What is your most recent finished game?


Aug 24, 2009
Assassin's Creed Revelations. So glad to have gotten that over with.

Soon to be Skyward Sword, now.

Angry Camel

New member
Mar 21, 2011
Arkham City. Haven't bothered with the challenges too much (the best one is the gladiator pit challenge).

I'm working on Skyward Sword, but for some reason put Twilight Princess back in. I just really prefer the atmosphere in TP.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Skyward Sword. After 5 years of waiting, I wasn't impressed by it. I'm kinda hoping Yahtzee tears through that game.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
AC: Revelations (bye Ezio), before that Saint's Row the Thrid (oh... how bad), before that Uncharted 3 ("this is why we can't have nice things"), before that inFamous 2 (for the sixth time)

Currently on my first playthru of Skyrim, didn't expect to like this (kept giving up on Oblivion after the Dark Brotherhood quests) but I love it!

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Skyrim on PC. I'm playing through Skyward Sword atm and I found out last night that my best mate hadn't played Portal 2 as I previously thought. This means awesome multiplayer times are ahead thanks to the steam sale :3


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Skyrim, tried all different questlines on different characters of course.
Does this mean I'm done with it? lolno


New member
Dec 29, 2009
dark souls. because of a combination of work and social obligations (and the fact that i restarted halfway through because my strength build was boring me) the game took me almost 2 months to finish, counting ng+. kinda disappointed by how much easier the game seemed to be than demon's souls

im also about to start the final temple in 3d dot game heroes (which, coincidentally, has references to demon's souls)


New member
Apr 19, 2008
For me it was the latest 'Deus Ex'. I played as a hacker/stealth agent and got every story related trophy simply by exploring all my options.

And I'm close to finally finishing 'L.A. Noire' (started the arson cases yesterday). I don't know about you guys but after I've played 1-2 missions, I always need a break.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
The last game I beat was Catherine, which was surprisingly really enjoyable. Though I found it to be quite difficult. Since then, I've put a rather obscene amount of time into Skyrim (I'm so unique in the respect), which I haven't beaten yet, as I'm trying to complete all the major side quests before beating the main story. I also keep getting bored and creating new characters... I'm hoping to go on a Zelda spree (Oot, maybe MM, TP, and eventually Skyward Sword when I can afford it) next due to the general status poorness associated with being in university...


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Saints Row: The Third, it as awesome but always can improve.

Such as the story, characters and etc.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Duke Nukem Forever on Hard. I'm kind of disappointed by how it took significantly longer to beat the game the first time around on easy than it did the second on hard. Then again, I spent a lot of time dicking around playing pinball on easy and, throwing turds at the EDF. It really isn't as bad a game as it's made out to be but in terms of longevity it lacks quite a bit. But hey, at least it has proper cheats!

Swny Nerdgasm

New member
Jul 31, 2010
4th play through of Dragon Age 2, finally decided to play a mage, pretty much killed or ran off as many of the npc's as possible since I was such a dick to everyone


New member
Sep 21, 2008
...I don't know, maybe Deus Ex: HR.

Unless a game is fairly short I usually take a long time to finish it unless it really grabs me.

Right now I'm still working on finishing Mass Effect 2, Dark Souls, Alpha Protocol, Killzone 3, and Crysis 2.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
It's now Limbo, which I just played through for the second time. The first was a few months ago.

First time took 3.2 hours, this time took only 1.9 hours... but it was a great 1.9 hours. Played it with my PS3 controller instead of mouse and keyboard this time and that felt better. It doesn't finish as well as it starts, but overall I think it's something anyone with any interest in platformers would enjoy. Great atmosphere.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
The last game I finished was Uncharted 3 for the platinum (my first one, wooo) and I am now working my way through Valkyria Chronicles again.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Cathrine back in July, yeah I tend not to beat games that often. Usually I get to a frustrating part and drop the game then pick it up a few months to a year later and breeze through it after seeing a review or a topic about it on here. Oddly enough I just reatatred on hard mode and damn is it mean

But either way Cathrine It was really good, had Persona Team's usual writing and art quality. The game play surprised me though I expected it to be ok but nothing great. Just a means to progress through the excellent story.However the whole puzzle aspect was really good offering multiple solutions(read accidental) to the puzzles in addition to the fiendishly difficult(to me) Rapunzel game.My two problems are the stupid lives system, yeah it makes sense in Rapunzel,it's an arcade game but in the nightmares it just means that losing them all makes you go through a few extra loading screens. The other is the escort mission in stage eight, the AI is easily lead but tends to do something stupid that gets them killed by the boss.

Oddly enough I just reatatred on hard mode and damn is it mean, it almost expects perfection with no rewind ability and precision block work.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
krazykidd said:
SMT:Nocturne Hard mode . Beat it on december 5th 2011 right before my birthday december the 6th.

I had a gap between the release of dark souls and my birthday when i was going toget skyrim, so i decided to do a hardmore playthrough of nocturne .. Great game , very dark , very difficult , a good follow up to dark souls . Needless to say i was very motivated , toom about 80 hours to complete ( just the story not the extra dungeon.
I'm currently playing it right now, about to face the second Fiend. Does the story pick up? I feel like the game is just introducing me to the different factions right now.
OP: Skyrim. I completed most of the questlines, including the main one. I'd call that beating it.
No,the story doesn't pick up in nocturne unfortunately . The game is like one massive moral choice game. Deciding whos side to pick is basically what the story is about. That being said the game is more about the atmosphere and dunfeon crawling ( as you might have noticed ). I suggest that you talk to everyone and observe the world around you to peice together what is going on and what the world is like , but ultimately if by this point you are not enjoying youraself, you aren't going to enjoy the rest.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
krazykidd said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
krazykidd said:
SMT:Nocturne Hard mode . Beat it on december 5th 2011 right before my birthday december the 6th.

I had a gap between the release of dark souls and my birthday when i was going toget skyrim, so i decided to do a hardmore playthrough of nocturne .. Great game , very dark , very difficult , a good follow up to dark souls . Needless to say i was very motivated , toom about 80 hours to complete ( just the story not the extra dungeon.
I'm currently playing it right now, about to face the second Fiend. Does the story pick up? I feel like the game is just introducing me to the different factions right now.
OP: Skyrim. I completed most of the questlines, including the main one. I'd call that beating it.
No,the story doesn't pick up in nocturne unfortunately . The game is like one massive moral choice game. Deciding whos side to pick is basically what the story is about. That being said the game is more about the atmosphere and dunfeon crawling ( as you might have noticed ). I suggest that you talk to everyone and observe the world around you to peice together what is going on and what the world is like , but ultimately if by this point you are not enjoying youraself, you aren't going to enjoy the rest.
Oh, I'm enjoying it. I was just wondering. Okay then.