What is the point of consoles anymore?


New member
Mar 29, 2011
I honestly don't know why there are so many Xbox One hate threads popping up. People are pointing out facts about new consoles, but you aren't actually making an argument. Everyone is making fun of consoles because they aren't "dedicated gaming machines" anymore. Well guess what? Neither is your PC. There are very few new products that are designed for one unique capability. People made fun of smart phones at first, saying that "oh yeah, the only thing you can't do with this phone is call someone." Well yes, it turns out, you can. You can call people from smart phones, and you can also check your e-mails, play games, browse the internet and listen to music. Not everyone uses all of these features, but they are there if you want to use them. It's almost impossible to buy a cellular phone these days that is only a phone, and made for the sole purpose of calling people.

Now for the PC. Even those who have gaming PCs that they've spent thousands of dollars on, are not simply made for gaming. They use it for browsing the internet, sending e-mails, watching videos, listening to music, as well as dozens of other things I'm sure. It's pretty much guaranteed that nobody will ever use every single feature that their computer is capable of, but if you don't want to use it, just don't. Simple as that. There are word processors installed on your computer by default, but if you use your computer mainly for gaming, the chances that you will use your word processor are probably pretty low. However, you don't hear people complaining that their new computer has "notepad" installed on it. You simply forget that it's there, and don't use it.

Now for consoles. Yes, they are still made for playing games. Yes, they can do many other things too. No, you shouldn't be afraid of that. Almost every title that has come out for PC has also come out for consoles. Of course, there are a few exclusives, RTS games don't come out for consoles (usually) and most major racing titles are not released for the PC platform (Forza, Gran Turismo, etc.) PC and consoles both have things that they do well, and they both have things that they do poorly. Of course, internet browsing and skype calling and watching TV won't work as well on your new console as it does on your PC or television, but it's there nonetheless. Just like you have the ability to watch videos and browse the web on your cell phone, even though it works better on other platforms. The bottom line is: If these new consoles were released without any of these capabilities and you only had the option to play games on them, people would be complaining about the lack of capabilities.

Years ago, McDonald's only sold burgers and fries. Now, they sell a whole bunch of different things. But if you want to go to McDonald's for a Big Mac, the fact that they also sell salads now wont make a difference. Your Big Mac will still taste freakin' delicious.


New member
May 16, 2012
The Wykydtron said:
Because they're (supposed to be) cheaper than going out and buying a decent gaming PC, because y'know not everyone can just go and pick one up. Also you don't have to be sat at your desk all the time. Also fighting games look wank on PC monitors. Also they make money.

Also exclusives. All the exclusives.

Basically, I can't play my BlazBlue on a PC dammit. And DON'T you tell me about handhelds. I hate those things.

I'm only interested in the PS4 after that absolutely hilarious Xbox One reveal event. Oh man, there are even MORE hilarious reaction videos coming up in my Youtube subs. #1 free advertising for Sony there Microsoft. Well done.

Can you explain what you mean by fighting games looking bad on PC monitors? I'm really confused by that statement.
Far as I know, a monitor and a TV are basically identical, except that monitors might be more crisp and clear I guess, and normally you sit closer to it. (though I must stress, that's not always the case. It IS possible to lounge about with a controller and play PC games on a couch if you so desire. It's just not established very well yet as a way to game on PC)

Anyway DON'T you dis handhelds. The DS is my favorite video game system of all time (due almost entirely to its insanely impressive library) and the only thing currently on track to maybe change that is the 3DS.
I mean, I can understand the format being just too difficult for you to get comfortable with and enjoy, but the games are amazing.


New member
Oct 5, 2011
The only point really seems to be the exclusives. Otherwise, a decently built PC wins in every way. And if you build properly, it'll be a steep entry fee but you won't need to worry about upgrading for a long ways afterward. Better graphics, better and more flexible controls, mods, etc.

At this point, I kind of wish traditional consoles would die and we'd just have handheld consoles as a focus since they at least do something very different from PCs that feels worthwhile to me.

