What is the worst way you've woken up?


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
The worst way for me happened with some frequency when I was a kid(because I grew up in a piss poor neighborhood), and that would be a gun battle between two gangs right outside my apartment. literally less than 20 feet from where I was sleeping.


New member
Jan 8, 2007
After I left the military in 2001 I was unemployed for a bit due to the .com bubble bursting, so I spent a few months on hiatus casually looking for jobs and living with some friends. I slept in a lot.

One day I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. It was 6 or 7am. I looked at the caller ID; it was one of the friend with whom I was living. I picked it up, but there was so much interference on the cell network I couldn't understand what he was saying. Finally, I made out the words "turn on the TV", so I did. And my jaw dropped.

That was Sept. 11, 2001.

General Ken8

New member
May 18, 2009
Vamantha said:
I also loath being awakened by muscle cramps. Jesus Christ those things suck.
Agreed, that's one that comes to mind for me, particularly leg cramps

But the WORST was waking up to my friend sitting on top of my head, and bouncing up and down. It hurt like crazy


New member
Mar 1, 2011
I remember really, really needing to take a piss, running into the toilet and starting to take a leak, when I suddenly felt that all the piss was ending up in my pants.

Then I woke up.
I had dreamt that I was taking a piss, which had caused me to piss myself in my sleep.
Mind was fucked. And rather embarrassed, as I was 12-13 at the time.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
I wasn't actually asleep, but I was laying in bed at 2:00 AM just about to drift off into slumbertimes when the smoke alarm went off. Since I'm such a rational, emotionally stable person, I slowly walked through the house searching for a fire.

lol not really. I loudly screamed "what the fudge" (twelve years old at the time, didn't curse at all), grabbed my cell phone, climbed on top of my dresser and exited the house through my window, which is about eight feet off the ground. I then proceeded to call 911. When the firemen came, as I had locked myself out, one of them had to stand on a garbage can and tumble into my room through the window I had climbed out of. He explored the house looking for fire, found none, and unlocked the door so I could get back in. Also, they called my mom at work to tell her that a possible fire was reported, which sent her into hysterics.

I ended up having a pretty good day, though, so it's kay. :3


New member
Mar 27, 2011
It was a hot night so I slept on top of the covers. My cat comes in, climbs on my chest and extends her claws. Right into my nipples.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Naeras said:
I remember really, really needing to take a piss, running into the toilet and starting to take a leak, when I suddenly felt that all the piss was ending up in my pants.

Then I woke up.
I had dreamt that I was taking a piss, which had caused me to piss myself in my sleep.
Mind was fucked. And rather embarrassed, as I was 12-13 at the time.
I've done this as well. It was one of the most embarrassing experiences in my life.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
err two occasions spring to mind. one was after contracting food poisoning, i got woken up feeling a little off, went to the bathroom, threw up and had the shits at the same time. luckily there was a bath in front of the toilet, so i didn't have to keep switching over. still, fuckin horible feeling.

the other was my at the time girlfriend thought i was pretending to be asleep. i had genuinely fallen asleep. so she decided it would be funny to pinch my eyelids and prize them open. it shocked me awake and felt absolutely horrible.

edit: oooh, i thought of another one, once in my sleep when i was about 8 or 9, i farted. i followed through and was awoken by a rather unpleasant feeling in my pyjamas...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
My dog about to throw up, which those of you with dogs know that very particular sound. Instant awake and running to the bathtub with him.

The other was a girl I was with edging me off the mattress till I hit the floor. Then her kicking my head as she got out of bed.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
While I was at a training camp with my hockey team, some douchebags thought it'd be funny to put a teaspoon of cinnamon in my mouth as I slept.

I vomited.
It didn't help.

D-Class 198482

New member
Jul 17, 2012
Bassik said:
My gay friend and his boyfriend doing it on my couch while I was tripping balls in my chair and passed out. (We took some... stuff).

