wasen't just greatly written. It had tons of story dialog and nonlinear quests. Not to forget that the world was great in every way: there where interesting political conflicts, religion, comedy, situations whereas what was right and what was wrong became questionable.
Best written game made yet.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
This can vary depending on personal literary taste and game opinion but I shall give you mine.

Current Gen - Bioshock 1+2, Mass Effect 1+2, A. Creed 2, Dragon age origins, Half-Life 2.....to name a few. I would even include Modern Warfare 1 and 2 for more of a action thriller.

Previous Gens - LEGEND OF DRAGOON, Parasite eve, Jade Empire, Lost Oddessy(sp?) Baldur's Gate, ...some others but i don't want to go too far back.

Crimson King

New member
May 16, 2009
I have to put Silent Hill 2 on here as an obvious pick, and as a less obvious pick...Banjo Kazooie, how bout that.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Mass Effect 1 and 2, Bioshock, Deus Ex, Portal, and KOTOR are all top contenders but I think the number 1 for comedy is Portal but the number one overall would be Bioshock or Mass Effect. It's tied


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Nov 28, 2009

Depends on the genre. I guess for sci-fi its either Mass Effect or Bioshock, or Fallout.. yeah there's a lot of choices, its best to be more specific.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
LarenzoAOG said:
...the game is good at telling a story through it's world.
I know eh? Its brilliant, though it kinda sucks how those who just steamroll through the game won't notice the many little things which make Metro great.

I'm suprised Metro is so popular, it seems to be one of the most mentioned games at the moment other than Call of Duty, Mass Effect and Halo whatever.

Also IGN's horrendous review of it (they gave it a 6.9 because of occassional AI blunders and because the dumbass playing it couldn't do the stealth sections and somehow got stuck in a wall) is one of the most hated game related videos I've ever seen.