What is your biggest gaming weakness?

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010

I cannot play RTS games. I absolutely hate them. People keep recommending them to me because they, for some ungodly reason, think I'll love them. Or think I only hate them because I don't play them.

I cannot manage that many troops, buildings or vehicles or whatever, in real time, at once. Stop recommending these games to me. No, I will not play them. I cannot play them.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
I'm fucking shit at RTS multiplayer. I just don't have it in me to play at a fast pace as I like to spend time building my economy and bases and such.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Timed sections, I play games at my pace and whenever there is a clock involved I HATE IT. Give me a way to extend the time or stop it altogether but don't give me a hard time limit (especially a f***king hidden one!!!). I didn't complete the first section of FF7 for two years because of my fear of that damn first reactor.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009

is usually my go to plan for everything, even stealth games where i don't NEED to kill every one, or anyone for that matter.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
"Protect the ..."

The thing always ends up dead/destroyed, and when I do finally manage to keep the think alive it's usually by the smallest possible margin or by some exploit.

Protection mission suck.


New member
Jun 13, 2010
The Wykydtron said:
Right fucking there.... That name brings back so much damned rage. Fought a guy who had never played the series before (But loves Street Fighter) and he ruined me almost every time as either Ragna or Bang. I was getting angry I couldn't counter the crap out of him because he's just too damn big, get hit once and you're fucked by the gravity. I had to zone the shit out of him with Litchi.

My weakness is fighting games. Well at least on the 360 because of that awful excuse for a D-Pad, but even then I can't even really pull off some of the "medium" difficulty combo's because I fuck up the input or miss the frame or whatever the problem is. I'm not bad and can get by in my group of friends, but I would like to be better at them


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Any game that requires precise reflex-based gameplay makes me literally smash keyboards/controllers (seriously, I've had to buy more than a few new controllers and keyboards). Which is why I don't play platformers, hack-n-slash games, and ESPECIALLY The Witcher and Dark Souls. Because they may actually harm me or those around me in a physical way.

Part of the problem is that I am colorblind, have poor eyesight, and my reflexes actually get worse as my adrenaline begins to pump. Most of the problem is inherited anger issues from my parents but that's a whole different story.

EDIT: If a game DOES require precision and fast reflexes, it being very forgiving of my mistakes makes me not have any rage. So regenerating health, LOTS of space to move around and dodge in, no "bottomless pits", and generous checkpoints are a huge draw for me. This is why I love Prototype so much.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Finishing a game. I shit you not, I can count the number of games I've started and finished in the last year on one hand. And I have many more I've bought and basically sat on for even longer.


I have three Skyrim characters.

Not one has seen it through to the end.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
Timed challenges or races.

Those are the main reason I never complete the GTA games, why I never beat Ultimate Spider-Man (fuck you Beetle), and why I'll never get 100% completion in Borderlands 2.


New member
Oct 9, 2008

I can't stealth unless I can at least see through walls and have a 1HKO, silenced, ranged weapon like in Dishonored and Dues Ex: HR.

Also, puzzles with small details. 90% of the time I can't figure out a puzzle, it's because I have no idea where one
of the pieces is.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I have a huge heart for FPS games that have realistic details to them.

Red Orchestra 2 blew my freaking mind. Driving a tank isn't just Press E, WASD, M1 shoots. Driving a tank has multiple people involved -- this person drives, this person uses the machine gun, this person sort of manages the main gun. And if there is an empty slot and you want to do that job, you actually have to climb through the tank for several seconds and get in position.

And sniper rifles having a magnification on their scopes instead of a scope blind? Machine guns that overheat and can have their barrels changed? Alternate aiming on a sniper rifle for close quarters aiming? Adjusting your sights because of distance and bullet drop? That shit was so cool to me. It's a shame that Red Orchestra 2 was a pretty bland game regardless of the detail and scale.

I also really like Battlefield's destructible environment, bullet drop, and the insane dedication to obscure weapons and vehicles. Amphibious tanks, ambient sound (a shot is much louder in doors and echoes in the open), and chambering bullets are all little things I love about it. (Too bad the balancing makes me angry.)

There's more, in other games. I like the Source mod No More Room in Hell that has ammo checking -- no HUD, you have to pull out your magazine and see how much ammo there is. I love the dismemberment in World at War and Left 4 Dead, where a pistol is pretty flimsy but a rifle round can tear off arms. Killing Floor has shotguns that can rip through crowds and actually are viable weapons at medium range. Another source mod Insurgency I love love love the way how they handled bipods and the belt-fed LMGs having belts that gradually run out of bullets, unlike other games where there's a full belt at 1 shot, then the belt disappears at 0 shots.


And I am a complete sucker for a game with revolvers. I just... fucking love revolvers.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Multiplayer in First Person Shooters. If I'm NOT packing whatever Noob-Tube that game has, I'm just gonna end up spending most of my time waiting to respawn.

I mean, I'm good enough at FPSs in single-player, but throw a single other person in, and I'm dead.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
I tend to be horrible at RTSes and driving games.

In RTSes, I'm just terrible at micromanagement.

In driving games, I just absolutely suck. Period. Even fighting games I eventually get better, but never in driving games, no matter how much I play it.

Leemaster777 said:
Multiplayer in First Person Shooters. If I'm NOT packing whatever Noob-Tube that game has, I'm just gonna end up spending most of my time waiting to respawn.

I mean, I'm good enough at FPSs in single-player, but throw a single other person in, and I'm dead.
Same here man. It's why I try to avoid multiplayer shooters like the plague. Unfortunately, the industry seems to hate people like us.


Senior Member
Jul 1, 2011
Steam sales. I can't resist adding to my already heavy backlog when a 75% off game shows up. Arrg, damn you steam and your stupidly effective marketing strategies!

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
Side-quests. I'm not a completionist who has to get all the achievements and collectibles, but I have a really hard time passing up side-quests. I just really don't like the idea of missing out on those chunks of EXP.

Also, the color purple. Purple is my favorite color, and I love to have my character decked out in as much purple as possible. Purple clothes? I'm going to wear them. Purple car? I'm going to take it. Hair color is fully customizable? You can bet my hair is going to be purple (occasionally green). Purple weapons . . . well, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the Penetrator from Saints Row: The 3rd. Speaking of Saints Row: The Third, it was like Homer being set loose in a doughnut shop for me.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I'm garbage at fighting games. I just don't have the time or patience to commit all of those combos into memory for a game that is no more than fighting people online, with naught to do but but unlock a speedo or goat head for my fighter to wear.

Not only that, but for some reason I get extremely pissed off at those games specifically.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Definitely maps

I have every achievement for Dead Rising, but I still can't get to Jill's Sandwiches without a map...
... I get lost in the park...
Sep 14, 2009
micro managing annoys the hell out of me (as in starcraft type stuff)

i like macro and building/growing a town/city, which is why i like civilization and age of empires, but fuckin christ controlling 300 different soldiers/cavalry/archers and based on their min/maxing of damage versus units gets annoying to no end...


^typically how my gameplan goes after i build like 100 weaponized units