what is your least favorite game that evrey one else like's


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Dang, I'm surprised to see Mass Effect so many times but yeah. I guess I can't say anything at all about it since I have never really played the game, just seen it played in 5 min segments. but to me, Mass Effect doesn't seem to have any... I don't know, there's just something about the whole thing that I find to be boring. Weird too because I like Bioware games and Sci-Fi games both so you would think I would like ME. I really do want to like it but whenever it comes to buying a new game, I always skip past it to something else.

On the other hand though, I LOVED KOTOR and pretty much anything else done by Bioware.


New member
Feb 27, 2008
God Of War 3. It took everything that was good about the first game and butchered it into a Pokemon-esc story. The impressive boss battles where kept to a minimum (IE: The giant Scorpion, Hercules and Hades) added very few new monsters, turned into an anime-like progression (kill all the bad guys in order until you reach the final boss with every enemy having an intro animation on the cliff before they jump off to fight Kratos), it was predictable, bland and unimpressive. Still a fun game though, just not nearly as good as God Of War 1 or even 2.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
I have to say Call of Duty. I like it, but it is WAAAY over-rated.

It mainly gets my vote because of the nature of most of the people that like it. Makes me want to punch some tools in the face. Which I end up doing. With my knife. And then giving up because that was the most entertaining part of the game.


New member
Apr 16, 2008
call of duty. I've never been big into the FPS genra and it's the king of the FPS. I love some third person shooters, but first person shooters just get on my nerves.


New member
Nov 22, 2010
Angry birds: I don't know why, but I just don't like that game.

Minecraft: because I have no interest on imagination-based games


New member
Sep 10, 2008
There's a list of popular games that I see no appeal in:
Every call of duty after 2
Fallout (series)
Gears of war (series)
left 4 dead (and left 4 dead 2)
starcraft (series)
And probably a whole bunch that I've not thought of.

SL33TBL1ND said:
Gralian said:
Team Fortress 2. I just don't get the appeal. Partly to do with the stylisation, partly to do with the class based combat, partly to do with the MMO-esque loot / equip mechanics now making the whole thing much more unfriendly to anyone who has been outside of the community for some time.
You know they're all side-grades right? I can only think of one item that's a direct upgrade, and that's the Degreaser, and that's only if you have a specific item, otherwise it's still just a straight up side-grade. They really just provide you with different play styles, not better stats.
That's not really true, or fair. There are many weapons that in certain scenarios are far superior and, as a rule, it's always better to have the option to switch to them if need be (Natasha is an awesome counter for lightish, rush teams, the mini sentry can be very use in narrow maps where you're attacking etc).

Then there are the weapons that are pretty much direct upgrades (ubersaw vs vitasaw, wrangler vs pistol, soldier banners vs shotgun etc). Sure, there is a trade off, but what is gained far outweighs what is lost.

Then there are occasionally unlocked weapons that are straight up worse than their original counterparts (the sydney sleeper and tribalmans shiv spring to mind).

As much fun as team fortress is, it does punish new players somewhat (or at least, new players who don't use the mann co store).


New member
Dec 29, 2009
the kotor series.

they arent HORRIBLE games, but they arent very good either, in my opinion. people talk about them like they are the greatest games ever made (the first one, anyway) but they are by far the most boring and tedious experience i have ever had in an rpg. at no point did i find myself having fun but for a while i thought maybe it would get better, then it was, "well ive spent this much time playing, i might as well finish"

i know theres a lot of fanboys and girls out there and im not saying you cant love it, i just dont understand why so many people do


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Halo, obviously. It's probably a fine game, but probably won't end up playing it, unless...


King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Andy Shandy said:
King Toasty said:
Andy Shandy said:
Now I know it's not even out yet, but at the moment, it's Skyrim.

Not due to anything with the actual game itself, I'm sure it'll be good, probably great, but for a lot of people it seems like the second coming of Christ. And it's not even out yet. Fair enough, judge a game properly once it's out, but some people (not here on The Escapist specifically) won't allow a single criticism about Skyrim without flying of the handle.

Note that my opinion on Skyrim is definitely likely to change when it actually gets released.
Yeah, gamers have the habit of overhyping things. And by overhyping, I mean constructing shrines out of pictures of Bethesda employees, then snorting ground-up copies of Morrowind in hopes of glimpsing into the Elder Scrolls future, just to watch some Skyrim gameplay. This is followed by scraping up enough money to preorder it, then bothering friends, family and everyone in your immediate vicinity about the game and it's many gameplay skills and magical restorative abilities to cripples.