Rofl Harris

New member
Dec 13, 2010
Consoles are cheaper than gaming PCs. They also require less maintaining, upgrading and all-round technical knowledge to get things to work on them. If you buy an XBox and a game, all you need to do to play it is make sure that the game has "XBox" written on the front of the box and that you have a working television and constant electricity supply to play it. That benefits parents buying for children and people lacking the time or technical knowledge to game with a PC.

I very much suspect this will still be true in the next console generation.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
silent299 said:
I honestly don't know why there are so many Xbox One hate threads popping up. People are pointing out facts about new consoles, but you aren't actually making an argument. Everyone is making fun of consoles because they aren't "dedicated gaming machines" anymore. Well guess what? Neither is your PC. There are very few new products that are designed for one unique capability. People made fun of smart phones at first, saying that "oh yeah, the only thing you can't do with this phone is call someone." Well yes, it turns out, you can. You can call people from smart phones, and you can also check your e-mails, play games, browse the internet and listen to music. Not everyone uses all of these features, but they are there if you want to use them. It's almost impossible to buy a cellular phone these days that is only a phone, and made for the sole purpose of calling people.

Now for the PC. Even those who have gaming PCs that they've spent thousands of dollars on, are not simply made for gaming. They use it for browsing the internet, sending e-mails, watching videos, listening to music, as well as dozens of other things I'm sure. It's pretty much guaranteed that nobody will ever use every single feature that their computer is capable of, but if you don't want to use it, just don't. Simple as that. There are word processors installed on your computer by default, but if you use your computer mainly for gaming, the chances that you will use your word processor are probably pretty low. However, you don't hear people complaining that their new computer has "notepad" installed on it. You simply forget that it's there, and don't use it.

Now for consoles. Yes, they are still made for playing games. Yes, they can do many other things too. No, you shouldn't be afraid of that. Almost every title that has come out for PC has also come out for consoles. Of course, there are a few exclusives, RTS games don't come out for consoles (usually) and most major racing titles are not released for the PC platform (Forza, Gran Turismo, etc.) PC and consoles both have things that they do well, and they both have things that they do poorly. Of course, internet browsing and skype calling and watching TV won't work as well on your new console as it does on your PC or television, but it's there nonetheless. Just like you have the ability to watch videos and browse the web on your cell phone, even though it works better on other platforms. The bottom line is: If these new consoles were released without any of these capabilities and you only had the option to play games on them, people would be complaining about the lack of capabilities.

Years ago, McDonald's only sold burgers and fries. Now, they sell a whole bunch of different things. But if you want to go to McDonald's for a Big Mac, the fact that they also sell salads now wont make a difference. Your Big Mac will still taste freakin' delicious.
My point in making this thread was not "lets all hate on the new xbox and other consoles guys lawlz." My point in making this thread was to establish the purpose of consoles in todays market and gaming world. The biggest argument that has been made against consoles is the fact that they just aren't doing anything better than a pc at this point in time. Yes, there are a few exceptions to the rule, but you seem to have missed the point of this thread. You essentially wrote the same paragraph twice, simply in one paragraph changing the word "pc" to "console". They both can do the same thing or at least consoles are trying to do the same thing as pc's.

You made the analogy of despite being able to do lots of things better on other platforms, people still use smart phones. The reason smartphones are used is because they are portable and allow us to look up information when a WiFi network is not readily available. Consoles don't have any portability. They still need a tv to function. The cell phone differentiated itself from its competition hence, having a reason to exist in the market.

And for the wonderful Mcdonalds analogy, yes, Mcdonalds only sold hamburgers and fries for a long time. Now they make salads among other things and it does not affect the quality of the food. However, there are lots of other places that do the exact same thing and better. Sometimes it is more expensive, or depending on one's tastes, they may choose McDonalds burgers over anything else.

