What is your console history?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
Kantoken said:
Why are so many people listing computer systems when it is clearly a console thread...
You must be new here.

How else is the Escapist PC "Master Race" majority going to contribute, other than to label them as such.

It's one of those quirky Hipster trends around here.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
When I was a wee lad(4 years, which is the extent as far back as my memories go), my family had both an NES and some brand of PC.

Here is the full list of what I've had and/or still have. SH = Still Have, DHA = Don't Have Anymore.

Gameboy-"the grey brick"(SH)
SNES-101 The remodel of the original(SH)
2 Gameboy Colors(SH)
Gameboy Advance(SH)
Gamecube(DHA, gave to a good friend)
Wii(SH, the reason I gave my friend the Gamecube, since my Wii plays the GC games.)
DS Lite(SH)
PSP(SH, Won it by getting second place in the big final top player poker club tourney at my first university)
Retron 3(SH), so I can give my NES and SNES rests, and play Genesis games I've been collecting.
PC(using right now, it is a four year old Dell Inspiron 530, can only the most basic of new games, basically some indies, and MMOs at medium to high graphical look, depending on the MMO.)

Next Gen is a toss up, it depends on what I have the money for, this last gen I started a trend of getting at least two of the competing consoles.

All things considered, I'll most likely get the Wii U first, then in a few years, I'll get the one out of the other two that my friends lean towards, cause they aren't big Nintendo gamers.

The why I got them on the console list, the Nintendo saturation is because in the beginning, all I knew was Nintendo and I grew up with it. Heck, when I went on a family vacation to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins, during the early 90's when I had had a SNES for about a year, one of my cousins said when I asked him if he had video games, "Yeah, I have a Sega Genesis with Sonic and some other games", I said, "What the heck is a Sega Genesis?" Also the equivalent of this video in cute little kid terminology, oh, and with no fake cocaine(flour) on my face:

The 360, I got that a year or so after the Wii, because all my friends were getting 360s.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
3: NES
4: SNES, Genesis & TG16 (because my parents were generous/spend-happy at the time)
5: N64
6: Skipped
7: XBox360 & Playstation 3 (because I'm bad at budgeting


New member
Nov 29, 2008
Early 80s: Mac II. I still remember all the creepy sounds it made.
Late 80s: Play NES at Kiley's.
Early 90s: Ma bought me a Sega Genesis because I liked the Sonic cartoons.
Late 90s: Play PS1 & N64 at Shanna's. She introduces me to PC gaming.
Early 00s: Interest in gaming wanes. Casual PC gaming only. Almost fails college because of Sims addition.
Late 00s: Discovers RPGs. Heavy amounts of PC gaming diminish social life.
2010s: Playing classic console games on emulators, Facebook games, MMORPGs, has eye on NDS XL, social life strictly online.


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
N64 (90s kids hoooooooo!)

Ps2, because I wa jealous of my neigbor's ps1, which I constantly used to play spyro.

GameCube, because Nintendo.

Wii because Nintendo.

Xbox 360 because I loved fable 1 and wanted to play the sequel, needless to say I've barely used the thing. Have like 6 games for it.( not my best purchase)

Ps3 because of little big planet, but new releases ensures by ps3 library quickly dwarfed my 360's.

Also I've got a laptop with plenty of steam games.

That's excluding handhelds, which for me is just every Nintendo item since the game boy pocket (EXCEPT the game boy micro, dsi, ds XL, and 3ds XL)

Mr Mystery Guest

New member
Aug 1, 2012
Born onto a Commodore 16 and then upgraded to a Commodore 16 + 4 (God i was spoilt)

Survived on friends Spectrums and C64 until i bought my own Megadrive/Genesis

Also got a Sega CD, 32X, Gameboy and a SNES. I won a Master System 2 with built in Alex Kidd from a Wotsits competition.

Then PlayStation One. I was too poor for Saturn, Jaguar, N64 and Neo-Geo at the time so missed those.

Then it was Dreamcast as they had strong launch games and eventually got a PlayStation 2 when GTA3 came out.

Gamecube, Gameboy SP, and then a DS from Japan before launch in Europe.


Xbox 360

Wii but got rid after completing Zelda.

PSP twice and got rid of it twice.

Only just got a PS3 recently to play The Last Of Us. Good buy now as there are a lot of exclusive games that are cheap.

There are so many good games coming out this year and i haven't completed a load i have already so i won't be getting Xbone or PS4 just yet.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
NES: Because the other option, which I didn't even know existed, was the Sega Master System. Other than a better version od Double Dragon, Fantasy Zone, Golvelious, and Miracle Warriors I wasn't missing anything.

