What really pisses me off about KINECT


New member
Nov 7, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
Baby Tea said:
Old news is old.
The biggest differences here are that Microsoft is putting way more behind this then Sony ever did for EyeToy, and Kinect is technically more robust then the EyeToy.
Unfortunately, I don't think the games will be any different than EyeToy games, though the same can be said about Move.
You can't use Kinect while sitting down. With that in mind try to make the motions for driving a car while standing upright... tell me now that is more robust.

As an aside I consider movement to be, if not a total gimmick, than a future tech that is stuck in a gimmick construct phase.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Umm. GameCube and Xbox was pretty much ripping the PS2 off. And the DualShock was arguably ripping off the N64 controller with analog and rumble. And pretty much everything's been ripping off the NES D-Pad.
Nov 18, 2009
I truthfully had the same idea come to mind, but I hated the eye toy cause it was a piece of crap that needed to be recalibrated every 30 seconds. And I thought ripping off other companies is what mircosoft did?
Burwood123 said:
Kinect = Big eye toy, that works really well.
Move = Wiimote+nunchuck that work better than wii's
By that logic microsoft is ripping off what sony had years ago, sony is ripping off what nintendo had years ago, and nintendo is leading in technology and new ideas, sorta. Sounds about right.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
apperently kinect works with depth in 3 dimensions, whereas the Eyetoy only worked in 2. that gives the kinect a lot more immersion. remember when you could beat all the eyetoy games by just putting a low power fan in front? not an option this time
SnootyEnglishman said:
Lot's of fresh opinions being shared here recently. So why not share mine..Sony and Microsoft are both trying to copy Nintendo in the motion control department. Think about it Nintendo actually tried it first way back then with the Powerglove. That blew goats and then they waited a few decades and the Wii happened, granted it's not perfect but nothing ever is. I've seen the Kinect and what it does and so far it's looks quite broken. The Playstation Move i still have yet to see in action so judgment is reserved there.
i was hoping someone woud mention that
i also hate all the ragging on the wii
if someone from 15 years ago (15! im 18!) saw what the wii was doing they would literally crap themselves. and yet people are saying "oh it doesnt EXACTLY do what i want. when i wave the sword this way he waves it this way"
if you want full 1-1 control over a sword, buy a sword!
it will NEVER happen in a game! it takes long enough for the signal to reach your muscles, never mind happen in a game!
[guess who got a wii for his birthday today! ;)]


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
Ironic Pirate said:
What pisses me off is that Microsoft and Sony see the success of the Wii, and think it's motion control.

What makes the Wii sell is just that. The "the". People see it in commercials, and they don't see graphics or even games, the see people having fun. It's transended the status of a gaming console in the eye of the public and become it's own thing.

Notice how they rarely advertise anything other than Wii Sports? Because they don't want people to think about buying video games, theres a stigma with those. People buy a "fun machine". And the games they do advertise with commercials are Wii Fit and Mario Kart, a fitness thing that seems like it's adding functionality rather than being a game, and fucking Mario. Everybody loves Mario.
You sir, win this thread for best explanation of the WII's success I've ever read.

I never thought about it the way you did and its true that the Wii being a "fun machine" in teh public's eyes made it okay for non gamers to play video games and not feel like they are playing with a childish toy or a nerd's obsession.

OT: Thanks for sharing your opinion, unfortunately, in this thread, nobody here seems to care, me included. At least you gave Ironic Pirate a place to enlighten me, so thanks,


New member
Jun 16, 2010
TPiddy said:
It's not ripping off the Wii, there's no controller. The Sony Move is ripping off the Wii. Kinect is an enhanced EyeToy camera. It'll have more features than Wii or Move in less time.

MS is putting this out to try and dig into Nintendo's casual gamer market. They see the sales numbers and the overlap... both MS and Sony know that several gamers own a hardcore system and a Wii, so they figure, why not just own one system that does it all?

It's all about market share. Nothing more. It won't replace the 360's lineup of games aimed at hardcore or mature audiences.
I'm glad someone said this - I've raged and blogged and tweeted and what ever else you can think of to express this.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
CapnRaccoon said:
TPiddy said:
It's not ripping off the Wii, there's no controller. The Sony Move is ripping off the Wii. Kinect is an enhanced EyeToy camera. It'll have more features than Wii or Move in less time.

MS is putting this out to try and dig into Nintendo's casual gamer market. They see the sales numbers and the overlap... both MS and Sony know that several gamers own a hardcore system and a Wii, so they figure, why not just own one system that does it all?

It's all about market share. Nothing more. It won't replace the 360's lineup of games aimed at hardcore or mature audiences.
I'm glad someone said this - I've raged and blogged and tweeted and what ever else you can think of to express this.
Yeah, it's actually a good move by MS and Sony, because many people bought both to get both the fun casual games and the hardcore games. MS tried to counter Nintendo's success with fun casual games available on XBLA, but realize that part of what makes the Wii fun is multiplayer and motion control.

They will dig into Nintendo's market a little, but Nintendo will always have its core franchises to keep them afloat.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
TPiddy said:
CapnRaccoon said:
TPiddy said:
It's not ripping off the Wii, there's no controller. The Sony Move is ripping off the Wii. Kinect is an enhanced EyeToy camera. It'll have more features than Wii or Move in less time.

MS is putting this out to try and dig into Nintendo's casual gamer market. They see the sales numbers and the overlap... both MS and Sony know that several gamers own a hardcore system and a Wii, so they figure, why not just own one system that does it all?

It's all about market share. Nothing more. It won't replace the 360's lineup of games aimed at hardcore or mature audiences.
I'm glad someone said this - I've raged and blogged and tweeted and what ever else you can think of to express this.
Yeah, it's actually a good move by MS and Sony, because many people bought both to get both the fun casual games and the hardcore games. MS tried to counter Nintendo's success with fun casual games available on XBLA, but realize that part of what makes the Wii fun is multiplayer and motion control.

They will dig into Nintendo's market a little, but Nintendo will always have its core franchises to keep them afloat.
Evidently Nintendo saw this coming and decided to re-launch those games that made us all so loyal to them in the first place; Pretty sure ALOT of people were like "Nintendo, pffft gimmick 3DS" before the conference - I was that's for sure
After the conference I was literally counting my pennies and checking the release date for 3DS, most definitely clawed back some gamers from the old days =D