This generation of consoles is not simply offering more to us, but it is offering us things we do not want. Since you used a food analogy I'll use one too. You go into a burger joint expecting a wide variety of burgers to choose from and a few sides. However when you go in they only have a couple of burgers, and a huge amount of pastas, soups, desserts and all other types of foods just so that way they don't exclude that crowd. Rather than trying to specialize in burgers they end up spreading themselves too thin. Even though having that extra stuff did not detract from the quality of the burgers, you would have rathered the burger joint have more burgers instead of all this extra stuff you did not ask for. And that's what I'm getting at with consoles. They have an opportunity to specialize in something. They can literally be all about gaming but choose not too for whatever the many stupid, stupid reasons are behind it.

:EDIT: and yes true, people do not complain about a word processor being installed on the computer because it is a standard feature and is independent from the gaming you do on... say Steam and hence will not slow you down with updates. When one of those pieces of software needed to update on my ps3, I could not get online and had to wait a while before I could. Most software will be controlled by the systems parent company. Meaning that instead of funding a new OS to improve system performance, they spent money developing something that let you browse Facebook slightly faster. While being able to do that is not necessarily a bad thing, it was not really needed because there is something that can already do that the same if not better. So coming back to wrap this full circle, is that a console that tries to do what a pc does, has no place today because there are already things that do whatever they are trying to do. What a gaming console should be is something dedicated to gaming and gaming alone. That is really what would make getting a console worthwhile for a lot of people including myself. No useless social media to go through, just games.

If I break out my ps3, people aren't sure if I am showing them something online, a movie, or a game, but the second a gamecube or ps2 is seen, everyone knows we are about to play games. You just don't get that anywhere else nowadays.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Zeldias said:
The only point really seems to be the exclusives. Otherwise, a decently built PC wins in every way. And if you build properly, it'll be a steep entry fee but you won't need to worry about upgrading for a long ways afterward. Better graphics, better and more flexible controls, mods, etc.

At this point, I kind of wish traditional consoles would die and we'd just have handheld consoles as a focus since they at least do something very different from PCs that feels worthwhile to me.
No, not really, exclusives go both ways.

The advantages so far people have seem to come up with that I can wholeheartedly agree with are
1) local multiplayer
2)initial costs are cheaper
3) some people do enjoy lounging out on the couch to play (has not been established as a common method of pc gaming YET)
4) consoles are a tad bit easier to use for those who are not tech savvy as the console does most of the work installing patches and locating files etc.

Other than that I've got nothing lol

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Way I see it, Sony and Microsoft aren't making game consoles as much as they're making multimedia devices. As said on the Jimquisition, there is little in the Xbone's upcoming features that isn't already done by a smart TV. I suspect Sony and Microsoft will eventually make their own smart TV's that may play games as well. Might as well, right? When they do, then the game consoles will be done. That'll leave Nintendo and whoever is still alive from those Android consoles coming out this year. But I'm not sure if there will be any of those still around. There's no point to getting a console when you have a PC already and can play games on it. Just like there's no point getting a handheld when you already have a smartphone and can play games on it.

What will probably happen at this point is the PC will diversify a bit. That Tablets didn't fail immediately does show there is a use for a specific device with limited uses compared to a full PC. That needs to be figured out at some point.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Clowndoe said:
Well, there's the eternal plug & play thing PCs will never have. So if you're one of millions of people content with playing the games you listed, then there's a case to be made.

