What is the worst way you've woken up?


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Well, for me it was either after waking up from the most realistic nightmare I have ever had where I got stabbed in the throat and could feel the blade from the knife on my tounge, or waking up with the whole bed covered in blood from one hell of a massive nosebleed.

Runners up where falling down stairs from sleepwalking and waking up to my chinese crested dog licking the inside of my mouth since I apparently slept with my mouth open.

EDIT: OH! I almost forgot! Waking up with some kind of creepy-ass hallucination where I was seeing my brother frozen in mid walk through my room to the toilet when he was actually right next to me in bed (no, no, nothing like that, we were on a vacation and kids, and a king-size bed was as good as anything), I could see him in front of me and next to me, bloody nightmare fuel.

J Tyran said:
Waking up from a coma was something I would never want to experience again. I didn't know who I was, where I was or what the hell had happened, I had no coordination either I had to be fed and have drinks held up with straws and stuff. I couldn't recognize my family either.

It took about a week to get everything back together.
Mind if I ask what happened that put you into said coma?


New member
Sep 29, 2011
In my first year at university the hall of residence I lived in seemed to be filled with morons whose idea of fun, when drunk, was to set the fire alarms off, at four in the morning, so that everyone had to stand around outside in their pajamas and the cold for an hour while the staff made sure there really wasn't a fire anywhere.

This never happened on the weekend, it was always Wednesday nights, because nearly all the clubs in the city had Wednesday as student night. Every Thursday that year was a full day of lab work for me, which was all formally assessed and counts towards the degree. So I spent every Thursday doing important work while deprived of sleep.

It seemed that, at some point during the building of these halls, that a committee had decided that the average student could not be woken up by anything less than right-next-to-the-speaker-stack-at-a-rock-concert levels of volume. Needless to say these fire alarms were, literally, painfully loud.

By far the worst of these incidents was when the English or History students had their reading week (no lectures instead of next to none), which they used to get drunk in the halls and stomp around loudly at night, every night. On this particular Wednesday night when the fire alarm was inevitably set off I was already in such a sleep-deprived state that all could think was:

A. Why won't my alarm clock turn off?
B. Why has it gone off three hours earlier than I set it for?
C. Why is it so fucking loud?

It took me a good two minutes to realise that what I was hearing was in fact the sodding fire alarm, again. Even five years later I am still of the opinion that there is no suffering too great for the person who set off the fire alarm.


New member
Jun 22, 2011
When I was a little younger, I tried Salvia and Kratom a day apart. The first night's sleep was fine, but the second night I got stuck in a dream in a dream in a dream etc.....maybe it was a coincidence, but I must have woken up l0 different times, with each waking feeling like a real one (kind of like Inception, I guess). By the time I finally woke up in my bed I was so scared I called my ex-girlfriend to come stay the rest of the night so I could make sure I was really back.

Kind of a low point in my life.


New member
Feb 6, 2011
aceman67 said:
You normally wake up early for work, so on your day off, you decide to sleep in.

Your scumbag brain wakes you up not only in the morning, but a couple minutes BEFORE your alarm normally goes off.

cpt blackamar said:
I got my revenge though, the guy has a crippling fear of snakes, so I got a corn snake (perfectly harmless), slid it into his bed, and filmed the whole thing.
Post Footage, or it didn't happen.
This happens all the time to me on the weekends during the school year.

OT: Once i woke up and thought "omg im late for school" and naturally proceeded to throw on a set of clothes, grab a bag of goldfish crackers, and sprint halfway down the street before thinking "wait, why is it so cold and dark outside?" i then look at my phone and find out its not only 3AM, but saturday as well.

Another time i slept over at a friends house, on his couch thats in his room, and woke up to see him staring at me while slowly eating a bag of chips. Awkwardness ensued.

Lastly, when i was in 7th grade, i didnt like to shower every night, so when my mom went to work one night (night shift) i decided to stay up till 2AM, and before bed to make it look like i showered i decided to run it for 5 minutes. i set the alarm on my phone for 5 minutes and proceeded to pass out. i wake up at 6AM by my mom calling my cell to tell me it was a snow day and the shower was still running.


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2011
Either waking up drenched in sweat from nightmares or my friend getting his rocks off on my foot. Fortunately the latter has only happened once.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
My cat running across my face with claws out. Not sure if something spooked him or if he was chasing a bug. For a while, in my sleepy panicked state, running to the bathroom, I thought that he tore my eye out of it's socket that's how much blood there was on my face. Fortunately my eye was untouched, but blinking was painful for about a day because he scratched up my eyelid.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Waking up in the midst of an earthquake comes to mind. I mean, I'm in Vermont and it's not like we get those massive 8.0s on the Left Coast, but still. When shit's falling off the walls and shelves, it's a little disortienting to say the least.