The bastards, couldn't they wait until they were home or something? It scared the crap out of me.
Oh god what.
I have a few personal ones myself:
Being woken up by the neighbors having some srs bsns kinky times that scared the fuck out of me
Some jackass cat that walks up and down the street and attacks my cats chased one in and jumped onto my stomach and kicklaunched off
Being woken up and seeing my SCP-173 (oh the irony considering my username) poster-ish thing in front of me and concluding that OH GOD ITS IN MY ROOM
la dee da
EDIT: I just remembered that once I woke up, went to the bathroom to take a piss, got some serious pain, stood up, and fainted. My have asleep mind said "good lord you are turning into a zombie" and i vomited into the toilet that my head was on when I woke up.


New member
Nov 6, 2011
2 times i have woken up in horrible ways.

Number 1 was when i had eaten something that went out of date and later before i was gonna go to bed i felt a rumbling in my belly, thinking it was just gay i went to sleep.

At about 04:00 i woke up in a zombie like state with my rear end screaming at me to get moving to the toilet where i fell asleep sitting on the toilet.
I was then scared close to death when my body decided to start pooping while i was sleeping.
Thankfully i had opened the lid on the toilet but the sudden fear stuck with me for a while.

Number 2 was when i was still drinking and hade been out partying in a strangers apartment with some friends.
I had gotten som choclate milk like liqour which hade a odd taste and made me go around burping constantly.
Once the party ended i + my friend and his girlfriend headed to their apartment where i was gonna sleep, since i was pretty drunk my friend gave me some pills which he claimed was coffeine pills to help me sober up.

Got to the apartment, went to sleep and then the pills kicked in, but they werent coffeine pills.
What happened was that my upperbody woke up, and i started talking some combination of English and jibberish to my friends cats which scared the hell out of him.
The day after he told me the pills were subscription pills which he had got from a friend.
Fun times!


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Shoggoth2588 said:
This happens semi-regularly (maybe once or thrice a year?) where I'll wake up due to intense cramping in my calve (generally the left one). Apparently this wouldn't happen if I ate bananas but bananas are disgusting so I guess I get to wake up to intense pain and, what I'm told is a grotesque looking bit of leg-musculature.
this. also when i finally get to sleep(usually around 4am or so) and of the louder cracks of thunder decides to strike. at one point the sound was so loud and close, that when i woke up, i shaking uncontrollably for a few minutes.


Social Justice Squire
Jan 3, 2010
Back in my early high school days, my mom rolled me out of my bed and onto my floor, and then threw cold water on my face, to wake me up.

...I'm a heavy sleeper, what can I say.

Also, my dog, who sleeps in my bed and likes to cuddle... well, one day she decided that the best place to sleep was on top of my chest/neck. So I woke up to a miniature poodle face literally about two inches from my face, just... staring at me. I love my dog, I really do, but it was creepy as hell. I threw her off my bed in my "oh god I just woke up what the hell is staring at me holy crap holy crap holy crap" panic.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I don't know about worst, but I once was woken up by the sound of a lamp that I knocked over in my sleep crashing to the floor sending glass everywhere.


New member
May 19, 2011
Once I woke up to the smell of smoke. I didn't see any so I didn't panic. As I stood there thinking about whether or not I should do something the bell rang. Since it was so early in the morning I knew something was wrong. There was a fire in the basement. I'm on the top floor but somehow I smelled it first and had to run through the other floors waking people up. A neighbor saw the smoke, call the fire department and rang the bell. He's my bud now.

Oh and there was the time when I was at a house party. The last thing I remember was being in my friends kitchen drinking Jaeger shots. I woke up at home, without my glasses, a huge scar on my nose and the matchbook from some club in my pocket. I called my friend to ask her what happened to me and before I could get it out she asked me what happened to me. I never did figure out what happened that night. Never drank Jaeger again.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
When I was a kid some dickhead got drunk while celebrating the new year and pulled the fire alarm in our hotel at fuckyou o'clock. This was Spokane, and they'd had a blizzard. Cue standing in PJs and sandals in the slush outside for several minutes.

Why were we in Spokane for the holidays? We were passing through when said blizzard closed down every means of transportation out.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
My Sergeant kicking the door into my roommates and my room... at 5.00 in the morning... they arent so fun that time of day.. ugh..

Was back when i was in 4 month military thing here in denmark.. the first week it was like that T_T


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
One new years eve I got so hammered I decided I'd start walking the 10 miles along the motorway back to my house. After about 7 miles I passed out in a ditch and woke up about an hour later. That wasn't a great day for me.