Of course, as a person who is not contented with what is offered on console and is helplessly attracted to a lot of the games on PC, it's a no-brainer for me.
With the Xbone needing to install games onto the hard drive pick up and play doesnt seem like its going to be an option for that console. We dont know enough about the PS4 to say if its there or not. WiiU may be the only console with that pick up and play feel and it barely has any games that most core gamers want

OT: Im a PC gamer myself so I havnt seen consoles as necessary or even desired in a long long time. Everything they can do my PC can do, and usually better. With these specific consoles I just dont see the point except to have new consoles. I wanted new consoles so that PC ports would stop suffering from being held back from 8 year old technology but thats just not going to happen if the specifications we've seen are true. These new consoles arent even as powerful as current middle of the road PCs let alone high end ones

Im concerned for how much this is going to hurt ports to PC or even PC games that get ported to consoles. If developers have to work with tech thats a year old, and we have another extremely long console cycle (which I think we will due to how much R&D cost is involved in building one) I think its going to hurt everyone in the long run.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
MS are chasing the set top box because that's where the money is, rather than stick with a dwindling AAA market they are pushing the whole subscription service thing, it's just an extension of what they've already been doing with the 360. IE Keeping the Cod / Halo / Forza and sports nuts happy and racking in gold account subs over the years while been less competitive with other areas of gaming especially XBLA.

The Xbox one is just a continuation of keeping those demographics happy with the Halo Movie and Fantasy Football / EA & Sports league partnerships.

I'm not one of those gamers so I'll be sticking with this gen, WiiU, handhelds and PC. PC won't cater to all my needs, Steam needs to attract more actual console / arcade games rather than the odd RPG and indie sidescroller made for M&K rather than pad / arcade stick. Infact with greenlight Steam has gotten worse not better in that regard.

Personally I've got my future hopes that I'll be playing traditional console games on a handheld that connects to the TV and controller just like smartphones are heading.


New member
May 9, 2012
All of the digital games, DLC and addons you bought for the Xbox 360 throughout its entire lifespan will not carry over to the Xbox One. Neither will your library of games. The Playstation 4 will not be backwards compatable either. Backwards compatibility is huge, especially early in a console's lifespan. You know what was the most popular game on the Xbox 360 in its first year? Halo 2. That was the most played game on Xbox Live over anything else.

Each console generation is a giant reset button. Everything you've built up over 4-5 years, or in the case of this current generation up to 7 years, is now considered obsolete. Think about all of the time and money you've invested into your Xbox 360 or PS3 over the years. All of that is useless on the new systems. You might not even be able to use your old controllers. To me that is a huge issue. Yes you still have all those things you can plug back in for nostalgia, but what about all the digital content? What happens when Sony and Microsoft pull the plug on those old servers and services? You won't be able to go back and download the DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV. You won't be able to download any of the smaller games again. Once they're gone they're gone. It's not like the old systems where you can plug in an NES and blow on the cartridge.

That's a big reason among many why I'm a big PC guy. Games I bought 10 years ago still work on my computer to this day. I can go back and play the original Starcraft, or Diablo or Quake. They're still there and they can be played. My Steam library isn't all of a sudden going to vanish when I upgrade my hardware or OS. Sometimes there's compatability issues but usually there's workarounds. I know that if I buy a game for my PC today I'll be able to play it years from now.

I dunno about you guys but I occasionally like installing an old game and getting a blast from the past. Sometimes I'm shocked to return to an old game and find that there's still a small community of people still playing it online. That doesn't happen on consoles. I think the one exception was Halo 2 before that died. With consoles you always have to have the current thing or else you're left behind. You always have to buy the new hardware, the new games the new everything. That isn't necessarily the case with PC games.

There's no point to the new consoles because if you buy them you'll lose. Save up your money and get a decent PC. Or be patient and see what Valve does with the Steambox. If you want a console but want the benefits of PC gaming that could be the option for you.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
For me, the biggest reason is that I never have to mess with console games to make them work. I pop the disc in, sit back, and enjoy. If I had a dime for every time a game has messed up on one of my PC's, I'd have enough for a new GTX Titan.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to reinstalling random crap because Bioshock 2 decided to throw a fit and stop launching...

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Bitcoon said:
The Wykydtron said:
Because they're (supposed to be) cheaper than going out and buying a decent gaming PC, because y'know not everyone can just go and pick one up. Also you don't have to be sat at your desk all the time. Also fighting games look wank on PC monitors. Also they make money.