Queen of Cockblocking and Misery
Sep 22, 2011
[quote="Vamantha" post="18.383312.15158586"
I also loath being awakened by muscle cramps. Jesus Christ those things suck.[/quote]

Me too. God, what a sucky way to start the day. Just minding your own business and BAM! Agony of the limbs! For me it was my legs; as I walk everywhere on my campus.

Another way that I have to deal with waking up is Cats. Specifically, Cats who sit right next to my face and meow loudly in demand that I feed them. Yeah, I don't usually win those fights.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
Getting (literally) thrown out of bed by the sadistic Staff Sergeant at a training camp.

Best three days of my life! *cheesy grin*


oh i would have wished for that i had one of those go getem types in my barrecks so a fucking hour before we were suposed to be up he flicks on the lights starts yelling at us to get ready, we get all ready, have the barrecks clean, and our drill sargent walks in and has us do a full gear 2 mile run before morning pt and chow.....needless to say that perticular guy did not do that again or really sleep to well for that matter.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Twice this has happened.

Radio set to obnoxious station. Normally, this is okay. Loud but okay.

Explosion SFX for some club event goes off at my alarm set. Christ and Buddha, I think I lost years for those. Few times in life (thankfully) I thought I'd truly die, and here was one of them.

There can't be much worse than waking up to explosions.


New member
May 28, 2009
My "hilarious" friends, thinking back on that old chemistry trick of setting fire to money, tried to mixed alcohol with water and set fire to my trousers.

All was well, since I was wearing thick jeans and am a light sleeper, allowing me to put the flames out before any damage was done, but even so- waking up actually on fire is fucking frightening.

Same friends - woke up once while camping a night in the country, they'd tied my leg to a broken car door we'd found the night before, and opened the farm gate just next to our tent area. Woke up being screamed at by a fuck-off angry goose that my friends had chased towards me (I was outside the tent, it had been a hot night), massively hungover, and found movement significantly impeded.

It's part of our culture though, these pranks. I once saw a guy carefully zipped up in his sleeping bag and placed at the top of a flight of stairs lined with mattresses, cushions, duvets etc. He was deposited at high speed down this makeshift slide. His scream of terror as he awoke mid-descent was a beautiful thing to behold.

Another notable one happened at a party I missed, but a couple of guys picked up a drunken sleeping friend, tied him up with packing tape, put him in the back of the piece-of-shit car one of them had brought. He wakes up as daylight hits him, tied up, cold, in the back of a moving vehicle, driven by two men wearing skimasks.

Apparently he didn't take long to spot the jig, but a frightening few moments there as his befuddled, hungover brain desperately tries to piece together its surroundings.

J Tyran

New member
Dec 15, 2011
White_Lama said:
J Tyran said:
Waking up from a coma was something I would never want to experience again. I didn't know who I was, where I was or what the hell had happened, I had no coordination either I had to be fed and have drinks held up with straws and stuff. I couldn't recognize my family either.

It took about a week to get everything back together.
Mind if I ask what happened that put you into said coma?
Really bad pneumonia, I was placed on a ventilator and then coma was artificially induced to reduce my brains need for oxygen.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Last summer the 19 year old cat I had known my whole life passed away in my bed next to me. That morning I woke up with extreme discomfort in my abdomen; knew I'd have to go to the hospital. Spent the whole morning in tears, mostly due to losing Rudy, but they did an unltrasound... Cyst in my ovary.

I just find the timing so strange... Was really scary to wake up to pain like that.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Being woken up whilst being told about that I will be applying for x job.
If I make some negative sounds relating to that, I get an earful about random stuff.
This is when you're in the realms of coming around to reality and you're half asleep and half awake. You somewhat regress to a 5 year old and want to hide in your bed all the other more.

Mr. F

New member
Jun 30, 2012
Woke up covered in my own shit and vomit after passing out with dysentery on a Moroccan train. Fun holiday that. It was the day after we landed, we were only going to be in the country for about two weeks. I was in hospital for about two thirds of the holiday.

Plus that is the single most foul awakening of my life. Thank the gods that my partner had the sense to put me in the recovery position.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Oh. I just remembered something worse than the Ants that bit my junk.

I had recently moved into the house I am currently living in. With the new house I bought a new computer too. A massive beast of a machine worth 3000 euros. As I finished assembling it, I placed in on top of my desk and went to bed.

Fast forward at 3 am. Creaking sounds woke me up from my sleep. As I was opening my eyes, the creaking became cracking and the sound of splitting wood echoed from my office. Then. I heard a huge BOOM and the sound of breaking computer components. I rushed into the room only to find my desk split in two and in the middle of the wreckage, my baby... my computer. Completely destroyed. I never screamed "NOOOOO" loudest in my life. The neighbors in the morning asked me if I was alright.