SNES>Gameboy>Gameboy Color>N64>PS1>Gamecube>PS2>GBA>DS>PS3>Wii>3DS

I don't intend to buy any new consoles in the next year or more. Even then I would never buy anything made by Microsoft, or a Vita. PS4 and Wii U, it could happen.

Assuming a bag of diamonds falls out of the sky and I miraculously get money for a new, working, TV and the rest of the gear needed.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
Super Nintendo
Nintendo Wii

Everything else I have always played on the PC... more strategy games, for one.

I'd probably buy the Wii U at some point, it looks fun.

Killclaw Kilrathi

Crocuta Crocuta
Dec 28, 2010
Commodore 64
Sega Master System II
Atari Lynx II
Sega Dreamcast
Gameboy SP
Nintendo DS
Xbox 360
Nintendo DSi XL

Various PCs along the way whose specs I can't remember, starting with a P200mhz around the same time as the Dreamcast and up to my current Phenom II X6 1100T.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Not technically a console history, but here's what we've owned over the years:

Pentium MMX 200MHz
Pentium III 500MHz
Athlon (?)
Athlon 64 X2 2.3GHz
Phenom II X4 955 3.2Ghz
Core i7 3930K 3.6Ghz


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
ZX Spectrum (ok, so not a console, but we could play games on it, so yeh) - I wouldn't be surprised if, somewhere in the bowels of their loft, my folks still have the packaging it was originally delivered in, nearly 30 years now)

Commodore 64- ended up giving this one away to a friend.

Megadrive - first real console. I knew I had to get one of these after I used to go the family across the roads house to wait until my mum got home from work. They had a Megadrive and that was my first introduction to Sonic - knew I ahd to get one immediately after that.

Sega Saturn - by this time I was a dyed in the wool Sega follower, so despite the peer pressure, there was no question that I was going to go for A Saturn of the Playstation. I still remember the ribbing I got when going back to school after that Christmas when my classmates found out my choice of 32-bit console didn't align with theirs.

After that, I went PC for a while, so I could sit with all my cool friends at school and talk about AI bots and the maps we were creating for Quake and Half-Life. I stuck with PC until around the time I got tired of playing World of Warcraft.

DS Lite - I bought one so I could play Ouendan more than anything else. Currently gathering dust somewhere.

PSP - I was able to get a staff discount on one of these through my Christmas job at the time, so I thought I may as well go for it. Played it constantly for a couple of years, then one day I left it one the floor and stood on the screen causing some heavy damage. I didn't care enough to get it replaced/repaired so that was the end of my stint with the PSP.

360 - got one mainly as at the time it was going to be the only way to play Mass Effect and, wanting to get back into consoles, it seemed a no-brainer as the majority of people I knew also had the 360.

For the next gem, I'm definitely lumping for the PS4, because that's what all the cool kids are doing. But really, there are games on PS3 that I would like to try (could really do with playing The Last of Us right about now) and they seem to be more on the ball with the indie games side of things so there's also that. Most of the other games I want to play so far in the next gen are multiplatform anyway and it just seems more likely that if a platform exclusive game appears that I really want to play, it will be on PS4.

That, and it'll be cheaper.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
When I was young, I remember looking in the living room closet for chips, as my father occasionally had them up there. Instead, I found a Sega Genesis and a copy of Mortal Kombat (which is weird, in retrospect, as he was never much of a fighting game fan). He wasn't too eager to plug it in (probably thought I was too young for it) but either I convinced him otherwise or merely forgot about it for a while, eventually I was able to give it a shot. Then I moved on to Rocket Knight Adventures etc. A few others, but RKA was big one for me. Then came the N64, which I originally got a chance to use through a friend of my younger brother (she had Super Smash Bros. It was incredible how fun that was. It was Ocarina of Time that blew me away with the idea of just how huge the story could get in a game. I thought the end was just after the Deku Tree XD). Eventually we got our own, and years later a similar pattern with the gamecube showed up (with a friend having it first and we trying it that way). The PS2 entered the picture later on, when I rented it in order to try something new (specifically Final Fantasy X), and Sony took a slight lead in my preferences (a considerably bigger one when the Wii vs. PS3 comparison came out, although I still love many Wii games. In spite of their controls, not because of them). These days, I've drifted slightly to be more PC oriented, but I'll probably pick up a PS4 when the price drops a bit and the initial bugs are patched.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Kantoken said:
Why are so many people listing computer systems when it is clearly a console thread...
Because the OP asks "what console/computer did you start out with?" Not just "what console did you start out with?"