Also exclusives. All the exclusives.

Basically, I can't play my BlazBlue on a PC dammit. And DON'T you tell me about handhelds. I hate those things.

I'm only interested in the PS4 after that absolutely hilarious Xbox One reveal event. Oh man, there are even MORE hilarious reaction videos coming up in my Youtube subs. #1 free advertising for Sony there Microsoft. Well done.

Can you explain what you mean by fighting games looking bad on PC monitors? I'm really confused by that statement.
Far as I know, a monitor and a TV are basically identical, except that monitors might be more crisp and clear I guess, and normally you sit closer to it. (though I must stress, that's not always the case. It IS possible to lounge about with a controller and play PC games on a couch if you so desire. It's just not established very well yet as a way to game on PC)

Anyway DON'T you dis handhelds. The DS is my favorite video game system of all time (due almost entirely to its insanely impressive library) and the only thing currently on track to maybe change that is the 3DS.
I mean, I can understand the format being just too difficult for you to get comfortable with and enjoy, but the games are amazing.
Actually the only handheld I liked is the DS, pretty much just because it has the Ace Attorney series on it. I fucking LOVE those games. I'm not really interested in a 3DS just because AA5 is coming out on it though. I'll check some reviews to see if it captures the godliness of the first trilogy decently before I even think of buying a 3DS. Yes, I was one of those who wasn't particularly impressed by Apollo Justice

I mean fighting games just play and feel better when you actually have room or whatever. Imagine trying to do all the precise stick movements when you're sat at your desk with your monitor only inches from your face. I dunno, it just seems better to have room to breathe when it comes to fighting games. At least for the REALLY fast paced stuff like P4A and BB. Everything moves so fast and ooh shiny colours sitting that close would definitely give me a migraine.

I mean what if you're a member of the I Bought A Fight Stick Master Race? My desk would be too cluttered for that to go anywhere and i'd wager the same goes for god knows how many other people.

The Enquirer

New member
Apr 10, 2013
Savo said:
For me, the biggest reason is that I never have to mess with console games to make them work. I pop the disc in, sit back, and enjoy. If I had a dime for every time a game has messed up on one of my PC's, I'd have enough for a new GTX Titan.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to reinstalling random crap because Bioshock 2 decided to throw a fit and stop launching...
Yea, but it seems like the XBone will be doing away with pop in and play sadly. Apparently you are going to need to download something from the disc into the console. I'm not so sure if it is just an activation key or something or the entire game so if someone could let me know it would be much appreciated.

Gecko clown

New member
Mar 28, 2011
Granted the Xbox One isn't looking promising and the PS4 only looks good by comparison however there is still a point to consoles. Its still REALLY difficult to get into PC gaming. You need to know your shit when it comes to buying a PC, if you want a gaming PC you can't just buy one, you really need to build your own, or pay someone else to build it and even then they'll want to know what you want specifically. And even if you spend the £5-700 required to buy a PC that's equivalent to consoles there's no guarantee that its going to run every triple A game reliably, sure it doesn't cost that much anymore but people don't want to spend upwards of £500 for something unreliable.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
For a long time I dismissed a lot of these arguments as the same idle braying of anyone who is resistant to change and thinks their generation was the best. I didn't like the fact that I had to install games on my PS3's tiny HDD --meaning I was constantly deleting old stuff to install new stuff-- but I loved so many games this generation it was almost worth it.

Sure, I missed just being able to put a game in my console and play it off the bat without having to wait for system updates and endless patches, but I tried to talk myself around with the idea that games are much more complex now so more bugs are inevitable; at least they still try to fix them, even if some developers are now completely open about using paying customers as unpaid beta testers.

But from what I have seen so far there is absolutely nothing in the new generation of consoles for me. What few games we've seen look dull, the consoles themselves are stuffed full of needless bells and whistles...I don't know, are we just getting older and slipping into the 'back in my day...' mentality, or is what they're doing really, genuinely fucking stupid?