What really just pisses you off?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Escapist comunity I pose this question to you. What in this modern day and age just pisses you off to no end?

For me it would have to be the modern music industry that continues to support talentless artists and their shit music.


New member
May 8, 2011
Ignorant people mostly. Also my sister, she is the only one who can get me to yell, not raise my voice, yell.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
sravankb said:
Oh great, another "what do you hate about X" thread on the Escapist.

The originality!! It blinds me!!
Well at least we all know what you hate now.


New member
May 3, 2011
People asking for favors. Cause it always happens either on my day off. Or just as I sit down after work. Never. freakin. fails.

People who complain about the heat outside, then the cold inside. You can't have it both ways.

bad drivers: too many little things to explain here so just consider it a blanket statement....which is odd why would a statement need a blanket?


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
People saying "I deserve..." or "We deserve..."
It irks me to no end.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
The threads that get repeated a lot, like the your "last video game character is now ______, what do you do?" threads. So sick of them now.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
The fact that I could have sworn to posting on this thread a few days ago (as this is a clone)

Scene kids, emo kids, white people acting like stereotypical black people, comedians that rely on stereotypes, facebook, myspace, twitter, your mom, my mom, not being tall, Hot Topic, Wal-Mart, the Catcher in the Rye, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Breakfast Club or any John Hughes movie except Ferris Bueller, Rob Schneider, Hayden Christensen, the love scene in Episode II, people that make fun of others for liking cartoons they liked themselves when they were little, racism, the Snorks, vegetarians that eat fish (seriously, it's still fucking meat), vegans that don't call themselves vegetarians (because they are the real vegetarians), people that cast their religion down upon the masses and aren't Priests or etc. themselves, Nute Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Sean Connery, Sarah Palins documentary, The View, The Hills, Jersey Shore, Two and a Half Men, and Superman.....

I would keep going (I really can), but I believe that's enough.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
What honestly pisses me off?

The fact that a small number of large conglomerates own or will own just about everything.

The fact that the US is in such a terrible financial situation and is cutting everything except for the fucking defense budget, it seems.

The fact that racism and homophobia still exist.

The fact that people think that religion isn't irrational.

Hell, while we're on the topic: Evangelical Christians.

When fans of a series (usually a video game series) feel entitled to anything.

The fact that people genuinely care about what Kim Kardashian or other bimbos like her has to say.

People who think that if their problem is "worse", nobody else can ever complain.

People who complain about "too many ______ threads". (Seriously, guys, shut the fuck up.)

The restriction of freedoms unnecessarily.

People who piss and moan about nearby smokers while standing outside.

The fact that life is difficult for everyone and there's no easy way to get through it.

My body.

The existence of depression.

And that's just a few that I'm feeling strongly about right now...

EDIT: Just remembered a big one (thanks to the post above).

People who just fucking hate on people for being themselves. Even the whiny emo kids, the over-the-top gangsta kids, hell just about anyone.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
katsumoto03 said:
EDIT: Just remembered a big one (thanks to the post above).

People who just fucking hate on people for being themselves. Even the whiny emo kids, the over-the-top gangsta kids, hell just about anyone.
The first two were semi-serious (because their music is just awful), so chill out man. Note that I said ACT for the third item.

Didn't you say you hate Evangelicals? So.....


New member
Aug 15, 2010
girls who dress slutty for their age

The shittacular music industry.. but "talentless is the new talented"

Jersey shore

kids who act like : skaters, gangsters, players, rappers, emo, just along those lines.

hearing constant arguments where most of the replies and insults are "u mad" or "you're adopted, so it doesnt matter what you say"

ANY rapper.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Well lets see...

Almost every black person at school

Every white person who acts like a black dude

Anybody who acts like a gangster but is not in a gang

Women who say I'm not their type

Women who date irresponsible pricks and get pregnant

When my mom has a point

When my mom remembers something

Racism, racists and bigots

Myself for not asking a girl I like out

"Perfect" christains

Water levels

Being bored enough to watch porn

People who act like they're smarter than me

Loud-mouth girls

People who are weirded out by my porn watching habits

360/PS3 fanboys

When idoits come to school high as fuck

Pricks who think I'm strange for being a 16 year old virgin

People who mispronouce video game characters

Not enough anime on tv

Not knowing where to buy specific manga at

Overthinking things

People who mess with me just to see what I would do

Games whose only selling merit is muti-player(I don't like playing with people)

Stupid wannabe rappers/producers

Me being short

US government

Michael Bay for having the same first name

ANY and EVERYbody who says I'm not black for not watching Love and Basketball, Baby Boy and Friday

People who compare me to other people

I'm gonna end here for now.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I really hate people that whine , the only thing i hate more than people that whine, is people that whine about people that whine ( im a 22 year old male that works with 5 forty + women )

Oh i also hate animals , and when people answer my question with a question