Not that that happened. No.
Not at all. *shifty eyes*

And I totally don't know anybody at all that's like this.Not at all.
No. Brink totally didn't break my soul or anything.

And I am totally not hyped for Skyrim. I am not currently learning how to shout dragon souls at people.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Gta IV, its just no where near as good as the others, its just shinier
And Bioshock. I cant stand it, the storyline is just stupid. The gameplay is fine but i just cant get over the badness of the storyline.
And also Fallout 3. Whenever i play it, i immediately get bored and see how long it takes for everyone to kill me. I never made it through this.
I dont see the attraction to these games


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Gralian said:
Team Fortress 2. I just don't get the appeal. Partly to do with the stylisation, partly to do with the class based combat, partly to do with the MMO-esque loot / equip mechanics now making the whole thing much more unfriendly to anyone who has been outside of the community for some time.
This. TF2 is an MMO, but for some reason nobody is willing to admit it. It's quite hilarious.

EDIT: Kind of off topic, but from what I've seen of Brink, it just looks like a less cartoony TF2 with shitty parkour. Doesn't seem all that great.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Fallout 3.

Fallout should be a lampoon of human nature and their effort to rebuild civilisation after a nuclear apocalypse they caused in the first place.

Not a cave full of kids having underage sex, stupid weapons that shoot eight nukes because "it's awesome", aliens stupid black and white morality, ghouls and robots who don't realise they're immune to radiation,aliens, 2D companions, "teh lootz", transformers and of course ALIENS!.


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Let's see.

Final Fantasy 4. I love me some pre-X FF, don't get me wrong, but 4 is the one I really can't get into. There's something really off with the storyline, and I just hate the way the game kills off characters to make room in your party, only to have most of them "get better". I mean one of them fucking explodes while falling from the air, and then turns up alive and well. It was really hard getting emotionally attached to those characters. It also means you always have to work with the characters the game gives you, you never get to customize your party. This absence of choice, combined with a very linear grind (you just level, and never get to choose skills/materia/magicite/whatever), is what kills the game for me.

Dragon Age: Origins. It's the video game equivalent of the kid who brags on the playground that his trainer calls him one of the best players on the soccer team, and then when everyone shows up to watch him play, he loses his shoe while making an own-goal. Spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, my ass. It's not the worst game ever, but after beating it, I felt no compulsion to replay. I sold it, and haven't missed it since. It feels stiff, contrived, and endlessly padded. And Awakening was just awful. I'm not gonna bother with Dragon Age 2. Bioware has lost its mind.

And as for Fallout 3, which has some of the most annoying fanboys in the world, I'm just going to agree with this guy:

mastiffchild said:
Anyway, Fallout3 is definitely the one that annoys me most when people can't believe you don't agree that it's the bestest thing ever. It led me on for years and I got no closure on my dreams-it left me with blue balls for s series that I know will never be back in a form I can love. It was cruel.
Also, GTA IV. Remember GTA 1? It was fun and silly. IV is boring and pretentious.

hallow eyes

New member
Nov 19, 2009
Any of the Mario games, sadly I've played most of the mainstream ones and none of them where all that great.

Also since when did hateing halo become the hip new thing to do?

Mr. Eff_v1legacy

New member
Aug 20, 2009
Left 4 Dead - Little substance. "Pick a player. Zombies. Shoot." I just didn't find it very fun. You get a full arsenal right off the bat, and there's no lead up or anything to the events.
Resident Evil 5 - I guess I'm just nostalgic, but I preferred RE when it was horror, rather than action. That, and the story and characters were bland.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
Every Mario game that isn't Super Mario Sunshine or Mario Kart Double Dash.

Go Sonic!!

Also, most Metroid games, and Left 4 Dead.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Dragon Age: Origins. I didn't understand the appeal at all. From an RPG standpoint it was nothing new, from a story standpoint it was really, really generic fantasy and the voice acting was pretty bad for a BioWare game.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Left 4 Dead 2. It doesnt feel like L4D at all and IMO if Valve just put a few more months of support into L4D the game would have much more people on it still