What physical features/defects/scars/etc. do you think make you unique as a person?

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Well I have a burn mark near my right thumb but that pretty much had fade away (you can barely see it) and the small scar on my left eyebrow (got hit by a rounders bat) is cover by my eyebrow anyway.
Well there are also my alter toenails which are the result of my ingrowing toenails being fiexd many years ago although I don't exactly take pride in my toenails (they aren't mess up but I do sometime wonder what they would look like if I never had that problem in the first place).


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I have a 4 inch scar on my right light and the outside of my calf where I have a huge birth mark. It was about 2 inches in diameter and the doctors were afraid it would become cancerous so they pulled the skin over it. I believe the scar was supposed to go away but it's been a long time and it's still there.

I also have multiple scars on my face from injuries; Running into a locking mechanism on the fence of a chain-link door when the person I was chasing slammed it shut, falling off a bunk-bed and hitting my head on the metal frame of the bottom bunk, and some other things I can't remember.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
I'm born with heterochromia a quite rare genetic defect that causes melanin/eye color/ to not set on both eyes so i got 2 right is green with a small tint of blue and left is all blue.
In that way you can always find out if i'm me


New member
Mar 5, 2012
NightmareLuna said:
In no way unique... Because... That is impossible, but it is rare... I have complete heterochromia. And for the people who are too lazy to wikipedia it (That's right! I am using it as a verb. Deal with it! :p), it is a disorder which alters the pigment in your eyes. So you have 2 eye colours. Like those white cats! :p
You a fellow heterochromia hit person? *brofist*
I personally love it it makes one so different and noticeable :p

The Rainmaker

New member
Jun 21, 2009
I have this birth mark in the shape of a bear paw on my arm, which is quite cool as my name (diretly translated) has the word bear in it.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
In terms of stuff that's visible to anyone and everyone, I suppose it would have to be my hair. I have the same bright blond hair that I've had since I was born. It tends to be something girls ask me about, no one can ever quite believe I don't dye it but it's completely natural!


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I have a scar that I guess is more of a scald mark on my right shoulder just reaching towards my armpit,, apparently being a baby and ramming your stroller into my mom while she had a pot of boiling water in her hands was a terrible idea.

I also have a scar on my inner thigh that I got when I was about 8 or 9. Let's just say it got very close to the gentlemans region.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I have a birthmark on my left iris, so the top third is a super dark brown while the rest of my eye is the normal muddy green-brown color. I've also got another birthmark on my inside forearm, but that doesn't show up unless I start to get a tan, but that doesn't really happen much these days.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
The only thing I have is a "Port Wine Stain" birthmark that runs from my left eye down to my upper lip about 4 inches wide. Thats all I have.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Vault101 said:
crudus said:
I am told I have pretty eyes. One guy told me I have "very honest eyes". I responded with "that's how you know I am a good liar". I also have a scar in the shape of Nike's/Victoria's wing on my left wrist. That is right; I have a symbol of victory on my wrist.

Vault101 said:
unique?...well no one is truly unique
That is quite arguable. Then again it depends on how detailed you want to get, but that is true for any comparison.
well techicnally we are unique because in a hypothetical situation if a "different" sperm hit that egg then it wouldnt be "me" would it?..or would it?

my point is there is always somone like us...thats not a bad thing, almost comforting
That and it's unlikely anyone else that has ever lived has had the particular neural network that makes you who you are.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
I have a scar halfway between my upper lip and nose, but it's not really easy to notice, just a short white line so nothing special. Most of my scars are hidden by my hair since my worst injuries have been head injuries, my lip got a serious damage once, but that can only be seen from the inside.
All in all I'm not that special.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
A South African accent? Dous thet count? Also being 188cm. I don't really have any unusual features even though I have had my leg, collar, 2 toes and cheekbone broken and my skull cracked from ear to ear and being burned by droplets of molten lead I only have one newfangled toe and that isn't really seen. It is not fair, I am so unlucky :(

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
I have a birth mark on my hip, but its not exactly public.

I guess I really don't have anything unique in the terms of marks. :(

Looks wise I have extremely curly thick hair that people like to touch. "Your hair is so soft!" and I'm very VERY skinny despite the fact I eat like Kirby.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
Hmm. My forearm looks like I put it through a window or something.. lots of long, fairly evenly spaced scars that show various doctors' sewing styles in their healing. They're from cutting over a period of a few years. I used to be ashamed of them until I looked at it from another point of view: I only have scars because I survived it. Yay for survival!

I have weird eyes. They're pale, pale green. They look very unnatural.. to the point where practically every time I meet someone, they ask me if I wear colored contacts. They're especially noticeable because I have extremely pale skin and jet black hair (unless it's dyed).

Tattoos and piercings.

Raven's Nest

Elite Member
Feb 19, 2009
To quote an Australian comdedian (I forget the name) ED:Jim Jeffries

"Have you ever heard a newsreader say someone caught in a fire has been burned beyond recognition?

Burned beyond recognition?

Have you ever been at a party and a burns victim walks through the door?...

Most recognisable fucker in the room!... It should be called burned *to* recognition..."

Ha, captcha was "egg on". This particular also shares a story about how he had a vibrating egg stuck up his arse once...


New member
Aug 17, 2010
I have great hair. Think Slash's, but slightly more wavy with both dark and light brown and blonde all through it as various layers. Completely natural, and the straighter it gets the blonder it gets.

I also have a cool looking scar on my left forearm from a glass coffee table.